예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds a new satellite receiver.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="name">Name of the satellite.</param>
        /// <param name="requiredTransportTransactionMode">Minimum required transaction mode.</param>
        /// <param name="runtimeSettings">Transport runtime settings.</param>
        /// <param name="onMessage">The message func.</param>
        /// <param name="transportAddress">The autogenerated transport address to listen on.</param>
        /// <param name="recoverabilityPolicy">Recoverability policy to be if processing fails.</param>
        public void AddSatelliteReceiver(string name, string transportAddress, TransportTransactionMode requiredTransportTransactionMode, PushRuntimeSettings runtimeSettings, Func <RecoverabilityConfig, ErrorContext, RecoverabilityAction> recoverabilityPolicy, Func <IBuilder, MessageContext, Task> onMessage)
            var satelliteDefinition = new SatelliteDefinition(name, transportAddress, requiredTransportTransactionMode, runtimeSettings, recoverabilityPolicy, onMessage);

            Settings.Get <SatelliteDefinitions>().Add(satelliteDefinition);

            Settings.Get <QueueBindings>().BindReceiving(transportAddress);
        private static SatelliteDefinition ToDefinition(double startDegrees, double endDegrees, string name = "")
            var nonOverlapping = new SatelliteDefinition(name, "", FilenameParserType.Goesproc, 0,
                                                         new Range(Angle.FromDegrees(-90), Angle.FromDegrees(90)),
                                                         new Range(

        // note only works for simple overlap on one or other side
        // only handles one satellite overlapping each side
        public Range GetNonOverlappingRange(SatelliteDefinition definition)
            if (!_initialised)
                throw new InvalidOperationException($"Please call {nameof(Initialise)} before performing range calculations");

            var minLongitude = definition.LongitudeRange.Start;
            var maxLongitude = definition.LongitudeRange.End;

            // Iterate over other satellites
            foreach (var other in _definitions !.Where(entry => entry.Key != definition).Select(entry => entry.Value))
                var range      = definition.LongitudeRange.UnwrapLongitude();
                var otherRange = other.UnwrapLongitude();
                var offset     = 0.0;

                // Apply an offset to both satellites being compared if either wraps around -180 to 180 longitude
                if (definition.LongitudeRange.End < definition.LongitudeRange.Start || other.End < other.Start)
                    if (other.End < other.Start)
                        offset = -Math.PI - Math.Min(definition.LongitudeRange.Start, other.Start);
                        offset = -Math.PI - Math.Max(definition.LongitudeRange.Start, other.Start);

                    range      = (range + offset).NormaliseLongitude();
                    otherRange = (other + offset).NormaliseLongitude();

                    minLongitude += offset;
                    maxLongitude += offset;

                if (range.Start < otherRange.Start && range.End > otherRange.Start)
                    maxLongitude = (range.End - otherRange.Start) / 2 + otherRange.Start;
                else if (range.End > otherRange.End && range.Start < otherRange.End)
                    minLongitude = (otherRange.End - range.Start) / 2 + range.Start;

                // Remove offset which was added to simplify calculations
                maxLongitude -= offset;
                minLongitude -= offset;

            return(new Range(minLongitude, maxLongitude));
        public void AddSatelliteReceiver(string name, string transportAddress, TransportTransactionMode requiredTransportTransactionMode, PushRuntimeSettings runtimeSettings, Func <RecoverabilityConfig, ErrorContext, RecoverabilityAction> recoverabilityPolicy, Func <IBuilder, MessageContext, Task> onMessage)
            var requiredTransactionMode = Settings.GetRequiredTransactionModeForReceives();

            if (requiredTransportTransactionMode != requiredTransactionMode)
                throw new Exception($"Requested transaction mode `{requiredTransportTransactionMode}` can't be satisfied since the endpoint requested transaction mode `{requiredTransactionMode}`. Set the transaction mode to `{requiredTransactionMode}` or use the overload `{AddSatelliteOverloadMemberDefinition}` which automatically sets the transaction mode to the endpoint's transaction mode.");

            var satelliteDefinition = new SatelliteDefinition(name, transportAddress, requiredTransportTransactionMode, runtimeSettings, recoverabilityPolicy, onMessage);

            Settings.Get <SatelliteDefinitions>().Add(satelliteDefinition);

            Settings.Get <QueueBindings>().BindReceiving(transportAddress);
예제 #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds a new satellite receiver.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="name">Name of the satellite.</param>
        /// <param name="runtimeSettings">Transport runtime settings.</param>
        /// <param name="onMessage">The message func.</param>
        /// <param name="transportAddress">The autogenerated transport address to listen on.</param>
        /// <param name="recoverabilityPolicy">Recoverability policy to be if processing fails.</param>
        public void AddSatelliteReceiver(string name, string transportAddress, PushRuntimeSettings runtimeSettings, Func <RecoverabilityConfig, ErrorContext, RecoverabilityAction> recoverabilityPolicy, Func <IBuilder, MessageContext, Task> onMessage)
            Guard.AgainstNullAndEmpty(nameof(name), name);
            Guard.AgainstNullAndEmpty(nameof(transportAddress), transportAddress);
            Guard.AgainstNull(nameof(runtimeSettings), runtimeSettings);
            Guard.AgainstNull(nameof(recoverabilityPolicy), recoverabilityPolicy);
            Guard.AgainstNull(nameof(onMessage), onMessage);
            var requiredTransactionMode = Settings.GetRequiredTransactionModeForReceives();

            var satelliteDefinition = new SatelliteDefinition(name, transportAddress, requiredTransactionMode, runtimeSettings, recoverabilityPolicy, onMessage);

            Settings.Get <SatelliteDefinitions>().Add(satelliteDefinition);

            Settings.Get <QueueBindings>().BindReceiving(transportAddress);
예제 #6
 public Registration(string path, SatelliteDefinition definition, DateTime?timestamp)
     Path       = path;
     Definition = definition;
     Timestamp  = timestamp;
예제 #7
        public static void ToScanningAngle(LatitudeCalculations latitudeCalculations, double longitude, SatelliteDefinition definition, out double scanningX, out double scanningY)
            var satelliteLongitude = definition.Longitude;
            var satelliteHeight    = definition.Height + RadiusEquator;

            var sx  = satelliteHeight - latitudeCalculations.RcCosLatitude * Cos(longitude - satelliteLongitude);
            var sy  = -latitudeCalculations.RcCosLatitude * Sin(longitude - satelliteLongitude);
            var sy2 = sy * sy;

            // Check if geodetic angle is visible from satellite
            if (satelliteHeight * (satelliteHeight - sx) < sy2 + latitudeCalculations.RadiusRatioSz2)
                scanningX = scanningY = double.NaN;

            // Calculate (x,y) scanning angle
            scanningX = Asin(-sy / Sqrt(sx * sx + sy2 + latitudeCalculations.Sz2));
            scanningY = Atan(latitudeCalculations.Sz / sx);
예제 #8
        /// <summary>
        ///     Converts a latitude and longitude to a scanning angle.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        ///    The <see cref="o:ToScanningAngle(LatitudeCalculations,longitude,Sanchez.Shared.Configuration.SatelliteDefinition,out double,out double)"/> method with
        ///     latitude calculations should be used in preference if performing these calculations in bulk, as it avoids duplicate calculations.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="latitude">latitude in radians</param>
        /// <param name="longitude">longitude in radians</param>
        /// <param name="definition">satellite definition</param>
        /// <param name="scanningX">calculated horizontal scanning angle in radians</param>
        /// <param name="scanningY">calculated vertical scanning angle in radians</param>
        public static void ToScanningAngle(double latitude, double longitude, SatelliteDefinition definition, out double scanningX, out double scanningY)
            var latitudeCalculations = LatitudeCalculations(latitude);

            ToScanningAngle(latitudeCalculations, longitude, definition, out scanningX, out scanningY);