예제 #1
        public static void SetSystemDefault(String AKey, String AValue)
            Boolean NewTransaction = false;
            Boolean ShouldCommit   = false;

                TDBTransaction Transaction = DBAccess.GDBAccessObj.GetNewOrExistingTransaction(IsolationLevel.ReadCommitted,
                                                                                               out NewTransaction);
                SSystemDefaultsTable tbl = SSystemDefaultsAccess.LoadByPrimaryKey(AKey, Transaction);

                if (tbl.Rows.Count > 0) // I already have this. (I expect this is the case usually!)
                    DataRow Row = tbl[0];
                    ((SSystemDefaultsRow)Row).DefaultValue = AValue;
                    DataRow Row = tbl.NewRowTyped(true);
                    ((SSystemDefaultsRow)Row).DefaultCode        = AKey;
                    ((SSystemDefaultsRow)Row).DefaultDescription = "Created in OpenPetra";
                    ((SSystemDefaultsRow)Row).DefaultValue       = AValue;

                SSystemDefaultsAccess.SubmitChanges(tbl, Transaction);
                ShouldCommit = true;
            catch (Exception Exc)
                TLogging.Log("An Exception occured during the saving of a single System Default:" + Environment.NewLine + Exc.ToString());
                ShouldCommit = false;
                if (NewTransaction)
                    if (ShouldCommit)
예제 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Determines the 'Last Reminder Date', that is the date when PartnerReminders last ran.
        /// <para>
        /// This is done by reading a certain SystemDefault. If PartnerReminders was never run before,
        /// this SystemDefault is created.
        /// </para>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ALastReminderDate">Date when PartnerReminders last ran. Will be January 1st, 1980
        /// if PartnerReminders never ran before.</param>
        /// <param name="ASystemDefaultsDR">SystemDefaults DataRow containing the date. This is used later for updating
        /// the date.</param>
        /// <param name="AReadWriteTransaction">Already instantiated DB Transaction.</param>
        /// <returns>True if the 'Last Reminder Date' could be read/created. False if PartnerReminders was never run before
        /// AND creation of the new SystemDefault record failed for some reason.</returns>
        private static bool GetLastReminderDate(out DateTime ALastReminderDate,
                                                out SSystemDefaultsRow ASystemDefaultsDR,
                                                TDBTransaction AReadWriteTransaction)
            const string UNDEFINED_SYSTEMDEFAULT_LAST_REMINDER_DATE = "1980,1,1";   // Double check order!

            SSystemDefaultsTable SystemDefaultsDT = new SSystemDefaultsTable();
            string LastReminderDateStr;

            string[] DateParts;
            bool     ReturnValue = true;

            ASystemDefaultsDR = null;

            // Check if there is already a SystemDefault for the Last Reminder Date (most likely there is!)
            if (SSystemDefaultsAccess.Exists(SYSTEMDEFAULT_LAST_REMINDER_DATE, AReadWriteTransaction))
                if (TLogging.DebugLevel >= 6)
                    TLogging.Log("GetLastReminderDate: System Default for the Last Reminder Date exists: use it.");

                // There is already a SystemDefault for the Last Reminder Date: read its value
                SystemDefaultsDT = SSystemDefaultsAccess.LoadByPrimaryKey(SYSTEMDEFAULT_LAST_REMINDER_DATE, AReadWriteTransaction);

                // Used later to update the row
                ASystemDefaultsDR = SystemDefaultsDT[0];
                // System Default for the Last Reminder Date doesn't exist: add a new SystemDefault for future use
                if (TLogging.DebugLevel >= 6)
                    TLogging.Log("GetLastReminderDate: System Default for the Last Reminder Date doesn't exist yet: creating it.");

                ASystemDefaultsDR                    = SystemDefaultsDT.NewRowTyped();
                ASystemDefaultsDR.DefaultCode        = SYSTEMDEFAULT_LAST_REMINDER_DATE;
                ASystemDefaultsDR.DefaultDescription = SYSTEMDEFAULT_LAST_REMINDER_DATE_DESC;
                ASystemDefaultsDR.DefaultValue       = UNDEFINED_SYSTEMDEFAULT_LAST_REMINDER_DATE;

                    SSystemDefaultsAccess.SubmitChanges(SystemDefaultsDT, AReadWriteTransaction);
                catch (Exception Exc)
                    TLogging.Log("TProcessPartnerReminders.GetLastReminderDate: An Exception occured:" + Environment.NewLine + Exc.ToString());


            LastReminderDateStr = ASystemDefaultsDR.DefaultValue;

            // Last Reminder Date is stored as YEAR,MONTH,DAY
            DateParts         = LastReminderDateStr.Split(',');
            ALastReminderDate = new DateTime(
                Convert.ToInt32(DateParts[0]), Convert.ToInt32(DateParts[1]), Convert.ToInt32(DateParts[2]),
                0, 0, 1);   // One second past midnight

            if (TLogging.DebugLevel >= 6)
                TLogging.Log(String.Format("GetLastReminderDate: DB Field value: {0}; Parsed date: {1}", LastReminderDateStr, ALastReminderDate));

        /// <summary>
        /// Determines the 'Last Reminder Date', that is the date when PartnerReminders last ran.
        /// <para>
        /// This is done by reading a certain SystemDefault. If PartnerReminders was never run before,
        /// this SystemDefault is created.
        /// </para>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ALastReminderDate">Date when PartnerReminders last ran. Will be January 1st, 1980
        /// if PartnerReminders never ran before.</param>
        /// <param name="ASystemDefaultsDR">SystemDefaults DataRow containing the date. This is used later for updating
        /// the date.</param>
        /// <param name="AReadWriteTransaction">Already instantiated DB Transaction.</param>
        /// <returns>True if the 'Last Reminder Date' could be read/created. False if PartnerReminders was never run before
        /// AND creation of the new SystemDefault record failed for some reason.</returns>
        private static bool GetLastReminderDate(out DateTime ALastReminderDate,
            out SSystemDefaultsRow ASystemDefaultsDR,
            TDBTransaction AReadWriteTransaction)
            const string UNDEFINED_SYSTEMDEFAULT_LAST_REMINDER_DATE = "1980,1,1";   // Double check order!

            SSystemDefaultsTable SystemDefaultsDT = new SSystemDefaultsTable();
            string LastReminderDateStr;

            string[] DateParts;
            bool ReturnValue = true;

            ASystemDefaultsDR = null;

            // Check if there is already a SystemDefault for the Last Reminder Date (most likely there is!)
            if (SSystemDefaultsAccess.Exists(SYSTEMDEFAULT_LAST_REMINDER_DATE, AReadWriteTransaction))
                if (TLogging.DebugLevel >= 6)
                    TLogging.Log("GetLastReminderDate: System Default for the Last Reminder Date exists: use it.");

                // There is already a SystemDefault for the Last Reminder Date: read its value
                SystemDefaultsDT = SSystemDefaultsAccess.LoadByPrimaryKey(SYSTEMDEFAULT_LAST_REMINDER_DATE, AReadWriteTransaction);

                // Used later to update the row
                ASystemDefaultsDR = SystemDefaultsDT[0];
                // System Default for the Last Reminder Date doesn't exist: add a new SystemDefault for future use
                if (TLogging.DebugLevel >= 6)
                    TLogging.Log("GetLastReminderDate: System Default for the Last Reminder Date doesn't exist yet: creating it.");

                ASystemDefaultsDR = SystemDefaultsDT.NewRowTyped();
                ASystemDefaultsDR.DefaultCode = SYSTEMDEFAULT_LAST_REMINDER_DATE;
                ASystemDefaultsDR.DefaultDescription = SYSTEMDEFAULT_LAST_REMINDER_DATE_DESC;
                ASystemDefaultsDR.DefaultValue = UNDEFINED_SYSTEMDEFAULT_LAST_REMINDER_DATE;

                    SSystemDefaultsAccess.SubmitChanges(SystemDefaultsDT, AReadWriteTransaction);
                catch (Exception Exc)
                    TLogging.Log("TProcessPartnerReminders.GetLastReminderDate: An Exception occured:" + Environment.NewLine + Exc.ToString());


            LastReminderDateStr = ASystemDefaultsDR.DefaultValue;

            // Last Reminder Date is stored as YEAR,MONTH,DAY
            DateParts = LastReminderDateStr.Split(',');
            ALastReminderDate = new DateTime(
                Convert.ToInt32(DateParts[0]), Convert.ToInt32(DateParts[1]), Convert.ToInt32(DateParts[2]),
                0, 0, 1);   // One second past midnight

            if (TLogging.DebugLevel >= 6)
                TLogging.Log(String.Format("GetLastReminderDate: DB Field value: {0}; Parsed date: {1}", LastReminderDateStr, ALastReminderDate));

            return ReturnValue;