예제 #1
        String GetPeakPositionStr(SapFlatFieldStats stats)
            String str = "";

            if (stats.NumComponents > 1)
                str += "[ ";
                for (int iComponent = 0; iComponent < stats.NumComponents; iComponent++)
                    String szComponent;;
                    szComponent = String.Format("{0}", stats.get_NumPixels(iComponent));
                    str        += szComponent;

                    if (iComponent != stats.NumComponents - 1)
                        str += ", ";
                str += " ]";
                str = String.Format("{0}", stats.NumPixels);

예제 #2
        String GetHighStr(SapFlatFieldStats stats)
            String str = "";

            if (stats.NumComponents > 1)
                str += "[ ";
                for (int iComponent = 0; iComponent < stats.NumComponents; iComponent++)
                    String szComponent;
                    szComponent = String.Format("{0}", stats.get_High(iComponent));
                    str        += szComponent;

                    if (iComponent != stats.NumComponents - 1)
                        str += ", ";
                str += " ]";
                str = String.Format("{0}", stats.High);

예제 #3
        private void BrightImage()
            String            str;
            SapFlatFieldStats stats = new SapFlatFieldStats();

            if (m_pXfer != null)
                str = String.Format("Number of frames to average: {0}", textBox_Frame_Avg.Text);
                LogMessage(LogTypes.Info, str);

            if (m_CorrectionType == SapFlatField.ScanCorrectionType.Line)
                str = String.Format("Number of lines to average: {0}", textBox_Line_Avg.Text);
                LogMessage(LogTypes.Info, str);

                str = String.Format("Vertical offset from top: {0}", textBox_Vert_Offset.Text);
                LogMessage(LogTypes.Info, str);

            LogMessage(LogTypes.Info, "Bright image calibration");

            // Get statistics on the (bright - dark) image
            if (!m_pFlatField.GetStats(m_pLocalBuffer, stats))
                LogMessage(LogTypes.Error, "Unable to get image statistic");

            str  = "The following statistics have been computed on the bright image\n";
            str += "after the substraction of the dark image:\n\n";
            str += String.Format("    The average pixel value is {0}levels.\n", GetAverageStr(stats));
            str += String.Format("    The highest peak has been detected at {0}.\n", GetPeakPositionStr(stats));
            str += String.Format("    {0} pixels {1} have a luminance value between {2} to {3}\n", GetNumPixelsStr(stats), GetPixelRatioStr(stats), GetLowStr(stats), GetHighStr(stats));
            str += String.Format("\nWe recommend at least {0} levels for the highest peak value\n", m_RecommendedBright);
            str += String.Format("with {0}% pixels lying between the lower and the higher bound.\n", SapDefFlatFieldPixelRatio);
            str += "\nDo you want to use this image?";

            if (MessageBox.Show(str, "", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) != DialogResult.Yes)

            // Log average pixel value, lower and higher bounds and pixel ratio
            str = String.Format("    Average pixel value: {0}", GetAverageStr(stats));
            LogMessage(LogTypes.Info, str);
            str = String.Format("    Maximum deviation allowed from average pixel value: {0}", textBox_Max_Dev.Text);
            LogMessage(LogTypes.Info, str);
            str = String.Format("    Highest peak position: {0}", GetPeakPositionStr(stats));
            LogMessage(LogTypes.Info, str);
            str = String.Format("    Lower bound: {0}", GetLowStr(stats));
            LogMessage(LogTypes.Info, str);
            str = String.Format("    Upper bound: {0}", GetHighStr(stats));
            LogMessage(LogTypes.Info, str);
            str = String.Format("    Number of pixels inside bounds: {0} ({1})", GetNumPixelsStr(stats), GetPixelRatioStr(stats));
            LogMessage(LogTypes.Info, str);

            SapFlatFieldDefects defects = new SapFlatFieldDefects();

            // Compute gain coefficient using last acquired image

            m_pFlatField.NumFramesAverage = m_pLocalBuffer.Count;
            if (m_pFlatField.ComputeGain(m_pLocalBuffer, defects, true))
                // Check for the presence of cluster (adjacent defective pixels)
                if (defects.NumClusters != 0)
                    str  = String.Format("{0} pixels ({1} %) have been identified as being defective\n", defects.NumDefects, defects.DefectRatio);
                    str += String.Format("with {0} clusters.\n", defects.NumClusters);
                    str += String.Format("\nWe recommend less than {0}% of defective pixels with no cluster.\n", SapDefFlatFieldDefectRatio);
                    str += String.Format("\nDo you still want to use this image?\n");

                    if (MessageBox.Show(str, "", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) != DialogResult.Yes)

                // Log number of defective pixels detected
                str = String.Format("    Number of defective pixels detected: {0} ({1})", defects.NumDefects, defects.DefectRatio);
                LogMessage(LogTypes.Info, str);

                // Log number of cluster detected
                str = String.Format("    Number of clusters detected: {0}", defects.NumClusters);
                LogMessage(LogTypes.Info, str);

                button_Acq_Dark.Enabled   = true;
                button_Acq_Bright.Enabled = false;
                button_OK.Enabled         = true;
                bool isOnline = (m_pXfer != null && m_pXfer.Initialized);
                comboBox_Correction_Type.Enabled    = !isOnline && m_VideoType == SapAcquisition.VideoType.Mono;
                comboBox_Video_Type.Enabled         = m_pXfer == null;
                textBox_Frame_Avg.Enabled           = m_pXfer != null;
                textBox_Line_Avg.Enabled            = m_CorrectionType == SapFlatField.ScanCorrectionType.Line;
                textBox_Vert_Offset.Enabled         = m_CorrectionType == SapFlatField.ScanCorrectionType.Line;
                textBox_Max_Dev.Enabled             = true;
                button_Save_and_Upload.Enabled      = true;
                comboBox_FlatField_Selector.Enabled = true;

                //Multi flat-field not implemented in .NET
                //m_CalibrationIndexCtrl.EnableWindow( m_pFlatField->GetNumFlatField() > 1);

                LogMessage(LogTypes.Info, "Calibration with a bright image has been done successfully");

                textBox_Max_Dev.Text = m_pFlatField.DeviationMaxBlack.ToString();
예제 #4
        private void DarkImage()
            String            str;
            SapFlatFieldStats stats = new SapFlatFieldStats();

            str = String.Format("Correction type: {0}", m_CorrectionType);
            LogMessage(LogTypes.Info, str);

            str = String.Format("Video type: {0}", m_VideoType);
            LogMessage(LogTypes.Info, str);

            if (m_pXfer != null)
                str = String.Format("Number of frames to average: {0}", textBox_Frame_Avg.Text);
                LogMessage(LogTypes.Info, str);

            if (m_CorrectionType == SapFlatField.ScanCorrectionType.Line)
                str = String.Format("Number of lines to average: {0}", textBox_Line_Avg.Text);
                LogMessage(LogTypes.Info, str);

                str = String.Format("Vertical offset from top: {0}", textBox_Vert_Offset.Text);
                LogMessage(LogTypes.Info, str);

            LogMessage(LogTypes.Info, "Dark image calibration");

            if (!m_pFlatField.GetStats(m_pLocalBuffer, stats))
                LogMessage(LogTypes.Error, "   Unable to get image statistics");

            bool tooManyBadPixels = false;
            int  numComponents    = stats.NumComponents;

            for (int i = 0; i < numComponents; i++)
                if (stats.get_Average(i) > m_RecommendedDark)
                    tooManyBadPixels = true;

            if (tooManyBadPixels && m_pFlatField.ClippedGainOffsetDefects)
                str  = "The following statistics have been computed on the dark image: \n";
                str += String.Format("The average pixel value is {0}\n", GetAverageStr(stats));
                str += String.Format("\nThis yields too many bad pixels above the hardware limit of {0}\n", m_RecommendedDark);
                str += String.Format("\nTo disable bad pixels, uncheck the \'Consider as defective ...\'\n");
                str += String.Format("checkbox, then acquire the dark image again\n");

                MessageBox.Show(str, "", MessageBoxButtons.OK);
                str  = "The following statistics have been computed on the dark image: \n";
                str += String.Format("The average pixel value is {0}\n", GetAverageStr(stats));
                str += String.Format("\nWe recommend an average pixel value of less than {0}\n", m_RecommendedDark);
                str += String.Format("\nDo you want to use this image?");

                if (MessageBox.Show(str, "", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) != DialogResult.Yes)

            // Log pixel statistics
            str = String.Format("    Average pixel value: {0}", GetAverageStr(stats));
            LogMessage(LogTypes.Info, str);

            str = String.Format("    Maximum deviation allowed from average pixel value: {0}", textBox_Max_Dev.Text);
            LogMessage(LogTypes.Info, str);

            // Compute offset coefficients using last acquired image
            m_pFlatField.NumFramesAverage = m_pLocalBuffer.Count;
            if (m_pFlatField.ComputeOffset(m_pLocalBuffer))
                button_Acq_Dark.Enabled   = false;
                button_Acq_Bright.Enabled = true;

                comboBox_Correction_Type.Enabled   = false;
                comboBox_Video_Type.Enabled        = false;
                comboBox_Calibration_Index.Enabled = false;

                LogMessage(LogTypes.Info, "Calibration with a dark image has been done successfully");
                textBox_Max_Dev.Text = m_pFlatField.DeviationMaxWhite.ToString();