public void SetUp() { this.requestResource = new SaHoldStoryResource { DateFinished = new DateTime().ToShortDateString(), TakenOffHoldByEmployee = "Employee", ReasonFinished = "test" }; var holdStory = new SaHoldStory { HoldStoryId = 1, DateStarted = new DateTime(), PutOnHoldByEmployee = new Employee { Id = 1, FullName = "Employee" }, ArticleNumber = "KLIMAX/NTK", SalesArticle = new SalesArticle { ArticleNumber = "KLIMAX/NTK" }, ReasonStarted = "reason" }; this.AuthorisationService.HasPermissionFor(AuthorisedAction.ProductHold, Arg.Any <List <string> >()).Returns(true); this.SaHoldStoryService.Update(1, Arg.Any <SaHoldStoryResource>()) .Returns(new SuccessResult <SaHoldStory>(holdStory) { Data = new SaHoldStory { HoldStoryId = 1, SalesArticle = new SalesArticle { ArticleNumber = "KLIMAX/NTK" }, PutOnHoldByEmployee = new Employee { Id = 1, FullName = "Employee" }, TakenOffHoldByEmployee = new Employee { Id = 1, FullName = "Employee" }, ReasonFinished = "test" } }); this.Response = this.Browser.Put( "/products/maint/sa-hold-stories/1", with => { with.Header("Accept", "application/json"); with.Header("Content-Type", "application/json"); with.JsonBody(this.requestResource); }).Result; }
public void SetUp() { this.requestResource = new SaHoldStoryResource { DateFinished = new DateTime().ToShortDateString(), TakenOffHoldByEmployee = "Employee", ReasonFinished = "test" }; this.AuthorisationService.HasPermissionFor(AuthorisedAction.ProductHold, Arg.Any <List <string> >()).Returns(false); this.Response = this.Browser.Put( "/products/maint/sa-hold-stories/1", with => { with.Header("Accept", "application/json"); with.Header("Content-Type", "application/json"); with.JsonBody(this.requestResource); }).Result; }
public void SetUp() { var links = new[] { new LinkResource("put-on-hold-by", "/employees/1") }; this.SalesArticleRepository.FindById("AR").Returns(new SalesArticle { ArticleNumber = "AR" }); this.EmployeeRepository.FindById(Arg.Any <int>()).Returns(new Employee { Id = 1, FullName = "Employee" }); this.resource = new SaHoldStoryResource { HoldStoryId = 1, ReasonStarted = "test", SalesArticle = "AR", DateStarted = new DateTime().ToShortDateString(), PutOnHoldByEmployee = "Employee", Links = links }; this.result = this.Sut.Add(this.resource); }
public void SetUp() { this.requestResource = new SaHoldStoryResource { SalesArticle = "KLIMAX/NTK", HoldStoryId = 1, DateStarted = new DateTime().ToShortDateString(), PutOnHoldByEmployee = "Employee", ReasonStarted = "reason", Links = new LinkResource[0] }; this.AuthorisationService.HasPermissionFor(AuthorisedAction.ProductHold, Arg.Any <List <string> >()).Returns(false); this.Response = this.Browser.Post( "/products/maint/sa-hold-stories", with => { with.Header("Accept", "application/json"); with.Header("Content-Type", "application/json"); with.JsonBody(this.requestResource); }).Result; }