private string FormatColumnValue(string colName, string value)
            SQLiteColumnStatement col = Utils.GetColumnByName(_columns, colName);
            DbType dbtype             = Utils.GetDbType(col.ColumnType);

            if (dbtype == DbType.Int64 || dbtype == DbType.Double || dbtype == DbType.Single)
                double dval;
                if (double.TryParse(value, out dval))

            if (value.Length >= 2)
                if (value[0] == '\'' && value[value.Length - 1] == '\'')
                    value = value.Substring(1, value.Length - 2);
            value = value.Replace("'", "''");
            value = "'" + value + "'";
예제 #2
        private DialogResult OpenCellEditDialog(SQLiteCreateTableStatement table, SQLiteColumnStatement column, ref object value)
            DialogResult          res;
            CellValueEditorDialog dlg = new CellValueEditorDialog();

            res = dlg.ShowEditor(this, table, column, ref value);
예제 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Show the editor for the specified column and field value.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="owner">The owner window</param>
        /// <param name="table">The table sql schema object</param>
        /// <param name="column">The column whose field is edited</param>
        /// <param name="value">The initial value to edit</param>
        /// <returns>
        /// If the user chose to apply his changes - DialogResult.OK (in which case the <paramref name="value"/>
        /// parameter is changed to the edited value). Otherwise a DialogResult.Cancel value is returned.
        /// </returns>
        public DialogResult ShowEditor(IWin32Window owner, SQLiteCreateTableStatement table, SQLiteColumnStatement column, ref object value)
            _table    = table;
            _column   = column;
            this.Text = "Edit " + column.ObjectName.ToString();

            TabPage tbp = null;

            _nullable = column.IsNullable;
            if (value == DBNull.Value)
                cbxSetAsNull.Checked = true;
                tbp = GetTabPageForColumnType(column);
                cbxSetAsNull.Checked = false;
                tbp = GetTabPageForValueType(value);

            if (Utils.IsColumnActingAsRowIdAlias(_table, column.ObjectName.ToString()))
                // This is a special case in which we allow the user to edit a INTEGER PRIMARY KEY column
                // that acts as an alias to the underlying RowID column. In this case we can't allow the user
                // to choose any other type other than INTEGER when editing the field.
                tbp = tbpEditInteger;

            TabPage tbp2 = GetTabPageForColumnType(column);

            if (!object.ReferenceEquals(tbp, tbp2))
                RemoveAllPagesExcept(tbp, tbp2);
                SetTabPageValue(tbp, value);
                SetTabPageValue(tbp2, value);
                SetTabPageValue(tbp, value);

            _origTabPage         = tbp;
            tbcTypes.SelectedTab = tbp;


            DialogResult res = ShowDialog(owner);

            if (res == DialogResult.OK)
                value = _value;


예제 #4
        private bool CanEditGrid(bool right, out TableChangeItem citem, out FastGridLocation sloc)
            citem = null;
            sloc  = FastGridLocation.Empty;
            if (_item == null)

            FastGrid grid;
            SQLiteCreateTableStatement table;
            string dbpath;

            if (right)
                grid   = grdRight;
                table  = (SQLiteCreateTableStatement)_item.RightDdlStatement;
                dbpath = _rightdb;
                grid   = grdLeft;
                table  = (SQLiteCreateTableStatement)_item.LeftDdlStatement;
                dbpath = _leftdb;

            sloc = grid.SelectedCellLocation;

            string columnName            = (string)grid.Columns[sloc.ColumnIndex].Tag;
            SQLiteColumnStatement column = Utils.FindColumn(table.Columns, columnName);

            if (column == null)

            long total = _tableChanges.GetTotalChangesCount(new string[] { _diff });

            if (sloc.RowIndex >= total)
            citem = _tableChanges.GetChangeItem(_diff, sloc.RowIndex);

            // Can't edit a cell that belongs to a row that doesn't exist
            if (right && citem.Result == ComparisonResult.ExistsInLeftDB)
            else if (!right && citem.Result == ComparisonResult.ExistsInRightDB)

예제 #5
 /// <summary>
 /// Checks if the specified table contains a column with the specified name.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="table">The table to check</param>
 /// <param name="column">The column to chcek</param>
 /// <returns>TRUE if the table contains a column with the specified name, FALSE otherwise.</returns>
 private bool TableContainsColumn(SQLiteCreateTableStatement table, SQLiteColumnStatement column)
     foreach (SQLiteColumnStatement tc in table.Columns)
         if (tc.ObjectName.Equals(column.ObjectName))
     } // foreach
예제 #6
 private void UpdateInsertCommandFields(SQLiteCreateTableStatement table,
                                        SQLiteCommand insert, SQLiteDataReader reader)
     for (int i = 0; i < table.Columns.Count; i++)
         SQLiteColumnStatement col = table.Columns[i];
         string prmName            = Utils.GetColumnParameterName(col.ObjectName.ToString());
         string colName            = SQLiteParser.Utils.Chop(col.ObjectName.ToString());
         insert.Parameters[prmName].Value = reader[colName];
     } // for
        private string FormatColumnValue(string colName)
            colName = SQLiteParser.Utils.QuoteIfNeeded(colName);

            MultiPanelPage page = pnlValues.SelectedPage;

            if (page == pnlBlobValue)
                return(colName + " = x'" + txtBlob.Text.Trim() + "'");
            else if (page == pnlBooleanValue)
                return(colName + " = " + (rbtnTrue.Checked ? "1" : "0"));
            else if (page == pnlDateTimeValue)
                DateTime dt = new DateTime(dtpDate.Value.Year, dtpDate.Value.Month, dtpDate.Value.Day);
                return("DATE(" + colName + ") = DATE('" + SQLiteParser.Utils.GetDateTimeLiteralString(dt, false) + "')");
            else if (page == pnlFloatingPoint)
                string colname          = (string)cboColumnName.SelectedItem;
                SQLiteColumnStatement c = Utils.GetColumnByName(_columns, colname);
                if (Utils.GetDbType(c.ColumnType) == DbType.Double)
                    double dval = (double)numFloatingPoint.Value;
                    return(colName + " = " + dval.ToString());
                    float fval = (float)numFloatingPoint.Value;
                    return(colName + " = " + fval.ToString());
            else if (page == pnlGuidValue)
                return(colName + " = " + "X'" + txtGuid.Text.Replace("-", string.Empty) + "'");
            else if (page == pnlIntegerValue)
                return(colName + " = " + numIntValue.Value.ToString());
            else if (page == pnlTextValue)
                return(colName + " = " + SQLiteParser.Utils.QuoteLiteralString(txtFieldValue.Text));
            throw new InvalidOperationException();
예제 #8
        private FastGridColumn MakeGridColumn(bool pkey, SQLiteColumnStatement col)
            string         cname = SQLiteParser.Utils.Chop(col.ObjectName.ToString());
            FastGridColumn res   = new FastGridColumn(cname);

            if (Utils.GetDbType(col.ColumnType) == DbType.Boolean)
                res.ColumnType = FastGridColumnType.CheckBox;
            if (pkey)
                res.Image = imageList1.Images[0];
            res.Tag = cname;
예제 #9
        private SQLiteCommand BuildInsertCommand(SQLiteCreateTableStatement table, string tableName,
                                                 SQLiteConnection conn, SQLiteTransaction tx)
            SQLiteCommand res = new SQLiteCommand();

            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

            sb.Append("INSERT INTO " + tableName + " (");
            for (int i = 0; i < table.Columns.Count; i++)
                SQLiteColumnStatement col = table.Columns[i];
                if (i < table.Columns.Count - 1)
            } // for
            sb.Append(") VALUES (");
            for (int i = 0; i < table.Columns.Count; i++)
                SQLiteColumnStatement col = table.Columns[i];
                string prmName            = Utils.GetColumnParameterName(col.ObjectName.ToString());
                if (i < table.Columns.Count - 1)

                res.Parameters.Add(prmName, Utils.GetDbType(col.ColumnType));
            } // for

            res.CommandText = sb.ToString();
            res.Connection  = conn;
            res.Transaction = tx;

예제 #10
        /// <summary>
        /// This purpose of this method is to fill the needed row with data
        /// taken from the table-changes object. This is part of a virtual mode
        /// implementation of the FastGrid control designed to minimize memory
        /// requirements only to the bare essentials.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="grid">The grid that issued to the RowNeeded request</param>
        /// <param name="rowIndex">The index of the row to fill</param>
        /// <param name="row">The row to fill</param>
        private void FillRow(FastGrid grid, long rowIndex, FastGridRow row)
            // Fetch the table change item from the cache/database
            TableChangeItem item = _tableChanges.GetChangeItem(_diff, rowIndex);

            bool empty;
            bool isLeft;
            SQLiteCreateTableStatement table = null;

            if (grid == grdLeft)
                isLeft = true;
                empty  = item.LeftFields == null;
                table  = _tableChanges.LeftTable;
                isLeft = false;
                empty  = item.RightFields == null;
                table  = _tableChanges.RightTable;
            } // else

            if (empty)
                for (int i = 0; i < row.Cells.Length; i++)
                    row.Cells[i].Style.BackColor = EMPTY_ROW_BACK_COLOR;
                for (int i = 0; i < row.Cells.Length; i++)
                    string cname = (string)grid.Columns[i].Tag;
                    SQLiteColumnStatement col = Utils.GetColumnByName(table, cname);
                    object fval = item.GetField(cname, isLeft);
                    if (fval == DBNull.Value || fval == null)
                        row.Cells[i].Value      = "NULL";
                        row.Cells[i].Style.Font = _italic;
                    else if (Utils.GetDbType(col.ColumnType) == DbType.Binary)
                        long v = (long)fval;
                        if (v == 1)
                            row.Cells[i].Value = "BLOB";
                            row.Cells[i].Value = "NULL";
                        row.Cells[i].Style.Font = _italic;
                        if (fval is byte[])
                            string tmp = Encoding.ASCII.GetString((byte[])fval);
                            row.Cells[i].Value = tmp;
                            row.Cells[i].Value = fval;
                    } // else

                    // Mark different cells with special background color
                    if (item.Result == ComparisonResult.DifferentData)
                        if (i < item.LeftFields.Length && i < item.RightFields.Length)
                            if (item.ChangedBlobsColumnNames != null && item.ChangedBlobsColumnNames.Contains(col.ObjectName.ToString()))
                                row.Cells[i].Style.BackColor = DIFFERENT_CELL_BACK_COLOR;
                                // Check only if the field appears in both tables and has different values
                                if (item.HasField(cname, true) && item.HasField(cname, false) && !item.GetField(cname, true).Equals(item.GetField(cname, false)))
                                    object tmp = item.GetField(cname, isLeft);
                                    if (tmp is long && ((long)tmp) == 0 && Utils.GetDbType(col.ColumnType) == DbType.Binary &&
                                        item.GetField(cname, !isLeft) == DBNull.Value)
                                        // Ignore the case when the values are not equal when one of the fields is a BLOB and the
                                        // other is not, but both values indicate NULL content.
                                        tmp = item.GetField(cname, !isLeft);
                                        SQLiteCreateTableStatement tbl;
                                        if (isLeft)
                                            tbl = _tableChanges.RightTable;
                                            tbl = _tableChanges.LeftTable;
                                        object tmp2 = item.GetField(cname, isLeft);
                                        SQLiteColumnStatement ocol = Utils.GetColumnByName(tbl.Columns, cname);
                                        if (tmp2 == DBNull.Value && tmp != null && tmp is long && ((long)tmp) == 0)
                                            // Ignore the reverse case when both fields are actually NULL, but one of them is BLOB
                                            // and ther other is not.
                                            row.Cells[i].Style.BackColor = DIFFERENT_CELL_BACK_COLOR;
                                    } // else
                                }     // if
                            }         // else
                        }             // if
                    }                 // if
                }                     // for
            }                         // else
예제 #11
        private void HandleCellEdit(bool right)
            FastGrid grid;
            SQLiteCreateTableStatement table;
            string dbpath;

            if (right)
                grid   = grdRight;
                table  = (SQLiteCreateTableStatement)_item.RightDdlStatement;
                dbpath = _rightdb;
                grid   = grdLeft;
                table  = (SQLiteCreateTableStatement)_item.LeftDdlStatement;
                dbpath = _leftdb;

            FastGridLocation sloc = grid.SelectedCellLocation;

            string columnName            = (string)grid.Columns[sloc.ColumnIndex].Tag;
            SQLiteColumnStatement column = Utils.FindColumn(table.Columns, columnName);

            if (column == null)

            TableChangeItem citem = null;

                citem = _tableChanges.GetChangeItem(_diff, sloc.RowIndex);
            catch (IndexOutOfRangeException iox)
                // Ignore (the user must have pressed on a cell when the table is actually empty)
            } // catch

            // Can't edit a cell that belongs to a row that doesn't exist
            if (right && citem.Result == ComparisonResult.ExistsInLeftDB)
            else if (!right && citem.Result == ComparisonResult.ExistsInRightDB)

            object otherBlob = null;

            // The row id is needed when displaying editor dialog for a BLOB field
            long rowId = -1;

            if (right)
                rowId = citem.RightRowId;
                if (citem.LeftFields != null && TableContainsColumn((SQLiteCreateTableStatement)_item.LeftDdlStatement, column))
                    otherBlob = GetRowFieldValue(citem, false, columnName);
                rowId = citem.LeftRowId;
                if (citem.RightFields != null && TableContainsColumn((SQLiteCreateTableStatement)_item.RightDdlStatement, column))
                    otherBlob = GetRowFieldValue(citem, true, columnName);

            // Extract the current field value from the change item
            object value = GetRowFieldValue(citem, right, columnName);

            // Adjust the BLOB value since it was fetched as the IS NOT NULL expression
            // in order to avoid loading the BLOB field into main memory.
            if (Utils.GetDbType(column.ColumnType) == DbType.Binary)
                long v = (long)value;
                if (v == 0) // means NULL
                    value = DBNull.Value;

            // When the user is clicking on a BLOB field - we need to extract its value
            // to a local file before opening the cell-edit dialog.
            Be.Windows.Forms.DynamicFileByteProvider origProvider = null;
            if (value != DBNull.Value && Utils.GetDbType(column.ColumnType) == DbType.Binary)
                // In case of BLOBs - we have to first load them to the local file-system and
                // only then we can allow the user to edit their contents
                using (BlobLoader loader = new BlobLoader(dbpath,
                                                          table.ObjectName.ToString(), column.ObjectName.ToString(), rowId, Configuration.TempBlobFilePath))
                    ProgressDialog dlg = new ProgressDialog();
                    dlg.Start(this, loader);

                    if (dlg.Error != null)
                } // using

                // Instead of passing a byte[] array to the cell editor dialog - we'll pass
                // a reference to the dynamic file byte provider that is opened on the data file
                // that was written with the BLOB data. This allows us to conserve memory (BLOB
                // fields can be quite large).
                origProvider = new Be.Windows.Forms.DynamicFileByteProvider(Configuration.TempBlobFilePath);
                value        = origProvider;

            // Open the cell editor dialog and allow the user to edit the contents of the field.
            DialogResult res = OpenCellEditDialog(table, column, ref value);

            if (res == DialogResult.Cancel)

            // This part of the IF statement deals with BLOB fields - these require
            // a special (and lengthy) handling.
            if (Utils.GetDbType(column.ColumnType) == DbType.Binary || value is Be.Windows.Forms.DynamicFileByteProvider)
                if (otherBlob != null && (citem.Result == ComparisonResult.Same || citem.Result == ComparisonResult.DifferentData))
                    if (otherBlob is long)
                        // Another adjustment for the other BLOB field value
                        long ob = (long)otherBlob;
                        if (ob == 0) // means NULL blob field
                            otherBlob = DBNull.Value;

                if (value != DBNull.Value)
                    string fpath      = null;
                    long   blobLength = 0;
                    if (value is Be.Windows.Forms.DynamicFileByteProvider)
                        Be.Windows.Forms.DynamicFileByteProvider dp = (Be.Windows.Forms.DynamicFileByteProvider)value;
                        if (dp.HasChanges())

                        blobLength = dp.Length;
                        throw new InvalidOperationException("cell editor returned unexpected value");

                    BlobSaver saver = null;
                        // In this case we need to store the updated file/buffer back to the BLOB field
                        // and run BLOB comparison in order to check if the BLOB is different then
                        // the one in the other database.

                        // Save the file specified in the call as a BLOB
                        saver = new BlobSaver(dbpath, table.ObjectName.ToString(), column.ObjectName.ToString(), rowId, fpath);

                        ProgressDialog dlg = new ProgressDialog();
                        dlg.Start(this, saver);
                        if (dlg.Error != null)
                            // Notify that a row has changed
                            if (RowsChanged != null)
                                RowsChanged(this, EventArgs.Empty);

                    } // finally

                    // Update the table change item with an indication that the BLOB field that was just saved
                    // is not null.
                    citem.SetField(column.ObjectName.ToString(), !right, (long)1);

                    if (otherBlob != null && (citem.Result == ComparisonResult.DifferentData || citem.Result == ComparisonResult.Same))
                        // At this point we need to compare the BLOB that was saved with the BLOB field in the other
                        // database in order to update the ChangedBlobsColumnNames field of the table change item so
                        // that the user can know if the BLOB is equal to the other BLOB or if the BLOB is different.
                        if (otherBlob != DBNull.Value)
                            // Run BLOB comparison
                            bool equalBlobs = false;
                            using (BlobCompareWorker bcw = new BlobCompareWorker(_leftdb, _rightdb,
                                                                                 citem.LeftRowId, citem.RightRowId))
                                ProgressDialog pdlg = new ProgressDialog();
                                pdlg.Start(this, bcw);
                                if (pdlg.Error != null)
                                    // Notify that a row has changed
                                    if (RowsChanged != null)
                                        RowsChanged(this, EventArgs.Empty);

                                equalBlobs = bcw.IsBlobsEqual;
                            } // using

                            if (equalBlobs)
                                // The two BLOBs are equal so remove any difference mark
                                if (citem.ChangedBlobsColumnNames != null && citem.ChangedBlobsColumnNames.Contains(column.ObjectName.ToString()))
                                // The two BLOBs are different so add a difference mark if necessary
                                if (citem.ChangedBlobsColumnNames == null)
                                    citem.ChangedBlobsColumnNames = new List <string>();
                                if (!citem.ChangedBlobsColumnNames.Contains(column.ObjectName.ToString()))
                                citem.Result = ComparisonResult.DifferentData;
                            } // else
                            // If the other BLOB field is NULL - it means that the two BLOBs are different
                            // because one is NULL and the other is not.
                            if (citem.ChangedBlobsColumnNames == null)
                                citem.ChangedBlobsColumnNames = new List <string>();
                            if (!citem.ChangedBlobsColumnNames.Contains(column.ObjectName.ToString()))
                            citem.Result = ComparisonResult.DifferentData;
                        } // else
                    }     // if
                    // Ask the table changes object to set this field to null
                    _tableChanges.SetColumnField(_diff, sloc.RowIndex, column.ObjectName.ToString(), right, DBNull.Value);
                    citem.SetField(column.ObjectName.ToString(), !right, (long)0);

                    if (otherBlob != null && (citem.Result == ComparisonResult.Same || citem.Result == ComparisonResult.DifferentData))
                        // A BLOB field was set to NULL - compare it again to the other BLOB field and decide
                        // if the ChangedBlobsColumnNames field should be updated to reflect this.
                        if (otherBlob == DBNull.Value)
                            // The other BLOB field is NULL so the two fields are equal
                            if (citem.ChangedBlobsColumnNames != null && citem.ChangedBlobsColumnNames.Contains(column.ObjectName.ToString()))
                            if (citem.ChangedBlobsColumnNames == null)
                                citem.ChangedBlobsColumnNames = new List <string>();

                            // The other BLOB field is not NULL so the two fields are not equal
                            if (!citem.ChangedBlobsColumnNames.Contains(column.ObjectName.ToString()))
                            citem.Result = ComparisonResult.DifferentData;
                        } // else
                    }     // if
                }         // else
                // The field that was edited is not a BLOB so we can deal with it normally
                    _tableChanges.SetColumnField(_diff, sloc.RowIndex, column.ObjectName.ToString(), right, value);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    _log.Error("Failed to set column field", ex);
                    MessageBox.Show(this, ex.Message, "Operation Failed", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
                } // catch
            }     // else


            // Mark that the table changes object does not contain precise results
            _tableChanges.HasPreciseResults = false;

            // Notify that a row has changed
            if (RowsChanged != null)
                RowsChanged(this, EventArgs.Empty);

            // Refresh the right/left grids again from the database.
        private void UpdateState()
            if (!cbxValue.Checked)
                pnlValues.SelectedPage = pnlNull;
                if (cboColumnName.SelectedIndex != -1)
                    SQLiteColumnStatement col = Utils.GetColumnByName(_columns, (string)cboColumnName.SelectedItem);
                    DbType dbtype             = Utils.GetDbType(col.ColumnType);
                    if (dbtype == DbType.String)
                        pnlValues.SelectedPage = pnlTextValue;
                    else if (dbtype == DbType.DateTime)
                        pnlValues.SelectedPage = pnlDateTimeValue;
                    else if (dbtype == DbType.Double || dbtype == DbType.Single)
                        pnlValues.SelectedPage = pnlFloatingPoint;
                    else if (dbtype == DbType.Int64)
                        pnlValues.SelectedPage = pnlIntegerValue;
                    else if (dbtype == DbType.Boolean)
                        pnlValues.SelectedPage = pnlBooleanValue;
                    else if (dbtype == DbType.Binary)
                        pnlValues.SelectedPage = pnlBlobValue;
                    else if (dbtype == DbType.Guid)
                        pnlValues.SelectedPage = pnlGuidValue;
                        throw new InvalidOperationException("Internal software error");
                } // if
            }     // else

            if (pnlValues.SelectedPage == pnlGuidValue)
                Guid dummy;
                btnOK.Enabled = Utils.IsGuid(txtGuid.Text, out dummy);
            else if (pnlValues.SelectedPage == pnlBlobValue)
                btnOK.Enabled = (txtBlob.Text.Trim().Length % 2 == 0);
                btnOK.Enabled = true;
예제 #13
        private TabPage GetTabPageForColumnType(SQLiteColumnStatement column)
            TabPage res    = null;
            DbType  dbtype = Utils.GetDbType(column.ColumnType);

            switch (dbtype)
            case DbType.AnsiString:
            case DbType.AnsiStringFixedLength:
            case DbType.String:
            case DbType.StringFixedLength:
            case DbType.Xml:
                res = tbpEditText;

            case DbType.Guid:
                res = tbpEditGuid;

            case DbType.Binary:
            case DbType.Object:
                res = tbpEditBlob;

            case DbType.Boolean:
                res = tbpEditBoolean;

            case DbType.Date:
            case DbType.DateTime:
            case DbType.DateTime2:
            case DbType.DateTimeOffset:
            case DbType.Time:
                res = tbpEditDateTime;

            case DbType.Byte:
            case DbType.Int16:
            case DbType.Int32:
            case DbType.Int64:
            case DbType.SByte:
            case DbType.UInt16:
            case DbType.UInt32:
            case DbType.UInt64:
                res = tbpEditInteger;

            case DbType.Currency:
            case DbType.Decimal:
            case DbType.Double:
            case DbType.Single:
            case DbType.VarNumeric:
                res = tbpEditFloatingPoint;

                throw new ArgumentException($"illegal column dbtype [{dbtype}]");
            } // switch
