private static IEnumerable <ReaderItem> ExecuteReader(this SQLiteCommand sqliteCommand, SQLiteConnection connection) { sqlite3_stmt stmt = Prepare(connection, sqliteCommand.CommandText); try { // We need to manage columns dynamically in order to create columns ColumnLite[] cols = new ColumnLite[SQLite3.ColumnCount(stmt)]; while (SQLite3.Step(stmt) == SQLite3.Result.Row) { ReaderItem obj = new ReaderItem(); for (int i = 0; i < cols.Length; i++) { if (cols[i] == null) { // We try to create column mapping if it's not already created : string name = SQLite3.ColumnName16(stmt, i); cols[i] = new ColumnLite(name, SQLite3.ColumnType(stmt, i).ToType()); } SQLite3.ColType colType = SQLite3.ColumnType(stmt, i); object val = ReadCol(connection, stmt, i, colType, cols[i].ColumnType); obj[cols[i].Name] = val; } yield return(obj); } } finally { SQLite3.Finalize(stmt); } }
public T ExecuteScalar <T>() { if (_conn.Trace) { _conn.InvokeTrace("Executing Query: " + this); } T result = default(T); lock (_conn.SyncObject) { IntPtr stmt = Prepare(); try { SQLite3.Result result2 = SQLite3.Step(stmt); switch (result2) { case SQLite3.Result.Row: { SQLite3.ColType type = SQLite3.ColumnType(stmt, 0); return((T)ReadCol(stmt, 0, type, typeof(T))); } default: throw SQLiteException.New(result2, SQLite3.GetErrmsg(_conn.Handle)); case SQLite3.Result.Done: return(result); } } finally { Finalize(stmt); } } }
public T ExecuteScalar <T>() { if (_conn.Trace) { Debug.WriteLine("Executing Query: " + this); } T val = default(T); IntPtr stmt = Prepare(); try { SQLite3.Result r = SQLite3.Step(stmt); if (r == SQLite3.Result.Row) { SQLite3.ColType colType = SQLite3.ColumnType(stmt, 0); val = (T)ReadCol(stmt, 0, colType, typeof(T)); } else if (r == SQLite3.Result.Done) { } else { throw SQLiteException.New(r, SQLite3.GetErrmsg(_conn.Handle)); } } finally { Finalize(stmt); } return(val); }
/// <summary> /// execute a query</summary> /// <returns> /// return a JArray which contains all objects </returns> /// <param name="query"> contains the query to execute</param> /// <param name="param"> contains the parameters needed to execute the query</param> public JArray execute(String query, object[] param) { JArray array = new JArray(); if (query != null && query.Length > 0) { stmt = SQLite3.Prepare2(this.Handle, query); if (stmt != null) { if (param != null && param.Length > 0) { for (int i = 1; i <= param.Length; i++) { bindValue(param.GetValue(i - 1), i); } } while (SQLite3.Step(stmt) == SQLite3.Result.Row) { int count = SQLite3.ColumnCount(stmt); JObject obj = new JObject(); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { string name = SQLite3.ColumnName(stmt, i); SQLite3.ColType colType = SQLite3.ColumnType(stmt, i); switch (colType) { case SQLite3.ColType.Blob: byte[] bytes = SQLite3.ColumnByteArray(stmt, i); obj.Add(name, bytes); break; case SQLite3.ColType.Integer: int intValue = SQLite3.ColumnInt(stmt, i); obj.Add(name, intValue); break; case SQLite3.ColType.Float: double doubleValue = SQLite3.ColumnDouble(stmt, i); obj.Add(name, doubleValue); break; case SQLite3.ColType.Text: string text = SQLite3.ColumnString(stmt, i); obj.Add(name, text); break; case SQLite3.ColType.Null: default: obj.Add(name, null); break; } } array.Add(obj); } } SQLite3.Finalize(stmt); } return(array); }
/// <summary> /// Get a typeof() element from ColType enumeration. /// </summary> /// <param name="colType"></param> /// <returns></returns> private static Type ToType(this SQLite3.ColType colType) { switch (colType) { case SQLite3.ColType.Blob: return(typeof(byte[])); case SQLite3.ColType.Float: return(typeof(double)); case SQLite3.ColType.Integer: return(typeof(long)); default: return(typeof(string)); } }
private Type SQLiteColumnTypeToType(SQLite3.ColType colType) { switch (colType) { case SQLite3.ColType.Blob: return(typeof(byte[])); case SQLite3.ColType.Float: return(typeof(double)); case SQLite3.ColType.Integer: return(typeof(Int32)); case SQLite3.ColType.Null: return(typeof(string)); } return(typeof(string)); }
public static Type convertTypeToCLRType(SQLite3.ColType colType) { switch (colType) { case SQLite3.ColType.Blob: return(typeof(byte[])); case SQLite3.ColType.Float: return(typeof(float)); case SQLite3.ColType.Integer: return(typeof(int)); case SQLite3.ColType.Text: return(typeof(string)); case SQLite3.ColType.Null: default: return(typeof(string)); } }
private object ReadCol(SQLitePCL.sqlite3_stmt stmt, int index, SQLite3.ColType type) { switch (type) { case SQLite3.ColType.Blob: return(SQLite3.ColumnByteArray(stmt, index)); case SQLite3.ColType.Float: return(SQLite3.ColumnDouble(stmt, index)); case SQLite3.ColType.Integer: return(SQLite3.ColumnInt64(stmt, index)); case SQLite3.ColType.Null: return(null); case SQLite3.ColType.Text: return(SQLite3.ColumnString(stmt, index)); } return(null); }
public IEnumerable <T> ExecuteDeferredQuery <T>(TableMapping map) { if (_conn.Trace) { Debug.WriteLine("Executing Query: " + this); } IntPtr stmt = Prepare(); try { TableMapping.Column[] cols = new TableMapping.Column[SQLite3.ColumnCount(stmt)]; for (int i = 0; i < cols.Length; i++) { string name = SQLite3.ColumnName16(stmt, i); cols[i] = map.FindColumn(name); } while (SQLite3.Step(stmt) == SQLite3.Result.Row) { object obj = Activator.CreateInstance(map.MappedType); for (int i = 0; i < cols.Length; i++) { if (cols[i] == null) { continue; } SQLite3.ColType colType = SQLite3.ColumnType(stmt, i); object val = ReadCol(stmt, i, colType, cols[i].ColumnType); cols[i].SetValue(obj, val); } OnInstanceCreated(obj); yield return((T)obj); } } finally { SQLite3.Finalize(stmt); } }
public IEnumerable <T> ExecuteDeferredQuery <T>(TableMapping map) { if (_conn.Trace) { _conn.InvokeTrace("Executing Query: " + this); } lock (_conn.SyncObject) { IntPtr stmt = Prepare(); try { TableMapping.Column[] cols = new TableMapping.Column[SQLite3.ColumnCount(stmt)]; for (int j = 0; j < cols.Length; j++) { string name = SQLite3.ColumnName16(stmt, j); cols[j] = map.FindColumn(name); } while (SQLite3.Step(stmt) == SQLite3.Result.Row) { object obj = Activator.CreateInstance(map.MappedType); for (int i = 0; i < cols.Length; i++) { if (cols[i] != null) { SQLite3.ColType colType = SQLite3.ColumnType(stmt, i); object val = ReadCol(stmt, i, colType, cols[i].ColumnType); cols[i].SetValue(obj, val); } } OnInstanceCreated(obj); yield return((T)obj); } } finally { ((_003CExecuteDeferredQuery_003Ec__Iterator3 <T>) /*Error near IL_0234: stateMachine*/)._003C_003E__Finally0(); } } }
object ReadCol(Sqlite3Statement stmt, int index, SQLite3.ColType type, Type clrType) { if (type == SQLite3.ColType.Null) { return(null); } else { if (clrType == typeof(String)) { return(SQLite3.ColumnString(stmt, index)); } else if (clrType == typeof(Int32)) { return((int)SQLite3.ColumnInt(stmt, index)); } else if (clrType == typeof(Boolean)) { return(SQLite3.ColumnInt(stmt, index) == 1); } else if (clrType == typeof(double)) { return(SQLite3.ColumnDouble(stmt, index)); } else if (clrType == typeof(float)) { return((float)SQLite3.ColumnDouble(stmt, index)); } else if (clrType == typeof(TimeSpan)) { return(new TimeSpan(SQLite3.ColumnInt64(stmt, index))); } else if (clrType == typeof(DateTime)) { if (_conn.StoreDateTimeAsTicks) { return(new DateTime(SQLite3.ColumnInt64(stmt, index))); } else { var text = SQLite3.ColumnString(stmt, index); return(DateTime.Parse(text)); } } else if (clrType == typeof(DateTimeOffset)) { return(new DateTimeOffset(SQLite3.ColumnInt64(stmt, index), TimeSpan.Zero)); #if !NETFX_CORE } else if (clrType.IsEnum) { #else } else if (clrType.GetTypeInfo().IsEnum) { #endif if (type == SQLite3.ColType.Text) { return((int)Enum.Parse(clrType, SQLite3.ColumnString(stmt, index))); } else { return(SQLite3.ColumnInt(stmt, index)); } } else if (clrType == typeof(Int64)) { return(SQLite3.ColumnInt64(stmt, index)); } else if (clrType == typeof(UInt32)) { return((uint)SQLite3.ColumnInt64(stmt, index)); } else if (clrType == typeof(decimal)) { return((decimal)SQLite3.ColumnDouble(stmt, index)); } else if (clrType == typeof(Byte)) { return((byte)SQLite3.ColumnInt(stmt, index)); } else if (clrType == typeof(UInt16)) { return((ushort)SQLite3.ColumnInt(stmt, index)); } else if (clrType == typeof(Int16)) { return((short)SQLite3.ColumnInt(stmt, index)); } else if (clrType == typeof(sbyte)) { return((sbyte)SQLite3.ColumnInt(stmt, index)); } else if (clrType == typeof(byte[])) { return(SQLite3.ColumnByteArray(stmt, index)); } else if (clrType == typeof(Guid)) { var text = SQLite3.ColumnString(stmt, index); return(new Guid(text)); } else { throw new NotSupportedException("Don't know how to read " + clrType); } } }
public IEnumerator <IDictionary <String, Object> > ExecuteSelectQuery(DatabaseDescriptor databaseDescriptor, EntityDescriptor entityDescriptor, String query) { #if XAMARIN SQLitePCL.sqlite3_stmt statement = SQLite3.Prepare2(sqliteDatabase.Handle, query); #elif WINDOWS List <SQLiteQueryRow> statement = null; #endif try { #if XAMARIN statement = SQLite3.Prepare2(sqliteDatabase.Handle, query); #elif WINDOWS statement = sqliteDatabase.Query2(query); #endif } catch (System.Exception exception) { if (sqliteDatabase.IsInTransaction) { sqliteDatabase.Rollback(); } Log.Log.Error(typeof(Database).FullName, "ExecuteSelectQuery", "Exception caught while executing the select query, QUERY: " + query); throw new DatabaseException(typeof(Database).FullName, "ExecuteSelectQuery", exception.Message); } List <Dictionary <String, Object> > tuples = new List <Dictionary <String, Object> >(); #if XAMARIN SQLite3.Result result; while ((result = SQLite3.Step(statement)) == SQLite3.Result.Row) { IDictionary <String, Object> tuple = new Dictionary <String, Object>(); String stmtResult = result.ToString(); //string[] names = SQLite3.ColType.GetNames (); //string[] values = SQLite3.ColType.GetValues (); int columnsCount = SQLite3.ColumnCount(statement); for (int i = 0; i < columnsCount; i++) { String columnName = SQLite3.ColumnName(statement, i); SQLite3.ColType columnType = SQLite3.ColumnType(statement, i); Object columnValue = SQLite3.ColumnText(statement, i); bool isString = false; bool isLong = false; bool isFloat = false; bool isBlob = false; if (columnType == SQLite3.ColType.Text) { isString = true; } else if (columnType == SQLite3.ColType.Integer) { isLong = true; } else if (columnType == SQLite3.ColType.Float) { isFloat = true; } else if (columnType == SQLite3.ColType.Blob) { isBlob = true; } else if (columnType == SQLite3.ColType.Null) { } if (isString) { if (entityDescriptor != null) { EntityDescriptor.Attribute attribute = entityDescriptor.GetAttributeBasedOnColumnName(columnName); if (attribute != null) { if (attribute.GetType().Equals(IDataTypeHandler.CSHARP_STRING_DATA_TYPE, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { tuple.Add(columnName, (String)columnValue); } else if (attribute.GetType().Equals(IDataTypeHandler.CSHARP_BOOLEAN_PRIMITIVE_DATA_TYPE, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { tuple.Add(columnName, columnValue.Equals(Boolean.TrueString.ToString()) ? true : false); } else if (attribute.GetType().Equals(IDataTypeHandler.CSHARP_BOOLEAN_DATA_TYPE, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { tuple.Add(columnName, columnValue.Equals(Boolean.TrueString.ToString()) ? Boolean.TrueString : Boolean.FalseString); } else if (attribute.GetType().Equals(IDataTypeHandler.JAVASCRIPT_STRING_DATA_TYPE, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { tuple.Add(columnName, (String)columnValue); } } else { tuple.Add(columnName, columnValue); } } else { tuple.Add(columnName, columnValue); } } else if (isLong) { if (entityDescriptor != null) { EntityDescriptor.Attribute attribute = entityDescriptor.GetAttributeBasedOnColumnName(columnName); if (attribute != null) { if (attribute.GetType().Equals(IDataTypeHandler.JAVASCRIPT_NUMBER_DATA_TYPE, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { tuple.Add(columnName, columnValue); } } else { tuple.Add(columnName, columnValue); } } else { tuple.Add(columnName, columnValue); } } else if (isFloat) { if (entityDescriptor != null) { EntityDescriptor.Attribute attribute = entityDescriptor.GetAttributeBasedOnColumnName(columnName); if (attribute != null) { if (attribute.GetType().Equals(IDataTypeHandler.JAVASCRIPT_NUMBER_DATA_TYPE, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { tuple.Add(columnName, columnValue); } } else { tuple.Add(columnName, columnValue); } } else { tuple.Add(columnName, columnValue); } tuple.Add(columnName, columnValue); } else if (isBlob) { tuple.Add(columnName, columnValue); } } tuples.Add((Dictionary <String, Object>)tuple); } SQLite3.Finalize(statement); return(tuples.GetEnumerator()); #elif WINDOWS foreach (SQLiteQueryRow cursor in statement) { IDictionary <String, Object> tuple = new Dictionary <String, Object>(); List <SQLiteQueryColumn> columns = cursor.column; if (columns == null || columns.Count <= 0) { continue; } foreach (SQLiteQueryColumn column in columns) { String columnName = column.Key; Object columnValue = column.Value; bool isString = false; bool isLong = false; bool isFloat = false; bool isBlob = false; if (columnValue != null) { if (columnValue.GetType().FullName.Equals(typeof(String).FullName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { isString = true; } else if (columnValue.GetType().FullName.Equals(typeof(long).FullName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { isLong = true; } else if (columnValue.GetType().FullName.Equals(typeof(float).FullName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { isFloat = true; } else if (columnValue.GetType().FullName.Equals(typeof(byte).FullName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { isBlob = true; } } else { isString = true; } if (isString) { if (entityDescriptor != null) { EntityDescriptor.Attribute attribute = entityDescriptor.GetAttributeBasedOnColumnName(columnName); if (attribute != null) { if (attribute.GetType().Equals(IDataTypeHandler.CSHARP_STRING_DATA_TYPE, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { tuple.Add(columnName, (String)columnValue); } else if (attribute.GetType().Equals(IDataTypeHandler.CSHARP_BOOLEAN_PRIMITIVE_DATA_TYPE, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { tuple.Add(columnName, columnValue.Equals(Boolean.TrueString.ToString()) ? true : false); } else if (attribute.GetType().Equals(IDataTypeHandler.CSHARP_BOOLEAN_DATA_TYPE, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { tuple.Add(columnName, columnValue.Equals(Boolean.TrueString.ToString()) ? Boolean.TrueString : Boolean.FalseString); } else if (attribute.GetType().Equals(IDataTypeHandler.JAVASCRIPT_STRING_DATA_TYPE, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { tuple.Add(columnName, (String)columnValue); } } else { tuple.Add(columnName, columnValue); } } else { tuple.Add(columnName, columnValue); } } else if (isLong) { if (entityDescriptor != null) { EntityDescriptor.Attribute attribute = entityDescriptor.GetAttributeBasedOnColumnName(columnName); if (attribute != null) { if (attribute.GetType().Equals(IDataTypeHandler.JAVASCRIPT_NUMBER_DATA_TYPE, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { tuple.Add(columnName, columnValue); } } else { tuple.Add(columnName, columnValue); } } else { tuple.Add(columnName, columnValue); } } else if (isFloat) { if (entityDescriptor != null) { EntityDescriptor.Attribute attribute = entityDescriptor.GetAttributeBasedOnColumnName(columnName); if (attribute != null) { if (attribute.GetType().Equals(IDataTypeHandler.JAVASCRIPT_NUMBER_DATA_TYPE, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { tuple.Add(columnName, columnValue); } } else { tuple.Add(columnName, columnValue); } } else { tuple.Add(columnName, columnValue); } tuple.Add(columnName, columnValue); } else if (isBlob) { tuple.Add(columnName, columnValue); } } tuples.Add((Dictionary <String, Object>)tuple); } return(tuples.GetEnumerator()); #endif }
object ReadCol(Sqlite3Statement stmt, int index, SQLite3.ColType type, Type clrType) { if (type == SQLite3.ColType.Null) { return(null); } else { var clrTypeInfo = clrType.GetTypeInfo(); if (clrTypeInfo.IsGenericType && clrTypeInfo.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(Nullable <>)) { clrType = clrTypeInfo.GenericTypeArguments [0]; clrTypeInfo = clrType.GetTypeInfo(); } if (clrType == typeof(String)) { return(SQLite3.ColumnString(stmt, index)); } else if (clrType == typeof(Int32)) { return((int)SQLite3.ColumnInt(stmt, index)); } else if (clrType == typeof(Boolean)) { return(SQLite3.ColumnInt(stmt, index) == 1); } else if (clrType == typeof(double)) { return(SQLite3.ColumnDouble(stmt, index)); } else if (clrType == typeof(float)) { return((float)SQLite3.ColumnDouble(stmt, index)); } else if (clrType == typeof(TimeSpan)) { if (_conn.StoreTimeSpanAsTicks) { return(new TimeSpan(SQLite3.ColumnInt64(stmt, index))); } else { var text = SQLite3.ColumnString(stmt, index); TimeSpan resultTime; if (!TimeSpan.TryParseExact(text, "c", System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, System.Globalization.TimeSpanStyles.None, out resultTime)) { resultTime = TimeSpan.Parse(text); } return(resultTime); } } else if (clrType == typeof(DateTime)) { if (_conn.StoreDateTimeAsTicks) { return(new DateTime(SQLite3.ColumnInt64(stmt, index))); } else { var text = SQLite3.ColumnString(stmt, index); DateTime resultDate; if (!DateTime.TryParseExact(text, _conn.DateTimeStringFormat, System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, _conn.DateTimeStyle, out resultDate)) { resultDate = DateTime.Parse(text); } return(resultDate); } } else if (clrType == typeof(DateTimeOffset)) { return(new DateTimeOffset(SQLite3.ColumnInt64(stmt, index), TimeSpan.Zero)); } else if (clrTypeInfo.IsEnum) { if (type == SQLite3.ColType.Text) { var value = SQLite3.ColumnString(stmt, index); return(Enum.Parse(clrType, value.ToString(), true)); } else { return(SQLite3.ColumnInt(stmt, index)); } } else if (clrType == typeof(Int64)) { return(SQLite3.ColumnInt64(stmt, index)); } else if (clrType == typeof(UInt32)) { return((uint)SQLite3.ColumnInt64(stmt, index)); } else if (clrType == typeof(decimal)) { return((decimal)SQLite3.ColumnDouble(stmt, index)); } else if (clrType == typeof(Byte)) { return((byte)SQLite3.ColumnInt(stmt, index)); } else if (clrType == typeof(UInt16)) { return((ushort)SQLite3.ColumnInt(stmt, index)); } else if (clrType == typeof(Int16)) { return((short)SQLite3.ColumnInt(stmt, index)); } else if (clrType == typeof(sbyte)) { return((sbyte)SQLite3.ColumnInt(stmt, index)); } else if (clrType == typeof(byte [])) { return(SQLite3.ColumnByteArray(stmt, index)); } else if (clrType == typeof(Guid)) { var text = SQLite3.ColumnString(stmt, index); return(new Guid(text)); } else if (clrType == typeof(Uri)) { var text = SQLite3.ColumnString(stmt, index); return(new Uri(text)); } else if (clrType == typeof(StringBuilder)) { var text = SQLite3.ColumnString(stmt, index); return(new StringBuilder(text)); } else if (clrType == typeof(UriBuilder)) { var text = SQLite3.ColumnString(stmt, index); return(new UriBuilder(text)); } else { throw new NotSupportedException("Don't know how to read " + clrType); } } }
public object ReadCol(int index, SQLite3.ColType type, Type clrType) { var stmt = _stmt; if (type == SQLite3.ColType.Null) { return(null); } if (clrType == typeof(String)) { return(SQLite3.ColumnString(stmt, index)); } if (clrType == typeof(Int32)) { return(SQLite3.ColumnInt(stmt, index)); } if (clrType == typeof(Boolean)) { return(SQLite3.ColumnInt(stmt, index) == 1); } if (clrType == typeof(double)) { return(SQLite3.ColumnDouble(stmt, index)); } if (clrType == typeof(float)) { return((float)SQLite3.ColumnDouble(stmt, index)); } /* * else if (clrType == typeof(TimeSpan)) * { * return new TimeSpan(SQLite3.ColumnInt64(stmt, index)); * } * else if (clrType == typeof(DateTime)) * { * if (_conn.StoreDateTimeAsTicks) * { * return new DateTime(SQLite3.ColumnInt64(stmt, index)); * } * else * { * var text = SQLite3.ColumnString(stmt, index); * return DateTime.Parse(text); * } * } * else if (clrType == typeof(DateTimeOffset)) * { * return new DateTimeOffset(SQLite3.ColumnInt64(stmt, index), TimeSpan.Zero); * } */ //for ILRuntime if (clrType.IsEnum || clrType.IsClass) { return(SQLite3.ColumnInt(stmt, index)); } if (clrType == typeof(Int64)) { return(SQLite3.ColumnInt64(stmt, index)); } if (clrType == typeof(UInt32)) { return((uint)SQLite3.ColumnInt64(stmt, index)); } if (clrType == typeof(decimal)) { return((decimal)SQLite3.ColumnDouble(stmt, index)); } if (clrType == typeof(Byte)) { return((byte)SQLite3.ColumnInt(stmt, index)); } if (clrType == typeof(UInt16)) { return((ushort)SQLite3.ColumnInt(stmt, index)); } if (clrType == typeof(Int16)) { return((short)SQLite3.ColumnInt(stmt, index)); } if (clrType == typeof(sbyte)) { return((sbyte)SQLite3.ColumnInt(stmt, index)); } if (clrType == typeof(byte[])) { return(SQLite3.ColumnByteArray(stmt, index)); } /* * else if (clrType == typeof(Guid)) * { * var text = SQLite3.ColumnString(stmt, index); * return new Guid(text); * } */ throw new NotSupportedException("Don't know how to read " + clrType); }
private object ReadCol(Sqlite3Statement stmt, int index, SQLite3.ColType type, Type clrType) { if (type == SQLite3.ColType.Null) { return(null); } if (clrType == typeof(string)) { return(SQLite3.ColumnString(stmt, index)); } if (clrType == typeof(int)) { return(SQLite3.ColumnInt(stmt, index)); } if (clrType == typeof(bool)) { return(SQLite3.ColumnInt(stmt, index) == 1); } if (clrType == typeof(double)) { return(SQLite3.ColumnDouble(stmt, index)); } if (clrType == typeof(float)) { return((float)SQLite3.ColumnDouble(stmt, index)); } if (clrType == typeof(TimeSpan)) { return(new TimeSpan(SQLite3.ColumnInt64(stmt, index))); } if (clrType == typeof(DateTime)) { if (_conn.StoreDateTimeAsTicks) { return(new DateTime(SQLite3.ColumnInt64(stmt, index))); } string text = SQLite3.ColumnString(stmt, index); return(DateTime.Parse(text)); } if (clrType == typeof(DateTimeOffset)) { return(new DateTimeOffset(SQLite3.ColumnInt64(stmt, index), TimeSpan.Zero)); } if (clrType.IsEnum) { return(SQLite3.ColumnInt(stmt, index)); } if (clrType == typeof(long)) { return(SQLite3.ColumnInt64(stmt, index)); } if (clrType == typeof(uint)) { return((uint)SQLite3.ColumnInt64(stmt, index)); } if (clrType == typeof(decimal)) { return((decimal)SQLite3.ColumnDouble(stmt, index)); } if (clrType == typeof(byte)) { return((byte)SQLite3.ColumnInt(stmt, index)); } if (clrType == typeof(ushort)) { return((ushort)SQLite3.ColumnInt(stmt, index)); } if (clrType == typeof(short)) { return((short)SQLite3.ColumnInt(stmt, index)); } if (clrType == typeof(sbyte)) { return((sbyte)SQLite3.ColumnInt(stmt, index)); } if (clrType == typeof(byte[])) { return(SQLite3.ColumnByteArray(stmt, index)); } if (clrType == typeof(Guid)) { string text = SQLite3.ColumnString(stmt, index); return(new Guid(text)); } throw new NotSupportedException("Don't know how to read " + clrType); }
private static object ReadCol(SQLiteConnection connection, sqlite3_stmt stmt, int index, SQLite3.ColType type, Type clrType) { if (type == SQLite3.ColType.Null) { return(null); } else { if (clrType == typeof(String)) { return(SQLite3.ColumnString(stmt, index)); } else if (clrType == typeof(Int32)) { return((int)SQLite3.ColumnInt(stmt, index)); } else if (clrType == typeof(Boolean)) { return(SQLite3.ColumnInt(stmt, index) == 1); } else if (clrType == typeof(double)) { return(SQLite3.ColumnDouble(stmt, index)); } else if (clrType == typeof(float)) { return((float)SQLite3.ColumnDouble(stmt, index)); } else if (clrType == typeof(TimeSpan)) { return(new TimeSpan(SQLite3.ColumnInt64(stmt, index))); } else if (clrType == typeof(DateTime)) { if (connection.StoreDateTimeAsTicks) { return(new DateTime(SQLite3.ColumnInt64(stmt, index))); } else { string text = SQLite3.ColumnString(stmt, index); DateTime resultDate; if (!DateTime.TryParseExact(text, DateTimeExactStoreFormat, System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, System.Globalization.DateTimeStyles.None, out resultDate)) { resultDate = DateTime.Parse(text); } return(resultDate); } } // else if (clrType == typeof(DateTimeOffset)) // { // return new DateTimeOffset(SQLite3.ColumnInt64(stmt, index), TimeSpan.Zero); //#if !USE_NEW_REFLECTION_API // } // else if (clrType.IsEnum) // { //#else // } else if (clrType.GetTypeInfo().IsEnum) { //#endif // if (type == SQLite3.ColType.Text) // { // var value = SQLite3.ColumnString(stmt, index); // return Enum.Parse(clrType, value.ToString(), true); // } // else // return SQLite3.ColumnInt(stmt, index); // } else if (clrType == typeof(Int64)) { return(SQLite3.ColumnInt64(stmt, index)); } else if (clrType == typeof(UInt32)) { return((uint)SQLite3.ColumnInt64(stmt, index)); } else if (clrType == typeof(decimal)) { return((decimal)SQLite3.ColumnDouble(stmt, index)); } else if (clrType == typeof(Byte)) { return((byte)SQLite3.ColumnInt(stmt, index)); } else if (clrType == typeof(UInt16)) { return((ushort)SQLite3.ColumnInt(stmt, index)); } else if (clrType == typeof(Int16)) { return((short)SQLite3.ColumnInt(stmt, index)); } else if (clrType == typeof(sbyte)) { return((sbyte)SQLite3.ColumnInt(stmt, index)); } else if (clrType == typeof(byte[])) { return(SQLite3.ColumnByteArray(stmt, index)); } else if (clrType == typeof(Guid)) { string text = SQLite3.ColumnString(stmt, index); return(new Guid(text)); } else { throw new NotSupportedException("Don't know how to read " + clrType); } } }
object ReadCol(IntPtr stmt, int index, SQLite3.ColType type, Type clrType) { if (type == SQLite3.ColType.Null) { return(null); } else { if (clrType == typeof(String)) { return(SQLite3.ColumnString(stmt, index)); } else if (clrType == typeof(Int32)) { return((int)SQLite3.ColumnInt(stmt, index)); } else if (clrType == typeof(Boolean)) { return(SQLite3.ColumnInt(stmt, index) == 1); } else if (clrType == typeof(double)) { return(SQLite3.ColumnDouble(stmt, index)); } else if (clrType == typeof(float)) { return((float)SQLite3.ColumnDouble(stmt, index)); } else if (clrType == typeof(DateTime)) { var text = SQLite3.ColumnString(stmt, index); return(DateTime.Parse(text)); } else if (clrType.IsEnum) { return(SQLite3.ColumnInt(stmt, index)); } else if (clrType == typeof(Int64)) { return(SQLite3.ColumnInt64(stmt, index)); } else if (clrType == typeof(UInt32)) { return((uint)SQLite3.ColumnInt64(stmt, index)); } else if (clrType == typeof(decimal)) { return((decimal)SQLite3.ColumnDouble(stmt, index)); } else if (clrType == typeof(Byte)) { return((byte)SQLite3.ColumnInt(stmt, index)); } else if (clrType == typeof(UInt16)) { return((ushort)SQLite3.ColumnInt(stmt, index)); } else if (clrType == typeof(Int16)) { return((short)SQLite3.ColumnInt(stmt, index)); } else if (clrType == typeof(sbyte)) { return((sbyte)SQLite3.ColumnInt(stmt, index)); } else if (clrType == typeof(byte[])) { return(SQLite3.ColumnByteArray(stmt, index)); } else { throw new NotSupportedException("Don't know how to read " + clrType); } } }