예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        ///     Import a text file as a data source, with the first data row and first data column at a specific cell.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="FileName">The file name.</param>
        /// <param name="AnchorCellReference">The anchor cell reference, such as "A1".</param>
        /// <param name="Options">Text import options.</param>
        public void ImportText(string FileName, string AnchorCellReference, SLTextImportOptions Options)
            var iRowIndex    = -1;
            var iColumnIndex = -1;

            if (SLTool.FormatCellReferenceToRowColumnIndex(AnchorCellReference, out iRowIndex, out iColumnIndex))
                ImportText(FileName, iRowIndex, iColumnIndex, Options);
        /// <summary>
        /// Simple example where the caller will create the Excel file if missing
        /// using the method above CreateNewFile. pTextFile is a tab delimited text
        /// file known to be validate which is imported into a specific WorkSheet.
        /// Calling this method:
        /// var ops = new SpreadSheetLightLibrary.Examples();
        /// var excelFileName = Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, "SpreadSheetLight.xlsx");
        /// var textFileName = Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, "import1.txt");
        /// var sheetName = "People";
        /// if (File.Exists(excelFileName))
        /// {
        ///     File.Delete(excelFileName);
        /// }
        /// ops.CreateNewFile(excelFileName);
        /// ops.ImportTabDelimitedTextFile(textFileName, excelFileName, sheetName);
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pTextFileName"></param>
        /// <param name="pExcelFileName"></param>
        /// <param name="pSheetName"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public bool ImportTabDelimitedTextFile(string pTextFileName, string pExcelFileName, string pSheetName)
                using (SLDocument doc = new SLDocument(pExcelFileName))
                    var sheets = doc.GetSheetNames(false);
                    if (sheets.Any((sheetName) => sheetName.ToLower() == pSheetName.ToLower()))

                    var tio = new SLTextImportOptions();

                    doc.ImportText(pTextFileName, "A1", tio);

                    // setting column widths
                    doc.SetColumnWidth(2, 5);

                    // do not need Sheet1
                    if (sheets.FirstOrDefault((sheetName) => sheetName.ToLower() == "sheet1") != null)
                        if (pSheetName.ToLower() != "sheet1")


            catch (Exception)
예제 #3
        public SLDocument LoadTextFile(SLDocument sldocWorksheet, string strTextFileFullPath)
            sldocWorksheet.RenameWorksheet(SLDocument.DefaultFirstSheetName, "Delimited");

            SLTextImportOptions sltioWorksheetOptions = new SLTextImportOptions();

            sltioWorksheetOptions.Culture = new CultureInfo("en-US");
            SLWorksheetStatistics sldocstatsWorksheetStats = sldocWorksheet.GetWorksheetStatistics();
            int iLastColumnWithData = sldocstatsWorksheetStats.EndColumnIndex;

            for (int iCounter = 0; iCounter < iLastColumnWithData; iCounter++)
                sltioWorksheetOptions.SetColumnFormat(iCounter, SLTextImportColumnFormatValues.Text);

            sldocWorksheet.ImportText(strTextFileFullPath, "A1", sltioWorksheetOptions);

예제 #4
        /// <summary>
        ///     Import a text file as a data source, with the first data row and first data column at a specific cell.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="FileName">The file name.</param>
        /// <param name="AnchorRowIndex">The row index of the anchor cell.</param>
        /// <param name="AnchorColumnIndex">The column index of the anchor cell.</param>
        /// <param name="Options">Text import options.</param>
        public void ImportText(string FileName, int AnchorRowIndex, int AnchorColumnIndex, SLTextImportOptions Options)
            if (Options == null)
                Options = new SLTextImportOptions();
            if (AnchorRowIndex < 1)
                AnchorRowIndex = 1;
            if (AnchorColumnIndex < 1)
                AnchorColumnIndex = 1;

            var listDelimiters = new List <char>();

            if (Options.UseTabDelimiter)
            if (Options.UseSemicolonDelimiter)
            if (Options.UseCommaDelimiter)
            if (Options.UseSpaceDelimiter)
                listDelimiters.Add(' ');
            if (Options.UseCustomDelimiter)
            var caDelimiters = listDelimiters.ToArray();
            var sso          = Options.MergeDelimiters ? StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries : StringSplitOptions.None;

            string sDataLine;
            var    listData = new List <string>();
            double fData;
            var    dtData    = DateTime.Now;
            var    sDateData = string.Empty;

            // There's the space separator: \s
            // Example: 05 Oct 2013
            // Then the typical slash separator: /
            // Example: 05/10/2013 or 10/05/2013
            // Then the dash: - (we do \- to escape for regex)
            // Example: 05-10-2013 or 10-05-2013
            // Then the plus sign: + (we do \+ to escape for regex).
            // The plus sign occurs for expanded year representions, such as the year +12345
            // Will SpreadsheetLight survive beyond the year 9999? Who knows?
            // See this for more information:
            // The dot (or period) is also used: . (we do \. to escape for regex)
            // Then the single quote is used when the century portion of the year is shortened.
            // Example: 05.10.2013 or 05.10.'13
            // See this for more information:
            var sDateSeparatorRegex = @"[\s/\-\+\.']+";

            string sData;
            int    i;
            int    iRowIndex, iColumnIndex;
            int    iNextSubstringIndex, iFixedWidth;
            var    tiColumnFormat = SLTextImportColumnFormatValues.General;

            var listYears = new List <string> {
                "yyyy", "yy"
            var listMonths = new List <string> {
                "MMMM", "MMM", "MM", "M"
            var listDays = new List <string> {
                "dd", "d"
            var listMDY = GetPossibleDateFormatsForImportParsing(listMonths, listDays, listYears);
            var listDMY = GetPossibleDateFormatsForImportParsing(listDays, listMonths, listYears);
            var listYMD = GetPossibleDateFormatsForImportParsing(listYears, listMonths, listDays);
            var listMYD = GetPossibleDateFormatsForImportParsing(listMonths, listYears, listDays);
            var listDYM = GetPossibleDateFormatsForImportParsing(listDays, listYears, listMonths);
            var listYDM = GetPossibleDateFormatsForImportParsing(listYears, listDays, listMonths);

            iRowIndex = AnchorRowIndex;
            var iRowCounter = 0;

            using (var sr = new StreamReader(FileName, Options.Encoding))
                while (sr.Peek() > -1)
                    sDataLine = sr.ReadLine();
                    if (iRowCounter < Options.ImportStartRowIndex)

                    if (Options.DataFieldType == SLTextImportDataFieldTypeValues.Delimited)
                        listData = new List <string>(sDataLine.Split(caDelimiters, sso));
                        // else is fixed width

                        iNextSubstringIndex = 0;
                        iFixedWidth         = Options.DefaultFixedWidth;
                        // use i temporarily for tracking column indices
                        i = 1;
                        if (Options.dictFixedWidth.ContainsKey(i))
                            iFixedWidth = Options.dictFixedWidth[i];
                        while (iNextSubstringIndex + iFixedWidth <= sDataLine.Length)
                            listData.Add(sDataLine.Substring(iNextSubstringIndex, iFixedWidth));
                            iNextSubstringIndex += iFixedWidth;
                            iFixedWidth = Options.DefaultFixedWidth;
                            if (Options.dictFixedWidth.ContainsKey(i))
                                iFixedWidth = Options.dictFixedWidth[i];

                        // if still need to do substring, but the fixed width exceeded the string length...
                        if (iNextSubstringIndex < sDataLine.Length)
                        // no else because all the data has been fixed-width-separated by now.

                    iColumnIndex = AnchorColumnIndex;
                    for (i = 0; i < listData.Count; ++i)
                        tiColumnFormat = SLTextImportColumnFormatValues.General;
                        // +1 because i is zero-based
                        if (Options.dictColumnFormat.ContainsKey(i + 1))
                            tiColumnFormat = Options.dictColumnFormat[i + 1];

                        switch (tiColumnFormat)
                        case SLTextImportColumnFormatValues.General:
                            // We try to parse as a floating point number first.
                            // Failing that, we try to parse as date with any given custom date formats.
                            // If fail that or there are no custom date formats given, we try to parse
                            // as date in a general manner.
                            // If fail *that*, then we throw in the towel and just set as text.
                            if (double.TryParse(listData[i], Options.NumberStyles, Options.Culture, out fData))
                                SetCellValue(iRowIndex, iColumnIndex, fData);
                                SetDateIfFailThenSetAsTextForImportParsing(listData[i], iRowIndex, iColumnIndex,
                                                                           Options.listCustomDateFormats, Options.Culture, Options.HasTextQualifier,
                                                                           Options.TextQualifier, Options.PreserveSpace);

                        case SLTextImportColumnFormatValues.Text:
                            sData = listData[i];
                            if (Options.HasTextQualifier)
                                sData = sData.Trim(Options.TextQualifier);
                            if (!Options.PreserveSpace)
                                sData = sData.Trim();
                            SetCellValue(iRowIndex, iColumnIndex, sData);

                        case SLTextImportColumnFormatValues.DateMDY:
                            // we try to make the date string as compact and as close to what
                            // we have as date formats as possible, before trying the date combos.
                            sDateData = Regex.Replace(listData[i], sDateSeparatorRegex, " ").Trim();
                            if (DateTime.TryParseExact(sDateData, listMDY.ToArray(), Options.Culture,
                                                       DateTimeStyles.None, out dtData))
                                SetCellValue(iRowIndex, iColumnIndex, dtData);
                                SetDateIfFailThenSetAsTextForImportParsing(listData[i], iRowIndex,
                                                                           AnchorColumnIndex + i, Options.listCustomDateFormats, Options.Culture,
                                                                           Options.HasTextQualifier, Options.TextQualifier, Options.PreserveSpace);

                        case SLTextImportColumnFormatValues.DateDMY:
                            sDateData = Regex.Replace(listData[i], sDateSeparatorRegex, " ").Trim();
                            if (DateTime.TryParseExact(sDateData, listDMY.ToArray(), Options.Culture,
                                                       DateTimeStyles.None, out dtData))
                                SetCellValue(iRowIndex, iColumnIndex, dtData);
                                SetDateIfFailThenSetAsTextForImportParsing(listData[i], iRowIndex,
                                                                           AnchorColumnIndex + i, Options.listCustomDateFormats, Options.Culture,
                                                                           Options.HasTextQualifier, Options.TextQualifier, Options.PreserveSpace);

                        case SLTextImportColumnFormatValues.DateYMD:
                            sDateData = Regex.Replace(listData[i], sDateSeparatorRegex, " ").Trim();
                            if (DateTime.TryParseExact(sDateData, listYMD.ToArray(), Options.Culture,
                                                       DateTimeStyles.None, out dtData))
                                SetCellValue(iRowIndex, iColumnIndex, dtData);
                                SetDateIfFailThenSetAsTextForImportParsing(listData[i], iRowIndex,
                                                                           AnchorColumnIndex + i, Options.listCustomDateFormats, Options.Culture,
                                                                           Options.HasTextQualifier, Options.TextQualifier, Options.PreserveSpace);

                        case SLTextImportColumnFormatValues.DateMYD:
                            sDateData = Regex.Replace(listData[i], sDateSeparatorRegex, " ").Trim();
                            if (DateTime.TryParseExact(sDateData, listMYD.ToArray(), Options.Culture,
                                                       DateTimeStyles.None, out dtData))
                                SetCellValue(iRowIndex, iColumnIndex, dtData);
                                SetDateIfFailThenSetAsTextForImportParsing(listData[i], iRowIndex,
                                                                           AnchorColumnIndex + i, Options.listCustomDateFormats, Options.Culture,
                                                                           Options.HasTextQualifier, Options.TextQualifier, Options.PreserveSpace);

                        case SLTextImportColumnFormatValues.DateDYM:
                            sDateData = Regex.Replace(listData[i], sDateSeparatorRegex, " ").Trim();
                            if (DateTime.TryParseExact(sDateData, listDYM.ToArray(), Options.Culture,
                                                       DateTimeStyles.None, out dtData))
                                SetCellValue(iRowIndex, iColumnIndex, dtData);
                                SetDateIfFailThenSetAsTextForImportParsing(listData[i], iRowIndex, iColumnIndex,
                                                                           Options.listCustomDateFormats, Options.Culture, Options.HasTextQualifier,
                                                                           Options.TextQualifier, Options.PreserveSpace);

                        case SLTextImportColumnFormatValues.DateYDM:
                            sDateData = Regex.Replace(listData[i], sDateSeparatorRegex, " ").Trim();
                            if (DateTime.TryParseExact(sDateData, listYDM.ToArray(), Options.Culture,
                                                       DateTimeStyles.None, out dtData))
                                SetCellValue(iRowIndex, iColumnIndex, dtData);
                                SetDateIfFailThenSetAsTextForImportParsing(listData[i], iRowIndex, iColumnIndex,
                                                                           Options.listCustomDateFormats, Options.Culture, Options.HasTextQualifier,
                                                                           Options.TextQualifier, Options.PreserveSpace);

                        if (tiColumnFormat != SLTextImportColumnFormatValues.Skip)
