예제 #1
    /// <summary>
    /// Called when piece is colliding from its top side
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="CollidingPieceId">Id of piece colliding with</param>
    /// <param name="ColP">Instance of piece colliding with</param>
    /// <param name="ColPPieceData">Metadata of piece colliding with</param>
    /// <param name="ColObjController">JPPieceController instance of piece colliding with</param>
    void OnTopCollision(int CollidingPieceId, GameObject ColP, SPieceInfo ColPPieceData, JPPieceController ColObjController)
        //Check if this is child of current holding piece then apply collision logic
        bool IsChildOfHoldingPiece = false;

        JPPieceController[] ChildrenControllers = transform.GetComponentsInChildren <JPPieceController>();
        foreach (JPPieceController item in ChildrenControllers)
            if (ThisPieceData.ID == item.ThisPieceData.ID)
                IsChildOfHoldingPiece = true;

        if (ThisPieceData.ID == JpPuzzleControllerInstance.HoldingPieceID() || IsChildOfHoldingPiece)
            //Debug.Log(CollidingPieceId + "," + ThisPieceData.ID + " Top Collision");

            //Get colliding piece position in grid
            int CPElementRow = -1;
            int CPElementCol = -1;
            PPPuzzleController.ArrayPosToRC(CollidingPieceId, JpPuzzleControllerInstance.PiecesInCol,
                                            JpPuzzleControllerInstance.PiecesInRow, out CPElementRow, out CPElementCol);

            //Get this piece position in grid
            int PElementRow = -1;
            int PElementCol = -1;
            PPPuzzleController.ArrayPosToRC(ThisPieceData.ID, JpPuzzleControllerInstance.PiecesInCol,
                                            JpPuzzleControllerInstance.PiecesInRow, out PElementRow, out PElementCol);

            if (ThisPieceData.ID < CollidingPieceId && PElementCol == CPElementCol && PElementRow == CPElementRow - 1)
                //If is child of holding piece make it parent
                //Make this piece parent of all
                Transform Temp = transform.root;
                transform.parent = null;
                Temp.parent      = transform;


                transform.position = new Vector3(ColP.transform.position.x,
                                                 ColP.transform.position.y - JpPuzzleControllerInstance.PieceHeightInWorld, ColP.transform.position.z);

                ColP.transform.root.parent = transform;


예제 #2
    /// <summary>
    /// Called when piece is colliding from its right side
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="CollidingPieceId">Id of piece colliding with</param>
    /// <param name="ColP">Instance of piece colliding with</param>
    /// <param name="ColPPieceData">Metadata of piece colliding with</param>
    /// <param name="ColObjController">JPPieceController instance of piece colliding with</param>
    void OnRightCollision(int CollidingPieceId, GameObject ColP, SPieceInfo ColPPieceData, JPPieceController ColObjController)
        //Check if this is child of current holding piece then apply collision logic
        bool IsChildOfHoldingPiece = false;

        JPPieceController[] ChildrenControllers = transform.GetComponentsInChildren <JPPieceController>();
        foreach (JPPieceController item in ChildrenControllers)
            if (ThisPieceData.ID == item.ThisPieceData.ID)
                IsChildOfHoldingPiece = true;

        if (ThisPieceData.ID == JpPuzzleControllerInstance.HoldingPieceID() || IsChildOfHoldingPiece)
            if (ThisPieceData.ID == CollidingPieceId - 1)
                //If is child of holding piece make it parent
                //Make this piece parent of all
                Transform Temp = transform.root;
                transform.parent = null;
                Temp.parent      = transform;


                transform.position = new Vector3(ColP.transform.position.x - JpPuzzleControllerInstance.PieceWidthInWorld,
                                                 ColP.transform.position.y, ColP.transform.position.z);

                ColP.transform.root.parent = transform;


            //Wrong Piece
예제 #3
    /// <summary>
    /// Used to calculate required data for joining of pieces together
    /// </summary>
    void CalculateDataForCollisionPlacement(SPieceInfo PieceData, out float LeftJointWorldScale, out float RightJointWorldScale,
                                            out float TopJointWorldScale, out float BottomJointWorldScale)
        bool LeftJointPresent  = false;
        bool RightJointPresent = false;
        bool TopJointPresent   = false;
        bool BotJointPresent   = false;

        SJointInfo TempLeftJointInfo  = PieceData.GetJoint(EJointPosition.Left, out LeftJointPresent);
        SJointInfo TempRightJointInfo = PieceData.GetJoint(EJointPosition.Right, out RightJointPresent);
        SJointInfo TempTopJointInfo   = PieceData.GetJoint(EJointPosition.Top, out TopJointPresent);
        SJointInfo TempBotJointInfo   = PieceData.GetJoint(EJointPosition.Bottom, out BotJointPresent);

        float PMPieceWidthWOJoint = (float)JpPuzzleControllerInstance.PuzzleMakerPieceWidthWithoutJoint;

        LeftJointWorldScale = LeftJointPresent && TempLeftJointInfo.JointType == EJointType.Male ?
                              (float)TempLeftJointInfo.JointWidth / PMPieceWidthWOJoint : 0;
        RightJointWorldScale = RightJointPresent && TempRightJointInfo.JointType == EJointType.Male ?
                               (float)TempRightJointInfo.JointWidth / PMPieceWidthWOJoint : 0;
        TopJointWorldScale = TopJointPresent && TempTopJointInfo.JointType == EJointType.Male ?
                             (float)TempTopJointInfo.JointHeight / PMPieceWidthWOJoint : 0;
        BottomJointWorldScale = BotJointPresent && TempBotJointInfo.JointType == EJointType.Male ?
                                (float)TempBotJointInfo.JointHeight / PMPieceWidthWOJoint : 0;
예제 #4
    /// <summary>
    /// This method is called throw SendMessage from piece when it collides with appropriate collider for its placement.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="ObjNum">Number of collider this piece found its place with</param>
    private void PiecePlaceFound(int ObjNum)
        if (_CurrentHoldingPiece != null)
            int PieceRow = 0;
            int PieceCol = 0;

            if (ArrayPosToRC(ObjNum, PiecesInCol, PiecesInRow, out PieceRow, out PieceCol))
                //Get this piece joints information for placement position calculation
                SPieceInfo TempPieceInfo = _PuzzleMaker._CreatedImagePiecesData[PieceRow, PieceCol].PieceMetaData;

                SJointInfo[] TempJointsInfo = TempPieceInfo.GetJoints();

                Vector3 PieceColliderPosition = _ChildColliders[ObjNum].transform.position;

                Vector3 CalculatedPosition = new Vector3();

                #region "Calculate Adjusted X Position For Piece Placement"

                // Calculate X Position
                // Default scaleX of piece is 1 in world
                bool LeftJointPresent  = false;
                bool RightJointPresent = false;

                SJointInfo TempLeftJointInfo  = TempPieceInfo.GetJoint(EJointPosition.Left, out LeftJointPresent);
                SJointInfo TempRightJointInfo = TempPieceInfo.GetJoint(EJointPosition.Right, out RightJointPresent);

                EJointType TempLeftJointType  = TempLeftJointInfo.JointType;
                EJointType TempRightJointType = TempRightJointInfo.JointType;

                float LeftJointWorldScale  = (float)TempLeftJointInfo.JointWidth / (float)_PuzzleMaker.PieceWidthWithoutJoint;
                float RightJointWorldScale = (float)TempRightJointInfo.JointWidth / (float)_PuzzleMaker.PieceWidthWithoutJoint;

                if (LeftJointPresent && RightJointPresent && TempLeftJointType == EJointType.Male && TempRightJointType == EJointType.Male)
                    CalculatedPosition.x = _ChildColliders[ObjNum].transform.position.x + (RightJointWorldScale / 2) - (LeftJointWorldScale / 2);
                else if (LeftJointPresent && TempLeftJointType == EJointType.Male)
                    CalculatedPosition.x = _ChildColliders[ObjNum].transform.position.x - (LeftJointWorldScale / 2f);
                else if (RightJointPresent && TempRightJointType == EJointType.Male)
                    CalculatedPosition.x = _ChildColliders[ObjNum].transform.position.x + (RightJointWorldScale / 2f);
                    CalculatedPosition.x = _ChildColliders[ObjNum].transform.position.x;


                #region "Calculate Adjusted Y Position For Piece Placement"

                // Calculate Y Position
                // Default scaleY of piece is calculated with aspect ratio of image and ScaleX = 1

                bool TopJointPresent    = false;
                bool BottomJointPresent = false;

                SJointInfo TempTopJointInfo    = TempPieceInfo.GetJoint(EJointPosition.Top, out TopJointPresent);
                SJointInfo TempBottomJointInfo = TempPieceInfo.GetJoint(EJointPosition.Bottom, out BottomJointPresent);

                EJointType TempTopJointType    = TempTopJointInfo.JointType;
                EJointType TempBottomJointType = TempBottomJointInfo.JointType;

                float TopJointWorldScale    = (float)TempTopJointInfo.JointHeight / (float)_PuzzleMaker.PieceWidthWithoutJoint;
                float BottomJointWorldScale = (float)TempBottomJointInfo.JointHeight / (float)_PuzzleMaker.PieceWidthWithoutJoint;

                if (TopJointPresent && BottomJointPresent && TempTopJointType == EJointType.Male && TempBottomJointType == EJointType.Male)
                    CalculatedPosition.y = _ChildColliders[ObjNum].transform.position.y + (TopJointWorldScale / 2) - (BottomJointWorldScale / 2);
                else if (TopJointPresent && TempTopJointType == EJointType.Male)
                    CalculatedPosition.y = _ChildColliders[ObjNum].transform.position.y + (TopJointWorldScale / 2);
                else if (BottomJointPresent && TempBottomJointType == EJointType.Male)
                    CalculatedPosition.y = _ChildColliders[ObjNum].transform.position.y - (BottomJointWorldScale / 2);
                    CalculatedPosition.y = _ChildColliders[ObjNum].transform.position.y;


                // Z position
                CalculatedPosition.z = _ChildColliders[ObjNum].transform.position.z;

                // _CurrentHoldingPiece.transform.position = _ChildColliders[ObjNum].transform.position;
                _CurrentHoldingPiece.transform.position = CalculatedPosition;

                //Disable this piece
                _CurrentHoldingPiece.GetComponent <CharacterController>().enabled = false;

                //Call event function
                OnPiecePlaced(_CurrentHoldingPiece, ObjNum);

                _CurrentHoldingPiece = null;

                //Update trackers

                //Check for Puzzle complete
                if (_NoOfPiecesPlaced >= _PuzzlePieces.Length)
예제 #5
    /// <summary>
    /// Generates jigsaw puzzle and initialize pieces with data according to user selected options
    /// </summary>
    /// <returns>Coroutine</returns>
    public virtual IEnumerator Start()
        if (!UseFilePath)
            _puzzlePieceMaker = new PuzzlePieceMaker(PuzzleImage, JointMaskImage, PiecesInRow, PiecesInCol);

            //Enable below code and provide a file path to save data created by _puzzlemaker class using provided image
            //_PuzzleMaker.SaveData("File Path here e.g c:\\Images\\Temp.pm");
            if (PuzzlePieceMaker.IsPMFileSupportedPlatform())
                    _puzzlePieceMaker      = new PuzzlePieceMaker(PMFilePath);
                    PiecesInCol            = _puzzlePieceMaker.NoOfPiecesInCol;
                    PiecesInRow            = _puzzlePieceMaker.NoOfPiecesInRow;
                    _isFileLoadingComplete = true;
                catch (System.Exception e)
                    Debug.LogError("Please check if you have provided correct file path : " + e.Message);
                    yield break;
            else if (Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.WebGLPlayer ||
                     Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.WindowsWebPlayer)
                WebPmFileLoader Temp = GetComponent <WebPmFileLoader>();

                if (Temp != null)
                    yield return(StartCoroutine(Temp.LoadFileToStream(PMFilePath)));

                    if (Temp.PMFileStream != null)
                        _puzzlePieceMaker      = new PuzzlePieceMaker(Temp.PMFileStream);
                        PiecesInCol            = _puzzlePieceMaker.NoOfPiecesInCol;
                        PiecesInRow            = _puzzlePieceMaker.NoOfPiecesInRow;
                        _isFileLoadingComplete = true;
                        Debug.LogError("File loading failed");
                        yield break;
                    Debug.LogError("Prefab not set correctly");

        yield return(new WaitForEndOfFrame());

        //Get main instance of puzzle piece
        _puzzlePieceInst = gameObject.transform.FindChild("Piece").gameObject;

        //Set puzzle image to Puzzle piece instance
        _puzzlePieceInst.GetComponent <Renderer>().material.mainTexture = _puzzlePieceMaker.PuzzleImage;

        //Seperate from cam for cam resizing to adjust whole puzzle in cam view
        parentCamTransform          = gameObject.transform.parent;
        parentCam                   = parentCamTransform.GetComponent <Camera>();
        gameObject.transform.parent = null;

        //Set background
        if (DisplayCompletedImage)
            GetComponent <Renderer>().enabled = true;
            GetComponent <Renderer>().material.mainTexture = _puzzlePieceMaker.CreatedBackgroundImage;

        //Resize gameobject to match size for pieces
        transform.localScale = new Vector3((float)PiecesInRow, (PiecesInCol * ((float)PuzzleImage.height / (float)PuzzleImage.width)), 1f);

        //Translate to zero
        transform.position = Vector3.zero;
        transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(Vector3.zero);

        //Initialize all pieces and joints resize them and place them on screen randomly
        _puzzlePieces = new GameObject[PiecesInRow * PiecesInCol];

        //Scale piece according to puzzle
        float PieceScaleX = 1;
        float PieceScaleY = 1 * ((float)_puzzlePieceMaker.PuzzleImageHeight / (float)_puzzlePieceMaker.PuzzleImageWidth);

        _puzzlePieceInst.transform.localScale = new Vector3(PieceScaleX, PieceScaleY, 1);

        //Create joints instances for each side from _puzzle piece
        GameObject _leftJointInst = Object.Instantiate(_puzzlePieceInst) as GameObject;

        Component[] AllCompoenents = _leftJointInst.GetComponents <Component>();
        foreach (Component item in AllCompoenents)
            if (!(item is Renderer || item is Transform || item is MeshFilter))

        yield return(new WaitForEndOfFrame());

        GameObject _rightJointInst  = Object.Instantiate(_leftJointInst) as GameObject;
        GameObject _topJointInst    = Object.Instantiate(_leftJointInst) as GameObject;
        GameObject _bottomJointInst = Object.Instantiate(_leftJointInst) as GameObject;

        //Initialize joints instances
        _leftJointInst.GetComponent <Renderer>().material.mainTexture   = _puzzlePieceMaker.LeftJointsMaskImage;
        _rightJointInst.GetComponent <Renderer>().material.mainTexture  = _puzzlePieceMaker.RightJointsMaskImage;
        _topJointInst.GetComponent <Renderer>().material.mainTexture    = _puzzlePieceMaker.TopJointsMaskImage;
        _bottomJointInst.GetComponent <Renderer>().material.mainTexture = _puzzlePieceMaker.BotJointsMaskImage;

        //Name joints
        _leftJointInst.name   = "LeftJoint";
        _rightJointInst.name  = "RightJoint";
        _topJointInst.name    = "TopJoint";
        _bottomJointInst.name = "BottomJoint";

        //Position joints
        float JointWidth  = _leftJointInst.transform.localScale.x;
        float JointHeight = _leftJointInst.transform.localScale.y;

        //Make joints child of piece
        _leftJointInst.transform.parent     = _puzzlePieceInst.transform;
        _leftJointInst.transform.localScale = Vector3.one;

        _rightJointInst.transform.parent     = _puzzlePieceInst.transform;
        _rightJointInst.transform.localScale = Vector3.one;

        _topJointInst.transform.parent     = _puzzlePieceInst.transform;
        _topJointInst.transform.localScale = Vector3.one;

        _bottomJointInst.transform.parent     = _puzzlePieceInst.transform;
        _bottomJointInst.transform.localScale = Vector3.one;

        //Position joints
        _leftJointInst.transform.localPosition   = new Vector3(-1, 0, 0);
        _rightJointInst.transform.localPosition  = new Vector3(1, 0, 0);
        _topJointInst.transform.localPosition    = new Vector3(0, 1, 0);
        _bottomJointInst.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(0, -1, 0);

        //Initialize pieces
        for (int RowTrav = 0; RowTrav < PiecesInCol; RowTrav++)
            for (int ColTrav = 0; ColTrav < PiecesInRow; ColTrav++)
                GameObject Temp = Object.Instantiate(_puzzlePieceInst) as GameObject;

                //Name for this piece
                Temp.name = "Piece" + ((RowTrav * PiecesInRow) + ColTrav).ToString();

                SetPuzzlePieceUV(Temp, ColTrav, RowTrav, PiecesInCol, PiecesInRow);

                //Enable piece

                SPieceInfo ThisPieceData = _puzzlePieceMaker._CreatedPiecesData[RowTrav, ColTrav];
                bool       TempOut       = false;

                bool HaveTopJoint = ThisPieceData.HaveJoint(EJointPosition.Top);
                if (HaveTopJoint)
                    HaveTopJoint = ThisPieceData.GetJoint(EJointPosition.Top, out TempOut).JointType != EJointType.Female;

                bool HaveBotJoint = ThisPieceData.HaveJoint(EJointPosition.Bottom);
                if (HaveBotJoint)
                    HaveBotJoint = ThisPieceData.GetJoint(EJointPosition.Bottom, out TempOut).JointType != EJointType.Female;

                bool HaveLeftJoint = ThisPieceData.HaveJoint(EJointPosition.Left);
                if (HaveLeftJoint)
                    HaveLeftJoint = ThisPieceData.GetJoint(EJointPosition.Left, out TempOut).JointType != EJointType.Female;

                bool HaveRightJoint = ThisPieceData.HaveJoint(EJointPosition.Right);
                if (HaveRightJoint)
                    HaveRightJoint = ThisPieceData.GetJoint(EJointPosition.Right, out TempOut).JointType != EJointType.Female;

                //Set joints uvs
                Transform LeftJoint = Temp.transform.FindChild("LeftJoint");
                if (HaveLeftJoint && ColTrav > 0)
                    SetPuzzlePieceUV(LeftJoint.gameObject, ColTrav - 1, RowTrav, PiecesInCol, PiecesInRow);

                Transform RightJoint = Temp.transform.FindChild("RightJoint");
                if (HaveRightJoint && ColTrav < PiecesInCol - 1)
                    SetPuzzlePieceUV(RightJoint.gameObject, ColTrav + 1, RowTrav, PiecesInCol, PiecesInRow);

                Transform TopJoint = Temp.transform.FindChild("TopJoint");
                if (HaveTopJoint && RowTrav < PiecesInRow - 1)
                    SetPuzzlePieceUV(TopJoint.gameObject, ColTrav, RowTrav + 1, PiecesInCol, PiecesInRow);

                Transform BotJoint = Temp.transform.FindChild("BottomJoint");
                if (HaveBotJoint && RowTrav > 0)
                    SetPuzzlePieceUV(BotJoint.gameObject, ColTrav, RowTrav - 1, PiecesInCol, PiecesInRow);

                _puzzlePieces[(RowTrav * PiecesInRow) + ColTrav] = Temp;
예제 #6
    void Start()
        if (!UseFilePath)
            //random image selection
            PuzzleImage = new Texture2D(1, 1);
            PuzzleImage.LoadImage(File.ReadAllBytes(getPath() + "/dewa/" + Random.Range(0, 6) + ".jpg"));
            //Debug.Log(getPath()+ "/Puzzle Maker/PM Free Images/dewa/" + "1" + ".jpg");
            //Random.Range(0, 3) //KIDS PUZZLE IMAGES
            //Random.Range(3,6)  //ADULTS PUZZLE IMAGES
            _PuzzleMaker = new PuzzlePieceMaker(PuzzleImage, JointMaskImage, PiecesInRow, PiecesInCol);

            //Enable below code and provide a file path to save data created by _puzzlemaker class using provided image
            //_PuzzleMaker.SaveData("File Path here e.g c:\\Images\\Temp.pm");
                _PuzzleMaker = new PuzzlePieceMaker(PMFilePath);
                PiecesInCol  = _PuzzleMaker.NoOfPiecesInCol;
                PiecesInRow  = _PuzzleMaker.NoOfPiecesInRow;
            catch (System.Exception e)
                Debug.LogError("Please check if you have provided correct file path : " + e.Message);

        //Get main instance of puzzle piece
        _jpPuzzlePieceInst = gameObject.transform.FindChild("JPPiece").gameObject;

        //Seperate from cam for cam resizing to adjust whole puzzle in cam view
        Transform parentCamTransform = gameObject.transform.parent;
        Camera    parentCam          = parentCamTransform.GetComponent <Camera>();

        gameObject.transform.parent = null;

        //Store current transform and translate to origin for everythings placement
        Vector3 OrigionalScale    = transform.localScale;
        Vector3 OrigionalPosition = transform.position;
        Vector3 OrigionalRotation = transform.localRotation.eulerAngles;

        //Set background
        if (DisplayCompletedImage)
            GetComponent <Renderer>().enabled = true;
            GetComponent <Renderer>().material.mainTexture = _PuzzleMaker.CreatedBackgroundImage;

        //Resize gameobject to match size for pieces
        transform.localScale = new Vector3((float)PiecesInRow, (PiecesInCol * ((float)PuzzleImage.height / (float)PuzzleImage.width)), 1f);

        //Translate to zero
        transform.position = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
        transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(Vector3.zero);

        #region "Pieces Initialization And Placement"

        //Initialize all pieces resize them and place them on screen randomly
        _PuzzlePieces = new GameObject[PiecesInRow * PiecesInCol];

        Random.seed = System.DateTime.Now.Millisecond;

        for (int RowTrav = 0; RowTrav < PiecesInCol; RowTrav++)
            for (int ColTrav = 0; ColTrav < PiecesInRow; ColTrav++)
                GameObject Temp = Object.Instantiate(_jpPuzzlePieceInst) as GameObject;

                //AudioSettings name for this piece
                Temp.name = "Piece" + ((RowTrav * PiecesInRow) + ColTrav).ToString();

                Texture2D Img = _PuzzleMaker._CreatedImagePiecesData[RowTrav, ColTrav].PieceImage;

                float PieceScaleX = (float)Img.width / (float)_PuzzleMaker.PieceWidthWithoutJoint;
                float PieceScaleY = this.PieceHeightInWorld * ((float)Img.height / (float)_PuzzleMaker.PieceHeightWithoutJoint);

                JPPieceController TempPieceControllerInst = Temp.GetComponent <JPPieceController>();
                TempPieceControllerInst.JpPuzzleControllerInstance = this;

                //Get this piece information
                SPieceInfo ThisPieceData = _PuzzleMaker._CreatedImagePiecesData[RowTrav, ColTrav].PieceMetaData.MakeCopy();
                TempPieceControllerInst.ThisPieceData = ThisPieceData;

                //Assign image to piece
                Temp.GetComponent <Renderer>().material.mainTexture = Img;

                //Resize piece in world
                Temp.transform.localScale = new Vector3(PieceScaleX, PieceScaleY, 1);

                //Position pieces randomly on screen
                Vector3 CalcPosition = Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(
                    new Vector3(Random.Range(_PuzzleMaker.PieceWidthWithoutJoint, Screen.width - _PuzzleMaker.PieceWidthWithoutJoint),
                                Random.Range(_PuzzleMaker.PieceHeightWithoutJoint, Screen.height - _PuzzleMaker.PieceHeightWithoutJoint),
                CalcPosition.z = transform.position.z - 0.4f;

                Temp.transform.position = CalcPosition;

                //Enable collider for this piece
                Temp.GetComponent <BoxCollider>().enabled = true;
                TempPieceControllerInst.enabled           = true;

                //Enable piece

                _PuzzlePieces[(RowTrav * PiecesInRow) + ColTrav] = Temp;


        #region "Camera Resizing And Placement"

        //Resize camera to display whole puzzle in camera view
        float widthToBeSeen  = PiecesInRow * PieceWidthInWorld;
        float heightToBeSeen = PiecesInCol * PieceHeightInWorld;

        parentCam.orthographicSize = widthToBeSeen > heightToBeSeen ? widthToBeSeen * 0.4f : heightToBeSeen * 0.4f;

        //Position camera in centre of puzzle
        //float CalcCameraX = ;
        //float CalcCameraY = ;

        //parentCamTransform.position = new Vector3(CalcCameraX, CalcCameraY, _pieceInstances[1][0].transform.position.z - 3);
        parentCamTransform.position = new Vector3(0, 0, transform.position.z - 10);

예제 #7
    /// <summary>
    /// This method is called throw SendMessage from piece when it collides with appropriate collider for its placement.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="ObjNum">Number of collider this piece found its place with</param>
    private void PiecePlaceFound(int ObjNum)
        //Enable next piece if display mode one piece at a time
        if (PiecesDisplayMode == EPieceDisplayMode.ShowOnePieceAtATime)
            foreach (GameObject item in _puzzlePieces)
                if (!item.activeSelf)
                    //Randomly activate a piece
                    int RndIndex = 0;

                    while (_puzzlePieces[RndIndex].activeSelf)
                        RndIndex = Random.Range(0, _puzzlePieces.Length);


        else if (PiecesDisplayMode == EPieceDisplayMode.LeftSliderWithPieces)

        if (_CurrentHoldingPiece != null)
            int PieceRow = 0;
            int PieceCol = 0;

            if (ArrayPosToRC(ObjNum, PiecesInCol, PiecesInRow, out PieceRow, out PieceCol))
                //Get this piece joints information for placement position calculation
                SPieceInfo TempPieceInfo = _puzzlePieceMaker._CreatedPiecesData[PieceRow, PieceCol];

                // _CurrentHoldingPiece.transform.position = _ChildColliders[ObjNum].transform.position;
                _CurrentHoldingPiece.transform.position = _ChildColliders[ObjNum].transform.position;

                //Disable this piece
                _CurrentHoldingPiece.GetComponent <CharacterController>().enabled = false;

                //Call event function
                E_OnPiecePlaced(_CurrentHoldingPiece, ObjNum);

                _CurrentHoldingPiece = null;

                //Update trackers

                if (_NoOfPiecesPlaced >= _puzzlePieces.Length)

                    if (ActualImageOnPuzzleComplete)
예제 #8
    void OnRightCollision(int CollidingPieceId, GameObject ColP, SPieceInfo ColPPieceData, JPPieceController ColObjController)
        //Check if this is child of current holding piece then apply collision logic
        bool IsChildOfHoldingPiece = false;

        JPPieceController[] ChildrenControllers = transform.GetComponentsInChildren <JPPieceController>();
        foreach (JPPieceController item in ChildrenControllers)
            if (ThisPieceData.ID == item.ThisPieceData.ID)
                IsChildOfHoldingPiece = true;

        if (ThisPieceData.ID == JpPuzzleControllerInstance.HoldingPieceID() || IsChildOfHoldingPiece)
            if (ThisPieceData.ID == CollidingPieceId - 1)
                //If is child of holding piece make it parent
                //Make this piece parent of all
                Transform Temp = transform.root;
                transform.parent = null;
                Temp.parent      = transform;


                Vector3 CalculatedPos = new Vector3();

                float LeftJointWorldScale  = 0;
                float RightJointWorldScale = 0;
                float TopJointWorldScale   = 0;
                float BotJointWorldScale   = 0;

                float ColPLeftJointWorldScale  = 0;
                float ColPRightJointWorldScale = 0;
                float ColPTopJointWorldScale   = 0;
                float ColPBotJointWorldScale   = 0;

                //Calculate required data
                CalculateDataForCollisionPlacement(ColPPieceData, out ColPLeftJointWorldScale, out ColPRightJointWorldScale,
                                                   out ColPTopJointWorldScale, out ColPBotJointWorldScale);
                CalculateDataForCollisionPlacement(ThisPieceData, out LeftJointWorldScale, out RightJointWorldScale,
                                                   out TopJointWorldScale, out BotJointWorldScale);

                //Calculate X
                //Calculated X without joints
                float CalcXWJ = ColP.transform.position.x - JpPuzzleControllerInstance.PieceWidthInWorld;

                CalculatedPos.x = CalcXWJ - (ColPRightJointWorldScale / 2) + (ColPLeftJointWorldScale / 2) +
                                  (RightJointWorldScale / 2) - (LeftJointWorldScale / 2);

                //Calculate Y
                CalculatedPos.y = ColP.transform.position.y + (TopJointWorldScale / 2) - (BotJointWorldScale / 2)
                                  - (ColPTopJointWorldScale / 2) + (ColPBotJointWorldScale / 2);

                CalculatedPos.z = transform.position.z;

                transform.position = CalculatedPos;

                ColP.transform.root.parent = transform;

예제 #9
    void OnBottomCollision(int CollidingPieceId, GameObject ColP, SPieceInfo ColPPieceData, JPPieceController ColObjController)
        //Check if this is child of current holding piece then apply collision logic
        bool IsChildOfHoldingPiece = false;

        JPPieceController[] ChildrenControllers = transform.GetComponentsInChildren <JPPieceController>();
        foreach (JPPieceController item in ChildrenControllers)
            if (ThisPieceData.ID == item.ThisPieceData.ID)
                IsChildOfHoldingPiece = true;

        if (ThisPieceData.ID == JpPuzzleControllerInstance.HoldingPieceID() || IsChildOfHoldingPiece)
            //Get colliding piece position in grid
            int CPElementRow = 0;
            int CPElementCol = 0;
            PPPuzzleController.ArrayPosToRC(CollidingPieceId, JpPuzzleControllerInstance.PiecesInCol,
                                            JpPuzzleControllerInstance.PiecesInRow, out CPElementRow, out CPElementCol);

            //Get this piece position in grid
            int PElementRow = 0;
            int PElementCol = 0;
            PPPuzzleController.ArrayPosToRC(ThisPieceData.ID, JpPuzzleControllerInstance.PiecesInCol,
                                            JpPuzzleControllerInstance.PiecesInRow, out PElementRow, out PElementCol);

            if (ThisPieceData.ID > CollidingPieceId && PElementCol == CPElementCol && PElementRow == CPElementRow + 1)
                //If is child of holding piece make it parent
                //Make this piece parent of all
                Transform Temp = transform.root;
                transform.parent = null;
                Temp.parent      = transform;


                Vector3 CalculatedPos = new Vector3();

                float LeftJointWorldScale  = 0;
                float RightJointWorldScale = 0;
                float TopJointWorldScale   = 0;
                float BotJointWorldScale   = 0;

                float ColPLeftJointWorldScale  = 0;
                float ColPRightJointWorldScale = 0;
                float ColPTopJointWorldScale   = 0;
                float ColPBotJointWorldScale   = 0;

                //Calculate required data
                CalculateDataForCollisionPlacement(ColPPieceData, out ColPLeftJointWorldScale, out ColPRightJointWorldScale,
                                                   out ColPTopJointWorldScale, out ColPBotJointWorldScale);
                CalculateDataForCollisionPlacement(ThisPieceData, out LeftJointWorldScale, out RightJointWorldScale,
                                                   out TopJointWorldScale, out BotJointWorldScale);

                //Calculate X
                CalculatedPos.x = ColP.transform.position.x - (ColPRightJointWorldScale / 2) + (ColPLeftJointWorldScale / 2) +
                                  (RightJointWorldScale / 2) - (LeftJointWorldScale / 2);

                //Calculate Y
                float CalcYWJ = ColP.transform.position.y + JpPuzzleControllerInstance.PieceHeightInWorld;
                CalculatedPos.y = CalcYWJ + (TopJointWorldScale / 2) - (BotJointWorldScale / 2)
                                  - (ColPTopJointWorldScale / 2) + (ColPBotJointWorldScale / 2);

                CalculatedPos.z = transform.position.z;

                transform.position = CalculatedPos;

                ColP.transform.root.parent = transform;

    /// <summary>
    /// UnityMethod: Initialize actual image mesh and handle camera resizing and placement
    /// </summary>
    /// <returns>Coroutine</returns>
    public override IEnumerator Start()
        if (BackgroundMusic != null)

        yield return(StartCoroutine(base.Start()));

        #region "Pieces Initialization And Placement"

        Random.seed = System.DateTime.Now.Millisecond;

        //Place pieces randomly on screen and scale them accordingly
        for (int RowTrav = 0; RowTrav < PiecesInCol; RowTrav++)
            for (int ColTrav = 0; ColTrav < PiecesInRow; ColTrav++)
                GameObject Temp = _puzzlePieces[(RowTrav * PiecesInRow) + ColTrav];

                JPPieceController TempPieceControllerInst = Temp.GetComponent <JPPieceController>();
                TempPieceControllerInst.JpPuzzleControllerInstance = this;

                //Get this piece information
                SPieceInfo ThisPieceData = _puzzlePieceMaker._CreatedPiecesData[RowTrav, ColTrav].MakeCopy();
                TempPieceControllerInst.ThisPieceData = ThisPieceData;

                //Position pieces randomly on screen
                Vector3 CalcPosition = Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(
                    new Vector3(Random.Range(_puzzlePieceMaker.PieceWidthWithoutJoint, Screen.width - _puzzlePieceMaker.PieceWidthWithoutJoint),
                                Random.Range(_puzzlePieceMaker.PieceHeightWithoutJoint, Screen.height - _puzzlePieceMaker.PieceHeightWithoutJoint),
                CalcPosition.z = transform.position.z - 0.4f;

                Temp.transform.position = CalcPosition;

                //Enable collider for this piece
                Temp.GetComponent <BoxCollider>().enabled = true;
                TempPieceControllerInst.enabled           = true;

                //Enable piece


        //If have to display single mesh on puzzle completion set that mesh
        if (ActualImageOnPuzzleComplete)
            GameObject ActualImagePrefab = Resources.Load("TestBackgroundImage", typeof(GameObject)) as GameObject;

            _actualImageGameObject = Instantiate(ActualImagePrefab);
            //_actualImageGameObject = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Quad);
            _actualImageGameObject.transform.position = new Vector3(transform.position.x, transform.position.y,
                                                                    transform.position.z - 1);
            _actualImageGameObject.transform.localScale = transform.localScale;

            _actualImageGameObject.AddComponent <ActualImageObjController>();

            _actualImageGameObject.name = "ActualPuzzleImage";

            _actualImageGameObject.GetComponent <Renderer>().material.mainTexture = _puzzlePieceMaker.PuzzleOrigionalImage;

            _actualImageGameObject.AddComponent <BoxCollider>();


        #region "Camera Resizing And Placement"

        //Resize camera to display whole puzzle in camera view
        float widthToBeSeen  = PiecesInRow * PieceWidthInWorld;
        float heightToBeSeen = PiecesInCol * PieceHeightInWorld;

        parentCam.orthographicSize = widthToBeSeen > heightToBeSeen ? widthToBeSeen * 0.4f : heightToBeSeen * 0.4f;

        //Position camera in centre of puzzle
        //float CalcCameraX = ;
        //float CalcCameraY = ;

        //parentCamTransform.position = new Vector3(CalcCameraX, CalcCameraY, _pieceInstances[1][0].transform.position.z - 3);
        parentCamTransform.position = new Vector3(0, 0, transform.position.z - 10);
