예제 #1
        protected override void OnParse(VoidPtr address)
            hdr = *(DataCommonHeader *)address;
            bint *v      = (bint *)address;
            int   offset = 0;

            //Calculate the sizes of each section using their offsets,
            //in order of appearance
            int[] sizes = SakuraiArchiveNode.CalculateSizes(_root._dataSize, v, 26, false);

            //Parse all script-related data first
            ParseScripts(v, sizes);

            //These ICs need to be sorted into int and float arrays
            //Right now they're just a mess of values
            //The indices in the IC variable storage class
            _globalICs    = Parse <RawParamList>(v[0], 188);
            _globalsseICs = Parse <RawParamList>(v[1], 188);
            _ICs          = Parse <RawParamList>(v[2], 2204);
            _sseICs       = Parse <RawParamList>(v[3], 2204);
            //Entry action script offsets
            //Exit action script offsets
            //Flash overlay script offsets/flags
            _unk7          = Parse <EntryList <CommonUnk7Entry> >(v[7], 12);
            _unk8          = Parse <RawParamList>(v[8], 0x1A4);
            _itemSwingData = Parse <RawParamList>(v[9], 0x64);
            _unk10         = Parse <RawParamList>(v[10], 0x10);
            if ((offset = v[11]) > 0)
                sListOffset *list = (sListOffset *)Address(offset);
                _unk11 = Parse <EntryList <Unknown11EntryNode> >(list->_startOffset, 12, (int)list->_listCount);
            _unk12 = Parse <RawParamList>(v[12], 0x80);
            _unk13 = Parse <RawParamList>(v[13], 0x80);
            _unk14 = Parse <RawParamList>(v[14], 0x40);
            _unk15 = Parse <RawParamList>(v[15], 0x24);
            _unk16 = Parse <RawParamList>(v[16], 0x48);
            _ppMul = Parse <CmnPatternPowerMulNode>(v[17]);
            _unk18 = Parse <RawParamList>(v[18], 0x10);

            //Screen tint script offsets
            _legBones = Parse <CmnLegBonesNode>(v[21]);

            if ((offset = v[23]) > 0)
                _unk23 = Parse <RawParamList>(*(bint *)Address(offset), 0xA8);

            _unk24 = Parse <RawParamList>(v[24], 4);


            //Unk12 and Unk13 are copies of the same parameters
            //with some different values

            //Unk23 is one value (0) in Global IC-Basics - offset to data at start of section child data
            //Params24 is one value (32) in IC-Basics
예제 #2
        public unsafe void Write(SakuraiArchiveNode node, VoidPtr address, int length)
            _baseAddress    = address + 0x20;
            _currentAddress = _baseAddress;

            //Write header
            SakuraiArchiveHeader *hdr = (SakuraiArchiveHeader *)address;

            hdr->_sectionCount            = _sectionCount;
            hdr->_externalSubRoutineCount = _referenceCount;
            hdr->_lookupEntryCount        = _lookupManager.Count;
            hdr->_fileSize = length;
            hdr->_pad1     = hdr->_pad2 = hdr->_pad3 = 0;

            List <int> _sectionOffsets = new List <int>();

            //Write section data
            foreach (TableEntryNode section in node.SectionList)
                SakuraiEntryNode entry = section;

                //If this section is referenced from an entry,
                //write that entry instead
                if (section.References.Count > 0)
                    entry = section.References[0];

                _currentAddress += entry.TotalSize;

            //Write lookup values
            hdr->_lookupOffset = (int)_currentAddress - (int)_baseAddress;
            _lookupManager.Write(ref _currentAddress);

            //These can only be accessed after the lookup offset and count
            //have been written to the header.
            sStringEntry *sectionAddr = hdr->Sections;
            sStringEntry *refAddr     = hdr->ExternalSubRoutines;
        protected override void OnParse(VoidPtr address)
            //Initialize lists
            _paramLists = new List <RawParamList>();
            _articles   = new List <ArticleNode>();
            _subActions = new BindingList <SubActionEntry>();

            //Get header values
            _hdr    = *(DataHeader *)address;
            _unk27  = _hdr.Unknown27;
            _unk28  = _hdr.Unknown28;
            _flags1 = _hdr.Flags1;
            _flags2 = _hdr.Flags2;

            bint *v = (bint *)address;

            //Calculate the size of each section using the offsets in order of data appearance
            int[] sizes = SakuraiArchiveNode.CalculateSizes(_root._dataSize, v, 27, true);

            //Parse any data related to scripts
            ParseScripts(v, sizes);

            //Now parse all other data entries for this character.
            //If an offset is 0 (except for the attributes), the entry will be set to null.

            //subaction flags (offset 0) are parsed in ParseScripts
            _modelVis          = Parse <ModelVisibility>(v[1]);
            _attributes        = Parse <AttributeList>(v[2], "Attributes");
            _sseAttributes     = Parse <AttributeList>(v[3]);
            _misc              = Parse <MiscSectionNode>(v[4]);
            _commonActionFlags = Parse <EntryList <ActionFlags> >(v[5], 0x10);
            //action flags (offset 6) are parsed in ParseScripts
            _unknown7         = Parse <EntryList <Unknown7Entry> >(v[7], 8);
            _actionInterrupts = Parse <ActionInterrupts>(v[8]);
            //entry actions (offset 9) are parsed in ParseScripts
            //exit actions (offset 10) are parsed in ParseScripts
            _actionPre = Parse <EntryList <ActionPre> >(v[11], 4);
            //main subactions (offset 12) are parsed in ParseScripts
            //gfx subactions (offset 13) are parsed in ParseScripts
            //sfx subactions (offset 14) are parsed in ParseScripts
            //other subactions (offset 15) are parsed in ParseScripts
            _anchoredItems  = Parse <EntryList <ItemAnchor> >(v[16], sItemAnchor.Size);
            _gooeyBomb      = Parse <EntryList <ItemAnchor> >(v[17], sItemAnchor.Size);
            _boneRef1       = Parse <EntryList <BoneIndexValue> >(v[18], 4, sizes[18] / 4);
            _boneRef2       = Parse <BoneReferences2>(v[19]);
            _entryOverrides = Parse <ActionOverrideList>(v[20]);
            _exitOverrides  = Parse <ActionOverrideList>(v[21]);
            _unknown22      = Parse <Unknown22>(v[22]);
            _samusCannon    = Parse <EntryList <ItemAnchor> >(v[23], sItemAnchor.Size + 4);
            _unknown24      = Parse <Unknown24>(v[24]);

            //Parse extra offsets specific to this character
            //It appears that the module controls this data
            ExtraDataOffsets.ParseCharacter(((MovesetNode)_root).Character, this, address + DataHeader.Size);

            //Sort and set article indices (they are parsed as extra offsets)
            int u = 0;

            _articles = _articles.OrderBy(x => x._offset).ToList();
            foreach (ArticleNode e in _articles)
                e._index = u++;
예제 #4
 public SakuraiArchiveBuilder(SakuraiArchiveNode node)
     _rootNode = node;