예제 #1
        public MessageStructures(SVX.Entity idpPrincipal)
            authorizationRequest = new SVX.MessageStructure <AuthorizationRequest> {
                BrowserOnly = true
                                           (msg) => new SVX.Principal[] { GenericAuth.GenericAuthStandards.GetUrlTargetPrincipal(msg.redirect_uri) });

            authorizationResponse = new SVX.MessageStructure <AuthorizationResponse> {
                BrowserOnly = true
                                            (msg) => new SVX.Principal[] { });
                                            (msg) => new SVX.Principal[] { idpPrincipal });

            accessTokenRequest = new SVX.MessageStructure <AccessTokenRequest>();
                                         (msg) => new SVX.Principal[] { });

            accessTokenResponse = new SVX.MessageStructure <AccessTokenResponse>();

            userProfileRequest  = new SVX.MessageStructure <UserProfileRequest>();
            userProfileResponse = new SVX.MessageStructure <UserProfileResponse>();
예제 #2
 public Weibo_RP(SVX.Entity rpPrincipal,
                 string client_id1 = null, string redierct_uri1 = null, string client_secret1 = null,
                 string AuthorizationEndpointUrl1 = null, string TokenEndpointUrl1 = null, string UserProfileUrl1 = null,
                 string stateKey = null)
     : base(rpPrincipal, client_id1, redierct_uri1, client_secret1, AuthorizationEndpointUrl1, TokenEndpointUrl1, stateKey)
     UserProfileUrl = UserProfileUrl1;
예제 #3
        // This will automatically set an agent cookie if the client did not
        // pass one.  Call it only once on a given HttpContext, because it
        // isn't smart enough to check if there's already a Set-Cookie.
        public SVAuthRequestContext(SVX.Entity serverPrincipal, HttpContext httpContext)
            http = httpContext;
            string sessionId;

            if (!httpContext.Request.Cookies.TryGetValue(cookieName, out sessionId))
                sessionId = SVX.Utils.RandomIdString();
                httpContext.Response.Headers.Add("Set-Cookie", $"{cookieName}={sessionId}; path=/");
            // Arguably it would be better design to start with the public
            // session ID and compute the session cookie as an HMAC, but
            // this is a little easier.
            string publicSessionId = Utils.Digest(sessionId);

            channel = SVX.Channel.Of(serverPrincipal, publicSessionId);
예제 #4
        // Why are the parameters optional?  I don't see how this class can work without them. ~ REDACTED 2016-05-31
        public Client(SVX.Entity rpPrincipal,
                      string client_id1 = null, string redierct_uri1 = null, string client_secret1 = null,
                      string AuthorizationEndpointUrl1 = null, string TokenEndpointUrl1 = null,
                      string stateKey = null)
            : base(rpPrincipal)
            // Give this a valid value in the vProgram.  FIXME: Doing observably
            // different things in the vProgram is unsound if we aren't careful
            // and poor practice in general.  Once SVX supports passing
            // configuration other than just a principal, use that instead.
            if (redierct_uri1 == null)
                redierct_uri1 = $"https://{rpPrincipal.name}/dummy";

            // Ditto for client_id.
            if (client_id1 == null)
                client_id1 = "dummy:" + rpPrincipal.name;

            client_id                = client_id1;
            redirect_uri             = redierct_uri1;
            client_secret            = client_secret1;
            AuthorizationEndpointUrl = AuthorizationEndpointUrl1;
            TokenEndpointUrl         = TokenEndpointUrl1;

            // This will allow the state to be exported in prod and will be
            // reached in the vProgram to know that the redirect_uri principal
            // is a trusted server.
            SVX.VProgram_API.AssumeActsFor(GenericAuth.GenericAuthStandards.GetUrlTargetPrincipal(redirect_uri), rpPrincipal);

            SVX.VProgram_API.AssumeActsFor(OAuth20Standards.OAuthClientIDPrincipal(idpParticipantId.principal, client_id), rpPrincipal);

            stateGenerator = new StateGenerator(rpPrincipal, stateKey);
예제 #5
 public Weibo_IdP(SVX.Entity idpPrincipal)
     : base(idpPrincipal)
     Contract.Assert(idpPrincipal == WeiboPrincipal);
 public MicrosoftAzureAD_RP(SVX.Entity rpPrincipal, string client_id1 = null, string redierct_uri1 = null, string client_secret1 = null, string AuthorizationEndpointUrl1 = null, string TokenEndpointUrl1 = null, string stateKey = null)
     : base(rpPrincipal, client_id1, redierct_uri1, client_secret1, AuthorizationEndpointUrl1, TokenEndpointUrl1, stateKey)
예제 #7
 public Facebook_IdP(SVX.Entity idpPrincipal)
     : base(idpPrincipal)
     // We only support facebookPrincipal.
     Contract.Assert(idpPrincipal == facebookPrincipal);
예제 #8
 public RP(SVX.Entity rpPrincipal) : base(rpPrincipal)
예제 #9
 public bool Ghost_CheckSignedIn(SVX.Entity browser, string userID) =>
 BrowserOwnedBy.Check(browser, userID);
예제 #10
 public AS(SVX.Entity asPrincipal) : base(asPrincipal)
예제 #11
 // We need this several places (model IdPs and secret generators that
 // the vProgram instantiates independently), so see how long we can get
 // away with just standardizing it rather than finding a way to call the
 // correct implementation in each place.
 public static SVX.Entity GetIdPUserPrincipal(SVX.Entity idpPrincipal, string userID) =>
 SVX.Entity.Of(idpPrincipal.name + ":" + userID);
예제 #12
 public ModelAuthorizationServer(SVX.Entity idpPrincipal)
     : base(idpPrincipal)
     // Initialization order restriction
     authorizationCodeGenerator = new AuthorizationCodeGenerator(SVX_Principal);
예제 #13
 // Since this isn't a MessagePayloadSecretGenerator used with "verify on
 // import", we don't have to worry about it having a default constructor
 // for the time being, so we can do this, which leaves a little less
 // boilerplate in concrete model IdPs than subclassing
 // AuthorizationCodeGenerator and overriding a propertly.
 public AuthorizationCodeGenerator(SVX.Entity idpPrincipal)
     this.idpPrincipal = idpPrincipal;
예제 #14
 public static SVX.Entity OAuthClientIDPrincipal(SVX.Entity idpPrincipal, string clientID) =>
 SVX.Entity.Of(idpPrincipal.name + ":" + clientID);
예제 #15
 // TODO: Get the key lazily once SVX supports the "prod context".
 internal StateGenerator(SVX.Entity rpPrincipal, string key)
     this.rpPrincipal = rpPrincipal;
     this.key         = key;