static void Main(string[] args) { Console.Write("\n Testing Monitor-Based Blocking Queue"); Console.Write("\n ======================================"); SWTools.BlockingQueue <string> q = new SWTools.BlockingQueue <string>(); Thread t = new Thread(() => { string msg; while (true) { msg = q.deQ(); Console.Write("\n child thread received {0}", msg); if (msg == "quit") { break; } } }); t.Start(); string sendMsg = "msg #"; for (int i = 0; i < 20; ++i) { string temp = sendMsg + i.ToString(); Console.Write("\n main thread sending {0}", temp); q.enQ(temp); } q.enQ("quit"); t.Join(); Console.Write("\n\n"); }
private void createProcessPool(CommMessage msg) { if (allProcessinPool.Count == 0) { string childBuilderExePath = "..\\..\\..\\ChildBuilder\\bin\\Debug\\ChildBuilder.exe"; string absFileSpec = Path.GetFullPath(childBuilderExePath); int processNum = 0; if (int.TryParse(msg.argument, out processNum)) { if (processNum <= 0 || processNum > maxProcessNum) { processNum = maxProcessNum; } } for (int i = 0; i < processNum; i++) { try { int processUID = i + 1 + 8090; Process proc = Process.Start(absFileSpec, processUID.ToString( )); SingleProcessInfo processInfo = new SingleProcessInfo(proc, processUID); allProcessinPool.Add(processInfo); readQ.enQ(i); Console.Write("\n create ChildBuilder Process : {0} on id {1}", processUID, proc.Id); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.Write("\n {0}", ex.Message); } } //return message to client CommMessage returnMsg = new CommMessage(CommMessage.MessageType.reply); = msg.from; returnMsg.from =; = "BuildServer"; returnMsg.command = msg.command; returnMsg.argument = "Succeed create process pool . "; comm.postMessage(returnMsg); } else { Console.Write("\n process pool has exited , please shutdown first."); } }
public void parse(System.IO.Stream xml, SWTools.BlockingQueue <TestData> q)//decode a xml file and put all test data into a blocking queue { TestData test; doc_ = XDocument.Load(xml); if (doc_ == null) { test = new TestData(); test.success = false; = "unknown"; test.timeStamp = DateTime.Now; test.testName = "END"; q.enQ(test); return; } string datetime = doc_.Descendants("datetime").First().Value; string author = doc_.Descendants("author").First().Value; string repo = doc_.Descendants("reposetory").First().Value; XElement[] xtests = doc_.Descendants("test").ToArray(); int numTests = xtests.Count(); try { for (int i = 0; i < numTests; ++i) { test = new TestData(); test.success = true; test.testCode = new List <string>(); = author; test.datetime = datetime; test.timeStamp = DateTime.Now; test.repo = repo; test.testName = xtests[i].Attribute("name").Value; test.testDriver = xtests[i].Element("testDriver").Value; IEnumerable <XElement> xtestCode = xtests[i].Elements("library"); foreach (var xlibrary in xtestCode) { test.testCode.Add(xlibrary.Value); } q.enQ(test); } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("\n\n {0}", ex.Message); } return; }
/*To get messages from client and child builder and store them in respective queues*/ private static void CreateQueues() { try { rcvr.start("http://localhost", 8080); // Starts the receiver object } catch (Exception) { Console.WriteLine("\nUnable to start Mother builder receiver port or port already in use..."); } while (true) { rcvMsg = rcvr.getMessage(); if (rcvMsg.from != null) {; if (rcvMsg.from == "GUI") { if (rcvMsg.type == CommMessage.MessageType.closeReceiver) { //if closeReceiver message type is received then break from loop break; } else { processGUI(); } } else { readyQ.enQ(rcvMsg.from); Console.WriteLine("\nEnqueing message to Ready Queue"); } } } }
// messageHandler function overridden by mother builder public override void messageHandler(CommMessage msg) { // To close the child builders if (msg.type == CommMessage.MessageType.closeReceiver) { for (int i = 0; i < numProcess; i++) { CommMessage sendMsg = new CommMessage(CommMessage.MessageType.closeReceiver); sendMsg.from = "http://localhost:8081/IMessagePassingComm"; = childProcessAddr[i] + "/IMessagePassingComm"; sendMsg.command = "killProc"; = "Sachin"; //sendMsg.type = CommMessage.MessageType.closeReceiver; commObj.postMessage(sendMsg); Thread.Sleep(1000); } Thread.Sleep(10000); Process.GetCurrentProcess().Kill(); } else { switch (msg.command) { // Enqueues the address of the child builder that sent the ready status case "ready": readyStatusQ.enQ(msg.from); break; // Enqueues the build request sent by the repo case "buildRequest": buildRequestQ.enQ(msg); break; } } }
//----< enqueue string for writing >----------------------------- public void write(string msg) { if (threadRunning_) { Q_.enQ(msg); } }
/*Process messages received grom gui*/ private static void processGUI() { if (rcvMsg.command == "DeleteSenders") { while (readyQ.size() != 0) { readyQ.deQ(); } CloseServers(); } /*Spawn pool processes depending on the input received*/ else if (rcvMsg.command == "spawnchilds") { childCount = Int32.Parse(rcvMsg.arguments[0]); Console.WriteLine("\nRequirement: 5"); Console.WriteLine("\nCreating " + childCount + " child builder processes"); bs = new Sender[childCount]; for (int p = 1; p <= childCount; p++) { createProcess(8081 + p, "ChildBuilder\\bin\\debug\\ChildBuilder.exe"); // Spawn all the child builders bs[p - 1] = new Sender("http://localhost", 8081 + p); //bs[p - 1] = new Sender("http://localhost", 8081 + p); } } else { requestQ.enQ(rcvMsg.arguments[0]); Console.WriteLine("\nEnqueing message to TestRequest Queue"); } }
private void requestAction(CommMessage msg) { RequestInfo request = new RequestInfo(msg); requestedQ.enQ(request); //Console.Write ( "\n Inserted request in Requested Queue , Index : {0}" , requestedQ.size() ); Console.Write("\n Inserted request in Requested Queue. "); }
/*----< enqueue test request to a queue >----------------------*/ void processTestRequest(Msg msg) { Console.Write("\n" + msg.argument); // parse test request TestRequest request = msg.argument.FromXml <TestRequest>(); requestQ_.enQ(request); Console.Write("\n Inserted into request queue"); }
/*----< create a child process with index number >------------*/ bool createProcess(int i) { string fileName = "..\\..\\..\\ChildBuilder\\bin\\Debug\\ChildBuilder.exe"; string absFileSpec = Path.GetFullPath(fileName); Console.Write("\n attempting to start {0}", absFileSpec); string commandline = i.ToString(); try { Process proc = Process.Start(fileName, commandline); ChildNode child = new ChildNode(proc, i); childs_.Add(child); readyQ_.enQ(i); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.Write("\n {0}", ex.Message); return(false); } return(true); }
public void Test1() { Console.Write("\n Testing Monitor-Based Blocking Queue"); Console.Write("\n ======================================"); SWTools.BlockingQueue <string> q = new SWTools.BlockingQueue <string>(); int count = 0; Task t = new Task(() => { string msg; while (true) { msg = q.deQ(); Console.Write("\n child thread received {0}", msg); // Assert.True(msg == "msg #" + count.ToString()); count++; if (msg == "quit") { break; } } //Assert.True(count == 21); }); t.Start(); string sendMsg = "msg #"; for (int i = 0; i < 20; ++i) { string temp = sendMsg + i.ToString(); Console.Write("\n main thread sending {0}", temp); q.enQ(temp); } q.enQ("quit"); t.Wait(); Console.Write("\n\n"); }
//Recieve Messages using WCF void recieveMessages(int count) { while (true) { CommMessage msg = c.rcvr.getMessage(); Console.WriteLine("==================================");; if (msg.type == CommMessage.MessageType.testRequest) { testQueue.enQ(msg.body); } else if (msg.type == CommMessage.MessageType.ready) { Console.WriteLine(" Child Builder with port number = " + msg.body + " is ready"); ready.enQ(msg.body); } else if (msg.type == CommMessage.MessageType.quit) { msg.from = fromAddr; for (int i = 1; i <= count; i++) { int portNum = portNumber + i; CommMessage csndMsg3 = new CommMessage(CommMessage.MessageType.quit); csndMsg3.command = "show"; = "Jim Fawcett"; = "http://localhost:" + portNum + "/IPluggableComm"; csndMsg3.from = fromAddr; csndMsg3.body = "Quitting Child Builder"; c.postMessage(csndMsg3); } foreach (int pid in processID) { KillProcess(pid); } Process.GetCurrentProcess().Kill(); } } }
void caseRunTest(CommandData cmdData) { string path = "../../../THtemp/" + cmdData.testAuthor + "_" + cmdData.dateTime + "_" + cmdData.xmlFile; System.IO.FileStream xml = new System.IO.FileStream(path, System.IO.FileMode.Open); q.enQ(xml); if (startlocal() == true)//now the log file is prepared and we should send it to the repository now { IFileService fs = null; IFileService fs2 = null; int count = 0; while (true) { try { fs = TestHarness.fileSender.CreateChannel(RepoFRcvr); fs2 = TestHarness.fileSender.CreateChannel(cmdData.url + "/CFRcvr"); break; } catch { Console.Write("\n connection to service failed {0} times - trying again", ++count); Thread.Sleep(500); continue; } } Console.Write("\n Connected to {0}\n", RepoFRcvr); string relativeFilePath = "../../../THtemp/"; string filepath = Path.GetFullPath(relativeFilePath); string file = filepath + cmdData.testAuthor + "_" + cmdData.dateTime + ".txt"; Console.Write("----------this is for requirement 7 and 8------------------\n sending file {0} to the client({1}) and reposetory", file, cmdData.url); timer.Start(); if (!fileSender.SendFile(fs, file)) { Console.Write("\n could not send file"); timer.Stop(); } else { timer.Stop(); Console.WriteLine("\nsend file {0} success in {1} ", file, timer.ElapsedTimeSpan); } if (!fileSender.SendFile(fs2, file)) { Console.Write("\n could not send file"); timer.Stop(); } else { timer.Stop(); Console.WriteLine("\nsend file {0} success in {1} ", file, timer.ElapsedTimeSpan); } } }
public void Log(/*string errorLogId,*/ string applicationId /*, string userId,*/, string errorMessage, string errorCategory, Exception ex = null) { Console.WriteLine(errorMessage); startQueue(); startThread(); PostError post = new PostError(); //post.ErrorLogID = errorLogId; post.ApplicationID = applicationId; //post.UserId = userId; post.ErrorMessage = errorMessage; post.ErrorCategory = errorCategory; //post.TimeStamp = Convert.ToString(DateTime.Now); queue.enQ(post); }
void listen_builder_thread() { Console.WriteLine("MB thread running: "); while (true) { CommMessage recv_msg = null; recv_msg = comm.getMessage(); Console.WriteLine("In MB:");; // send reply message to child process if (recv_msg.port_number != 0 && recv_msg.msg_body.Equals("child")) { rd_q.enQ(recv_msg.port_number.ToString()); // enque the child's port number in the queue } } }
void generate_xml() { List <String> xml_string_list = new List <String>(); string temp_str = ""; String[] xml_files_list = Directory.GetFiles(@"../../../Client_Files/", "*.xml"); for (int i = 0; i < xml_files_list.Count(); i++) { temp_str = File.ReadAllText("" + xml_files_list[i]); xml_string_list.Add(temp_str); temp_str = ""; } foreach (String str in xml_string_list) { br_q.enQ(str); } }
// < thread for builder > // void listen_builder_thread() { Console.WriteLine("***********************************************************"); Console.WriteLine("************* Mother Builder Thread Running*****************"); Console.WriteLine("***********************************************************"); while (true) { CommMessage recv_msg = null; recv_msg = comm.getMessage(); Console.WriteLine("***********************************************************"); Console.WriteLine("********Inside Mother Builder Thread:Received The Message***"); Console.WriteLine("***********************************************************");; // send reply message to child process if (recv_msg.port_number != 0 && recv_msg.msg_body.Contains("child")) { rd_q.enQ(recv_msg.port_number.ToString()); // enque the child's port number in the queue } } }
//thread function to get messages from the receiver queue public static void getMessage() { while (true) { rcvMsg = rcvr.getMessage(); lock (ConsoleWriterLock) {; } if (rcvMsg.from == baseAddress + ":" + "8079" + "/IpluggableComm") { if (rcvMsg.type == CommMessage.MessageType.request) { foreach (string file in rcvMsg.arguments) { buildRequestQ.enQ(file); } } } else if (rcvMsg.command == "ready") { if (rcvMsg.from != null) { Console.Write("\nEnqueing msg {0} into the ready queue", rcvMsg.arguments[0]); readyQ.enQ(Int32.Parse(rcvMsg.arguments[0])); } } if (rcvMsg.command == "quit") { Console.Write("\nQuitting Mother Builder"); for (int i = 1; i <= childProcNum; i++) { QuitMsg(i); } Thread.Sleep(2000); Process.GetCurrentProcess().Kill(); } } }
//----< send a message to remote Receiver >-------------------------- public bool sendMessage(Message msg) { sendQ.enQ(msg); return(true); }
public void PostMessage(string msg) { rcvQueue.enQ(msg); }
/*----< main thread enqueues message for sending >-------------*/ public void postMessage(CommMessage msg) { sndQ.enQ(msg); }
//----< called by clients >-------------------------------------- public void sendTestRequest(Message testRequest) { Console.Write("\n TestHarness received a testRequest - REQUIREMENT #2"); inQ_.enQ(testRequest); }