protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        //FileInfo logFile = new FileInfo("c:\\myLogFile.txt");
        //var val = Request.QueryString;
        //using (StreamWriter logStream = logFile.AppendText())
        //    logStream.Write(val.ToString());

        //Note: remove all html data from the .aspx page. dont use any html tag in response.
        //To Print Response use "Response.Write()" method.
        string strSource = "", strPhoneNumber = "", strMessage = "";
        string strKeyword = "", strSubKeyword = "", strAmount = "", strcustCode = "";

        //Write all your code in this section
        //1. Trap all query string variables
        if ((Request.QueryString["scid"] == null) || (Request.QueryString["pno"] == null) || (Request.QueryString["msg"] == null))

        strSource = Request.QueryString["scid"].ToString();
        strPhoneNumber = Request.QueryString["pno"].ToString();
        strMessage = Request.QueryString["msg"].ToString();

        //Now Split the Message by space to get keyword/subkeywords.
        //for example you have a keyword "BOOK" and 2 subkeywords under it SUB1 And SUB2.
        char[] arrSeperator = new char[] { ' ' };
        string[] arrKeywords = strMessage.Split(arrSeperator, 4);

        if (arrKeywords.Length == 1)
            strKeyword = Convert.ToString(arrKeywords[0]);
        if (arrKeywords.Length == 2)
            strKeyword = Convert.ToString(arrKeywords[0]);
            strSubKeyword = Convert.ToString(arrKeywords[1]);
        if (arrKeywords.Length == 4)
            strKeyword = Convert.ToString(arrKeywords[0]);
            strSubKeyword = Convert.ToString(arrKeywords[2]);
            strcustCode = Convert.ToString(arrKeywords[1]);
            strAmount = Convert.ToString(arrKeywords[3]);

        //print simple text using "Response.Write" what ever u want in response. 
        if (strKeyword.ToUpper() == "CASH" && strSubKeyword.ToUpper() == "A") //Cash keyword for payment and A for Advance.
            strAmount = strAmount.Trim();  //Regex.Replace(strAmount, "[^0-9a-zA-Z]+", "");
            double dblAmount;
            bool isNum = double.TryParse(Convert.ToString(strAmount), out dblAmount);
            if (isNum)
                strAmount = Math.Floor(dblAmount).ToString();
                SMSServiceReference.SMSServiceClient sc = new SMSServiceClient();
                string msg = sc.RespondPaymentSms(strPhoneNumber, strcustCode.ToUpper(),Convert.ToDecimal(strAmount));
            Response.Write(Messages.CashSMSInvalid); //Invalid Keyword