예제 #1
        public async Task <(Entities.Sankaku.Image Information, byte[] Data)> GetImage(DiscordChannel channel, int skip = 0)
            using var sankakuContext = new SankakuContext();

            var channelIDLong = Convert.ToInt64(channel.Id);

            var startDate = DateTime.Now - TimeSpan.FromDays(90);

            if (!_cachedImages.ContainsKey(channelIDLong))
                Console.WriteLine($"Couldn't find cached Images for Channel {channelIDLong}");
                throw new Exception("Couldn't find cached Images for Channel.");

            var images = _cachedImages[Convert.ToInt64(channelIDLong)];

            async Task RemoveImage(long image)
                var sankakuImage = await sankakuContext.Image.FirstOrDefaultAsync();

                if (sankakuImage != null)
                    sankakuImage.IsAvailableBool = false;
                    await sankakuContext.SaveChangesAsync();

            var hasImage = images.Where(cImg => !_postedImages.Contains(cImg)).Skip(skip).Any();

            if (hasImage == false)
                await Console.Error.WriteLineAsync("Could not find a suitable Sankaku Image");

                throw new Exception("Could not find a suitable Sankaku Image.");

            Uri imageUri = null;
            int attempt  = 0;

            Entities.Sankaku.Image imgToPost = null;

            while (imageUri == null && attempt < 10)
                var imgToPostID = images.Where(cImg => !_postedImages.Contains(cImg)).Skip(skip).FirstOrDefault();

                if (imgToPostID == default)
                    await Console.Error.WriteLineAsync("Could not find a suitable Sankaku Image in loop.");

                    throw new Exception("Could not find a suitable Sankaku Image in loop.");

                imgToPost = await GetOriginalImage(imgToPostID);

                if (imgToPost == null || imgToPost.Status != Entities.Sankaku.Status.Active || imgToPost.FileUrl == null || imgToPost.FileSize > 8_000_000)
                    if (imgToPost == null)
                        await Console.Error.WriteLineAsync($"Could not retrieve image with nr. {imgToPost.Id}");
                    else if (imgToPost.Status != Entities.Sankaku.Status.Active)
                        await Console.Error.WriteLineAsync($"Cannot send image with nr. {imgToPost.Id} because its Status is not \"Active\"");
                    else if (imgToPost.FileUrl == null)
                        await Console.Error.WriteLineAsync($"Cannot send image with nr. {imgToPost.Id} because its FileUrl is null");
                    else if (imgToPost.FileSize > 8_000_000)
                        await Console.Error.WriteLineAsync($"Cannot send image with nr. {imgToPost.Id} because it's too big");

                    await RemoveImage(imgToPost.Id);

                    await Task.Delay(100);
                    imageUri = imgToPost.FileUrl;


            if (imageUri == null)
                await Console.Error.WriteLineAsync($"Attempt {attempt} of retrieving sankaku Image has not succeeded.");

                throw new Exception($"Attempt {attempt} of retrieving sankaku Image has not succeeded.");

            var link = HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(imageUri.AbsoluteUri);

            HttpResponseMessage response = null;

                response = await _httpClient.GetAsync(link);
            catch (Exception)
            { }

            if (response.StatusCode != HttpStatusCode.OK)
                await Console.Error.WriteLineAsync($"Could not get Image Link for {imgToPost}").ConfigureAwait(false);
                await RemoveImage(imgToPost.Id);

                throw new Exception($"Could not get Image Link.");

            return(imgToPost, await response.Content.ReadAsByteArrayAsync());
예제 #2
        private async Task UpdateCache()
            Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch();

            Console.WriteLine("SankakuBot: Updating Cache");

            using var sankakuContext = new SankakuContext(30, 1);
            using var discordContext = new DiscordContext();


            var minTime = DateTime.Now - TimeSpan.FromDays(90);

            foreach (var setting in discordContext.SabrinaSettings.Where(ss => ss.FeetChannel != null).ToArray())
                var channel = setting.FeetChannel.Value;

                var channelParam = new SqlParameter("@channel", System.Data.SqlDbType.BigInt)
                    Value = channel
                var dateParam           = new SqlParameter("@minDate", minTime);
                var minScoreParam       = new SqlParameter("@minScore", _minScore);
                var minWhiteWeightParam = new SqlParameter("@minWhiteWeight", _minWhiteWeight);

                using SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(Config.AdminConnectionString);

                var cmd = conn.CreateCommand();

                cmd.CommandTimeout = 360;

                cmd.CommandText = @"SELECT TOP(100) [id],
					FROM   sankaku.dbo.[image] mainImg
					WHERE  (SELECT Sum(weight)
							FROM   sankaku.dbo.[imagetag]
								   JOIN discord.dbo.[sankaku_tagwhitelist]
									 ON discord.dbo.[sankaku_tagwhitelist].tagid =
							WHERE  sankaku.dbo.[imagetag].imageid = mainImg.id
								   AND discord.dbo.[sankaku_tagwhitelist].channelid =
									   @channel) >
						   AND (SELECT Count(*)
								FROM   sankaku.dbo.[imagetag]
									   JOIN discord.dbo.[sankaku_tagblacklist]
										 ON discord.dbo.[sankaku_tagblacklist].tagid =
								WHERE  sankaku.dbo.[imagetag].imageid = mainImg.id
									   AND discord.dbo.[sankaku_tagblacklist].channelid =
										   @channel) = 0
						   AND ( (SELECT Count(1) Date
								  FROM   discord.dbo.[sankakupost]
								  WHERE  discord.dbo.[sankakupost].imageid = mainImg.id) = 0
								  OR (SELECT TOP(1) date
									  FROM   discord.dbo.[sankakupost]
									  WHERE  discord.dbo.[sankakupost].imageid = mainImg.id
									  ORDER  BY date DESC) < @minDate )
						   AND mainImg.score > @minScore
						   AND mainImg.isavailable = 1"                        ;


                await conn.OpenAsync();

                var reader = await cmd.ExecuteReaderAsync();

                List <Image> cachedImages = new List <Image>();

                while (await reader.ReadAsync())
                    cachedImages.Add(new Image()
                        Id          = reader.GetInt64(0),
                        Score       = reader.GetInt32(1),
                        Rating      = reader.GetInt32(2),
                        RatingCount = reader.GetInt32(3),
                        IsAvailable = reader.GetInt16(4)

                await conn.CloseAsync();

                if (!_cachedImages.ContainsKey(channel))
                    _cachedImages.Add(channel, new List <long>());

                _cachedImages[channel] = cachedImages.Select(img => img.Id).ToList();


            Console.WriteLine($"Finished updating Sankaku Cache after {sw.Elapsed}");