private void xongButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { NguoiDung.NgaySinh = ngaysinhDatePicker.Date.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy"); RadioButton selectedRadio = gioitinhPanel.Children.OfType <RadioButton>().FirstOrDefault(r => r.IsChecked == true); NguoiDung.GioiTinh = selectedRadio.Content.ToString(); connection.Update(NguoiDung); // cap nhat lai file nguoi dung hien tai IsolatedStorageFile ISOFile = IsolatedStorageFile.GetUserStoreForApplication(); if (ISOFile.FileExists("CurrentUser")) { ISOFile.DeleteFile("CurrentUser"); using (IsolatedStorageFileStream fileStream = ISOFile.OpenFile("CurrentUser", FileMode.Create)) { DataContractSerializer serializer = new DataContractSerializer(typeof(NguoiDung)); serializer.WriteObject(fileStream, NguoiDung); } } Frame.Navigate(typeof(ThongTinCaNhan), NguoiDung); Frame.BackStack.RemoveAt(Frame.BackStackDepth - 1); Frame.BackStack.RemoveAt(Frame.BackStackDepth - 1); }
private string GetJournalNumber(int type) { int next_number = 0; JournalType jType = (from jt in conn.Table <JournalType>() where == type select jt ).First <JournalType>(); string prefix = jType.prefix; bool NGTableEntry = (from generator in conn.Table <NumberGenerator>() where generator.prefix == prefix select generator ).Any <NumberGenerator>(); if (NGTableEntry) { NumberGenerator Gen = (from generator in conn.Table <NumberGenerator>() where generator.prefix == prefix select generator ).First <NumberGenerator>(); next_number = Gen.value + 1; Gen.value += 1; conn.Update(Gen); } else { next_number = int.Parse(jType.start_number); conn.Insert(new NumberGenerator() { prefix = prefix, value = next_number }); } return(prefix + " - " + next_number); }
private async void themmuctieuButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (await checkNumberTextBox() == true) { // xóa mục tiêu hiện tại var mtht = connection.Table<MucTieu>().Where(r => r.TenDangNhap == nguoidung.TenDangNhap && (r.TrangThai == "Đã bắt đầu" || r.TrangThai == "Chưa bắt đầu")).FirstOrDefault(); if (mtht != null) { mtht.TrangThai = "Hủy"; connection.Update(mtht); } // thêm mục tiêu mới vào db muctieu.SoCanMuonGiam = socanmuongiam; muctieu.SoNgay = thoigian; muctieu.TrangThai = "Chưa bắt đầu"; // 1kg = 7700; muctieu.LuongKaloCanTieuHaoMoiNgay = Math.Round(socanmuongiam * 7700.0 / thoigian,2); connection.Insert(muctieu); MessageDialog msDialog = new MessageDialog("Tạo mục tiêu thành công"); await msDialog.ShowAsync(); Frame.Navigate(typeof(TrangChu), nguoidung); } }
public int save() { var path = Path.Combine(Windows.Storage.ApplicationData.Current.LocalFolder.Path, "db.sqlite"); using (SQLite.Net.SQLiteConnection conn = new SQLite.Net.SQLiteConnection(new SQLite.Net.Platform.WinRT.SQLitePlatformWinRT(), path)) { var infoTable = conn.GetTableInfo("User"); if (!infoTable.Any()) { // conn.DropTable<User>(); conn.CreateTable<User>(); } var info = conn.GetMapping(typeof(User)); if (this._user.UserID == 0) { //var i = conn.InsertOrReplace(this._user); var i = conn.Insert(this._user); conn.Commit(); // this._user.UserID = i; return i; } else { var i = conn.Update(this._user); return i; } } }
public static bool setValueByKey(string key_, string value_) { bool res = false; var conn = new SQLite.Net.SQLiteConnection(new SQLite.Net.Platform.WinRT.SQLitePlatformWinRT(), FullPathSQLite); try { var row = conn.Query <Settings>("select * from Settings where Key=?", key_).FirstOrDefault(); if (row != null) { row.Value = value_; conn.RunInTransaction(() => { conn.Update(row); }); res = true; } else { Settings row_ = new Settings { Key = key_, Value = value_, DefaultValue = value_ }; conn.Insert(row_); res = true; } } catch (Exception ex) { res = false; } return(res); }
//hien thi dialog ve nhan xet luon kalo da an private async void XongBtn_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (kaloSum == 0) { var ms = new MessageDialog("Bạn nên chọn lượng Kcal nhập vào \nđể thống kê chính xác nhất"); await ms.ShowAsync(); return; } var msKalo = new MessageDialog("Tổng lượng Kcal bạn đã ăn là: " + kaloSum); await msKalo.ShowAsync(); if (muctieu != null && thongkengay != null) { connection.Execute("DELETE FROM ThucDon WHERE IdThongKeNgay =?", thongkengay.IdThongKeNgay); //add cac thuc an da chon vao database foreach (var item in monanChonList) { connection.Insert(item); } thongkengay.LuongKaloDuaVao = connection.ExecuteScalar <double>("SELECT SUM(LuongKalo) FROM THUCDON WHERE IdThongKeNgay =?", thongkengay.IdThongKeNgay); connection.Update(thongkengay); } Frame.Navigate(typeof(TrangChu), nguoidung); }
public int save() { var path = Path.Combine(Windows.Storage.ApplicationData.Current.LocalFolder.Path, "db.sqlite"); using (SQLite.Net.SQLiteConnection conn = new SQLite.Net.SQLiteConnection(new SQLite.Net.Platform.WinRT.SQLitePlatformWinRT(), path)) { var infoTable = conn.GetTableInfo("Eat"); if (!infoTable.Any()) { //conn.DropTable<Eat>(); conn.CreateTable <Eat>(); } var info = conn.GetMapping(typeof(Eat)); if (this._eat.EatID == 0) { var i = conn.Insert(this._eat); conn.Commit(); return(i); } else { var i = conn.Update(this._eat); return(i); } } }
private async void AcknowledgeButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (ProcessTimeTextBox.Text == string.Empty) { await new MessageDialog("Please provide processing time for this order.").ShowAsync(); } else { Order order = (from O in conn.Table <Order>() where O.Id == orderId select O).ToList <Order>()[0]; order.Acknowledged = 1; order.ProcessTime = ProcessTimeTextBox.Text; conn.Update(order); LoadDetails(); } }
//Update existing conatct public void UpdateRegular(RegularItem _RegularItem) { using (SQLite.Net.SQLiteConnection conn = new SQLite.Net.SQLiteConnection(new SQLite.Net.Platform.WinRT.SQLitePlatformWinRT(), App.DB_PATH)) { conn.RunInTransaction(() => { conn.Update(_RegularItem); }); } }
public bool UpdateProduct(Products product) { if (conn.Update(product) > 0) { return(true); } else { return(false); } }
private async Task FinishAsync() { _loggingService.WriteLine($"Editing tags for {Items.Count} items."); if (_previousTags == null) { foreach (var item in Items) { foreach (var tag in Tags) { item.Tags.Add(tag); } _database.Update(item); Messenger.Default.Send(new TagsEditedMessage(item)); await _offlineTaskService.AddAsync(item.Id, OfflineTask.OfflineTaskAction.EditTags, Tags.ToList()); } } else { _loggingService.WriteLine($"Number of previous tags: {_previousTags.Count()}"); var newTags = Tags.Except(_previousTags).ToList(); var deletedTags = _previousTags.Except(Tags).ToList(); _loggingService.WriteLine($"Number of new tags: {newTags?.Count}"); _loggingService.WriteLine($"Number of deleted tags: {deletedTags?.Count}"); Items.First().Tags.Replace(Tags); _database.Update(Items.First()); Messenger.Default.Send(new TagsEditedMessage(Items.First())); await _offlineTaskService.AddAsync(Items.First().Id, OfflineTask.OfflineTaskAction.EditTags, newTags, deletedTags); } // TODO: Find a workaround so that the ViewModel can navigate back without relying on the UI. //_navigationService.GoBack(); }
private void XongBtn_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { kaloRieng = double.Parse(kaloBox.Text); tkNgay.LuongKaloNgoaiDuKien = kaloRieng; if (muctieu != null && tkNgay != null) { connection.Update(tkNgay); MessageDialog msDialog = new MessageDialog("Thành công"); } Frame.Navigate(typeof(TrangChu), nguoidung); }
private async void stopBtn_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { tracking = false; timeThread.Cancel(); double tocDo; dapXe.ThoiGianTap += timeCount; dapXe.QuangDuong += Distance; double kaloTieuHao = 0; try { tocDo = dapXe.QuangDuong / dapXe.ThoiGianTap; } catch (DivideByZeroException) { tocDo = 0; } if (tocDo == 0) { kaloTieuHao = 0; } if (tocDo <= 5 && tocDo > 0) { kaloTieuHao = (115 / 30) * (timeCount / 60.0); } if (tocDo > 5 && tocDo < 10) { kaloTieuHao = (330 / 30) * (timeCount / 60.0); } if (tocDo >= 10) { kaloTieuHao = (400 / 30) * (timeCount / 60.0); } kaloTieuHao = Math.Round(kaloTieuHao, 2); dapXe.LuongKaloTieuHao += kaloTieuHao; // nếu mục tiêu và thống kê ngày != null mới đưa vào database if (muctieu != null && thongkengay != null) { connection.Update(dapXe); } var ketQua = new MessageDialog("Thời gian: " + timeBlock.Text + "\nQuãng đường: " + distanceBlock.Text + "\nLượng kalo tiêu hao: " + kaloTieuHao + "kalo"); await ketQua.ShowAsync(); if (Frame.CanGoBack) { Frame.GoBack(); } }
private void EditCategoryButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { string categoryName = CategoryComboBox.SelectedValue.ToString(); string newCategory = EditCategoryTextBox.Text; if (newCategory == string.Empty) { WarningTextBlock.Text = "Please provide a category name."; WarningTextBlock.Foreground = new SolidColorBrush(Windows.UI.Colors.Red); } else { WarningTextBlock.Text = ""; // Cahecking duplicate value. bool same = false; var queryCategory = conn.Table <Category>(); foreach (var category in queryCategory) { if (category.Name == newCategory && category.Name != categoryName) { same = true; break; } } // If duplicate value prompt user else enter in database. if (!same) { var cat = (from c in conn.Table <Category>() where c.Name == categoryName select c).ToList <Category>(); var add = conn.Update(new Category() { Id = cat[0].Id, Name = newCategory, Deleted = 0 }); Debug.WriteLine(path); EditCategoryTextBox.Text = string.Empty; WarningTextBlock.Text = "Category edited successfully."; WarningTextBlock.Foreground = new SolidColorBrush(Windows.UI.Colors.Green); } else { WarningTextBlock.Text = "This category name is already in used."; WarningTextBlock.Foreground = new SolidColorBrush(Windows.UI.Colors.Red); } } }
//Update existing conatct public void UpdateUniqueExpense(UniqueExpenseItem _Item) { using (SQLite.Net.SQLiteConnection conn = new SQLite.Net.SQLiteConnection(new SQLite.Net.Platform.WinRT.SQLitePlatformWinRT(), App.DB_PATH)) { conn.RunInTransaction(() => { conn.Update(_Item); }); // after insert - update total UpdateTotal(conn); } }
private void dungButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if ("Dừng".Equals(dungButton.Content)) { startButton.IsEnabled = false; startButton.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; gapbungImg.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; dungButton.Content = "Trở Về"; flag = false; bipMedia.Stop(); tongCalo = Math.Round(tinhTongCalo(count), 2); // thống kê thongKeText.Visibility = Visibility; // update so lần tongText.Text = "Số lần tập: " + count.ToString(); tongText.Visibility = Visibility; // update tong calo caloText.Text = "Tổng lượng calo: " + tongCalo.ToString(); caloText.Visibility = Visibility; thongKeTapBung.SoLan += count; thongKeTapBung.LuongKaloTieuHao += tongCalo; thongKeNgay.LuongKaloTieuHao += tongCalo; if (muctieu != null && thongKeNgay != null) { connection.Update(thongKeTapBung); connection.Update(thongKeNgay); } count = 0; startButton.Content = "Bắt Đầu"; } else if ("Trở Về".Equals(dungButton.Content)) { startButton.IsEnabled = false; Frame.Navigate(typeof(DanhSachBaiTap), nguoidung); } }
//Update existing conatct public void UpdateDetails(ExpenseItem ObjContact) { using (SQLite.Net.SQLiteConnection conn = new SQLite.Net.SQLiteConnection(new SQLite.Net.Platform.WinRT.SQLitePlatformWinRT(), App.DB_PATH)) { conn.RunInTransaction(() => { conn.Update(ObjContact); }); // update average UpdateStatistics(conn); } }
protected override void OnNavigatedTo(NavigationEventArgs e) { nguoidung = TrangChu.nguoidung; muctieu = TrangChu.muctieu; if (muctieu != null) { if (muctieu.ThoiGianBatDau == null || muctieu.TrangThai == "Chưa bắt đầu") { muctieu.TrangThai = "Đã bắt đầu"; muctieu.ThoiGianBatDau = DateTime.Today.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy"); connection.Update(muctieu); } } }
//Update existing conatct public void UpdateDetails(Contacts ObjContact) { using (SQLite.Net.SQLiteConnection conn = new SQLite.Net.SQLiteConnection(new SQLite.Net.Platform.WinRT.SQLitePlatformWinRT(), App.DB_PATH)) { var existingconact = conn.Query <Contacts>("select * from Contacts where Id =" + ObjContact.Id).FirstOrDefault(); if (existingconact != null) { conn.RunInTransaction(() => { conn.Update(ObjContact); }); } } }
//Update existing Picture public void UpdateDetails(Picture ObjPicture) { using (SQLite.Net.SQLiteConnection conn = new SQLite.Net.SQLiteConnection(new SQLite.Net.Platform.WinRT.SQLitePlatformWinRT(), App.DB_PATH)) { var existingPicture = conn.Query <Picture>("select * from Picture where Id =" + ObjPicture.Id).FirstOrDefault(); if (existingPicture != null) { conn.RunInTransaction(() => { conn.Update(ObjPicture); }); } } }
/// <summary> /// Reorders saved cards pivot page cards after delete. /// </summary> /// <param name="pack">The pack number where a card was removed</param> /// <param name="cardPosition">Position number of the card where card was removed</param> public void ReOrderSavedCards(int pack, int cardPosition) { int newCardPosition = cardPosition; using (SQLite.Net.SQLiteConnection db = new SQLite.Net.SQLiteConnection(new SQLite.Net.Platform.WinRT.SQLitePlatformWinRT(), App.path)) { IEnumerable<SavedCards> reOrderQuery = db.Table<SavedCards>() .Where(card => card.PackNumber == pack && card.CardNumber > cardPosition); foreach (SavedCards savedCard in reOrderQuery) { savedCard.CardNumber = newCardPosition; db.Update(savedCard); newCardPosition++; } } }
protected void Save() { using (SQLite.Net.SQLiteConnection db = new SQLite.Net.SQLiteConnection(m_Initialize.Platform, m_Initialize.DBPath)) { db.CreateTable <TTable>(); if (0 == db.Table <TTable>().Count()) { Load(); } var table = db.Table <TTable>().First(); Save(table); db.Update(table); } }
public override Task DeactivateAsync(IDictionary <string, object> pageState) { Settings.Appereance.FontSize = FontSize; Settings.Appereance.FontFamily = FontFamily; Settings.Appereance.ColorScheme = ColorScheme; Settings.Appereance.TextAlignment = TextAlignment; pageState.Add(nameof(Item.Model.Id), Item.Model.Id); pageState.Add(nameof(ErrorDuringInitialization), ErrorDuringInitialization); pageState.Add(nameof(ErrorDescription), ErrorDescription); _loggingService.WriteLine("Updating item in database."); _database.Update(Item.Model); return(Task.FromResult(true)); }
private void UpdateContact(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { string NameValue = Name.Text; string PhoneNumberValue = Phone.Text; var updateContact = connect.Table <Contact>().Where(x => == NameValue).FirstOrDefault(); if (updateContact != null) { = NameValue; updateContact.phonenumber = PhoneNumberValue; connect.RunInTransaction(() => { connect.Update(updateContact); }); } }
private void ScenarioDisable(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if ("Trở về".Equals(ScenarioDisableButton.Content)) { Frame.Navigate(typeof(DanhSachBaiTap)); return; } Window.Current.VisibilityChanged -= new WindowVisibilityChangedEventHandler(VisibilityChanged); _accelerometer.ReadingChanged -= new TypedEventHandler <Accelerometer, AccelerometerReadingChangedEventArgs>(ReadingChanged); // Restore the default report interval to release resources while the sensor is not in use _accelerometer.ReportInterval = 0; isPause = true; ScenarioEnableButton.IsEnabled = true; int buoc = counter; double kaloTieuHao = 0; kaloTieuHao = buoc * 0.015; dungngoi.SoBuoc += buoc; dungngoi.LuongKaloTieuHao += kaloTieuHao; dungngoi.ThoiGianTap += (double)timeCount; // nếu chưa có mục tiêu và thống kê ngày thì không đưa vào database if (muctieu != null && thongkengay != null) { connection.Update(dungngoi); } tabataImg.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; huongdanTextBlock.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; ScenarioEnableButton.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; ScenarioPauseButton.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; ketquaStackPanel.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; solanthuchienTextBlock.Text = "Số lần thực hiện: " + Lan.Text; thoigiantapTextBlock.Text = "Thời gian tập: " + timetime.Text; luongkcalTextBlock.Text = "Lượng kcal tiêu hao: " + kaloTieuHao + "kcal"; ScenarioDisableButton.Content = "Trở về"; //var ketQua = new MessageDialog("Số lần thực hiện: " + Lan.Text + "\nThời gian tập là:" + timetime.Text + // "Lần \nLượng kalo tiêu hao: " + kaloTieuHao + "kalo"); //await ketQua.ShowAsync(); //if (Frame.CanGoBack) { Frame.GoBack(); } }
private void ScenarioDisable(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if ("Trở về".Equals(ScenarioDisableButton.Content)) { Frame.Navigate(typeof(DanhSachBaiTap)); } Window.Current.VisibilityChanged -= new WindowVisibilityChangedEventHandler(VisibilityChanged); _accelerometer.ReadingChanged -= new TypedEventHandler <Accelerometer, AccelerometerReadingChangedEventArgs>(ReadingChanged); // Restore the default report interval to release resources while the sensor is not in use _accelerometer.ReportInterval = 0; isPause = true; ScenarioEnableButton.IsEnabled = true; int buoc = counter; double kaloTieuHao = 0; kaloTieuHao = buoc * 0.017; nhayday.SoBuoc += buoc; nhayday.LuongKaloTieuHao += kaloTieuHao; nhayday.ThoiGianTap += (double)timeCount; // nếu chưa có mục tiêu và thống kê ngày thì không đưa vào database if (muctieu != null && thongkengay != null) { connection.Update(nhayday); } tabataImg.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; ScenarioPauseButton.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; ScenarioEnableButton.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; ScenarioDisableButton.Content = "Trở về"; huongdanTextBlock.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; ketquaStackPanel.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; solanthuchienTextBlock.Text = "Số bước nhảy: " + Lan.Text; thoigiantapTextBlock.Text = "Thời gian tập: " + timetime.Text; luongkcalTextBlock.Text = "Lượng kcal tiêu hao: " + kaloTieuHao + "kcal"; }
private void checkBoxIstenmeyenGunler_Checkeds(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { string a = (listViewNobMudYrd.SelectedItem as SentinelDirectorAssistant).FullName;//(((sender as CheckBox).Content) as TextBlock).Text; SentinelDirectorAssistant seçilinöb = SentinelDirectorAssistantManager.AdaGöreBul(a); int x = Convert.ToInt32((sender as CheckBox).Tag); bool ischecked = (sender as CheckBox).IsChecked ?? false; seçilinöb.UnwantedDays[x] = ischecked; var conn = new SQLite.Net.SQLiteConnection(new SQLite.Net.Platform.WinRT.SQLitePlatformWinRT(), FileUtils.FullDataPath); string FullName = (listViewNobMudYrd.SelectedItem as SentinelDirectorAssistant).FullName; var row = conn.Query <SentinelDirectorAssistantDataset>("select * from SentinelDirectorAssistantDataset where FullName=?", FullName).FirstOrDefault(); if (row != null) { if (x == 0) { row.NotMonday = ischecked; } if (x == 1) { row.NotTuesday = ischecked; } if (x == 2) { row.NotWednesday = ischecked; } if (x == 3) { row.NotThursday = ischecked; } if (x == 4) { row.NotFriday = ischecked; } } conn.Update(row); }
private void stopBtn_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if ("Trở về".Equals(stopBtn.Content)) { Frame.Navigate(typeof(DanhSachBaiTap)); return; } threadImg.Cancel(); double kaloTieuHao; if (Percent == 100) { kaloTieuHao = 33.7; } else { timer.Stop(); saveTime = Time; saveTime++; timer.Tick -= OnTimerTick; kaloTieuHao = Math.Round((200.0 / (30 * 60)) * saveTime, 2); } lacVong.ThoiGianTap += saveTime; lacVong.LuongKaloTieuHao += kaloTieuHao; // nếu mục tiêu và thống kê ngày != null mới đưa vào database if (muctieu != null && thongkengay != null) { connection.Update(lacVong); } stopBtn.Content = "Trở về"; huongdanStackPanel.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; lacVongImg.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; ketquaStackPanel.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; thoigiantapTextBlock.Text = "Thời gian tập: " + TimeStr; luongkcalTextBlock.Text = "Lượng Kcal tiêu hao: " + kaloTieuHao; }
private async void UpdateData(object data) { DetailSViewModel ObjContact = ((DetailSViewModel)data); using (SQLite.Net.SQLiteConnection conn = new SQLite.Net.SQLiteConnection(new SQLite.Net.Platform.WinRT.SQLitePlatformWinRT(), App.DB_PATH)) { var existingconact = conn.Query <ContactList>("select * from ContactList where Id =" + Id).FirstOrDefault(); if (existingconact != null) { existingconact.Name = Name; existingconact.Number = Number; existingconact.UpdateDate = DateTime.Now.ToString(); conn.RunInTransaction(() => { conn.Update(existingconact); }); } } MessageDialog messageDialog = new MessageDialog("Updated Successes fully"); await messageDialog.ShowAsync(); _navigationService.GoBack(); }
private async void ScenarioDisable(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { Window.Current.VisibilityChanged -= new WindowVisibilityChangedEventHandler(VisibilityChanged); _accelerometer.ReadingChanged -= new TypedEventHandler <Accelerometer, AccelerometerReadingChangedEventArgs>(ReadingChanged); // Restore the default report interval to release resources while the sensor is not in use _accelerometer.ReportInterval = 0; isPause = true; ScenarioEnableButton.IsEnabled = true; int buoc = counter; double kaloTieuHao = 0; kaloTieuHao = buoc * 3; chaybo.SoBuoc += buoc; chaybo.QuangDuong += Math.Round(counter * 54.0 / 10000, 2); chaybo.LuongKaloTieuHao += Math.Round(kaloTieuHao, 2); chaybo.ThoiGianTap += (double)timeCount; // nếu chưa có mục tiêu và thống kê ngày thì không đưa vào database if (muctieu != null && thongkengay != null) { connection.Update(chaybo); } var ketQua = new MessageDialog("Số bước: " + Steps.Text + "\nQuãng đường bạn đã đi được là: " + Distance.Text + "Km \nLượng kalo tiêu hao: " + kaloTieuHao + "kalo"); await ketQua.ShowAsync(); if (Frame.CanGoBack) { Frame.GoBack(); } }
public int UpdateUser(Lugars i) { return(db.Update(i)); }
private async void Page_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { // neu muctieu == null ---> tuc nguoidung chua co muc tieu nao hien tai if (muctieu == null) { // an header dau tien calsGiamGrid.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; } else { string today = DateTime.Today.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy"); // neu nguoi dung chua bat dau muc tieu hien tai if (muctieu.ThoiGianBatDau == null || muctieu.TrangThai == "Chưa bắt đầu") { calsGiamGrid.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; MessageDialog msDialog = new MessageDialog("Bạn vẫn chưa bắt đầu tập luyện!\n"); msDialog.Commands.Add(new UICommand("Ok, đến trang tập luyện")); msDialog.Commands.Add(new UICommand("Để sau")); var result = await msDialog.ShowAsync(); if (result.Label.Equals("Để sau")) { return; } else { // dat thoi gian bat dau la ngay hom nay muctieu.ThoiGianBatDau = today; muctieu.TrangThai = "Đã bắt đầu"; connection.Update(muctieu); Frame.Navigate(typeof(DanhSachBaiTap), nguoidung); } } // kiem tra thoigianketthuc cua muc tieu //DateTime ngayketthuc = DateTime.Parse(muctieu.ThoiGianBatDau).AddDays((int)muctieu.SoNgay); <--- nho dung ParseExact de theo chuan dd/MM/yyyy DateTime ngayketthuc = DateTime.ParseExact(muctieu.ThoiGianBatDau, "dd/MM/yyyy", new CultureInfo("vi-vn")).AddDays(muctieu.SoNgay); // neu da vuot qua so ngay if (DateTime.Today > ngayketthuc) { muctieu.TrangThai = "Hoàn thành"; connection.Update(muctieu); MessageDialog msDialog = new MessageDialog("Chúc mừng, bạn đã tập hết số ngày của mục tiêu đề ra\nHãy xem lại quá trình luyện tập của bạn!"); msDialog.Commands.Add(new UICommand("Xem thống kê")); msDialog.Commands.Add(new UICommand("Mục tiêu mới")); var result = await msDialog.ShowAsync(); if (result.Label.Equals("Mục tiêu mới")) { // chuyển tới trang mục tiêu mới denTaoMucTieuMoiPage(); } else { // chuyển đến trang thống kê Frame.Navigate(typeof(ThongKePage), nguoidung); } } // neu van con trong thoi han cua muc tieu else { thongkengay = connection.Table <ThongKeNgay>().Where(r => r.IdMucTieu == muctieu.IdMucTieu && r.Ngay == today).FirstOrDefault(); if (thongkengay == null) { thongkengay = new ThongKeNgay(); thongkengay.IdMucTieu = muctieu.IdMucTieu; thongkengay.Ngay = today; // mặc định = chỉ số bmr thongkengay.LuongKaloDuaVao = muctieu.ChiSoBMR; connection.Insert(thongkengay); } } // LuongKaloCanGiamHomNay = KaloCanTieuHaoMoiNgay (để giảm cân) - LuongKaloTieuHao (chohoatdongbaitap) - chisobmr (luongkalo chohoatdonghangngay) + tongluongkaloduavao if (muctieu != null && thongkengay != null) { double calsCanGiam = muctieu.LuongKaloCanTieuHaoMoiNgay; calsCanGiamTextBlock.Text = calsCanGiam.ToString(); // luong cals giam tu bai tap double calsGiamBaiTap = thongkengay.LuongKaloTieuHao; calsBaiTapTextBlock.Text = calsGiamBaiTap.ToString(); // luong Cals giam tu thuc don double calsGiamThucDon = muctieu.ChiSoBMR - thongkengay.LuongKaloDuaVao - thongkengay.LuongKaloNgoaiDuKien; calsThucDonTextBlock.Text = calsGiamThucDon.ToString(); double calsConThieu = calsCanGiam - calsGiamBaiTap - calsGiamThucDon; calsConThieuTextBlock.Text = calsConThieu.ToString(); } } }
/// <summary> /// Used to save a card, when user is browsing generated cards. /// </summary> /// <param name="overWrite">If we are overwriting existing genererated card then overWrite should be true, else false</param> /// <param name="index">Generated card index which we are overwriting</param> public void SaveGeneratedCard(bool overWrite, int index) { using (SQLite.Net.SQLiteConnection db = new SQLite.Net.SQLiteConnection(new SQLite.Net.Platform.WinRT.SQLitePlatformWinRT(), App.path)) { if (overWrite == false) { GeneratedCards generatedCards = new GeneratedCards() { VerbWord = currentModel.Verb, AdjectiveWord = currentModel.Adjective, NounWord = currentModel.Noun, Image = currentModel.Image }; try { db.Insert(generatedCards); } catch (Exception e) { Debug.WriteLine(e.Message); } } else { try { GeneratedCards generatedCard = db.Table<GeneratedCards>().Skip(index).First(); generatedCard.Image = currentModel.Image; generatedCard.VerbWord = currentModel.Verb; generatedCard.AdjectiveWord = currentModel.Adjective; generatedCard.NounWord = currentModel.Noun; db.Update(generatedCard); } catch (Exception e) { Debug.WriteLine(e.Message); } } } }