예제 #1
        private void ScanTickWorker(object sender, System.ComponentModel.DoWorkEventArgs e)
            var worker = sender as System.ComponentModel.BackgroundWorker;
            var entries = new List<JournalEntry>();
            e.Result = entries;
            int netlogpos = 0;
            EDJournalReader nfi = null;

                string filename = null;

                if (m_netLogFileQueue.TryDequeue(out filename))      // if a new one queued, we swap to using it
                    nfi = OpenFileReader(new FileInfo(filename));
                    lastnfi = nfi;
                    System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine(string.Format("Change in file, scan {0}", lastnfi.FileName));
                else if (ticksNoActivity >= 30 && (lastnfi == null || (!File.Exists(lastnfi.FileName) || lastnfi.filePos >= new FileInfo(lastnfi.FileName).Length)))
                    if (lastnfi == null)
                        Trace.Write($"No last file - scanning for journals");
                    else if (!File.Exists(lastnfi.FileName))
                        Trace.WriteLine($"File {lastnfi.FileName} not found - scanning for journals");
                        Trace.WriteLine($"No activity on {lastnfi.FileName} for 60 seconds ({lastnfi.filePos} >= {new FileInfo(lastnfi.FileName).Length} - scanning for new journals");

                    HashSet<string> tlunames = new HashSet<string>(TravelLogUnit.GetAllNames());
                    string[] filenames = Directory.EnumerateFiles(m_watcherfolder, "Journal.*.log", SearchOption.AllDirectories)
                                                  .Select(s => new { name = Path.GetFileName(s), fullname = s })
                                                  .Where(s => !tlunames.Contains(s.name))
                                                  .OrderBy(s => s.name)
                                                  .Select(s => s.fullname)
                    ticksNoActivity = 0;
                    foreach (var name in filenames)
                        nfi = OpenFileReader(new FileInfo(name));
                        lastnfi = nfi;
                    nfi = lastnfi;


                if (nfi != null)
                    if (nfi.TravelLogUnit.id == 0)
                        nfi.TravelLogUnit.type = 3;

                    netlogpos = nfi.TravelLogUnit.Size;
                    List<JournalEntry> ents = nfi.ReadJournalLog().ToList();

                    using (SQLiteConnectionUserUTC cn = new SQLiteConnectionUserUTC())
                        using (DbTransaction txn = cn.BeginTransaction())
                            foreach (JournalEntry je in ents)
                                je.Add(cn, txn);
                                ticksNoActivity = 0;



                if (worker.CancellationPending)
                    e.Cancel = true;
            catch (Exception ex)
                // Revert and re-read the failed entries
                if (nfi != null && nfi.TravelLogUnit != null)
                    nfi.TravelLogUnit.Size = netlogpos;

                System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine("Net tick exception : " + ex.Message);
예제 #2
        public void ParseJournalFiles(Func<bool> cancelRequested, Action<int, string> updateProgress, bool forceReload = false)
            System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine("Scanned "+ m_watcherfolder);

            Dictionary<string, TravelLogUnit> m_travelogUnits = TravelLogUnit.GetAll().Where(t => (t.type & 0xFF) == 3).GroupBy(t => t.Name).Select(g => g.First()).ToDictionary(t => t.Name);

            // order by file write time so we end up on the last one written
            FileInfo[] allFiles = Directory.EnumerateFiles(m_watcherfolder, "Journal.*.log", SearchOption.AllDirectories).Select(f => new FileInfo(f)).OrderBy(p => p.LastWriteTime).ToArray();

            List<EDJournalReader> readersToUpdate = new List<EDJournalReader>();

            for (int i = 0; i < allFiles.Length; i++)
                FileInfo fi = allFiles[i];

                var reader = OpenFileReader(fi, m_travelogUnits);

                if (!m_travelogUnits.ContainsKey(reader.TravelLogUnit.Name))
                    m_travelogUnits[reader.TravelLogUnit.Name] = reader.TravelLogUnit;
                    reader.TravelLogUnit.type = 3;

                if (!netlogreaders.ContainsKey(reader.TravelLogUnit.Name))
                    netlogreaders[reader.TravelLogUnit.Name] = reader;

                if (forceReload)
                    // Force a reload of the travel log
                    reader.TravelLogUnit.Size = 0;

                if (reader.filePos != fi.Length || i == allFiles.Length - 1)  // File not already in DB, or is the last one

            using (SQLiteConnectionUserUTC cn = new SQLiteConnectionUserUTC())
                for (int i = 0; i < readersToUpdate.Count; i++)
                    EDJournalReader reader = readersToUpdate[i];
                    updateProgress(i * 100 / readersToUpdate.Count, reader.TravelLogUnit.Name);

                    List<JournalEntry> entries = reader.ReadJournalLog().ToList();      // this may create new commanders, and may write to the TLU db

                    using (DbTransaction tn = cn.BeginTransaction())
                        foreach (JournalEntry je in entries)
                            System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine(string.Format("Write Journal to db {0} {1}", je.EventTimeUTC, je.EventTypeStr));
                            je.Add(cn, tn);



                    if (updateProgress != null)
                        updateProgress((i + 1) * 100 / readersToUpdate.Count, reader.TravelLogUnit.Name);

                    lastnfi = reader;
예제 #3
        private void Sync()
                mainForm.LogLine("EDSM sync begin");

                EDSMClass edsm = new EDSMClass();

                List<HistoryEntry> hlfsdunsyncedlist = mainForm.history.FilterByNotEDSMSyncedAndFSD;        // first entry is oldest

                if ( _syncTo && hlfsdunsyncedlist.Count > 0 )                   // send systems to edsm (verified with dates, 29/9/2016, utc throughout)
                    DateTime utcmin = hlfsdunsyncedlist[0].EventTimeUTC.AddDays(-1);        // 1 days for margin ;-)  only get them back to this date for speed..

                    mainForm.LogLine("EDSM: Sending " + hlfsdunsyncedlist.Count.ToString() + " flightlog entries");

                    List<HistoryEntry> edsmsystemlog = null;
                    edsm.GetLogs(utcmin, out edsmsystemlog);        // always returns a log, time is in UTC as per HistoryEntry and JournalEntry

                    int edsmsystemssent = 0;

                    foreach (var he in hlfsdunsyncedlist)
                        if (Exit)
                            running = false;

                        HistoryEntry ps2 = (from c in edsmsystemlog where c.System.name == he.System.name && c.EventTimeUTC.Ticks == he.EventTimeUTC.Ticks select c).FirstOrDefault();

                        if (ps2 != null)                // it did, just make sure EDSM sync flag is set..
                            string errmsg;              // (verified with EDSM 29/9/2016)

                                                        // it converts to UTC inside the function, supply local for now
                            if ( edsm.SendTravelLog(he.System.name, he.EventTimeUTC, he.System.HasCoordinate, he.System.x, he.System.y, he.System.z, out errmsg) )

                            if (errmsg.Length > 0)


                    mainForm.LogLine(string.Format("EDSM Systems sent {0}", edsmsystemssent));

                // TBD Comments to edsm?

                if ( _syncFrom )                                                            // Verified ok with time 29/9/2016
                    var json = edsm.GetComments(new DateTime(2011, 1, 1));

                    if (json != null)
                        JObject msg = JObject.Parse(json);
                        int msgnr = msg["msgnum"].Value<int>();

                        JArray comments = (JArray)msg["comments"];
                        if (comments != null)
                            int commentsadded = 0;

                            foreach (JObject jo in comments)
                                string name = jo["system"].Value<string>();
                                string note = jo["comment"].Value<string>();
                                string utctime = jo["lastUpdate"].Value<string>();
                                DateTime localtime = DateTime.ParseExact(utctime, "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss",
                                            CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, DateTimeStyles.AssumeUniversal).ToLocalTime();

                                SystemNoteClass curnote = SystemNoteClass.GetNoteOnSystem(name);

                                if (curnote != null)
                                                                                // curnote uses local time to store
                                    if (localtime.Ticks > curnote.Time.Ticks)   // if newer, add on (verified with EDSM 29/9/2016)
                                        curnote.Note += ". EDSM: " + note;
                                        curnote.Time = localtime;
                                    curnote = new SystemNoteClass();
                                    curnote.Note = note;
                                    curnote.Time = localtime;
                                    curnote.Name = name;
                                    curnote.Journalid = 0;

                            mainForm.LogLine(string.Format("EDSM Comments downloaded/updated {0}", commentsadded));

                if (_syncFrom )     // verified after struggle 29/9/2016
                    List<HistoryEntry> edsmsystemlog = null;
                    edsm.GetLogs(new DateTime(2011, 1, 1), out edsmsystemlog);        // get the full list of systems

                    List<HistoryEntry> hlfsdlist = mainForm.history.FilterByFSD;  // FSD jumps only

                    List<HistoryEntry> toadd = new List<HistoryEntry>();

                    foreach (HistoryEntry he in edsmsystemlog)      // find out list of ones not present
                        if (hlfsdlist.FindIndex(x => x.System.name.Equals(he.System.name) && x.EventTimeUTC.Ticks == he.EventTimeUTC.Ticks) < 0)

                    if ( toadd.Count >0 )  // if we have any, we can add
                        TravelLogUnit tlu = new TravelLogUnit();    // need a tlu for it
                        tlu.type = 2;  // EDSM
                        tlu.Name = "EDSM-" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                        tlu.Size = 0;
                        tlu.Path = "EDSM";
                        tlu.CommanderId = EDDiscoveryForm.EDDConfig.CurrentCommander.Nr;
                        tlu.Add();  // Add to Database

                        using (SQLiteConnectionUserUTC cn = new SQLiteConnectionUserUTC())
                            foreach (HistoryEntry he in toadd)
                                EDDiscovery.EliteDangerous.JournalEntry je =
                                    EDDiscovery.EliteDangerous.JournalEntry.CreateFSDJournalEntry(tlu.id, tlu.CommanderId.Value, he.EventTimeUTC,
                                                                                                  he.System.name, he.System.x, he.System.y, he.System.z,
                                                                                                  _defmapcolour, (int)EDDiscovery.EliteDangerous.SyncFlags.EDSM);

                                System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine(string.Format("Add {0} {1}", je.EventTimeUTC, he.System.name));

                        if (OnDownloadedSystems != null)

                        mainForm.LogLine(string.Format("EDSM downloaded {0} systems", toadd.Count));

                mainForm.LogLine("EDSM sync Done");
            catch (Exception ex)
                System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine("Exception ex:" + ex.Message);
                mainForm.LogLineHighlight("EDSM sync Exception " + ex.Message);
예제 #4
        // DONE purposely without using any VisitedSystem code.. so we can blow it away later.
        public static void TranferVisitedSystemstoJournalTable()
            List<Object[]> ehl = new List<Object[]>();
            Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, double>> dists = new Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, double>>(StringComparer.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase);

            List<EDDiscovery2.DB.TravelLogUnit> tlus = EDDiscovery2.DB.TravelLogUnit.GetAll().Where(t => t.type == 1).ToList();

            using (SQLiteConnectionOld conn = new SQLiteConnectionOld())
                //                                                0      1      2
                using (DbCommand cmd = conn.CreateCommand("SELECT NameA, NameB, Dist FROM Distances WHERE Status >= 1"))    // any distance pairs okay
                    using (DbDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader())
                        while (reader.Read())
                            object[] vals = new object[3];

                            string namea = (string)vals[0];
                            string nameb = (string)vals[1];
                            double dist = (double)vals[2];

                            if (!dists.ContainsKey(namea))
                                dists[namea] = new Dictionary<string, double>(StringComparer.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase);

                            dists[namea][nameb] = dist;

                            if (!dists.ContainsKey(nameb))
                                dists[nameb] = new Dictionary<string, double>(StringComparer.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase);

                            dists[nameb][namea] = dist;

                                                               // 0    1    2    3         4         5          6 7 8 9
                using (DbCommand cmd = conn.CreateCommand("Select Name,Time,Unit,Commander,edsm_sync,Map_colour,X,Y,Z,id_edsm_assigned From VisitedSystems Order By Time"))
                    using (DbDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader())
                        string prev = "";

                        while (reader.Read())
                            Object[] array = new Object[17];
                            reader.GetValues(array);                    // love this call.

                            string tluname = (string)array[2];          // 2 is in terms of its name.. look it up
                            EDDiscovery2.DB.TravelLogUnit tlu = tlus.Find(x => x.Name.Equals(tluname, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase));

                            array[15] = (tlu != null) ? (long)tlu.id : 0;      // even if we don't find it, tlu may be screwed up, still want to import

                            array[16] = null;
                            if (prev.Length>0 && dists.ContainsKey((string)array[0]))
                                Dictionary<string, double> _dists = dists[(string)array[0]];
                                if (_dists.ContainsKey(prev))
                                    array[16] = _dists[prev];

                            prev = (string)array[0];

            using (SQLiteConnectionUserUTC conn = new SQLiteConnectionUserUTC())
                using (DbTransaction txn = conn.BeginTransaction())
                    foreach (Object[] array in ehl)
                        using (DbCommand cmd = conn.CreateCommand(
                            "Insert into JournalEntries (TravelLogId,CommanderId,EventTypeId,EventType,EventTime,EventData,EdsmId,Synced) " +
                            "values (@tli,@cid,@eti,@et,@etime,@edata,@edsmid,@synced)", txn))
                            cmd.AddParameterWithValue("@tli", (long)array[15]);
                            cmd.AddParameterWithValue("@cid", (long)array[3]);
                            cmd.AddParameterWithValue("@eti", EDDiscovery.EliteDangerous.JournalTypeEnum.FSDJump);
                            cmd.AddParameterWithValue("@et", "FSDJump");
                            cmd.AddParameterWithValue("@etime", (DateTime)array[1]);

                            JObject je = new JObject();

                            je["timestamp"] = DateTime.SpecifyKind((DateTime)array[1], DateTimeKind.Local).ToUniversalTime().ToString("yyyy'-'MM'-'dd'T'HH':'mm':'ss'Z'");
                            je["event"] = "FSDJump";
                            je["StarSystem"] = ((string)array[0]);

                            if (System.DBNull.Value != array[6] && System.DBNull.Value != array[7] && System.DBNull.Value != array[8])
                                je["StarPos"] = new JArray() {array[6], array[7], array[8] };

                            if (array[16] != null)
                                je["JumpDist"] = (double)array[16];

                            je["EDDMapColor"] = ((long)array[5]);
                            cmd.AddParameterWithValue("@edata", je.ToString());    // order number - look at the dbcommand above

                            long edsmid = 0;
                            if (System.DBNull.Value != array[9])
                                edsmid = (long)array[9];

                            cmd.AddParameterWithValue("@edsmid", edsmid);    // order number - look at the dbcommand above
                            cmd.AddParameterWithValue("@synced", ((bool)array[4] == true) ? 1 : 0);

                            SQLiteDBClass.SQLNonQueryText(conn, cmd);

예제 #5
        public static List<JournalEntry> ParseFiles(string datapath, out string error, int defaultMapColour, Func<bool> cancelRequested, Action<int, string> updateProgress, bool forceReload = false, Dictionary<string, NetLogFileReader> netlogreaders = null, int currentcmdrid = -1)
            error = null;

            if (datapath == null)
                error = "Netlog directory not set!";
                return null;

            if (!Directory.Exists(datapath))   // if logfiles directory is not found
                error = "Netlog directory is not present!";
                return null;

            if (netlogreaders == null)
                netlogreaders = new Dictionary<string, NetLogFileReader>();

            if (currentcmdrid < 0)
                currentcmdrid = EDDConfig.Instance.CurrentCmdrID;

            List<JournalLocOrJump> visitedSystems = new List<JournalLocOrJump>();
            Dictionary<string, TravelLogUnit> m_travelogUnits = TravelLogUnit.GetAll().Where(t => t.type == 1).GroupBy(t => t.Name).Select(g => g.First()).ToDictionary(t => t.Name);
            Dictionary<long, string> travellogunitid2name = m_travelogUnits.Values.ToDictionary(t => t.id, t => t.Name);
            Dictionary<string, List<JournalLocOrJump>> vsc_lookup = JournalEntry.GetAll().OfType<JournalLocOrJump>().GroupBy(v => v.TLUId).Where(g => travellogunitid2name.ContainsKey(g.Key)).ToDictionary(g => travellogunitid2name[g.Key], g => g.ToList());
            HashSet<long> journalids = new HashSet<long>(m_travelogUnits.Values.Select(t => t.id).ToList());
            List<JournalLocOrJump> vsSystemsList = JournalEntry.GetAll(currentcmdrid).OfType<JournalLocOrJump>().Where(j => journalids.Contains(j.TLUId)).ToList();

            if (vsSystemsList != null)
                foreach (JournalLocOrJump vs in vsSystemsList)
                    if (visitedSystems.Count == 0)
                    else if (!visitedSystems.Last().StarSystem.Equals(vs.StarSystem, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase))  // Avoid duplicate if times exist in same system from different files.

            // order by file write time so we end up on the last one written
            FileInfo[] allFiles = Directory.EnumerateFiles(datapath, "netLog.*.log", SearchOption.AllDirectories).Select(f => new FileInfo(f)).OrderBy(p => p.LastWriteTime).ToArray();

            List<NetLogFileReader> readersToUpdate = new List<NetLogFileReader>();

            for (int i = 0; i < allFiles.Length; i++)
                FileInfo fi = allFiles[i];

                var reader = OpenFileReader(fi, m_travelogUnits, vsc_lookup, netlogreaders);

                if (!m_travelogUnits.ContainsKey(reader.TravelLogUnit.Name))
                    m_travelogUnits[reader.TravelLogUnit.Name] = reader.TravelLogUnit;

                if (!netlogreaders.ContainsKey(reader.TravelLogUnit.Name))
                    netlogreaders[reader.TravelLogUnit.Name] = reader;

                if (forceReload)
                    // Force a reload of the travel log
                    reader.TravelLogUnit.Size = 0;

                if (reader.filePos != fi.Length || i == allFiles.Length - 1)  // File not already in DB, or is the last one

            using (SQLiteConnectionUserUTC cn = new SQLiteConnectionUserUTC())
                for (int i = 0; i < readersToUpdate.Count; i++)
                    NetLogFileReader reader = readersToUpdate[i];
                    updateProgress(i * 100 / readersToUpdate.Count, reader.TravelLogUnit.Name);

                    using (DbTransaction tn = cn.BeginTransaction())
                        foreach (JObject jo in reader.ReadSystems(cancelRequested, currentcmdrid))
                            jo["EDDMapColor"] = defaultMapColour;

                            JournalLocOrJump je = new JournalFSDJump(jo)
                                TLUId = (int)reader.TravelLogUnit.id,
                                CommanderId = currentcmdrid,

                            je.Add(cn, tn);



                    if (updateProgress != null)
                        updateProgress((i + 1) * 100 / readersToUpdate.Count, reader.TravelLogUnit.Name);

            return visitedSystems.ToList<JournalEntry>();