protected void OnAddItem(SRL_Ingredient e) { if (AddItem != null) { AddItem(e); } }
public void AddIngridiant(SRL_Ingredient ingredient) { List <SRL_Ingredient> list = Ingredients; string foodName = ingredient.FoodName; SRL_Ingredient tIngredient = list.Find(f => f.FoodName == foodName); if (tIngredient == null) { list.Add(ingredient); } Ingredients = list; dlistIngredients.DataSource = Ingredients.ToArray(); dlistIngredients.DataBind(); }
internal bool AddGeneralListItem(SRL_Ingredient ingredient, int listId) { using (DataContext) { try { int count = (from p in DataContext.GeneralListDetails where p.LIST_ID == listId && p.ITEM_NAME == ingredient.FoodName select p).Count(); if (count == 0) { GeneralListDetail generalListDetail = new GeneralListDetail { ITEM_NAME = ingredient.FoodName, LIST_ID = listId, COMPLETE_QUANTITY = ingredient.CompleteValue, MEASUREMENT_UNIT_ID = ingredient.MeasurementUnitId, MEASUREMENT_UNIT = ingredient.MeasurementUnitName }; DataContext.GeneralListDetails.InsertOnSubmit(generalListDetail); } else { GeneralListDetail generalListDetail = (from p in DataContext.GeneralListDetails where p.LIST_ID == listId && p.ITEM_NAME == ingredient.FoodName select p).Single(); generalListDetail.COMPLETE_QUANTITY = ingredient.CompleteValue; generalListDetail.MEASUREMENT_UNIT_ID = ingredient.MeasurementUnitId; generalListDetail.MEASUREMENT_UNIT = ingredient.MeasurementUnitName; } DataContext.SubmitChanges(); return(true); } catch { return(false); } } }
protected void btnUpdateIngredient_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { LinkButton btn = sender as LinkButton; DataListItem item = btn.Parent.Parent as DataListItem; List <SRL_Ingredient> list = Ingredients.ToList(); SRL_Ingredient ingredient = list[item.ItemIndex]; txtFoodName.Text = ingredient.FoodName; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ingredient.CompleteValue)) { txtQuantity.Text = ingredient.CompleteValue; } else { txtQuantity.Text = ""; } //if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ingredient.FractionValue)) //{ // ddlFractions.Text = ingredient.FractionValue; //} //else //{ // ddlFractions.Text = ""; //} ddlMeasurementUnits.Text = ingredient.MeasurementUnitId.ToString(); btnAddIngerdient.CommandArgument = item.ItemIndex.ToString(); imgAdd.Visible = false; imgUpdate.Visible = true; UpdatePanel3.Update(); UpdatePanel4.Update(); }
public void DeleteSummeryListItem(int summeryId, int sourceId, SRL_Ingredient ingredient) { new SummeryListDA().DeleteListItem(summeryId, sourceId, ingredient); }
public bool AddSummeryListItem(SRL_Ingredient ingredient, int listId, int sourceId) { return(new SummeryListDA().AddListItem(ingredient, listId, sourceId)); }
public bool AddGeneralListItem(SRL_Ingredient ingredient, int listId) { return(new GeneralListDA().AddGeneralListItem(ingredient, listId)); }
private string PrintMenuRecipes(int menuId) { MyBuyList.Shared.Entities.Menu menu = BusinessFacade.Instance.GetMenu(menuId); string data = "<html>" + "<body dir='rtl'>" + "<table dir='rtl'> " + "<tr>" + "<td style='width:400px;'> " + " " + "</td> " + "<td>" + " " + "</td>" + "<td rowspan='2'>" + "<img src='' />" + "</td>" + "</tr>" + "<tr>" + "<td colspan='2' align='center'>" + " " + "<b style='font-size:larger; color:Red;'>" + menu.MenuName + "</b>" + "</td>" + "</tr>" + "<tr> " + "<td> "; MenuRecipe[] recipeList = BusinessFacade.Instance.GetMenuRecipes(menuId).ToArray <MenuRecipe>(); Dictionary <int, List <int> > recipeServList = BusinessFacade.Instance.GetMenuRecipesIngrid(menuId); bool isFirst = true; foreach (MenuRecipe currMenuRecipe in recipeList) { if (isFirst) { isFirst = false; } else { data += "<hr />"; } if (recipeServList.ContainsKey(currMenuRecipe.RecipeId)) { List <int> RecipeServings = recipeServList[currMenuRecipe.RecipeId]; RecipeServings.Sort(); data += "<b>" + currMenuRecipe.Recipe.RecipeName + "</b><br>"; foreach (int serv in RecipeServings) { if (serv == currMenuRecipe.Recipe.Servings) { data += "<b>מצרכים כפי שהוגדרו במתכון המקורי (" + serv.ToString() + " מנות):</b> <br>"; foreach (Ingredient cuurIngredient in currMenuRecipe.Recipe.Ingredients) { data += " " + new SRL_Ingredient(cuurIngredient).DisplayIngredient; data += "<br>"; } } else { data += "<b>מצרכים כפי שבחרת לארוחה עבור (" + serv.ToString() + " מנות):</b> <br>"; foreach (Ingredient cuurIngredient in currMenuRecipe.Recipe.Ingredients) { SRL_Ingredient cuurSRLIngredient = new SRL_Ingredient(); cuurSRLIngredient.FoodId = cuurIngredient.FoodId; cuurSRLIngredient.FoodName = BusinessFacade.Instance.GetFood(cuurSRLIngredient.FoodId).FoodName; cuurSRLIngredient.MeasurementUnitId = cuurIngredient.MeasurementUnitId; cuurSRLIngredient.MeasurementUnitName = BusinessFacade.Instance.GetMeasurementUnit(cuurSRLIngredient.MeasurementUnitId).UnitName; cuurSRLIngredient.Quantity = Decimal.Round((cuurIngredient.Quantity / currMenuRecipe.Recipe.Servings) * serv, 2); cuurSRLIngredient.Remarks = cuurIngredient.Remarks; data += " " + cuurSRLIngredient.DisplayIngredient; data += "<br>"; } } } data += "<br><b>אופן הכנה: </b><br>"; data += currMenuRecipe.Recipe.PreparationMethod + "<br><br>"; } else { data += "<b>" + currMenuRecipe.Recipe.RecipeName + "</b><br>"; data += "<b>מצרכים:</b> <br>"; foreach (Ingredient cuurIngredient in currMenuRecipe.Recipe.Ingredients) { data += " " + new SRL_Ingredient(cuurIngredient).DisplayIngredient; data += "<br>"; } data += "<br><b>אופן הכנה: </b><br>"; data += currMenuRecipe.Recipe.PreparationMethod + "<br><br>"; } } data += "</td> " + "</tr> " + "</table> " + "</body>" + "</html>"; return(data); }
internal bool AddGeneralListItem(SRL_Ingredient ingredient, int listId) { return(DataLayer.DataFacade.Instance.AddGeneralListItem(ingredient, listId)); }
protected void btnAddItemCommand(object sender, CommandEventArgs e) { List <SRL_Ingredient> list = Ingredients; SRL_Ingredient ingredient = null; string commandArg = e.CommandArgument as string; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtFoodName.Text) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtQuantity.Text)) { return; } if (commandArg == MyGlobalResources.Add) { ingredient = list.Find(f => f.FoodName == txtFoodName.Text); if (ingredient == null) { ingredient = new SRL_Ingredient(); list.Add(ingredient); ingredient.Quantity = 0; } } else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(commandArg)) { int itemIndex = int.Parse(commandArg); ingredient = list[itemIndex]; ingredient.Quantity = 0; } if (ingredient == null) { return; } ingredient.FoodName = txtFoodName.Text; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtQuantity.Text)) { ingredient.Quantity += decimal.Parse(txtQuantity.Text); } //if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ddlFractions.SelectedItem.Value)) //{ // ingredient.Quantity += decimal.Parse(ddlFractions.SelectedItem.Value); //} int completeValue = ((int)ingredient.Quantity); //decimal fractionValue = ingredient.Quantity - completeValue; ingredient.CompleteValue = completeValue.ToString(); //ingredient.FractionValue = fractionValue.ToString(); ingredient.MeasurementUnitId = int.Parse(ddlMeasurementUnits.SelectedItem.Value); ingredient.MeasurementUnitName = ddlMeasurementUnits.SelectedItem.Text; Ingredients = list; dlistIngredients.DataSource = Ingredients.ToArray(); dlistIngredients.DataBind(); txtFoodName.Text = ""; txtQuantity.Text = ""; //ddlFractions.Text = ""; ddlMeasurementUnits.SelectedIndex = 0; btnAddIngerdient.CommandArgument = MyGlobalResources.Add; imgAdd.Visible = true; imgUpdate.Visible = false; UpdatePanel2.Update(); UpdatePanel3.Update(); UpdatePanel4.Update(); OnAddItem(ingredient); }
private void AfterAddItem(SRL_Ingredient ingredient) { ucSummeryList1.AddIngridiant(ingredient); }
internal bool AddListItem(SRL_Ingredient ingredient, int listId, int sourceId) { using (DataContext) { SummeryListDetail summeryListDetail; try { // Get the food id Food food = (from p in DataContext.Foods where p.FoodName == ingredient.FoodName select p).SingleOrDefault(); if (food != null) { ingredient.FoodId = food.FoodId; } // Add to Summery Sources if (food != null) { SummerySource summerySource = (from p in DataContext.SummerySources where p.SUMMERY_ID == listId && p.SOURCE_ID == sourceId && p.FOOD_ID == food.FoodId select p).SingleOrDefault(); if (summerySource == null) { summerySource = new SummerySource { SUMMERY_ID = listId, SOURCE_ID = sourceId, FOOD_ID = food.FoodId, QUANTITY = ingredient.Quantity }; DataContext.SummerySources.InsertOnSubmit(summerySource); } else { summerySource.QUANTITY = ingredient.Quantity; } DataContext.SubmitChanges(); } // ReCalculate summery list IQueryable <decimal?> summerySources = from p in DataContext.SummerySources where p.SUMMERY_ID == listId && p.FOOD_ID == ingredient.FoodId select p.QUANTITY; decimal?sum = summerySources.Sum(); summeryListDetail = (from p in DataContext.SummeryListDetails where p.LIST_ID == listId && p.FOOD_ID == ingredient.FoodId select p).SingleOrDefault(); if (summeryListDetail == null) { summeryListDetail = new SummeryListDetail { FOOD_ID = ingredient.FoodId, FOOD_NAME = ingredient.FoodName, LIST_ID = listId, QUANTITY = sum.HasValue ? sum.Value : 0, MEASUREMENT_UNIT_ID = ingredient.MeasurementUnitId, MEASUREMENT_UNIT = ingredient.MeasurementUnitName }; DataContext.SummeryListDetails.InsertOnSubmit(summeryListDetail); } else { summeryListDetail.QUANTITY = sum.HasValue ? sum.Value : 0; } DataContext.SubmitChanges(); return(true); } catch { return(false); } } }
internal void DeleteListItem(int summeryId, int sourceId, SRL_Ingredient ingredient) { using (DataContext) { try { SummerySource summerySource = (from p in DataContext.SummerySources where p.SUMMERY_ID == summeryId && p.SOURCE_ID == sourceId && p.FOOD_ID == ingredient.FoodId select p).SingleOrDefault(); if (summerySource != null) { summerySource.QUANTITY -= ingredient.Quantity; if (summerySource.QUANTITY <= 0) { DataContext.SummerySources.DeleteOnSubmit(summerySource); } } // ReCalculate summery list IQueryable <decimal?> summerySources = from p in DataContext.SummerySources where p.SUMMERY_ID == summeryId && p.FOOD_ID == ingredient.FoodId select p.QUANTITY; decimal?sum = summerySources.Sum() - ingredient.Quantity; SummeryListDetail summeryListDetail = (from p in DataContext.SummeryListDetails where p.LIST_ID == summeryId && p.FOOD_ID == ingredient.FoodId select p).SingleOrDefault(); if (summeryListDetail == null) { if (sum > 0) { summeryListDetail = new SummeryListDetail { FOOD_ID = ingredient.FoodId, FOOD_NAME = ingredient.FoodName, LIST_ID = summeryId, QUANTITY = sum.HasValue ? sum.Value : 0, MEASUREMENT_UNIT_ID = ingredient.MeasurementUnitId, MEASUREMENT_UNIT = ingredient.MeasurementUnitName }; DataContext.SummeryListDetails.InsertOnSubmit(summeryListDetail); } } else { if (sum == 0) { DataContext.SummeryListDetails.DeleteOnSubmit(summeryListDetail); } else { summeryListDetail.QUANTITY = sum.HasValue ? sum.Value : 0; } } DataContext.SubmitChanges(); } catch (Exception) { } } }
internal void DeleteListItem(int summeryId, int sourceId, SRL_Ingredient ingredient) { DataLayer.DataFacade.Instance.DeleteSummeryListItem(summeryId, sourceId, ingredient); }
internal bool AddListItem(SRL_Ingredient ingredient, int listId, int sourceId) { return(DataLayer.DataFacade.Instance.AddSummeryListItem(ingredient, listId, sourceId)); }