public void SSTDeclaration_WithSupertypes_OnlySuperclass() { var thisType = Names.Type("TestClass,P"); var superType = Names.Type("SuperClass,P"); var sst = new SST { EnclosingType = thisType }; var typeShape = new TypeShape { TypeHierarchy = new TypeHierarchy { Element = thisType, Extends = new TypeHierarchy { Element = superType } } }; AssertPrintWithCustomContext( sst, new SSTPrintingContext { TypeShape = typeShape }, "class TestClass : SuperClass", "{", "}"); }
public void ShouldGetThePrefix() { const string testPrefix = "SomeObj"; var context = new StringBuilder(); var sst = new SST(); var methodDeclarationContainingCompletionExpression = new MethodDeclaration { Body = Lists.NewList <IStatement>( new ExpressionStatement { Expression = new CompletionExpression { Token = testPrefix } }) }; sst.Methods.Add(methodDeclarationContainingCompletionExpression); sst.Accept(new CompletionPrefixVisitor(), context); Assert.AreEqual(testPrefix, context.ToString()); }
private void ReadSharedStrings(XmlReader reader) { if (!reader.IsStartElement(ElementSst, NsSpreadsheetMl)) { return; } if (!XmlReaderHelper.ReadFirstContent(reader)) { return; } while (!reader.EOF) { if (reader.IsStartElement(ElementStringItem, NsSpreadsheetMl)) { var value = ReadStringItem(reader); SST.Add(value); } else if (!XmlReaderHelper.SkipContent(reader)) { break; } } }
public void MethodDeclarationsAreAnonymized_EntryPointFlagIsNotChanged() { var actual = _sut.Anonymize( new SST { Methods = { new MethodDeclaration { IsEntryPoint = false }, new MethodDeclaration { IsEntryPoint = true } } }); var expected = new SST { Methods = { new MethodDeclaration { IsEntryPoint = false }, new MethodDeclaration { IsEntryPoint = true } } }; Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual); }
public void Asd() { var eventDeclaration = new EventDeclaration { Name = Names.Event("[MyEvent, IO,] [DeclaringType, GUI,].E") }; var fieldDeclaration = new FieldDeclaration { Name = Names.Field("[MyField, mscore,] [DeclaringType, mscore,]._f") }; var sst = new SST { EnclosingType = Names.Type("MyType, mscore,") }; sst.Events.Add(eventDeclaration); sst.Fields.Add(fieldDeclaration); var context = new StringBuilder(); var sut = new ToStringVisitor(); sst.Accept(sut, context); var actual = context.ToString(); const string expected = "class MyType {\n\tevent MyEvent E;\n\tMyField _f;\n}\n"; Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual); }
public void Equality_ReallyTheSame() { var a = new SST { EnclosingType = Names.Type("T1, P1"), PartialClassIdentifier = "abc", Delegates = { new DelegateDeclaration() }, Events = { new EventDeclaration() }, Fields = { new FieldDeclaration() }, Methods = { new MethodDeclaration() }, Properties = { new PropertyDeclaration() } }; var b = new SST { EnclosingType = Names.Type("T1, P1"), PartialClassIdentifier = "abc", Delegates = { new DelegateDeclaration() }, Events = { new EventDeclaration() }, Fields = { new FieldDeclaration() }, Methods = { new MethodDeclaration() }, Properties = { new PropertyDeclaration() } }; Assert.AreEqual(a, b); Assert.AreEqual(a.GetHashCode(), b.GetHashCode()); }
public void AnonymizationIsDefaultSafe() { var actual = _sut.Anonymize(new SST()); var expected = new SST(); Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual); }
/// <summary> /// copies the different datasources from the SST BiffRecord /// </summary> /// <param name="sst">The SST BiffRecord </param> public void copySSTData(SST sst) { this.StringList = sst.StringList; this.FormatList = sst.FormatList; this.cstTotal = sst.cstTotal; this.cstUnique = sst.cstUnique; }
// XmlElement *************************************************************** /// <summary>Creates an attribute for a XmlElement and appends it</summary> /// <param name="xelem">The XmlElement where the attribute should be added</param> /// <param name="name">The SSD-ID of the element, which will be converted with the NameCompressor and used as the name for the attribute</param> /// <param name="value">The value for the new attribute</param> public static void CreateAttribute(this XmlNode xelem, SST name, string value) { XmlAttribute NewAttribute = xelem.OwnerDocument.CreateAttribute(nc[name]); NewAttribute.Value = value; xelem.Attributes.Append(NewAttribute); }
public void SSTDeclaration_WithSupertypes_OnlyInterface() { var thisType = Names.Type("TestClass,P"); var interface1 = Names.Type("i:IDoesSomething,P"); var sst = new SST { EnclosingType = thisType }; var typeShape = new TypeShape { TypeHierarchy = new TypeHierarchy { Element = thisType, Implements = { new TypeHierarchy { Element = interface1 } } } }; AssertPrintWithCustomContext( sst, new SSTPrintingContext { TypeShape = typeShape }, "class TestClass : IDoesSomething", "{", "}"); }
public void Equality_Default() { var a = new SST(); var b = new SST(); Assert.AreEqual(a, b); Assert.AreEqual(a.GetHashCode(), b.GetHashCode()); }
public override int GetHashCode() { unchecked { var hashCode = 397; hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ TypeShape.GetHashCode(); hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ SST.GetHashCode(); return(hashCode); } }
public void PartialClassIdentifierCannotBeSetToEmpty() { var sut = new SST(); Assert.Null(sut.PartialClassIdentifier); sut.PartialClassIdentifier = ""; Assert.Null(sut.PartialClassIdentifier); sut.PartialClassIdentifier = "a"; Assert.NotNull(sut.PartialClassIdentifier); }
private void InitializeValue(SST entry, string lowname) { #if DEBUG if (lowtable[(int)entry] != null) { Log.Write(Log.Level.Error, $"NameCompress Value \"{entry}\" already set."); } #endif lowtable[(int)entry] = new Tuple <string, string>(entry.ToString(), lowname); }
public void Equality_DifferentMethods() { var a = new SST { Methods = { new MethodDeclaration() } }; var b = new SST(); Assert.AreNotEqual(a, b); Assert.AreNotEqual(a.GetHashCode(), b.GetHashCode()); }
public void Equality_DifferentEvents() { var a = new SST { Events = { new EventDeclaration() } }; var b = new SST(); Assert.AreNotEqual(a, b); Assert.AreNotEqual(a.GetHashCode(), b.GetHashCode()); }
public void Equality_DifferentPartialClassId() { var a = new SST { PartialClassIdentifier = "abc" }; var b = new SST(); Assert.AreNotEqual(a, b); Assert.AreNotEqual(a.GetHashCode(), b.GetHashCode()); }
public void Equality_DifferentType() { var a = new SST { EnclosingType = Names.Type("T1, P1") }; var b = new SST(); Assert.AreNotEqual(a, b); Assert.AreNotEqual(a.GetHashCode(), b.GetHashCode()); }
public void ShouldUseEmptyStringAsDefault() { var context = new StringBuilder(); var sst = new SST(); sst.Accept(new CompletionPrefixVisitor(), context); Assert.AreEqual(string.Empty, context.ToString()); }
public void Equality_DifferentProperties() { var a = new SST { Properties = { new PropertyDeclaration() } }; var b = new SST(); Assert.AreNotEqual(a, b); Assert.AreNotEqual(a.GetHashCode(), b.GetHashCode()); }
// public CodeViewTypes(SST sst, int module, byte[] data) : base(sst, module, data) { var cvtl = new CodeViewTypeLoader(data); var dict = cvtl.Load(); Console.WriteLine("== Type information for module {0}", module); foreach (var item in dict.OrderBy(d => d.Key)) { Dump(item.Key, item.Value.Leaves); } }
private void Init(FileManager fm) { base.DAL = fm.DALMngr; myFM = fm; myAtMng = fm.AtMng; RuleHandler = fm.RuleHandler; MyDS = new SST(); MyDS.EnforceConstraints = false; FixTZDSIssue(MyDS); }
public string this[SST val] { get { if (Compress) { return(GetValComp(val)); } else { return(GetValUnComp(val)); } } }
public string GetValUnComp(SST val) { #if DEBUG if (lowtable[(int)val] == null) { Log.Write(Log.Level.Error, $"NameCompress Value \"{val}\" not found."); return(val.ToString()); } #endif return(lowtable[(int)val].Item1); }
// XmlNode ****************************************************************** /// <summary>Creates a new XmlElement with the NameCompressor SST Entry as the name. /// If name compression is enabled in the NameCompressor it will use the short name, otherwise the long one</summary> /// <param name="xelem">Any XmlNode from the used XmlDocument or the XmlDocument itself. /// Since the new XmlElement won't be added it doesn't matter</param> /// <param name="name">The SSD-ID of the element, which will be converted with the NameCompressor and used as the name for the XmlElement</param> /// <returns>Returns a new XmlElement with the give values</returns> public static XmlNode CreateCompressedElement(this XmlNode xelem, SST name) { if (xelem.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Document) { return(((XmlDocument)xelem).CreateElement(nc[name])); } else //if (xelem.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element) { return(xelem.OwnerDocument.CreateElement(nc[name])); } }
public void PartialClassIdentifierIsAnonymized() { var actual = _sut.Anonymize(new SST { PartialClassIdentifier = "abc" }); var expected = new SST { PartialClassIdentifier = "abc".ToHash() }; Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual); }
public void SSTDeclaration_EmptyClass() { var sst = new SST { EnclosingType = Names.Type("TestClass,TestProject") }; AssertPrint( sst, "class TestClass", "{", "}"); }
public void SSTDeclaration_Enum() { var sst = new SST { EnclosingType = Names.Type("e:SomeEnum,P") }; AssertPrint( sst, "enum SomeEnum", "{", "}"); }
public void SSTDeclaration_Struct() { var sst = new SST { EnclosingType = Names.Type("s:SomeStruct,P") }; AssertPrint( sst, "struct SomeStruct", "{", "}"); }
public void SSTDeclaration_Interface() { var sst = new SST { EnclosingType = Names.Type("i:SomeInterface,P") }; AssertPrint( sst, "interface SomeInterface", "{", "}"); }