public ActionResult Statistics(SaleFilterModel model) { if (Session["ItemsPerPage"] != null) { model.ItemsPerPage = (int)Session["ItemsPerPage"]; } PagerData pager = new PagerData() { ItemsPerPage = model.ItemsPerPage, CurrentPage = }; var result = _salesManager.GetSales(model, null, pager); if (Request.IsAjaxRequest()) { return(Json(new { CurrentPage = pager.CurrentPage, TotalPages = pager.TotalPages, Result = result }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } SalesListModel listModel = new SalesListModel() { Sales = result, Pager = pager, Filter = model }; return(View("Statistics", listModel)); }
private void DeleteButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!UserInfo.IsAdmin) { ClientHelper.ShowErrorMessage("You are not authorized to delete this record."); return; } if (dataGridView1.SelectedRows.Count > 0) { int id = (int)dataGridView1.SelectedRows[0].Cells[SaleIdColumn.Name].Value; if (this.saleController.ItemHasPaymentOrReturn(id)) { ClientHelper.ShowErrorMessage("This sale is already paid or has a return item."); return; } if (ClientHelper.ShowConfirmMessage("Are you sure you want to delete this sale?") == DialogResult.Yes) { this.saleController.DeleteSale(id); SaleFilterModel filter = ComposeSearch(); LoadSales(filter); } } }
void form_SalesUpdated(object sender, EventArgs e) { SaleFilterModel filter = ComposeSearch(); LoadSales(filter); dataGridView1.ClearSelection(); if (selectedId == 0) { salesViewBindingSource.Position = salesViewBindingSource.Count - 1; } else { SalesView item = ((SortableBindingList <SalesView>)salesViewBindingSource.DataSource) .FirstOrDefault(a => a.Id == selectedId); int index = salesViewBindingSource.IndexOf(item); salesViewBindingSource.Position = index; if (index != -1) { dataGridView1.Rows[index].Selected = true; } } }
public SortableBindingList <SaleDisplayModel> FetchARWithSearch(SaleFilterModel filter) { try { var query = CreateQuery(filter); query = query.Where(a => a.Type == 1 && a.IsPaid == false); var result = from a in query.ToList() select new SaleDisplayModel { Id = a.Id, Customer = a.CompanyName, InvoiceNumber = a.InvoiceNumber, Date = a.Date.Value, Type = a.Type.HasValue ? GetSaleType(a.Type.Value) : "-", TotalAmount = a.TotalAmount.Value, IsPaid = a.IsPaid.Value, RecordedBy = a.RecordedBy, //ApprovedBy = a.ApprovedBy.HasValue ? a.ApprovedByUser.Firstname + " " + a.ApprovedByUser.Lastname : "-", IsDeleted = a.IsDeleted.Value }; SortableBindingList <SaleDisplayModel> b = new SortableBindingList <SaleDisplayModel>(result); return(b); } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } }
public IQueryable <SalesView> FetchSalesWithSearchGeneric(SaleFilterModel filter) { try { return(this.CreateQuery(filter)); } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } }
public IEnumerable <SaleViewModel> GetSales(SaleFilterModel filter, Func <IQueryable <SaleDTO>, IOrderedQueryable <SaleDTO> > orderBy = null, PagerData pager = null) { var exp = PredicateBuilder.True <SaleDTO>(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(filter.Customer)) { string customer = filter.Customer.ToLower(); exp = exp.And(s => s.Customer.CustomerName.ToLower().Contains(customer)); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(filter.Manager)) { string manager = filter.Manager.ToLower(); exp = exp.And(s => s.Manager.LastName.ToLower().Contains(manager)); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(filter.Product)) { string product = filter.Product.ToLower(); exp = exp.And(s => s.Product.ProductName.ToLower().Contains(product)); } if (filter.StartDate.HasValue) { DateTime startDate = filter.StartDate.Value; exp = exp.And(s => s.SaleDate >= startDate); } if (filter.EndDate.HasValue) { DateTime endDate = filter.EndDate.Value; exp = exp.And(s => s.SaleDate <= endDate); } if (orderBy == null) { orderBy = s => s.OrderBy(o => o.SaleDate); } var sales = _unitOfWork.Sales.GetAsQueryable(exp, orderBy); if (sales != null) { if (pager != null) { int total = sales.Count(); int rest = total % pager.ItemsPerPage; pager.TotalPages = total / pager.ItemsPerPage + (rest > 0 ? 1 : 0); int skip = pager.ItemsPerPage * (pager.CurrentPage - 1); sales = sales.Skip(skip).Take(pager.ItemsPerPage); } return(sales.ToArray().Select(s => ViewModelFromDTO(s))); } return(new SaleViewModel[0]); }
public SortableBindingList <SalesView> FetchSaleWithSearch(SaleFilterModel filter) { try { var query = CreateQuery(filter); SortableBindingList <SalesView> b = new SortableBindingList <SalesView>(query); return(b); } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } }
private void LoadInvoices() { var dateFrom = DateFromPicker.Value; var dateTo = DateToPicker.Value; SaleFilterModel filter = new SaleFilterModel() { CustomerId = this.CustomerId, Paid = PaidType.NotPaid, DateType = dateFrom == dateTo ? DateSearchType.All : DateSearchType.DateRange, DateFrom = dateFrom, DateTo = dateTo, Type = -1 }; var invoices = this.saleController.FetchSaleWithSearch(filter); saleDisplayModelBindingSource.DataSource = invoices; }
private void LoadSales(SaleFilterModel filter) { int count = 0; long elapsed = ClientHelper.PerformFetch(() => { SortableBindingList <SalesView> sales = this.saleController.FetchSaleWithSearch(filter); salesViewBindingSource.DataSource = sales; if (salesViewBindingSource.Count == 0) { salesDetailViewModelBindingSource.DataSource = null; } TotalSalesTextbox.Text = sales.Sum(a => a.TotalAmount).Value.ToString("Php #,##0.00"); count = sales.Count; }); ((MainForm)this.ParentForm).AttachStatus(count, elapsed); }
public ActionResult IndexGet(SaleFilterModel model) { if (model == null || == 0) { model = new SaleFilterModel() { page = 1 }; if (Session["ItemsPerPage"] != null) { model.ItemsPerPage = (int)Session["ItemsPerPage"]; } else { model.ItemsPerPage = MvcApplication.ItemsPerPage; } return(View(model)); } return(Statistics(model)); }
private void LoadSales(SaleFilterModel filter) { int count = 0; long elapsed = ClientHelper.PerformFetch(() => { this.sales = this.saleController.FetchSalesWithSearchGeneric(filter); var groupedSales = this.sales .GroupBy(a => a.CompanyName) .Select(a => new ConsolidatedSalesModel { CustomerName = a.Key, TotalAmount = a.Sum(x => x.TotalAmount) }) .OrderBy(a => a.CustomerName); this.consolidatedSalesBindingSource.DataSource = groupedSales; }); ((MainForm)this.ParentForm).AttachStatus(count, elapsed); }
private SaleFilterModel ComposeSearch() { SaleFilterModel model = new SaleFilterModel(); if (CustomerDropdown.SelectedIndex != -1) { model.CustomerId = (int)CustomerDropdown.SelectedValue; } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(InvoiceTextbox.Text)) { model.InvoiceNumber = InvoiceTextbox.Text.Trim(); } model.Type = TypeDropdown.SelectedIndex; if (AmountTypeDropdown.SelectedIndex != -1) { var amount = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(AmountTextbox.Text) ? decimal.Parse(AmountTextbox.Text) : 0; if (AmountTypeDropdown.SelectedIndex == 1) { model.AmountType = NumericSearchType.Equal; model.AmountValue = amount; } else if (AmountTypeDropdown.SelectedIndex == 2) { model.AmountType = NumericSearchType.GreaterThan; model.AmountValue = amount; } else if (AmountTypeDropdown.SelectedIndex == 3) { model.AmountType = NumericSearchType.LessThan; model.AmountValue = amount; } } else { model.AmountType = NumericSearchType.All; } if (!AllDateRB.Checked) { model.DateType = DateSearchType.DateRange; model.DateTo = DateToPicker.Value; model.DateFrom = DateFromPicker.Value; } else { model.DateType = DateSearchType.All; } if (AllPaidRB.Checked) { model.Paid = PaidType.None; } else if (PaidRB.Checked) { model.Paid = PaidType.Paid; } else if (UnpaidRB.Checked) { model.Paid = PaidType.NotPaid; } model.PR = PRTextbox.Text; model.PO = POTextbox.Text; return(model); }
public void RefreshView() { SaleFilterModel filter = ComposeSearch(); LoadSales(filter); }
private void SearchButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { SaleFilterModel filter = ComposeSearch(); LoadSales(filter); }
private IQueryable <SalesView> CreateQuery(SaleFilterModel filter) { db.SalesView.MergeOption = MergeOption.OverwriteChanges; var items = db.SalesView .Where(a => a.IsDeleted == false); if (filter != null) { if (filter.CustomerId != 0) { items = items.Where(a => a.CustomerId == filter.CustomerId); } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(filter.InvoiceNumber)) { items = items.Where(a => a.InvoiceNumber.Contains(filter.InvoiceNumber)); } if (filter.AmountType != NumericSearchType.All) { if (filter.AmountType == NumericSearchType.Equal) { items = items.Where(a => a.TotalAmount == filter.AmountValue); } else if (filter.AmountType == NumericSearchType.GreaterThan) { items = items.Where(a => a.TotalAmount > filter.AmountValue); } else if (filter.AmountType == NumericSearchType.LessThan) { items = items.Where(a => a.TotalAmount < filter.AmountValue); } } if (filter.Type != -1) { items = items.Where(a => a.Type == filter.Type); } if (filter.DateType != DateSearchType.All) { DateTime dateFrom = filter.DateFrom.Date; DateTime dateTo = filter.DateTo.AddDays(1).Date; items = items.Where(a => a.Date >= dateFrom && a.Date < dateTo); } if (filter.Paid != PaidType.None) { if (filter.Paid == PaidType.Paid) { items = items.Where(a => a.IsPaid == true); } else if (filter.Paid == PaidType.NotPaid) { items = items.Where(a => a.IsPaid == false); } } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(filter.PR)) { items = items.Where(a => a.PurchaseRequisitions.Any(b => b.PRNumber.Contains(filter.PR))); } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(filter.PO)) { items = items.Where(a => a.PurchaseOrders.Any(b => b.PONumber.Contains(filter.PO))); } } else { items = items.OrderByDescending(a => a.Date); } return(items); }
public ActionResult IndexPost(SaleFilterModel model) { Session["ItemsPerPage"] = model.ItemsPerPage; return(Statistics(model)); }