// This method gets called by the runtime. Use this method to configure the HTTP request pipeline. public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IWebHostEnvironment env) { //per https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/aspnet/core/migration/22-to-30?view=aspnetcore-3.1&tabs=visual-studio#routing-startup-code // static files should be called before UseRouting StaticFiles.Configure(app, env); app.UseRouting(); Cors.Configure(app, env); Authentication.Configure(app, env); app.UseEndpoints(endpoints => { endpoints.MapControllers(); endpoints.MapHub <ChatHub>("/chathub"); endpoints.MapHub <NotificationHub>("/notificationhub"); }); if (env.IsDevelopment()) { app.UseDeveloperExceptionPage(); } else { app.UseHttpsRedirection(); app.UseDeveloperExceptionPage(); app.UseHsts(); } MVC.Configure(app, env); SPA.Configure(app, env); }
// This method gets called by the runtime. Use this method to configure the HTTP request pipeline. public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IHostingEnvironment env) { Authentication.Configure(app, env); Cors.Configure(app, env); //app.UseSignalR(routes => //{ // routes.MapHub<ChatHub>("/chathub"); //}); if (env.IsDevelopment()) { app.UseDeveloperExceptionPage(); } else { app.UseHttpsRedirection(); app.UseDeveloperExceptionPage(); app.UseHsts(); } MVC.Configure(app, env); SPA.Configure(app, env); StaticFiles.Configure(app, env); }
private string ReadLastConcurrentInfo() { DirectoryInfo dir = new DirectoryInfo(DataStoreDirectory); List <FileInfo> lXMLFilesInfo = dir.GetFiles(ConventionalTransitions.ImageConcurrentDataFilesNamesPattern(), SearchOption.AllDirectories) .ToList(); lXMLFilesInfo.Sort((finfo1, finfo2) => finfo1.CreationTimeUtc.CompareTo(finfo2.CreationTimeUtc)); Dictionary <string, object> dictReadXMLfileData = ServiceTools.ReadDictionaryFromXML(lXMLFilesInfo.Last().FullName); DateTime utcNow = DateTime.UtcNow; DateTime concurrentDataDateTime = DateTime.Parse(dictReadXMLfileData["DateTime"] as string); concurrentDataDateTime = concurrentDataDateTime.ToUniversalTime(); string strDataToReport = "Current server date/time UTC: " + utcNow.ToString("dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm:ss") + Environment.NewLine; strDataToReport += "Concurrent data date/time UTC: " + concurrentDataDateTime.ToString("dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm:ss") + Environment.NewLine; strDataToReport += "time elapsed since last shot: " + Math.Round((utcNow - concurrentDataDateTime).TotalSeconds) + "s" + Environment.NewLine; GPSdata gps = new GPSdata((string)dictReadXMLfileData["GPSdata"], GPSdatasources.CloudCamArduinoGPS, concurrentDataDateTime); strDataToReport += "GPS: " + gps.HRString(2) + Environment.NewLine; SPA spaCalcObject = null; AzimuthZenithAngle angle = gps.SunZenithAzimuth(out spaCalcObject); DateTime dtSunriseUTC = utcNow; TimeOfDay todSunriseUTC = new TimeOfDay(spaCalcObject.spa.sunrise); dtSunriseUTC = new DateTime(dtSunriseUTC.Year, dtSunriseUTC.Month, dtSunriseUTC.Day, todSunriseUTC.hour, todSunriseUTC.minute, todSunriseUTC.second, DateTimeKind.Utc); // TimeZoneInfo mowTimeZone = TimeZoneInfo.FindSystemTimeZoneById("Russian Standard Time"); TimeZoneInfo mowTimeZone = TimeZoneInfo.Local; DateTime dtSunriseMOW = TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTimeFromUtc(dtSunriseUTC, mowTimeZone); strDataToReport += "Sunrise Moscow time: " + (dtSunriseMOW.TimeOfDay.ToString()) + Environment.NewLine; DateTime dtSunsetUTC = utcNow; TimeOfDay todSunsetUTC = new TimeOfDay(spaCalcObject.spa.sunset); dtSunsetUTC = new DateTime(dtSunsetUTC.Year, dtSunsetUTC.Month, dtSunsetUTC.Day, todSunsetUTC.hour, todSunsetUTC.minute, todSunsetUTC.second, DateTimeKind.Utc); DateTime dtSunsetMOW = TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTimeFromUtc(dtSunsetUTC, mowTimeZone); strDataToReport += "Sunset Moscow time: " + (dtSunsetMOW.TimeOfDay.ToString()) + Environment.NewLine; return(strDataToReport); }
// This method gets called by the runtime. Use this method to add services to the container. public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services) { ConfigureAppSettings(services); DependencyInjection.ConfigureServices(services, Configuration); Cors.ConfigureServices(services); Authentication.ConfigureServices(services, Configuration); MVC.ConfigureServices(services); SPA.ConfigureServices(services); }
public string TratarDadosRetorno() { Console.WriteLine(" Factory SPA :: Transforma Dados entre Webhook -> Bereau"); SPA modelo = new SPA(); Console.WriteLine(" Factory SPA :: Instanciando Business Especifica"); SPABusiness _bussines = new SPABusiness(); Console.WriteLine(" Factory SPA :: Salvando Dados"); _bussines.Salvar(modelo); return("Dados Tratados com sucesso"); }
void Awake() { if (_instance == null) { //If I am the first instance, make me the Singleton _instance = this; DontDestroyOnLoad(this); } else { //If a Singleton already exists and you find //another reference in scene, destroy it! if (this != _instance) Destroy(this.gameObject); } }
// This method gets called by the runtime. Use this method to configure the HTTP request pipeline. public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IHostingEnvironment env) { if (env.IsDevelopment()) { app.UseDeveloperExceptionPage(); } else { app.UseDeveloperExceptionPage(); app.UseHsts(); } app.UseHttpsRedirection(); Cors.Configure(app, env); Authentication.Configure(app, env); MVC.Configure(app, env); SPA.Configure(app, env); StaticFiles.Configure(app, env); }
/// <summary>Sets this fontface up as a bitmap font.</summary> public void SetupBitmapFont(SPA spa) { // Apply BFD: BitmapFontData = spa; RequiresLoad = false; }
private void btnProcess_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string fName = richTextBox1.Text; if (!File.Exists(fName)) { theLogWindow = ServiceTools.LogAText(theLogWindow, "couldn`t find a file: " + fName); return; } try { xlApp = new Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Application(); xlApp.Visible = true; wb = xlApp.Workbooks.Open(fName, Type.Missing, false); ws = wb.Sheets[1]; } catch (Exception) { CloseAll(); } List <Tuple <int, SunElevationTestDataRecord> > lRecords = new List <Tuple <int, SunElevationTestDataRecord> >(); int rowIdx = 2; double dDataTimeRead = 0.0d; while (true) { DateTime dtVal; SunElevationTestDataRecord currRec = new SunElevationTestDataRecord(); System.Windows.Forms.Application.DoEvents(); try { Range rngDT = ws.Cells[rowIdx, 1]; var dDataTimeReadValue = rngDT.Value2; if (dDataTimeReadValue == null) { theLogWindow = ServiceTools.LogAText(theLogWindow, "date-time value at row " + rowIdx + " is empty. Stopping reading."); CloseAll(); break; } dDataTimeRead = (double)(dDataTimeReadValue); if (dDataTimeRead == 0.0d) { theLogWindow = ServiceTools.LogAText(theLogWindow, "date-time value at row " + rowIdx + " is empty. Stopping reading."); CloseAll(); break; } } catch (Exception ex) { //CloseAll(); theLogWindow = ServiceTools.LogAText(theLogWindow, "====================="); theLogWindow = ServiceTools.LogAText(theLogWindow, ex.Message + Environment.NewLine + "for date-time value at row " + rowIdx); theLogWindow = ServiceTools.LogAText(theLogWindow, "====================="); lRecords.Add(new Tuple <int, SunElevationTestDataRecord>(rowIdx, currRec)); rowIdx++; continue; } dtVal = DateTime.FromOADate(dDataTimeRead); currRec.Dt = dtVal; double latVal = 0.0d; try { Range rngLat = ws.Cells[rowIdx, 2]; var rngLatVal = rngLat.Value2; if (rngLatVal == null) { theLogWindow = ServiceTools.LogAText(theLogWindow, "latitude value at row " + rowIdx + " is empty"); //rowIdx++; //continue; } else { latVal = (double)(rngLatVal); currRec.latDec = latVal; } } catch (Exception ex) { //CloseAll(); theLogWindow = ServiceTools.LogAText(theLogWindow, "====================="); theLogWindow = ServiceTools.LogAText(theLogWindow, ex.Message + Environment.NewLine + "for latitude value at row " + rowIdx); theLogWindow = ServiceTools.LogAText(theLogWindow, "====================="); lRecords.Add(new Tuple <int, SunElevationTestDataRecord>(rowIdx, currRec)); rowIdx++; continue; } double lonVal = 0.0d; try { Range rngLon = ws.Cells[rowIdx, 3]; var rngLonVal = rngLon.Value2; if (rngLonVal == null) { theLogWindow = ServiceTools.LogAText(theLogWindow, "longitude value at row " + rowIdx + " is empty"); //rowIdx++; //continue; } else { lonVal = (double)(rngLonVal); currRec.lonDec = lonVal; } } catch (Exception ex) { //CloseAll(); theLogWindow = ServiceTools.LogAText(theLogWindow, "====================="); theLogWindow = ServiceTools.LogAText(theLogWindow, ex.Message + Environment.NewLine + "for longitude value at row " + rowIdx); theLogWindow = ServiceTools.LogAText(theLogWindow, "====================="); lRecords.Add(new Tuple <int, SunElevationTestDataRecord>(rowIdx, currRec)); rowIdx++; continue; } double sunAltTestVal = 0.0d; try { Range rngSunAltTest = ws.Cells[rowIdx, 4]; var rngSunAltTestVal = rngSunAltTest.Value2; if (rngSunAltTestVal == null) { theLogWindow = ServiceTools.LogAText(theLogWindow, "testing sun elevation value at row " + rowIdx + " is empty"); //rowIdx++; //continue; } else { sunAltTestVal = (double)(rngSunAltTestVal); currRec.SunElevTest = sunAltTestVal; } } catch (Exception ex) { theLogWindow = ServiceTools.LogAText(theLogWindow, "====================="); theLogWindow = ServiceTools.LogAText(theLogWindow, ex.Message + Environment.NewLine + "for read sun elevation value at row " + rowIdx); theLogWindow = ServiceTools.LogAText(theLogWindow, "====================="); //CloseAll(); lRecords.Add(new Tuple <int, SunElevationTestDataRecord>(rowIdx, currRec)); rowIdx++; continue; } ThreadSafeOperations.SetText(lblLoadingStatus, "loading " + rowIdx + " row", false); lRecords.Add(new Tuple <int, SunElevationTestDataRecord>(rowIdx, currRec)); rowIdx++; } List <double> lDeviations = new List <double>(); string outFName = Path.GetDirectoryName(fName) + "\\" + Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(fName) + "-output.txt"; ServiceTools.logToTextFile(outFName, SunElevationTestDataRecord.TableFieldsHeader() + Environment.NewLine, true); foreach (Tuple <int, SunElevationTestDataRecord> tpl in lRecords) { rowIdx = tpl.Item1; SunElevationTestDataRecord currRec = tpl.Item2; if (currRec.WhetherAllValuesHasBeenRead) { SPA spaCalc = new SPA(currRec.Dt.Year, currRec.Dt.Month, currRec.Dt.Day, currRec.Dt.Hour, currRec.Dt.Minute, currRec.Dt.Second, (float)currRec.lonDec, (float)currRec.latDec, (float)SPAConst.DeltaT(currRec.Dt)); int res = spaCalc.spa_calculate(); AzimuthZenithAngle sunPositionSPAext = new AzimuthZenithAngle(spaCalc.spa.azimuth, spaCalc.spa.zenith); currRec.SunElevCalc = sunPositionSPAext.ElevationAngle; lDeviations.Add(currRec.SunElevCalc - currRec.SunElevTest); ServiceTools.logToTextFile(outFName, currRec.ToString() + Environment.NewLine, true); } else { ServiceTools.logToTextFile(outFName, currRec.ToString() + Environment.NewLine, true); } } HistogramDataAndProperties histData = new HistogramDataAndProperties(DenseVector.OfEnumerable(lDeviations), 20); HistogramCalcAndShowForm histForm = new HistogramCalcAndShowForm("", defaultProperties); histForm.HistToRepresent = histData; histForm.Show(); histForm.Represent(); CloseAll(); }
public void Load(Reader reader) { // Read the header: reader.ReadString(6); Width = reader.ReadInt16(); Height = reader.ReadInt16(); if (HostSPA == null) { // Create the host SPA (default 100fps): HostSPA = new SPA(Width, Height, 100); } // Apply parent: HostSPA.ParentGif = this; byte packed = (byte)reader.ReadByte(); bool colorTableFlag = ((packed & 0x80) >> 7) == 1; ColorResolution = (byte)((packed & 0x60) >> 5); SortFlags = ((byte)(packed & 0x10)) >> 4; // Background index (unused): byte bgIndex = (byte)reader.ReadByte(); PixelAspect = (byte)reader.ReadByte(); Color32[] globalColorTable = null; BackgroundColour = new Color32(0, 0, 0, 0); if (colorTableFlag) { int colorTableSize = ((int)2) << (packed & 7); globalColorTable = LoadPalette(reader.ReadBytes(colorTableSize * 3)); if (bgIndex < globalColorTable.Length) { BackgroundColour = globalColorTable[bgIndex]; } } byte nextFlag = (byte)reader.ReadByte(); int frameCount = 0; int gcbCount = 0; Color32[] previousFrame = null; List <SPASprite> spaFrames = new List <SPASprite>(); List <GifFrame> frames = new List <GifFrame>(); while (nextFlag != GifBlocks.Terminator) { if (nextFlag == GifBlocks.ImageLabel) { GifFrame frame; if (frames.Count <= frameCount) { // Create the frame now: frame = new GifFrame(this, frameCount); frames.Add(frame); } else { // Load it: frame = frames[frameCount]; } // Drop zero-delay frames from the output. // - This makes "full colour" GIFs work. if (frame.Delay != 0f || spaFrames.Count == 0) { spaFrames.Add(frame); } previousFrame = ReadFrame(previousFrame, frame, reader, globalColorTable); frameCount++; } else if (nextFlag == GifBlocks.ExtensionIntroducer) { int gcl = reader.ReadByte(); switch (gcl) { case GifBlocks.GraphicControlLabel: int blockSize = reader.ReadByte(); if (blockSize != 4) { throw new Exception("A graphic extension block had the wrong size in a GIF stream."); } byte gPacked = (byte)reader.ReadByte(); bool transparencyFlag = (gPacked & 0x01) == 1; int disposalMethod = (gPacked & 0x1C) >> 2; // Frame delay in seconds: float delay = (float)reader.ReadInt16() / 100f; byte transparencyIndex = (byte)reader.ReadByte(); // Terminal 0: reader.ReadByte(); GifFrame frame; if (frames.Count <= gcbCount) { // Create the frame now: frame = new GifFrame(this, gcbCount); frames.Add(frame); } else { // Load it: frame = frames[gcbCount]; } // Apply delay: frame.Delay = delay; frame.DisposalMethod = disposalMethod; if (transparencyFlag) { frame.TransparencyIndex = transparencyIndex; } else { frame.TransparencyIndex = -1; } gcbCount++; break; case GifBlocks.CommentLabel: CommentBlock commentBlock = new CommentBlock(); commentBlock.Load(reader); Blocks.Add(commentBlock); break; case GifBlocks.ApplicationExtensionLabel: ApplicationExtensionBlock appBlock = new ApplicationExtensionBlock(); appBlock.Load(reader); Blocks.Add(appBlock); break; case GifBlocks.PlainTextLabel: PlainTextBlock texBlock = new PlainTextBlock(); texBlock.Load(reader); Blocks.Add(texBlock); break; } } else if (nextFlag == GifBlocks.EndIntroducer) { break; } nextFlag = reader.ReadByte(); } Frames = frames.ToArray(); // Apply the frames to the host SPA: HostSPA.Sprites = spaFrames.ToArray(); }