public TestData(string testName, ILogging logger, string serverDirectory) { TestName = testName; Logger = logger; Watch = new Stopwatch(); TestPath = SPath.CreateTempDirectory(testName); TaskManager = new TaskManager(); try { TaskManager.Initialize(); } catch { // we're on the nunit sync context, which can't be used to create a task scheduler // so use a different context as the main thread. The test won't run on the main nunit thread ourContext = new MainThreadSynchronizationContext(TaskManager.Token); TaskManager.Initialize(ourContext); } Environment = new UnityEnvironment(testName); InitializeEnvironment(); ProcessManager = new ProcessManager(Environment); Configuration = new ServerConfiguration(serverDirectory); Logger.Trace($"START {testName}"); Watch.Start(); }
private GitInstallationState ExtractGit(GitInstallationState state) { var tempZipExtractPath = SPath.CreateTempDirectory("ghu_extract_git"); if (state.GitZipExists && !state.GitIsValid) { var gitExtractPath = tempZipExtractPath.Combine("git").CreateDirectory(); var unzipTask = new UnzipTask(TaskManager, state.GitZipPath, gitExtractPath, sharpZipLibHelper) .Progress(progressReporter.UpdateProgress) .Catch(e => { Logger.Trace(e, "Failed to unzip " + state.GitZipPath); return(true); }); unzipTask.RunSynchronously(); var target = state.GitInstallationPath; if (unzipTask.Successful) { Logger.Trace("Moving Git source:{0} target:{1}", gitExtractPath.ToString(), target.ToString()); CopyHelper.Copy(gitExtractPath, target); state.GitIsValid = state.GitLfsIsValid = true; state.IsCustomGitPath = state.GitExecutablePath != installDetails.GitExecutablePath; } } tempZipExtractPath.DeleteIfExists(); return(state); }
public TestData(string testName, ILogging logger, string testRepoName = null, bool withHttpServer = false, ICacheContainer cacheContainer = null, IFileSystem fileSystem = null) { TestName = testName; Logger = logger; Watch = new Stopwatch(); SourceDirectory = TestContext.CurrentContext.TestDirectory.ToSPath(); TestPath = SPath.CreateTempDirectory(testName); SPath.FileSystem = fileSystem ?? new FileSystem(TestPath); if (cacheContainer == null) { var container = new CacheContainer(); container.SetCacheInitializer(CacheType.Branches, () => BranchesCache.Instance); container.SetCacheInitializer(CacheType.GitAheadBehind, () => GitAheadBehindCache.Instance); container.SetCacheInitializer(CacheType.GitLocks, () => GitLocksCache.Instance); container.SetCacheInitializer(CacheType.GitLog, () => GitLogCache.Instance); container.SetCacheInitializer(CacheType.GitStatus, () => GitStatusCache.Instance); container.SetCacheInitializer(CacheType.GitUser, () => GitUserCache.Instance); container.SetCacheInitializer(CacheType.RepositoryInfo, () => RepositoryInfoCache.Instance); cacheContainer = container; } Environment = new IntegrationTestEnvironment(cacheContainer, TestPath, TestPath.Parent, testName); InitializeEnvironment(testRepoName); ApplicationManager = new ApplicationManagerBase(new MainThreadSynchronizationContext(), Environment); if (testRepoName != null) { var testZipFilePath = SourceDirectory.Combine(""); ZipHelper.Instance.Extract(testZipFilePath, TestPath, (_, __) => { }, (value, total, name) => true, token: TaskManager.Token); TestRepo = new TestRepoData(this, testRepoName); InstallTestGit(); InitializeRepository(); } #if NUNIT if (withHttpServer) { var filesToServePath = SourceDirectory.Combine("files"); HttpServer = new HttpServer(filesToServePath, 0); var started = new ManualResetEventSlim(); var task = TaskManager.With(HttpServer.Start, TaskAffinity.None); task.OnStart += _ => started.Set(); task.Start(); started.Wait(); } #endif ((ApplicationManagerBase)ApplicationManager).Initialize(); Logger.Trace($"START {testName}"); Watch.Start(); }
public TestData(string testName, ILogging logger, bool withHttpServer = false) { TestName = testName; Logger = logger; Watch = new Stopwatch(); SourceDirectory = TestContext.CurrentContext.TestDirectory.ToSPath(); TestPath = SPath.CreateTempDirectory(testName); TaskManager = new TaskManager(); cts = CancellationTokenSource.CreateLinkedTokenSource(TaskManager.Token); try { TaskManager.Initialize(); } catch { // we're on the nunit sync context, which can't be used to create a task scheduler // so use a different context as the main thread. The test won't run on the main nunit thread TaskManager.Initialize(new MainThreadSynchronizationContext(cts.Token)); } Environment = new UnityEnvironment(testName); InitializeEnvironment(); ProcessManager = new ProcessManager(Environment); #if NUNIT if (withHttpServer) { var filesToServePath = SourceDirectory.Combine("files"); HttpServer = new HttpServer(filesToServePath, 0); var started = new ManualResetEventSlim(); var task = TaskManager.With(HttpServer.Start, TaskAffinity.None); task.OnStart += _ => started.Set(); task.Start(); started.Wait(); } #endif Logger.Trace($"START {testName}"); Watch.Start(); }
public bool Extract(string archive, string outFolder, CancellationToken cancellationToken, Action <string, long> onStart, Func <long, long, string, bool> onProgress, Func <string, bool> onFilter = null) { var destDir = outFolder.ToSPath(); destDir.EnsureDirectoryExists(); if (archive.EndsWith(".tar.gz")) { var gzipFile = archive.ToSPath(); archive = SPath.CreateTempDirectory("git").Combine(gzipFile.FileNameWithoutExtension); using (var instream = SPath.FileSystem.OpenRead(gzipFile)) using (var outstream = SPath.FileSystem.OpenWrite(archive, FileMode.CreateNew)) { GZip.Decompress(instream, outstream, false); } } if (archive.EndsWith(".tar")) { return(ExtractTar(archive, destDir, cancellationToken, onStart, onProgress, onFilter)); } return(ExtractZip(archive, destDir, cancellationToken, onStart, onProgress, onFilter)); }