//protected void ddl_DI_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) //{ // select_DI.Visible = ddl_DI.SelectedIndex == 0; // tbx_DICode.Visible = ddl_DI.SelectedIndex != 0; //} //protected void ddl_RT_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) //{ // select_RT.Visible = ddl_RT.SelectedIndex == 0; // tbx_RTCode.Visible = ddl_RT.SelectedIndex != 0; //} protected void bt_Submit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { int _month = AC_AccountMonthBLL.GetMonthByDate(DateTime.Now) - 1; foreach (GridViewRow row in gv_ListDetail.Rows) { int hasid = int.Parse(gv_ListDetail.DataKeys[row.RowIndex][0].ToString()); bool usefullnow = (row.FindControl("cbx_id") as CheckBox).Checked; if (usefullnow) { if (hasid == 0) { SVM_MYSaleInFlagBLL _item = new SVM_MYSaleInFlagBLL(); _item.Model.ClientID = int.Parse(gv_ListDetail.DataKeys[row.RowIndex][1].ToString()); _item.Model.AccountMonth = _month; _item.Model.ApproveFlag = 2; _item.Add(); } } else { if (hasid != 0) { SVM_MYSaleInFlagBLL _item = new SVM_MYSaleInFlagBLL(hasid); _item.Delete(hasid); } } } MessageBox.ShowAndRedirect(this, "提交成功!", "MYSaleInFlagEdit.aspx"); }
private DataTable GetExtTable() { int _beginmonth = int.Parse(ddl_BeginMonth.SelectedValue); int _endmonth = int.Parse(ddl_EndMonth.SelectedValue); int _city = 0; if (tr_OrganizeCity.SelectValue != "") { _city = int.Parse(tr_OrganizeCity.SelectValue); } string Condition = ""; int _staff = 0; if (select_Staff.SelectValue != "") { _staff = int.Parse(select_Staff.SelectValue); } //if (ddl_DI.SelectedValue == "0") //{ if (select_DI.SelectValue != "0" && select_DI.SelectValue != "") { Condition += " AND Supplier.ID =" + select_DI.SelectValue; } //} //else //{ // if (tbx_DICode.Text != "") // { // Condition += (ddl_DI.SelectedValue == "1" ? " AND Supplier.FullName" : " AND Supplier.Code") + " LIKE '%" + tbx_DICode.Text.Trim() + "%'"; // } //} //if (ddl_RT.SelectedValue == "0") //{ if (select_RT.SelectValue != "0" && select_RT.SelectValue != "") { Condition += " AND CM_Client.ID =" + select_RT.SelectValue; } //} //else //{ // if (tbx_RTCode.Text != "") // { // Condition += (ddl_RT.SelectedValue == "1" ? " AND CM_Client.FullName" : " AND CM_Client.Code") + " LIKE '%" + tbx_RTCode.Text.Trim() + "%'"; // } //} return(SVM_MYSaleInFlagBLL.GetRPTSummary(_beginmonth, _endmonth, _city, _staff, Condition)); }
private void BindGrid() { int _month = int.Parse(ddl_Month.SelectedValue); int _staff = 0; if (select_Staff.SelectValue != "") { _staff = int.Parse(select_Staff.SelectValue); } #region 编辑查询条件 int _city = 1; if (tr_OrganizeCity.SelectValue != "") { _city = int.Parse(tr_OrganizeCity.SelectValue); } string RTCondition = "", DICondition = ""; //if (ddl_DI.SelectedValue == "0") //{ if (select_DI.SelectValue != "0" && select_DI.SelectValue != "") { DICondition += " AND Supplier.ID =" + select_DI.SelectValue; } //} //else //{ // if (tbx_DICode.Text != "") // { // DICondition += (ddl_DI.SelectedValue == "1" ? " AND Supplier.FullName" : " AND Supplier.Code") + " LIKE '%" + tbx_DICode.Text.Trim() + "%'"; // } //} //if (ddl_RT.SelectedValue == "0") //{ if (select_RT.SelectValue != "0" && select_RT.SelectValue != "") { RTCondition += " AND CM_Client.ID =" + select_RT.SelectValue; } //} //else //{ // if (tbx_RTCode.Text != "") // { // RTCondition += (ddl_RT.SelectedValue == "1" ? " AND CM_Client.FullName" : " AND CM_Client.Code") + " LIKE '%" + tbx_RTCode.Text.Trim() + "%'"; // } //} #endregion Org_StaffBLL staff = new Org_StaffBLL((int)Session["UserID"]); if (staff.Model.Position == 211 || staff.Model.Position == 212 || staff.Model.Position == 209 || staff.Model.Position == 210) { if (_month == AC_AccountMonthBLL.GetMonthByDate(DateTime.Now) - 1) { string[] allowdays = Addr_OrganizeCityParamBLL.GetValueByType(1, 25).Replace(" ", "").Split(new char[] { ',', ',', ';', ';' }); if (allowdays.Contains(DateTime.Now.Day.ToString())) { bt_Submit.Visible = true; cbx_Head.Visible = true; } } } DataTable dt = SVM_MYSaleInFlagBLL.GetList(_month, _city, _staff, DICondition, RTCondition); lt_RTCount.Text = dt.Rows.Count.ToString(); gv_ListDetail.DataSource = dt; gv_ListDetail.BindGrid(); }