예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Entry point.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="args">args of this app.</param>
        /// <returns>Task for async.</returns>
        static async Task MainAsync(string[] args)
            /* ********************************************************
             * NOTE: THIS IS ONLY A SAMPLE.
             * I will put most codes in this Main() on purpose.
             * So, you will be able to understand the sample
             * after you read it from top to bottom.
             * You do not need to care about 'SampleUtil' in this code.
             * The 'SampleUtil' does something tedious.
             * Only you need to do to understand the sample
             * is reading this code in Main() from top to bottom.
             * *********************************************************/

            SampleUtil.ShowTitle("[S0010] Setup for samples", "Encrypt Bot token and find or create a space for the samples.");

            // Read bot token from you.
            Console.WriteLine("Please copy and paste Bot token you want to use in the samples.");
            Console.WriteLine("And then, press enter key.");
            Console.Write("Bot token here> ");

            string token = Console.ReadLine();

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(token))
                // Encrypt the token.
                var encryptedToken = LocalProtectedString.FromString(token);

                // Check if the token is for bot.
                var teams = TeamsAPI.CreateVersion1Client(encryptedToken);

                var rMe = await teams.GetMeFromCacheAsync();

                if (rMe.IsSuccessStatus)
                    var me = rMe.Data;

                    Console.WriteLine("Name: {0}", me.DisplayName);
                    Console.WriteLine("Type: {0}", me.TypeName);

                    if (me.Type != PersonType.Bot)
                        Console.WriteLine("The person is not Bot.");
                        Console.WriteLine("For most samples, the Bot account is strongly recommended.");

                        if (!SampleUtil.WaitKeyPress("Press 'y' if you want to proceed with 'Non'-bot account. Press other key to cancel.", 'y'))
                            SampleUtil.ShowMessage("Setup canceled.");

                    // Export encrypted token data.
                    var    dir  = new DirectoryInfo(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.UserProfile));
                    string path = dir.CreateSubdirectory(".thrzn41").CreateSubdirectory("WebexTeamsAPIClientSamples").CreateSubdirectory("V1Samples").FullName;

                    using (var fs = new FileStream(String.Format("{0}{1}token.dat", path, Path.DirectorySeparatorChar), FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.Read))
                        await fs.WriteAsync(encryptedToken.EncryptedData, 0, encryptedToken.EncryptedData.Length);

                    using (var fs = new FileStream(String.Format("{0}{1}entropy.dat", path, Path.DirectorySeparatorChar), FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.Read))
                        await fs.WriteAsync(encryptedToken.Entropy, 0, encryptedToken.Entropy.Length);

                    Console.WriteLine("Encrypted token was exported: Path = {0}", path);

                    // Read Webex Teams account to add to the sample space.
                    Console.WriteLine("This app will create or find the space for the sample, and then add your Webex Teams account to the space.");
                    Console.WriteLine("Please enter your Webex Teams account(email address style).");
                    Console.Write("Enter Webex Teams account> ");

                    string teamsAccount = Console.ReadLine();

                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(teamsAccount))
                        Console.WriteLine("Please confirm the Webex Teams account carefully.");
                        Console.WriteLine("This account will be added to the space for the sample.");
                        Console.WriteLine("Entered account: {0}", teamsAccount);

                        if (!SampleUtil.WaitKeyPress("Press 'y' if your Webex Teams account is correct. Press other key to cancel.", 'y'))
                            SampleUtil.ShowMessage("Setup canceled.");

                        // Try to find the sample space.
                        Space spaceForSample = null;

                        var e = (await teams.ListSpacesAsync()).GetListResultEnumerator();

                        while (await e.MoveNextAsync())
                            var rSpaces = e.CurrentResult;

                            if (rSpaces.IsSuccessStatus && rSpaces.Data.HasItems)
                                var spaces = rSpaces.Data;

                                foreach (var item in spaces.Items)
                                    if (item.Title.EndsWith("#WebexTeamsAPIClientV1SamplesSpace"))
                                        spaceForSample = item;

                            if (spaceForSample != null)

                        // Create a new sample space when no sample space found.
                        if (spaceForSample == null)
                            var rSpace = await teams.CreateSpaceAsync("Webex Teams API Client Samples #WebexTeamsAPIClientV1SamplesSpace");

                            if (rSpace.IsSuccessStatus)
                                spaceForSample = rSpace.Data;

                        if (spaceForSample != null)
                            // Try to add Webex Teams account to the sample space.
                            var rSpaceMembership = await teams.CreateSpaceMembershipAsync(spaceForSample, teamsAccount);

                            if (rSpaceMembership.IsSuccessStatus || rSpaceMembership.HttpStatusCode == System.Net.HttpStatusCode.Conflict)
                                SampleUtil.ShowMessage("{0} was added to Space for the samples", teamsAccount);
                                SampleUtil.ShowMessage("Failed to add {0} to Space for the samples: Error = {1}", teamsAccount, rSpaceMembership.HttpStatusCode);

                            Console.WriteLine("Space: {0}", spaceForSample.Title);
                            SampleUtil.ShowMessage("Failed to find or create Space for the samples.");

                        SampleUtil.ShowMessage("Setup for the samples has completed.");
                        SampleUtil.ShowMessage("Webex Teams account is null or empty.");
                    SampleUtil.ShowMessage("Failed to get person info from Webex Teams API service: Error = {0}", rMe.HttpStatusCode);
                SampleUtil.ShowMessage("Token is null or empty.");