void categoryGrid_OnAction(string actionName, object actionArgument) { int categoryId = ValidationHelper.GetInteger(actionArgument, 0); switch (actionName.ToLowerCSafe()) { case "up": case "down": // In case Up or Down action was performed permissions are checked RaiseOnCheckPermissions(PERMISSION_MODIFY, this); SKUOptionCategoryInfo selectedItem = SKUOptionCategoryInfoProvider.GetSKUOptionCategoryInfo(categoryId, ProductID); if (actionName.ToLowerCSafe() == "up") { // Move SKU Category Up SKUOptionCategoryInfoProvider.MoveSKUCategoryOrderUp(selectedItem); } else { // Move SKU Category Down SKUOptionCategoryInfoProvider.MoveSKUCategoryOrderDown(selectedItem); } // Clear selected rows categoryGrid.ResetSelection(); // Reload uniGrid & uniSelector categoryGrid.ReloadData(); break; } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { // SKU option category info to select options from optionSKUCategoryInfo = SKUOptionCategoryInfo.Provider.Get(CategoryID, ProductID); // Redirect user if edited option category for this product does not exist if (optionSKUCategoryInfo == null) { EditedObject = null; } else { // Set title and help var optionCategoryInfo = OptionCategoryInfo.Provider.Get(optionSKUCategoryInfo.CategoryID); var categoryFullName = optionCategoryInfo.CategoryFullName; string titleText = string.Format(GetString("com.optioncategory.select"), HTMLHelper.HTMLEncode(categoryFullName)); SetTitle(titleText); } // Register event handlers rbAllowAllOption.SelectedIndexChanged += rbAllowAllOption_SelectedIndexChanged; ugOptions.OnExternalDataBound += ugOptions_OnExternalDataBound; ugOptions.OnBeforeDataReload += ugOptions_OnBeforeDataReload; Save += btnOk_Click; // Initialize value of controls if (!RequestHelper.IsPostBack()) { rbAllowAllOption.SelectedValue = optionSKUCategoryInfo.AllowAllOptions ? ALLOW_ALL : SELECTED_ONLY; ugOptions.SelectedItems = SelectedOptionsIds; } // Hide selection if all options are allowed ugOptions.GridOptions.ShowSelection = rbAllowAllOption.SelectedValue != ALLOW_ALL; // Display only options for particular category ugOptions.WhereCondition = "SKUOptionCategoryID=" + CategoryID; // Navigate user if there is nothing to select from ugOptions.ZeroRowsText = GetString("com.selectableoptions.nodata"); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { // SKU option category info to select options from optionSKUCategoryInfo = SKUOptionCategoryInfoProvider.GetSKUOptionCategoryInfo(CategoryID, ProductID); // Redirect user if edited option category for this product does not exist if (optionSKUCategoryInfo == null) { EditedObject = null; } else { // Set title and help var optionCategoryInfo = OptionCategoryInfoProvider.GetOptionCategoryInfo(optionSKUCategoryInfo.CategoryID); var categoryFullName = optionCategoryInfo.CategoryFullName; string titleText = string.Format(GetString("com.optioncategory.select"), HTMLHelper.HTMLEncode(categoryFullName)); SetTitle(titleText); } // Register event handlers rbAllowAllOption.SelectedIndexChanged += rbAllowAllOption_SelectedIndexChanged; ugOptions.OnExternalDataBound += ugOptions_OnExternalDataBound; ugOptions.OnBeforeDataReload += ugOptions_OnBeforeDataReload; Save += btnOk_Click; // Initialize value of controls if (!RequestHelper.IsPostBack()) { rbAllowAllOption.SelectedValue = optionSKUCategoryInfo.AllowAllOptions ? ALLOW_ALL : SELECTED_ONLY; ugOptions.SelectedItems = SelectedOptionsIds; } // Hide selection if all options are allowed ugOptions.GridOptions.ShowSelection = rbAllowAllOption.SelectedValue != ALLOW_ALL; // Display only options for particular category ugOptions.WhereCondition = "SKUOptionCategoryID=" + CategoryID; // Navigate user if there is nothing to select from ugOptions.ZeroRowsText = GetString("com.selectableoptions.nodata"); }