public static Sample.Business.SalesPerson MapFromSalesPerson(this ReverseMapper mapper, SalesPerson source, Sample.Business.SalesPerson target)
            // Null maps to null:
            if (source == null)

            // Check if object already mapped (as in circular reference scenarios):
            object mappedTarget = mapper.GetMappedTarget(source);

            if (Object.ReferenceEquals(mappedTarget, null) == false)

            // Retrieve target object:
            if (target == null)
                target = mapper.TryGetTarget <Sample.Business.SalesPerson>(source);
            if (target == null)
                throw new Max.Domain.Mapping.MappingException(String.Format("Cannot map {0} to an existing instance.", source.GetType().Name));

            // Register mapping:
            mapper.RegisterMapping(source, target);

            // Perform mapping:
            if (mapper.CanUpdate(target))
                mapper.UpdateSalesPerson(source, target);

            // Return target:
예제 #2
        // Test Method
        public static void Test()
            // Obtain type information using a SalesPerson instance.
            SalesPerson salesPerson = new SalesPerson("Moamen", "Soroor", 25);

            // Obtaining a Type Reference Using System.Object.GetType() - instance method
            Type type = salesPerson.GetType();


            // Obtaining a Type Reference Using typeof() - operator takes
            Type type2 = typeof(SalesPerson);


            // Obtaining a Type Reference Using System.Type.GetType() - static method
            // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
            // The Type.GetType() method has been overloaded to allow you to specify two Boolean parameters,
            // one of which controls whether an exception should be thrown if the type cannot be found, and the other of
            // which establishes the case sensitivity of the string.
            // defaults are case sensitivity with no error thrown if

            // public static Type GetType(string typeName);
            // it Gets the System.Type with the specified name, performing a case-sensitive search, no error thrown.
            // if not a type, returns null
            Type type3 = Type.GetType("System.String");


            // public static Type GetType(string typeName, bool throwOnError);
            Type type5 = Type.GetType("System.String", false);


            // public static Type GetType(string typeName, bool throwOnError, bool ignoreCase);
            Type type4 = Type.GetType("system.string", false, true);


            // However, when you want to obtain metadata for a type within an external private
            // assembly, the string parameter is formatted using the type’s fully qualified name, followed by a comma,
            // followed by the friendly name(Assembly name without .dll or .exe) of the assembly containing the type.

            //"fullyQualifiedName, AssemblyFriendlyName"

            // Obtain type information for a type within an external assembly.
            Type type6 = Type.GetType("CarLibrary.Car, CarLibrary"); // "fullyQualifiedName, AssemblyFriendlyName"


            // As well, do know that the string passed into Type.GetType() may specify a plus token(+) to denote a
            // nested type.

            // Obtain type information for a nested enumeration
            // within the current assembly.
            Type type7 = Type.GetType("CarLibrary.JamesBondCar+SpyOptions");
