public static void ShutDown()
            int    rampupIndexEnd = 1;
            float  percentAllowance = 0.25f;
            double standardDeveiation, startDeviation;

            standardDeveiation = CalcualteFPSMetrics(SampleFloatSet.Skip(SampleFloatSet.Count / 2).Take((SampleFloatSet.Count / 2) - (int)(SampleFloatSet.Count * 0.1)).ToList(), false, true, 0.3);

            // Now loop through the SamepleSet and when the standard deviation is grater then the above, its still rampming up.
            for (int i = 1; i < SampleFloatSet.Count; i++)
                // Isolate a sliding second for ramp analysis
                startDeviation = CalcualteFPSMetrics(SampleFloatSet.Skip(i - 1).Take(100).ToList(), false, true, percentAllowance);

                if (startDeviation <= (standardDeveiation * (1.0f + 0.05f))) // was 1.1  then  1.3  then  percentAllowance.
                    rampupIndexEnd = i + 99;                                 // - 1;

            // Reset the Total Count before writting any results.
            TotalSamples       = 0;
            startDeviation     = CalcualteFPSMetrics(SampleFloatSet.Take(rampupIndexEnd + 1).ToList(), true, false, 0.3);
            standardDeveiation = CalcualteFPSMetrics(SampleFloatSet.Skip(rampupIndexEnd).ToList(), true, true, 0.45); // was .5

            if (IsTimedTest)

            SampleFloatSet = null;
            sb = null;
 public static void Frame(float frameTime)
     SampleFloatSet.Insert(SampleFloatSet.Count, 1000.0f / frameTime);