예제 #1
        private void FullSerializeAndDeserialize()
            // use the sample data to fake a project
            var srcProject = BuildSampleProject2();

            var expectedTitle = SampleRomData.GetSampleUtf8CartridgeTitle();

            srcProject.Data.SnesAddressSpace.GetAnnotationCountInAllChildren <Comment>().Should().BeGreaterThan(0);
            srcProject.Data.SnesAddressSpace.GetAnnotationCountInAllChildren <Label>().Should().BeGreaterThan(0);

            // extract the bytes that would normally be in the SMC file (they only exist in code for this sample data)
            var romFileBytes = srcProject.Data.RomByteSource.Bytes.Select(e => e?.Byte ?? 0).ToList().ToList();

            // save it to create an output byte stream, we'd normally write this to the disk
            var serializer  = new ProjectXmlSerializer();
            var outputBytes = serializer.Save(srcProject);

            // now do the reverse and load our output back as the input
            var(deserializedProject, warning) = serializer.Load(outputBytes);

            // final step, the loading process doesn't save the actual SMC file bytes, so we do it ourselves here

            // now we can do a full compare between the original project, and the project which has been cycled through
            // serialization and deserialization
            Assert.True(warning == "");

            deserializedProject.Project.Data.SnesAddressSpace.GetAnnotationCountInAllChildren <Comment>().Should().BeGreaterThan(0);
            deserializedProject.Project.Data.SnesAddressSpace.GetAnnotationCountInAllChildren <Label>().Should().BeGreaterThan(0);

            CartNameTests.TestRomCartTitle(deserializedProject.Project, expectedTitle);
예제 #2
        public static void CartNameInHeader()
            // use the sample data to fake a project
            var srcProject    = LoadSaveTest.BuildSampleProject2();
            var expectedTitle = SampleRomData.GetSampleUtf8CartridgeTitle();

            TestRomCartTitle(srcProject, expectedTitle);
예제 #3
        public static void BugfixRemoveLabelWhenSnesAddressSpaceEmpty1()
            var project = SampleRomData.CreateSampleProject();

            project.Data.Labels.Invoking(labelProvider => labelProvider
            .Should().NotThrow <NullReferenceException>();

예제 #4
        public static Project BuildSampleProject2()
            var project2 = new Project
                Data = SampleRomData.CreateSampleData().Data,


예제 #5
 /// <summary>
 /// Generate a sample of assembly output with the given settings
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="baseSettings">Existing settings to base this generation on</param>
 /// <returns>Output of assembly generation as text</returns>
 /// <remarks>
 /// This is handy for UI and other areas where you want to quickly demo what the effect
 /// will be of various setting changes. We'll use a built-in sample ROM as our data source.
 /// </remarks>
 public static LogCreatorOutput.OutputResult GetSampleAssemblyOutput(LogWriterSettings baseSettings)
     var sampleRomData = SampleRomData.CreateSampleData();
     var lc            = new LogCreator
         Settings = baseSettings with
             Structure           = LogWriterSettings.FormatStructure.SingleFile,
             FileOrFolderOutPath = "",
             OutputToString      = true,
             RomSizeOverride     = sampleRomData.OriginalRomSizeBeforePadding,
예제 #6
        public static void TestGetFlatByteNonPadded()
            // Get a byte from the sample data that is a real (i.e. non-padded) byte

            var       sampleData  = SampleRomData.CreateSampleData();
            const int romOffset   = 0x0A;
            const int snesAddress = 0x808000 + romOffset;

            var flatByte = ByteGraphUtil.BuildFlatDataFrom(sampleData.Data.SnesAddressSpace, snesAddress);

            Assert.Equal(0xC2, flatByte.Byte.Value);
예제 #7
        public static void TestGetFlatByteInRange()
            // Get a byte from the sample data that is a padded (i.e. for sample ROMs we can create them with a different
            // size than their source data. in this one, we pad the ROM from a few hundred bytes and add zero'd bytes
            // until we reach 32k bytes). This test is mostly testing that we built the sample data correctly, in real
            // world scenarios, this would never fail because we're not doing padding.

            var       sampleData  = SampleRomData.CreateSampleData();
            const int romOffset   = 0xEB;
            const int snesAddress = 0x808000 + romOffset;

            Assert.True(romOffset >= sampleData.OriginalRomSizeBeforePadding);

            var flatByte = ByteGraphUtil.BuildFlatDataFrom(sampleData.Data.SnesAddressSpace, snesAddress);

            Assert.Equal(0x00, flatByte.Byte.Value);