예제 #1
 public void CopyFrom(STBoard board)
     this.mWidth  = board.mWidth;
     this.mHeight = board.mHeight;
     this.mCells  = new byte[this.mWidth * this.mHeight];
     board.mCells.CopyTo(this.mCells, 0);
예제 #2
        // The following counts the number of cells (0..4) of a piece that would
        // be eliminated by dropping the piece.
        public int CountPieceCellsEliminated
            STPiece piece
            if (null == this.mCells)

            if (false == piece.IsValid( ))

            // Copy piece and board so that this measurement is not destructive.
            STBoard copyOfBoard = new STBoard();


            STPiece copyOfPiece = new STPiece();


            // Drop copy of piece on to the copy of the board

            // Scan rows.  For each full row, check all board Y values for the
            // piece.  If any board Y of the piece matches the full row Y,
            // increment the total eliminated cells.
            int pieceCellsEliminated = 0;

            int width  = 0;
            int height = 0;

            width  = copyOfBoard.GetWidth( );
            height = copyOfBoard.GetHeight( );

            int y = 0;

            for (y = 1; y <= height; y++)
                bool fullRow = false;
                fullRow = true; // hypothesis

                int x = 0;
                for (x = 1; ((x <= width) && (true == fullRow)); x++)
                    byte cellValue = (byte)0;
                    cellValue = copyOfBoard.GetCell(x, y);
                    if ((byte)0 == cellValue)
                        fullRow = false;

                if (true == fullRow)
                    // Find any matching board-relative Y values in dropped copy of piece.
                    int totalCells = 0;
                    totalCells = piece.GetTotalCells( );

                    int cellIndex = 0;
                    for (cellIndex = 1; cellIndex <= totalCells; cellIndex++)
                        int boardX = 0;
                        int boardY = 0;
                        copyOfPiece.GetTranslatedCellXY(cellIndex, ref boardX, ref boardY);
                        if (boardY == y)
                            pieceCellsEliminated++;  // Moohahahaaa!

예제 #3
        public STGameState( )
            // Core Game State

            // Board and Piece
            mSTBoardCurrent = new STBoard();
            mSTPieceCurrent = new STPiece();

            // Core Game State Variables
            mGameOver = false;
            mIterationCountdownSeconds = 0.0;
            mCurrentPiecePointValue    = 0; // starts at 24+(3*(level-1))
            mCompletedRows             = 0;

            // Piece Sequence Generator
            mSTPieceSequence = new STPieceSequence();

            // User Options

            mPaused                = false;
            mShowNextPiece         = false;
            mAI                    = false;
            mSpawnFromVideoCapture = false;
            mOutputToRS232         = false;
            mAutoRestart           = false;
            mAutoWriteFile         = false;

            // Game Speed Adjustment
            // -2, -3, -4,... : Slow Mode (delay proportional to index)
            // -1 : Normal, Clipped at 0.20 sec/row
            //  0 : Normal
            // +1 : Fast Mode (still render bound)
            // +2 : Very Fast Mode (still render bound)
            // +3, +4, +5,... : Multiple moves per rendered frame
            mGameSpeedAdjustment = 0;

            mShadowMode          = false;
            mHintMode            = false;
            mMonochromeColorMode = false;

            // Statistics for User Consideration Only

            // Updated at piece spawning or row completion
            mPieceHistogram          = new long[8];   // Count of each piece type
            mHeightHistogram         = new long[202]; // Height after each landing
            mTotalElapsedTimeSeconds = 0.0;
            mScore = 0;

            // Only updated when game ends
            mHistoricHighScore      = 0;
            mHistoricHighRows       = 0;
            mHistoricHighPieces     = 0;
            mHistoricCumulativeRows = 0;            // Used to get average: rows / games
            mHistoricTotalGames     = 0;
            mHistoricRows           = new long[20]; // Past games [0]==most recent

            // Cached Derived or Copied Values

            // Next Piece (Not always used or available; Only 'kind' aspect is relevant)
            mSTPieceNext = new STPiece();

            // Best Move (determined by relevant AI upon piece spawning)
            mSTPieceBestMove = new STPiece();

            // state of animation of a an AI-executed move
            mAnimateAIMovesEnable             = true;
            mAnimateAIMovesStartingY          = 0;
            mAnimateAIMovesFinalSafeY         = 0;
            mAnimateAITotalInitialCommands    = 0;
            mAnimateAICommandsExecuted        = 0;
            mAnimateAICommandsPerRow          = 0;
            mAnimateAIMovesPendingRotation    = 0;
            mAnimateAIMovesPendingTranslation = 0;


            // video capture related
            mPreviousClassification = (-1);

            mSelectionState = 0;
            mSelectionX1    = 0;
            mSelectionY1    = 0;
            mSelectionX2    = 0;
            mSelectionY2    = 0;

            mCalibrationModeFlag      = false; // false == OFF
            mCalibrationModeShapeCode = 0;     // 1..7 shape

            // file list
            mFirstItem    = 0;
            mRelativeItem = 0;
            mShowFileList = false;
            mLoadFlag     = false;

            // miscellaneous
            mRenderFrameNumber   = 0;
            mShowInstructionPage = 0;
            mShowConsole         = false;
            mReportedFrameRate   = 0.0f;