static void Main(string[] args) { Sales s = new Sales(); Item i = null; Console.WriteLine("Press y to add"); string str; while (true) { str = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("Enter Item id , Name, Location"); if (str == "y") { int id = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); string name = Console.ReadLine(); string loc = Console.ReadLine(); i = new Item(id, name, loc); s.AddItem(i); Console.WriteLine("Press y to add"); } else { break; } } try { Console.WriteLine("Enter item number to delete"); Item i1 = s.FindandReturnItem(int.Parse(Console.ReadLine())); Console.WriteLine("Deleted Item :" + i1.ItemName1); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Message); } Console.Read(); }