static void Main(string[] args) { // Here we create some SAML assertion with ID and Issuer name. SamlAssertion assertion = new SamlAssertion(); assertion.AssertionId = "AssertionID"; assertion.Issuer = "ISSUER"; // Create some SAML subject. SamlSubject samlSubject = new SamlSubject(); samlSubject.Name = "My Subject"; // // Create one SAML attribute with few values. SamlAttribute attr = new SamlAttribute(); attr.Namespace = ""; attr.AttributeValues.Add("Some Value 1"); //attr.AttributeValues.Add("Some Value 2"); attr.Name = "My ATTR Value"; // // Now create the SAML statement containing one attribute and one subject. SamlAttributeStatement samlAttributeStatement = new SamlAttributeStatement(); samlAttributeStatement.Attributes.Add(attr); samlAttributeStatement.SamlSubject = samlSubject; // Append the statement to the SAML assertion. assertion.Statements.Add(samlAttributeStatement); }
SamlSecurityToken GetSamlToken() { SamlAssertion a = new SamlAssertion(); SamlSubject subject = new SamlSubject( SamlConstants.UserNameNamespace, "urn:myqualifier", "myname"); SamlAttribute attr = new SamlAttribute(Claim.CreateNameClaim("myname")); SamlAttributeStatement statement = new SamlAttributeStatement(subject, new SamlAttribute [] { attr }); a.Statements.Add(statement); a.Issuer = "my_hero"; X509Certificate2 cert = new X509Certificate2(TestResourceHelper.GetFullPathOfResource("Test/Resources/test.pfx"), "mono"); X509AsymmetricSecurityKey key = new X509AsymmetricSecurityKey(cert); a.SigningCredentials = new SigningCredentials(key, SecurityAlgorithms.HmacSha1Signature, SecurityAlgorithms.Sha256Digest); XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument(); XmlWriter w = doc.CreateNavigator().AppendChild(); using (XmlDictionaryWriter dw = XmlDictionaryWriter.CreateDictionaryWriter(w)) { a.WriteXml(dw, new SamlSerializer(), new MySecurityTokenSerializer()); } Console.Error.WriteLine(doc.OuterXml); return(new SamlSecurityToken(a)); }
/// <summary> /// [SAML2.0std] section /// </summary> public void ValidateAttribute(SamlAttribute samlAttribute) { if (samlAttribute == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("samlAttribute"); } if (!Saml20Utils.ValidateRequiredString(samlAttribute.Name)) { throw new Saml20FormatException("Name attribute of Attribute element MUST contain at least one non-whitespace character"); } if (samlAttribute.AttributeValue != null) { foreach (object o in samlAttribute.AttributeValue) { if (o == null) { throw new Saml20FormatException("null-AttributeValue elements are not supported"); } } } if (samlAttribute.AnyAttr != null) { AnyAttrValidator.ValidateXmlAnyAttributes(samlAttribute.AnyAttr); } }
public static SamlAssertion CreateSamlAssertionFromClaims(IEnumerable <Claim> claims) { var subject = new SamlSubject() { Name = "Windows Group Claim" }; var statement = new SamlAttributeStatement() { SamlSubject = subject }; var assertion = new SamlAssertion() { AssertionId = string.Format("_{0}", Guid.NewGuid().ToString()), Issuer = "System" }; foreach (var claim in claims) { var attribute = new SamlAttribute(claim); statement.Attributes.Add(attribute); } assertion.Statements.Add(statement); SignSamlAssertion(assertion); return(assertion); }
public void WriteXmlValid() { SamlAssertion a = new SamlAssertion(); SamlSubject subject = new SamlSubject( SamlConstants.UserNameNamespace, "urn:myqualifier", "myname"); SamlAttribute attr = new SamlAttribute(Claim.CreateNameClaim("myname")); SamlAttributeStatement statement = new SamlAttributeStatement(subject, new SamlAttribute [] { attr }); a.Advice = new SamlAdvice(new string [] { "urn:testadvice1" }); DateTime notBefore = DateTime.SpecifyKind(new DateTime(2000, 1, 1), DateTimeKind.Utc); DateTime notOnAfter = DateTime.SpecifyKind(new DateTime(2006, 1, 1), DateTimeKind.Utc); a.Conditions = new SamlConditions(notBefore, notOnAfter); a.Statements.Add(statement); a.Issuer = "my_hero"; StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); string id = a.AssertionId; DateTime instant = a.IssueInstant; using (XmlDictionaryWriter dw = CreateWriter(sw)) { a.WriteXml(dw, new SamlSerializer(), null); } string expected = String.Format("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-16\"?><saml:Assertion MajorVersion=\"1\" MinorVersion=\"1\" AssertionID=\"{0}\" Issuer=\"my_hero\" IssueInstant=\"{1}\" xmlns:saml=\"urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:1.0:assertion\"><saml:Conditions NotBefore=\"{3}\" NotOnOrAfter=\"{4}\" /><saml:Advice><saml:AssertionIDReference>urn:testadvice1</saml:AssertionIDReference></saml:Advice><saml:AttributeStatement><saml:Subject><saml:NameIdentifier Format=\"urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:1.1:nameid-format:WindowsDomainQualifiedName\" NameQualifier=\"urn:myqualifier\">myname</saml:NameIdentifier></saml:Subject><saml:Attribute AttributeName=\"name\" AttributeNamespace=\"{2}\"><saml:AttributeValue>myname</saml:AttributeValue></saml:Attribute></saml:AttributeStatement></saml:Assertion>", id, instant.ToString("yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.fff'Z'", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), "", notBefore.ToString("yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.fff'Z'", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), notOnAfter.ToString("yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.fff'Z'", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); Assert.AreEqual(expected, sw.ToString()); }
public static SamlAssertion CreateSamlAssertionFromUserNameClaims(IEnumerable <Claim> claims) { var subject = new SamlSubject() { Name = "Windows Group Claim" }; var statement = new SamlAttributeStatement() { SamlSubject = subject }; var assertion = new SamlAssertion() { AssertionId = string.Format("_{0}", Guid.NewGuid().ToString()), Issuer = "System" }; foreach (var claim in claims) { var samlClaim = new Claim(claim.ClaimType, GetResourceFromSid(claim.Resource as SecurityIdentifier), claim.Right); var attribute = new SamlAttribute(samlClaim); statement.Attributes.Add(attribute); } assertion.Statements.Add(statement); SignSamlAssertion(assertion); return(assertion); }
private static void Serialize(SamlAttribute samlAttribute, XmlDocument document, XmlNode root) { if (samlAttribute == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(samlAttribute)); } if (document == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(document)); } if (root == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(root)); } var samlAttributeNode = document.CreateElement(Constants.XmlPrefixes.Saml, Constants.XmlRootNames.SamlAttribute, Constants.XmlNamespaces.Saml); samlAttributeNode.SetAttribute(Constants.XmlAttributeNames.SamlAttributeName, samlAttribute.Name); samlAttributeNode.SetAttribute(Constants.XmlAttributeNames.SamlAttributeNamespace, samlAttribute.Namespace); var samlAttributeValueNode = document.CreateElement(Constants.XmlPrefixes.Saml, Constants.XmlRootNames.SamlAttributeValue, Constants.XmlNamespaces.Saml); samlAttributeValueNode.InnerText = samlAttribute.Value; samlAttributeNode.AppendChild(samlAttributeValueNode); root.AppendChild(samlAttributeNode); }
private void ProcessSamlSecurityToken() { string proofToken = "1"; string issuerToken = "2"; string samlConditions = "3"; string samlSubjectNameFormat = "4"; string samlSubjectEmailAddress = "5"; //<snippet5> // Create the list of SAML Attributes. List <SamlAttribute> samlAttributes = new List <SamlAttribute>(); // Add the userAuthenticated claim. List <string> strList = new List <string>(); strList.Add("true"); SamlAttribute mySamlAttribute = new SamlAttribute("", "userAuthenticated", strList); samlAttributes.Add(mySamlAttribute); // Create the SAML token with the userAuthenticated claim. It is assumed that // the method CreateSamlToken() is implemented as part of STS-A. SamlSecurityToken samlToken = CreateSamlToken( proofToken, issuerToken, samlConditions, samlSubjectNameFormat, samlSubjectEmailAddress, samlAttributes); //</snippet5> }
public static IEnumerable <Claim> ToClaims(this SamlAttribute value, string issuer) { if (value == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("value"); } return(value.AttributeValue.Select(v => new Claim(value.Name, v, value.NameFormat, issuer))); }
//</snippet7> private void CreateClaim() { //<snippet8> Claim myClaim = new Claim( ClaimTypes.GivenName, "Martin", Rights.PossessProperty); SamlAttribute sa = new SamlAttribute(myClaim); //</snippet8> }
public static Claim ToClaim(this SamlAttribute value, string issuer) { if (value == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("value"); } // TODO: Find the right answer to the multiple attributevalue question return(new Claim(value.Name, string.Join(",", value.AttributeValue), value.NameFormat, issuer)); }
/// <summary> /// Creates a SamlAttribute with the specified name. /// </summary> /// <param name="name">The name.</param> /// <param name="friendlyName">Friendly name.</param> /// <param name="value">The attribute value.</param> /// <returns></returns> protected static SamlAttribute Create(string name, string friendlyName, string value) { SamlAttribute att = new SamlAttribute(); att.NameFormat = SamlAttribute.NAMEFORMAT_URI; att.Name = name; att.FriendlyName = friendlyName; att.AttributeValue = new string[] { value }; return(att); }
private void GenerateMetadataDocument(HttpContext context) { EntityDescriptor metadata = new EntityDescriptor(); metadata.entityID = IDPConfig.ServerBaseUrl; metadata.ID = "id" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N"); IDPSSODescriptor descriptor = new IDPSSODescriptor(); metadata.Items = new object[] { descriptor }; descriptor.protocolSupportEnumeration = new string[] { Saml20Constants.PROTOCOL }; descriptor.KeyDescriptor = CreateKeyDescriptors(); { // Signon endpoint Endpoint endpoint = new Endpoint(); endpoint.Location = IDPConfig.ServerBaseUrl + "Signon.ashx"; endpoint.Binding = Saml20Constants.ProtocolBindings.HTTP_Redirect; descriptor.SingleSignOnService = new Endpoint[] { endpoint }; } { // Logout endpoint Endpoint endpoint = new Endpoint(); endpoint.Location = IDPConfig.ServerBaseUrl + "Logout.ashx"; endpoint.Binding = Saml20Constants.ProtocolBindings.HTTP_Redirect; descriptor.SingleLogoutService = new Endpoint[] { endpoint }; } // Create the list of attributes offered. List <SamlAttribute> atts = new List <SamlAttribute>(IDPConfig.attributes.Length); foreach (string name in IDPConfig.attributes) { SamlAttribute att = new SamlAttribute(); att.NameFormat = SamlAttribute.NAMEFORMAT_BASIC; att.Name = name; atts.Add(att); } descriptor.Attributes = atts.ToArray(); XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument(); doc.XmlResolver = null; doc.PreserveWhitespace = true; doc.LoadXml(Serialization.SerializeToXmlString(metadata)); var signatureProvider = SignatureProviderFactory.CreateFromShaHashingAlgorithmName(ShaHashingAlgorithm.SHA256); X509Certificate2 cert = IDPConfig.IDPCertificate; var id = doc.DocumentElement.GetAttribute("ID"); signatureProvider.SignMetaData(doc, id, cert); context.Response.Write(doc.OuterXml); }
internal void AddAttributeFromQuery(string name, SamlAttribute value) { if (!_attributes.ContainsKey(name)) { _attributes.Add(name, new List <SamlAttribute>()); } if (!_attributes[name].Contains(value)) { _attributes[name].Add(value); } }
/// <summary> /// Creates a <see cref="SamlAttribute"/> with the specified name. /// </summary> /// <param name="name">The name.</param> /// <param name="friendlyName">Friendly name.</param> /// <param name="value">The attribute value.</param> /// <returns>The <see cref="SamlAttribute"/>.</returns> protected static SamlAttribute Create(string name, string friendlyName, string value) { var att = new SamlAttribute { NameFormat = SamlAttribute.NameformatUri, Name = name, FriendlyName = friendlyName, AttributeValue = new[] { value } }; return(att); }
public void TestMethod() { string[] attributeValues = { "test-value" }; SamlAttribute samlAttribute = new SamlAttribute("urn:namespace", "attributeName", attributeValues); Console.WriteLine("saml attribute: " + samlAttribute); SamlAuthenticationStatement samlStatement = new SamlAuthenticationStatement(); SamlAssertion samlAssertion = new SamlAssertion(); samlAssertion.Statements.Add(samlStatement); }
private static void InitializeSecurityContext(string tokenString) { tokenString = CryptographyHelper.DecryptFromLocalMachine(tokenString); SettingsSecureFileStore securitySettings = new SettingsSecureFileStore(); ServiceConfiguration configs = securitySettings.GetConfigurations(); if (configs != null) { SecurityToken token = Helper.DeSerializeSecurityToken(tokenString, configs.get_STSThumbprint(), configs.get_STSThumbprintName()); ServiceHelperFactory.get_Instance().set_BaseUri(configs.get_ServiceBaseUrl()); ClientConfiguration settings = securitySettings.GetClientSettingsFromConfigDll(); if (settings == null) { Program.logger.Error("Client configurations for security service not found"); } if (settings != null) { string clientIDFromToken = string.Empty; List <RequestClaim> customClaims = new List <RequestClaim>(); SamlSecurityToken samlToken = token as SamlSecurityToken; if ((samlToken == null || samlToken.Assertion == null || samlToken.Assertion.Statements == null ? false : samlToken.Assertion.Statements.Count > 0)) { SamlAttributeStatement statements = samlToken.Assertion.Statements[0] as SamlAttributeStatement; if ((statements == null || statements.Attributes == null ? false : statements.Attributes.Count > 0)) { SamlAttribute ClientId = statements.Attributes.FirstOrDefault <SamlAttribute>((SamlAttribute z) => StringUtility.EqualsIgnoreCase(z.Name, "clientid")); if ((ClientId == null || ClientId.AttributeValues == null ? false : ClientId.AttributeValues.Count > 0)) { clientIDFromToken = ClientId.AttributeValues[0]; customClaims.Add(new RequestClaim("", true, clientIDFromToken)); } } } settings.set_ActAsClientUrl(ServiceHelperFactory.get_Instance().get_BaseUri()); NetworkCredential creds = CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials as NetworkCredential; ClaimsPrincipalSelector claimsPrincipalSelector = (clientIDFromToken == string.Empty ? new ClaimsPrincipalSelector(creds, settings, null) : new ClaimsPrincipalSelector(creds, settings, customClaims)); claimsPrincipalSelector.GetClaimsPrincipal(); ClaimsPrincipal.ClaimsPrincipalSelector = new Func <ClaimsPrincipal>(claimsPrincipalSelector.GetClaimsPrincipal); if (claimsPrincipalSelector.get_ClaimsPrincipal() != null) { claimsPrincipalSelector.get_ClaimsPrincipal().set_ActAsToken(token); } ServiceHelperFactory.get_Instance().set_StsClientConfiguration(settings); ServiceHelperFactory.get_Instance().set_StsUserCredentials(creds); } } else { Program.logger.Error("Client configurations not found"); } }
private static SamlAssertion CreateSamlAssertion(string issuer, string domain, string subject, Dictionary <string, string> attributes) { // Here we create some SAML assertion with ID and Issuer name. SamlAssertion assertion = new SamlAssertion(); assertion.AssertionId = "_" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); assertion.Issuer = issuer; //Not before, not after conditions assertion.Conditions = new SamlConditions(DateTime.UtcNow, DateTime.UtcNow.AddMinutes(10)); // // Create some SAML subject. SamlSubject samlSubject = new SamlSubject(); samlSubject.Name = subject; samlSubject.NameQualifier = subject; samlSubject.ConfirmationMethods.Add("urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:1.0:cm:bearer"); // // Now create the SAML statement containing one attribute and one subject. SamlAttributeStatement samlAttributeStatement = new SamlAttributeStatement(); samlAttributeStatement.SamlSubject = samlSubject; // // Create userName SAML attributes. foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> attribute in attributes) { SamlAttribute attr = new SamlAttribute(); attr.Name = attribute.Key; attr.Namespace = domain; attr.AttributeValues.Add(subject); samlAttributeStatement.Attributes.Add(attr); } // Append the statement to the SAML assertion. assertion.Statements.Add(samlAttributeStatement); IPHostEntry ipEntry = Dns.GetHostEntry(System.Environment.MachineName); SamlAuthenticationStatement samlAuthenticationStatement = new SamlAuthenticationStatement(samlSubject, "urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:1.0:am:password", DateTime.UtcNow, null, ipEntry.AddressList[0].ToString(), null); assertion.Statements.Add(samlAuthenticationStatement); return(assertion); }
public void CompareSamlAttribute() { TestUtilities.WriteHeader($"{this}.CompareSamlAttributes", true); var context = new CompareContext($"{this}.CompareSamlAttributes"); var samlAttribute1 = new SamlAttribute(Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), Guid.NewGuid().ToString()); var samlAttribute2 = new SamlAttribute(Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), Guid.NewGuid().ToString()); IdentityComparer.AreEqual(samlAttribute1, samlAttribute2, context); Assert.True(context.Diffs.Count(s => s == "ClaimType:") == 1); Assert.True(context.Diffs.Count(s => s == "Name:") == 1); Assert.True(context.Diffs.Count(s => s == "Namespace:") == 1); Assert.True(context.Diffs.Count(s => s == "Values:") == 1); }
/// <summary> /// Adds an attribute by name using the specified name format. /// </summary> /// <param name="attrName">Name of the attribute.</param> /// <param name="nameFormat">The name format of the attribute.</param> public void AddAttribute(string attrName, Saml20NameFormat nameFormat) { if (_attributes.Any(at => at.Name == attrName && at.NameFormat == GetNameFormat(nameFormat))) { throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format("An attribute with name \"{0}\" and name format \"{1}\" has already been added", attrName, Enum.GetName(typeof(Saml20NameFormat), nameFormat))); } var attr = new SamlAttribute { Name = attrName, NameFormat = GetNameFormat(nameFormat) }; _attributes.Add(attr); }
public void WriteXml1() { SamlAttribute attr = new SamlAttribute(Claim.CreateNameClaim("myname")); SamlSubject subject = new SamlSubject( SamlConstants.UserNameNamespace, "urn:myqualifier", "myname"); SamlAttributeStatement s = new SamlAttributeStatement( subject, new SamlAttribute [] { attr }); StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); using (XmlDictionaryWriter dw = CreateWriter(sw)) { s.WriteXml(dw, new SamlSerializer(), null); } Assert.AreEqual(String.Format("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-16\"?><saml:AttributeStatement xmlns:saml=\"urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:1.0:assertion\"><saml:Subject><saml:NameIdentifier Format=\"urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:1.1:nameid-format:WindowsDomainQualifiedName\" NameQualifier=\"urn:myqualifier\">myname</saml:NameIdentifier></saml:Subject><saml:Attribute AttributeName=\"name\" AttributeNamespace=\"{0}\"><saml:AttributeValue>myname</saml:AttributeValue></saml:Attribute></saml:AttributeStatement>", ""), sw.ToString()); }
/// <summary> /// Adds an attribute by name using the specified name format. /// </summary> /// <param name="attrName">Name of the attribute.</param> /// <param name="nameFormat">The name format of the attribute.</param> public void AddAttribute(string attrName, Saml20NameFormat nameFormat) { List <SamlAttribute> found = _attributes.FindAll(delegate(SamlAttribute at) { return(at.Name == attrName && at.NameFormat == GetNameFormat(nameFormat)); }); if (found.Count > 0) { throw new InvalidOperationException( string.Format("An attribute with name \"{0}\" and name format \"{1}\" has already been added", attrName, Enum.GetName(typeof(Saml20NameFormat), nameFormat))); } SamlAttribute attr = new SamlAttribute(); attr.Name = attrName; attr.NameFormat = GetNameFormat(nameFormat); _attributes.Add(attr); }
private static IEnumerable <SamlAttribute> ParseAttributes(XmlNodeList attributes) { var result = new List <SamlAttribute>(); for (var i = 0; i < attributes.Count; i++) { var attribute = attributes[i]; var attributeName = attribute.SelectSingleNode("@Name", SamlXmlExtensions.NamespaceManager); if (attributeName == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(attributeName.InnerText)) { throw new ParsingException("Attribute name is missing"); } var attributeObject = new SamlAttribute { Name = attributeName.InnerText, IsEncrypted = attribute.Name == "EncryptedAttribute" }; var attributeNameFormat = attribute.SelectSingleNode("@NameFormat", SamlXmlExtensions.NamespaceManager); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(attributeNameFormat?.InnerText)) { attributeObject.NameFormat = attributeNameFormat.InnerText; } var attributeFriendlyName = attribute.SelectSingleNode("@FriendlyName", SamlXmlExtensions.NamespaceManager); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(attributeFriendlyName?.InnerText)) { attributeObject.FriendlyName = attributeFriendlyName.InnerText; } var attributeValues = attribute.SelectNodes($"{SamlAuthenticationDefaults.SamlAssertionNsPrefix}:AttributeValue", SamlXmlExtensions.NamespaceManager); for (var j = 0; j < attributeValues.Count; j++) { var attributeValue = attributeValues[j]; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(attributeValue?.InnerText)) { attributeObject.Values.Add(attributeValue.InnerText); } } result.Add(attributeObject); } return(result); }
public void ValidateAttribute(SamlAttribute samlAttribute) { // MOE: REMOVE CHECK AS ESAA DOES NOT RETURN COMPLIANT MESSAGE: //if (!Uri.IsWellFormedUriString(samlAttribute.Name, UriKind.Absolute)) // throw new DKSaml20FormatException("The DK-SAML 2.0 profile requires that an attribute's \"Name\" is an URI."); if (samlAttribute.AttributeValue == null) { return; } foreach (object val in samlAttribute.AttributeValue) { if (val is string) { continue; } throw new DKSaml20FormatException("The DK-SAML 2.0 profile requires that all attribute values are of type \"xs:string\"."); } }
public void ValidateAttribute(SamlAttribute samlAttribute) { if (!Uri.IsWellFormedUriString(samlAttribute.Name, UriKind.Absolute)) { throw new DKSaml20FormatException("The DK-SAML 2.0 profile requires that an attribute's \"Name\" is an URI."); } if (samlAttribute.AttributeValue == null) { return; } foreach (object val in samlAttribute.AttributeValue) { if (val is string) { continue; } throw new DKSaml20FormatException("The DK-SAML 2.0 profile requires that all attribute values are of type \"xs:string\"."); } }
public static SamlSecurityToken CreateSamlToken(string issuedBy, string subject, string attrNamespace, Dictionary <string, string> claims, string certThumbPrint) { SamlAssertion assertion = new SamlAssertion(); assertion.AssertionId = string.Format("icfi_{0}", Guid.NewGuid().ToString()); assertion.Issuer = issuedBy; SamlSubject subj = new SamlSubject(); subj.Name = subject; SamlAttributeStatement samlAttrStatement = new SamlAttributeStatement(); foreach (string claimKey in claims.Keys) { SamlAttribute attr = new SamlAttribute(); attr.Namespace = attrNamespace; attr.AttributeValues.Add(claims[claimKey]); samlAttrStatement.Attributes.Add(attr); } samlAttrStatement.SamlSubject = subj; assertion.Statements.Add(samlAttrStatement); X509Certificate2 cert = GetCertificate(certThumbPrint); X509AsymmetricSecurityKey signingKey = new X509AsymmetricSecurityKey(cert); assertion.SigningCredentials = new SigningCredentials( signingKey, cert.PublicKey.Key.SignatureAlgorithm, SecurityAlgorithms.Sha1Digest, new SecurityKeyIdentifier(new X509ThumbprintKeyIdentifierClause(cert))); SamlSecurityToken samlToken = new SamlSecurityToken(assertion); return(samlToken); }
public void ConstructorNullSubject() { SamlAttribute attr = new SamlAttribute(Claim.CreateNameClaim("myname")); new SamlAttributeStatement(null, new SamlAttribute [] { attr }); }
/// <summary> /// Assembles our basic test assertion /// </summary> /// <returns>The <see cref="Assertion"/>.</returns> public static Assertion GetBasicAssertion() { var assertion = new Assertion { Issuer = new NameId(), Id = "_b8977dc86cda41493fba68b32ae9291d", IssueInstant = DateTime.UtcNow, Version = "2.0" }; assertion.Issuer.Value = GetBasicIssuer(); assertion.Subject = new Subject(); var subjectConfirmation = new SubjectConfirmation { Method = SubjectConfirmation.BearerMethod, SubjectConfirmationData = new SubjectConfirmationData { NotOnOrAfter = new DateTime(2008, 12, 31, 12, 0, 0, 0), Recipient = "" } }; assertion.Subject.Items = new object[] { subjectConfirmation }; assertion.Conditions = new Conditions { NotOnOrAfter = new DateTime(2008, 12, 31, 12, 0, 0, 0) }; var audienceRestriction = new AudienceRestriction { Audience = GetAudiences().Select(u => u.ToString()).ToList() }; assertion.Conditions.Items = new List <ConditionAbstract>(new ConditionAbstract[] { audienceRestriction }); AuthnStatement authnStatement; { authnStatement = new AuthnStatement(); assertion.Items = new StatementAbstract[] { authnStatement }; authnStatement.AuthnInstant = new DateTime(2008, 1, 8); authnStatement.SessionIndex = "70225885"; authnStatement.AuthnContext = new AuthnContext { Items = new object[] { "urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:ac:classes:X509", "" }, ItemsElementName = new[] { AuthnContextType.AuthnContextClassRef, AuthnContextType.AuthnContextDeclRef } }; } AttributeStatement attributeStatement; { attributeStatement = new AttributeStatement(); var surName = new SamlAttribute { FriendlyName = "SurName", Name = "urn:oid:", NameFormat = SamlAttribute.NameformatUri, AttributeValue = new[] { "Fry" } }; var commonName = new SamlAttribute { FriendlyName = "CommonName", Name = "urn:oid:", NameFormat = SamlAttribute.NameformatUri, AttributeValue = new[] { "Philip J. Fry" } }; var userName = new SamlAttribute { Name = "urn:oid:0.9.2342.19200300.100.1.1", NameFormat = SamlAttribute.NameformatUri, AttributeValue = new[] { "fry" } }; var email = new SamlAttribute { FriendlyName = "Email", Name = "urn:oid:0.9.2342.19200300.100.1.3", NameFormat = SamlAttribute.NameformatUri, AttributeValue = new[] { "*****@*****.**" } }; attributeStatement.Items = new object[] { surName, commonName, userName, email }; } assertion.Items = new StatementAbstract[] { authnStatement, attributeStatement }; return(assertion); }
private Assertion CreateAssertion(User user, string receiver, string nameIdFormat) { Assertion assertion = new Assertion(); { // Subject element assertion.Subject = new Subject(); assertion.ID = "id" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N"); assertion.IssueInstant = DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(10); assertion.Issuer = new NameID(); assertion.Issuer.Value = IDPConfig.ServerBaseUrl; SubjectConfirmation subjectConfirmation = new SubjectConfirmation(); subjectConfirmation.Method = SubjectConfirmation.BEARER_METHOD; subjectConfirmation.SubjectConfirmationData = new SubjectConfirmationData(); subjectConfirmation.SubjectConfirmationData.NotOnOrAfter = DateTime.Now.AddHours(1); subjectConfirmation.SubjectConfirmationData.Recipient = receiver; NameID nameId = new NameID(); nameId.Format = nameIdFormat; if (nameIdFormat == Saml20Constants.NameIdentifierFormats.Transient) { nameId.Value = $"{user.Profile}/uuid/" + Guid.NewGuid(); } else { nameId.Value = $"{user.Profile}/uuid/{user.uuid}"; } assertion.Subject.Items = new object[] { nameId, subjectConfirmation }; } { // Conditions element assertion.Conditions = new Conditions(); assertion.Conditions.Items = new List <ConditionAbstract>(); assertion.Conditions.NotOnOrAfter = DateTime.Now.AddHours(1); AudienceRestriction audienceRestriction = new AudienceRestriction(); audienceRestriction.Audience = new List <string>(); audienceRestriction.Audience.Add(receiver); assertion.Conditions.Items.Add(audienceRestriction); } List <StatementAbstract> statements = new List <StatementAbstract>(2); { // AuthnStatement element AuthnStatement authnStatement = new AuthnStatement(); authnStatement.AuthnInstant = DateTime.Now; authnStatement.SessionIndex = Convert.ToString(new Random().Next()); authnStatement.AuthnContext = new AuthnContext(); authnStatement.AuthnContext.Items = new object[] { "urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:ac:classes:X509" }; // Wow! Setting the AuthnContext is .... verbose. authnStatement.AuthnContext.ItemsElementName = new ItemsChoiceType5[] { ItemsChoiceType5.AuthnContextClassRef }; statements.Add(authnStatement); } { // Generate attribute list. AttributeStatement attributeStatement = new AttributeStatement(); List <SamlAttribute> attributes = new List <SamlAttribute>(user.Attributes.Count); foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> att in user.Attributes) { var existingAttribute = attributes.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == att.Key); if (existingAttribute != null) { var attributesValues = new List <string>(); attributesValues.AddRange(existingAttribute.AttributeValue); attributesValues.Add(att.Value); existingAttribute.AttributeValue = attributesValues.ToArray(); } else { SamlAttribute attribute = new SamlAttribute(); attribute.Name = att.Key; attribute.AttributeValue = new string[] { att.Value }; attribute.NameFormat = SamlAttribute.NAMEFORMAT_URI; attributes.Add(attribute); } } attributeStatement.Items = attributes.ToArray(); statements.Add(attributeStatement); } assertion.Items = statements.ToArray(); return(assertion); }
// returns subject and attributes from a WS-Fed token (Ws-Fed endpoint) private List <SamlAttribute> GetAttributesListFromSAML(string samlToken) { // Setup return list List <SamlAttribute> SamlAttribs = new List <SamlAttribute>(); // Convert to xml for easy parsing XmlDocument samlXml = new XmlDocument(); samlXml.LoadXml(samlToken); // Parse SAML token for subject (WS-Fed) try { string subject = samlXml.SelectSingleNode("/AttributeStatement/Subject/NameIdentifier").InnerText; SamlAttribute samlAttribSubject = new SamlAttribute() { Name = "Subject", Value = subject, Description = "N/A" }; SamlAttribs.Add(samlAttribSubject); } catch { } // Parse SAML token for subject (SAML) try { //string subject = samlXml.SelectSingleNode("/Response/Assertion/Subject/NameID").InnerText; - Failing for some reason XmlNodeList subject = samlXml.GetElementsByTagName("NameID"); string sSubject = subject[0].InnerText; // Create SAML object SamlAttribute samlAttribSubject = new SamlAttribute() { Name = "Subject", Value = sSubject, Description = "N/A" }; // Add to list to be returned SamlAttribs.Add(samlAttribSubject); } catch { } // Parse Attribs and add to list try // WS-Fed endpoint { XmlNodeList elemList = samlXml.GetElementsByTagName("Attribute"); for (int i = 0; i < elemList.Count; i++) { SamlAttribute samlAttrib = new SamlAttribute() { Name = elemList[i].Attributes.GetNamedItem("AttributeName").Value, Value = elemList[i].InnerText, Description = elemList[i].Attributes.GetNamedItem("AttributeNamespace").Value }; // Add to list for gridview bind SamlAttribs.Add(samlAttrib); } } catch // SAML endpoint { XmlNodeList elemList = samlXml.GetElementsByTagName("Attribute"); for (int i = 0; i < elemList.Count; i++) { SamlAttribute samlAttrib = new SamlAttribute() { Name = "N/A - SAML endpoint", Value = elemList[i].InnerText, Description = elemList[i].Attributes.GetNamedItem("Name").Value }; // Add to list for gridview bind SamlAttribs.Add(samlAttrib); } } return(SamlAttribs); }