public ActionResult likePost(int postid, string action_, string controller_, int ownerid, int userid = 0) { var con = new SOCIALMEDIA_DBEntities(); var likedpost = con.LIKEDPOSTS.Where(l => l.USERID == ownerid && l.POSTID == postid); if (likedpost.Count() == 0) { var post = con.POSTS.Find(postid); post.LIKES++; LIKEDPOST liked = new LIKEDPOST(); var last = con.LIKEDPOSTS.OrderByDescending(l => l.ID); liked.ID = (last.Count() != 0)? con.LIKEDPOSTS.OrderByDescending(l => l.ID).First().ID + 1 : 1; liked.USERID = ownerid; liked.POSTID = postid; con.LIKEDPOSTS.Add(liked); } else { var post = con.POSTS.Find(postid); post.LIKES--; con.LIKEDPOSTS.Remove(likedpost.First()); } con.SaveChanges(); return(RedirectToAction(action_, controller_, new { userid = userid, ownerid = ownerid })); }
public ActionResult createPost(string postContent, int ownerid, string action_, string controller_, HttpPostedFileBase attach) { POST post = new POST(); post.CONTENT = postContent; post.POSTDATE = DateTime.Now; post.LIKES = 0; post.USERID = ownerid; //upload attachments if (attach != null) { var fileName = Path.GetFileName(attach.FileName); var path = Path.Combine(Server.MapPath("~/Data/Posts_Attachments/"), fileName); attach.SaveAs(path); post.MEDIA = "../Data/Posts_Attachments/" + fileName; } var con = new SOCIALMEDIA_DBEntities(); var posts = con.POSTS.OrderByDescending(p => p.POSTID); post.POSTID = (posts.Count() != 0)? posts.First().POSTID + 1:1; con.POSTS.Add(post); con.SaveChanges(); return(RedirectToAction(action_, controller_, new { userid = ownerid })); }
public ActionResult editPost(int postid, string action_, string controller_, string content, int userid) { var con = new SOCIALMEDIA_DBEntities(); var post = con.POSTS.Find(postid); post.CONTENT = content; con.SaveChanges(); return(RedirectToAction(action_, controller_, new { userid = userid })); }
public ActionResult delReply(int replyid, string action_, string controller_, int userid = 0) { var con = new SOCIALMEDIA_DBEntities(); var reply = con.REPLIES.Find(replyid); con.REPLIES.Remove(reply); con.SaveChanges(); return(RedirectToAction(action_, controller_, new { userid = userid })); }
public ActionResult delComment(int commentid, string action_, string controller_, int userid = 0) { var con = new SOCIALMEDIA_DBEntities(); var comment = con.COMMENTS.Find(commentid); var reps = con.REPLIES.Where(r => r.COMMENTID == commentid); con.REPLIES.RemoveRange(reps); con.COMMENTS.Remove(comment); con.SaveChanges(); return(RedirectToAction(action_, controller_, new { userid = userid })); }
public ActionResult delPost(int postid, string action_, string controller_, int userid = 0) { var con = new SOCIALMEDIA_DBEntities(); var post = con.POSTS.Find(postid); var comments = con.COMMENTS.Where(c => c.POSTID == postid); foreach (var c in comments)//remove replies for each comment { con.REPLIES.RemoveRange(con.REPLIES.Where(r => r.COMMENTID == c.COMMENTID)); } var liked = con.LIKEDPOSTS.Where(l => l.POSTID == postid); con.COMMENTS.RemoveRange(comments); con.LIKEDPOSTS.RemoveRange(liked); con.POSTS.Remove(post); con.SaveChanges(); return(RedirectToAction(action_, controller_, new { userid = userid })); }
public MessengerModel getConversations(MessengerModel m) { dbUtils db = new dbUtils(); string sql = "select con_id, con_contactID ,con_notifications,con_starter from CONVERSATIONS where con_userID =" + m.userId; ArrayList[] data = new ArrayList[4]; data = db.fetch(sql, 4); m.consId = data[0]; var con = new SOCIALMEDIA_DBEntities(); foreach (int contactID in data[1]) { m.conversations.Add(con.USERS.Find(contactID)); } m.notifications = data[2]; m.starter = data[3]; return(m); }
public ActionResult createReply(int commentid, string replyContent, int ownerid, string action_, string controller_, int userid = 1) { REPLY reply = new REPLY(); reply.CONTENT = replyContent; reply.LIKES = 0; reply.USERID = ownerid; reply.COMMENTID = commentid; var con = new SOCIALMEDIA_DBEntities(); //get the last id and ++ the new id var reps = con.REPLIES.OrderByDescending(r => r.REPLYID); reply.REPLYID = (reps.Count() != 0)? reps.First().REPLYID + 1:1; con.REPLIES.Add(reply); con.SaveChanges(); return(RedirectToAction(action_, controller_, new { userid = userid })); }
public ActionResult createComment(int postid, string commentContent, int ownerid, string action_, string controller_, int userid = 1) { COMMENT comment = new COMMENT(); comment.CONTENT = commentContent; comment.LIKES = 0; comment.USERID = ownerid; comment.POSTID = postid; var con = new SOCIALMEDIA_DBEntities(); //get the last id and ++ the new id var comms = con.COMMENTS.OrderByDescending(c => c.COMMENTID); comment.COMMENTID = (comms.Count() != 0)? comms.First().COMMENTID + 1:1; con.COMMENTS.Add(comment); con.SaveChanges(); return(RedirectToAction(action_, controller_, new { userid = userid })); }
// // GET: /messenger/ public ActionResult Messenger() { MessengerModel m = new MessengerModel(); m.consId = new ArrayList(); m.contacts = new ArrayList(); m.conversations = new ArrayList(); = new ArrayList(); m.notifications = new ArrayList(); m.starter = new ArrayList(); m.userOneMess = new ArrayList(); m.userTwoMess = new ArrayList(); m.userId = (Int32)Session["ownerid"]; var con = new SOCIALMEDIA_DBEntities(); m.headerm = new headerModel(); m.headerm.owner = con.USERS.Find(m.userId); ///get friends list ArrayList friendsIds = new ArrayList(); var friends = con.FOLLOWINGS.Where(f => f.USERID == m.userId && f.FR_CONFIRMED == true).Select(f => f.FOLLOWINGID); foreach (int id in friends) { friendsIds.Add(id); } var friends_ = con.FOLLOWINGS.Where(f => f.FOLLOWINGID == m.userId && f.FR_CONFIRMED == true).Select(f => f.USERID); foreach (int id in friends_) { friendsIds.Add(id); } foreach (int fr in friendsIds) { USER friend = con.USERS.Find(fr); m.contacts.Add(friend); } m = getConversations(m); return(View(m)); }
public ActionResult Login(string username, string password) { bool x = false; using (DbContext dbContext = new DbContext("name=SOCIALMEDIA_DBEntities")) { x = dbContext.Database.Exists(); } var con = new SOCIALMEDIA_DBEntities(); LoginModel login = new LoginModel(); var user = con.USERS.Where(u => u.USERNAME == username && u.PASSWORD == password); if (user.Count() != 0) { Session["ownerid"] = user.First().USERID; return(RedirectToAction("Home", "Home", null)); } else { login.status = "failed"; return(View(login)); } }
public ActionResult Home() { if (Session["ownerid"] == null) { return(RedirectToAction("Login", "Login")); } int ownerid = (Int32)Session["ownerid"]; var con = new SOCIALMEDIA_DBEntities(); HomeModel m = new HomeModel(); m.friends_list = new ArrayList(); m.posts = new ArrayList(); m.sugg_friends = new ArrayList(); //get owner info m.owner = con.USERS.Find(ownerid); //set user to default *owner info* m.user = m.owner; m.headerm = new headerModel(); m.headerm.owner = m.owner; ///get friends list ArrayList friendsIds = new ArrayList(); var friends = con.FOLLOWINGS.Where(f => f.USERID == ownerid && f.FR_CONFIRMED == true).Select(f => f.FOLLOWINGID); foreach (int id in friends) { friendsIds.Add(id); } var friends_ = con.FOLLOWINGS.Where(f => f.FOLLOWINGID == ownerid && f.FR_CONFIRMED == true).Select(f => f.USERID); foreach (int id in friends_) { friendsIds.Add(id); } foreach (int fr in friendsIds) { USER friend = con.USERS.Find(fr); m.friends_list.Add(friend); } //get sugg_friends list var All = con.USERS.Select(u => u.USERID); foreach (int id in All) { if (!friendsIds.Contains(id) && id != ownerid) { USER sugg = con.USERS.Find(id); //set sugg status // check my followings var friend = con.FOLLOWINGS.Where(f => f.USERID == ownerid && f.FOLLOWINGID == id); if (friend.Count() != 0) { if (friend.First().FR_CONFIRMED == true) { sugg.FRstatus = "friend"; } else { sugg.FRstatus = "waitConfirm"; } } // check his followings friend = con.FOLLOWINGS.Where(f => f.USERID == id && f.FOLLOWINGID == ownerid); if (friend.Count() != 0) { if (friend.First().FR_CONFIRMED == true) { sugg.FRstatus = "friend"; } else { sugg.FRstatus = "FRsent"; } } if (sugg.FRstatus == null) { sugg.FRstatus = "notFriend"; } m.sugg_friends.Add(sugg); } } //load posts var posts = con.POSTS.Where(p => friends.Contains(p.USERID) || friends_.Contains(p.USERID) || p.USERID == ownerid); foreach (POST post in posts) { //set like status if (con.LIKEDPOSTS.Where(l => l.POSTID == post.POSTID && l.USERID == ownerid).Count() != 0) { post.liked = true; } else { post.liked = false; } //load comments var comments = con.COMMENTS.Where(p => p.POSTID == post.POSTID); foreach (COMMENT comment in comments) { // load replies var replies = con.REPLIES.Where(p => p.COMMENTID == comment.COMMENTID); foreach (REPLY reply in replies) { if (reply != null) { comment.REPLIES.Add(reply); } } if (comment != null) { post.COMMENTS.Add(comment); } } if (post != null) { m.posts.Add(post); } } return(View(m)); }