public void Parse(XmlNode oRoot, ASafeLog log) { if (ReferenceEquals(m_oFieldGroup, null)) { throw new OwnException("Cannot parse: field group is not specified."); } var oLog = new SafeLog(log); oLog.Debug("Parsing group {0}", m_oFieldGroup.Name); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(m_oFieldGroup.PathToParent)) { XmlNodeList lst = oRoot.SelectNodes(m_oFieldGroup.PathToParent); if (lst != null) { oLog.Debug("{0} nodes found matching PathToParent", lst.Count); foreach (XmlNode oNode in lst) { ParseOne(oNode, oLog); } } // if nodes found } // if path to parent specified else { ParseOne(oRoot, oLog); } } // Parse
} // indexer private static void Init(SafeLog oLog) { lock (typeof(PostcodeToRegion)) { oLog.Msg("Initialising UK postcode to region mapping..."); ms_oPostcodeToRegion = new SortedDictionary <string, string>(); string[] aryLines = new StreamReader( Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetManifestResourceStream("") ).ReadToEnd().Split('\n'); oLog.Debug("{0} rows read from source file.", aryLines.Length); string sRegion = string.Empty; foreach (string sLine in aryLines) { string sCurLine = sLine.Trim(); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(sCurLine) || sCurLine.StartsWith("#")) { continue; } int nPos = sCurLine.IndexOf('='); if (nPos < 0) { sRegion = sCurLine; } else { string sPostcode = sCurLine.Substring(0, nPos).Trim(); if (sPostcode != string.Empty && sRegion != string.Empty) { string sNormalPostcode = sPostcode.ToUpper(); ms_oPostcodeToRegion[sNormalPostcode] = sRegion; oLog.Debug("UK postcode {0} -> {1} region", sNormalPostcode, sRegion); } // if } // if } // for each line oLog.Msg("Initialising UK postcode to region mapping complete."); } // lock } // Init
} // static constructor public RequestedTransaction(string sRawData, ASafeLog oLog) { m_oLog = new SafeLog(oLog); string[] aryFields = sRawData.Split(','); if (aryFields.Length != 3) { throw new Exception("Wrong number of fields in " + sRawData); } Date = DateTime.ParseExact(aryFields[0], "dd/mm/yyyy", ms_oCulture, DateTimeStyles.None).Date; LoanID = Convert.ToInt32(aryFields[1]); PaidAmount = Convert.ToDecimal(aryFields[2]); m_oLog.Debug("{0} -> {1}", sRawData, this); } // constructor
private decimal?Calculate() { decimal nPct = Cfg.OfferAmountPct(BusinessScore); if (nPct == 0) { Log.Debug("No percent found for business score {0}.", BusinessScore); return(null); } // if Log.Debug("Percent for business score {0} is {1}.", BusinessScore, nPct.ToString("P2")); decimal nCalculatedOffer = TotalCurrentAssets * nPct; var ci = new CultureInfo("en-GB", false); Log.Debug("Calculated offer (total current assets * percent) is {0}", nCalculatedOffer.ToString("C2", ci)); nCalculatedOffer = (int)(Math.Round(nCalculatedOffer / minLoanAmount, 0, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero) * minLoanAmount); Log.Debug("Rounded offer is {0}", nCalculatedOffer.ToString("C2", ci)); if (nCalculatedOffer < Cfg.MinOfferAmount) { Log.Debug("The offer is less than {0}, not offering.", Cfg.MinOfferAmount.ToString("C2", ci)); return(null); } // if decimal nOfferBeforeCap = (int)(Math.Round((RequestedAmount * Cfg.OfferCapPct) / minLoanAmount, 0, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero) * minLoanAmount); decimal nCap = nOfferBeforeCap.Min(Cfg.ImmediateMaxAmount); Log.Debug( "Offer cap is {0} = min({1}, {2} * {4} = {3})", nCap.ToString("C2", ci), Cfg.ImmediateMaxAmount.ToString("C2", ci), RequestedAmount.ToString("C2", ci), nOfferBeforeCap.ToString("C2", ci), Cfg.OfferCapPct.ToString("P2", ci) ); decimal nOffer = nCap.Min(nCalculatedOffer); Log.Debug( "And the offer is {0} = min({1}, {2})", nOffer.ToString("C2", ci), nCalculatedOffer.ToString("C2", ci), nCap.ToString("C2", ci) ); if (nOffer > FundsAvailable - OpenCashRequests) { Log.Debug( "The offer is withdrawn: not enough funds available: offer = {0}, funds = {1}.", nOffer.ToString("C2", ci), (FundsAvailable - OpenCashRequests).ToString("C2", ci) ); return(null); } // if return(nOffer); } // Calculate