public void Create()
            if (!TestRuntime.CheckSystemAndSDKVersion(7, 0))
                Assert.Ignore("Requires iOS7");

            using (var s = new SKScene(new SizeF(320, 240)))
                using (var b1 = SKPhysicsBody.CreateCircularBody(1.0f))
                    using (var b2 = SKPhysicsBody.CreateCircularBody(2.0f)) {
                        // according to Apple docs we should not create this joint before adding it to a scene
                        // <quote>The body must be connected to a node that is already part of the scene’s node tree.</quote>
                        // Note that doing the same for a `SKPhysicsJointLimit` does crash
                        using (var j = SKPhysicsJointFixed.Create(b1, b2, new PointF(10, 20))) {
                            Assert.That(j.BodyA, Is.SameAs(b1), "BodyA");
                            Assert.That(j.BodyB, Is.SameAs(b2), "BodyB");

                            SKNode n1 = new SKNode();
                            n1.PhysicsBody = b1;

                            SKNode n2 = new SKNode();
                            n2.PhysicsBody = b2;

                            // using the default ctor (for `j`) would crash (and no way to set the PointF argument)
예제 #2
        public void Create()
            if (!TestRuntime.CheckSystemAndSDKVersion(7, 0))
                Assert.Ignore("Requires iOS7");

            using (var s = new SKScene(new SizeF(320, 240)))
                using (var b1 = SKPhysicsBody.CreateCircularBody(1.0f))
                    using (var b2 = SKPhysicsBody.CreateCircularBody(2.0f)) {
                        // <quote>The body must be connected to a node that is already part of the scene’s node tree.</quote>
                        SKNode n1 = new SKNode();
                        n1.PhysicsBody = b1;

                        SKNode n2 = new SKNode();
                        n2.PhysicsBody = b2;

                        // if you create the SKPhysicsJointLimit *before* adding the nodes
                        // to a scene then you'll crash and burn. ref: bug #14793
                        using (var j = SKPhysicsJointLimit.Create(b1, b2, PointF.Empty, new PointF(10, 20))) {
                            Assert.That(j.BodyA, Is.SameAs(b1), "BodyA");
                            Assert.That(j.BodyB, Is.SameAs(b2), "BodyB");

예제 #3
        void ShowEndScreen()
            gameIsComplete = true;

            // Add confettis
            SCNMatrix4 particlePosition = SCNMatrix4.CreateTranslation(0f, 8f, 0f);

            GameView.Scene.AddParticleSystem(confetti, particlePosition);

            // Congratulation title
            SKSpriteNode congrat = SKSpriteNode.FromImageNamed("Images/congratulations.png");

            congrat.Position = new CGPoint(GameView.Bounds.Width / 2, GameView.Bounds.Height / 2);
            SKScene overlay = GameView.OverlayScene;

            congrat.XScale = congrat.YScale = 0;
            congrat.Alpha  = 0;
            congrat.RunAction(SKAction.Group(new [] {
                SKAction.Sequence(new [] {
                    SKAction.ScaleTo(.55f, 0.25),
                    SKAction.ScaleTo(.3f, 0.1),

            // Panda Image
            SKSpriteNode congratPanda = SKSpriteNode.FromImageNamed("Images/congratulations_pandaMax.png");

            congratPanda.Position    = new CGPoint(GameView.Bounds.Width / 2f, GameView.Bounds.Height / 2f - 90f);
            congratPanda.AnchorPoint = new CGPoint(.5f, 0f);
            congratPanda.XScale      = congratPanda.YScale = 0f;
            congratPanda.Alpha       = 0;

            congratPanda.RunAction(SKAction.Sequence(new [] {
                SKAction.Sequence(new [] {
                    SKAction.ScaleTo(.5f, 0.25),
                    SKAction.ScaleTo(.4f, 0.1)


            // Stop music

            // Play the congrat sound.

            // Animate the camera forever
            DispatchQueue.MainQueue.DispatchAfter(new DispatchTime(DispatchTime.Now, 1 * NanoSecondsPerSeond), () => {
                cameraYHandle.RunAction(SCNAction.RepeatActionForever(SCNAction.RotateBy(0f, -1f, 0f, 3.0)));
                cameraXHandle.RunAction(SCNAction.RotateTo(-(float)Math.PI / 4f, 0f, 0f, 5.0));
예제 #4
        public override void ViewDidAppear(bool animated)

            this.sceneView.Session.Run(new ARWorldTrackingConfiguration
                AutoFocusEnabled       = true,
                LightEstimationEnabled = true,
                WorldAlignment         = ARWorldAlignment.Gravity
            }, ARSessionRunOptions.ResetTracking | ARSessionRunOptions.RemoveExistingAnchors);

            //var videoNode = new SKVideoNode("Videos/big-buck-bunny-wide.mp4");
            NSUrl videoUrl  = new NSUrl("");
            var   videoNode = new SKVideoNode(videoUrl);

            // Without this the video will be inverted upside down and back to front
            videoNode.YScale = -1;

            var videoScene = new SKScene();

            videoScene.Size      = new CoreGraphics.CGSize(416, 240);
            videoScene.ScaleMode = SKSceneScaleMode.AspectFill;
            videoNode.Position   = new CoreGraphics.CGPoint(videoScene.Size.Width / 2, videoScene.Size.Height / 2);

            // These are set to be the same aspect ratio as the video itself (1.77 in this case)
            var   width     = 0.5f;
            float length    = (float)((width * videoScene.Size.Height) / videoScene.Size.Width);
            var   planeNode = new PlaneNode(width, length, new SCNVector3(0, 0, -0.5f), videoScene);

예제 #5
        // Setup overlays and lookup scene objects.
        void SetupGame()
            var sceneRoot = sceneInterface.Scene?.RootNode;

            if (sceneRoot == null)
                throw new InvalidProgramException();

            gameNodes = new GameNodes(sceneRoot);
            var gNodes = gameNodes.Value;

            gNodes.Object.Transform            = SCNMatrix4.Identity;
            gNodes.ObjectMaterial.Transparency = 0;
            gNodes.Confetti.Hidden             = true;

            var skScene = new SKScene(ContentFrame.Size)
                ScaleMode = SKSceneScaleMode.ResizeFill


            sceneInterface.OverlayScene = skScene;
예제 #6
 public void DefaultCtor()
     using (var Scene = new SKScene(UIScreen.MainScreen.Bounds.Size))
         using (var b = new SKSpriteNode(UIColor.Red, new CGSize(10, 10))) {
             b.PhysicsBody = new SKPhysicsBody();
             Scene.AddChild(b);              //BOOM
 public void Action(SKScene sceen, CGPoint location)
     node.Position = location;
     // 繰り返しの場合
     //SKAction* forever = [SKAction repeatActionForever: walk];
     //[walker runAction:forever];
     node.RunAction(action, () =>
예제 #8
        public void Draw(SKScene scene, double sec)
            if (_skNode == null)
                _skNode = new SKSpriteNode(SKTexture.FromImageNamed("Ball"), UIColor.Clear, new CGSize(5, 5));

            _skNode.RunAction(SKAction.MoveTo(new CGPoint(
                                                  OffsetFromZero[0] - (OffsetFromZero[2] / Math.Sqrt(2.0)),
                                                  OffsetFromZero[1] - (OffsetFromZero[2] / Math.Sqrt(2.0))), sec));

            foreach (var child in Children)
                child.Draw(scene, sec);
예제 #9
        public Kuma(SKScene sceen, CGPoint location, CGSize size)
            _textures = new SKTexture[ImageMax];
            for (var i = 0; i < ImageMax; i++)
                _textures[i] = SKTexture.FromImageNamed(String.Format("Image{0}", i));

            _node             = SKSpriteNode.FromTexture((SKTexture)_textures[0]);
            _node.AnchorPoint = new CGPoint(0, 0);
            _node.Position    = location;
            _node.Size        = size;
            _node.ZPosition   = 0;

            _locationX = location.X;
            _locationY = location.Y;
            _width     = size.Width;
예제 #10
        public void InitAgent(SKScene scene, float radius, CGPoint position)
            Position  = position;
            ZPosition = 10f;

            Agent = new GKAgent2D {
                Radius          = radius,
                Position        = new Vector2((float)position.X, (float)position.Y),
                Delegate        = this,
                MaxSpeed        = 100f,
                MaxAcceleration = 50f

            var circleShape = SKShapeNode.FromCircle(radius);

            circleShape.LineWidth = 2.5f;
            circleShape.FillColor = SKColor.Gray;
            circleShape.ZPosition = 1f;

            const float triangleBackSideAngle = (float)((135f / 360f) * (2 * Math.PI));
            var         points = new [] {
                new CGPoint(radius, 0f),                                                                          // Tip
                new CGPoint(radius * Math.Cos(triangleBackSideAngle), radius * Math.Sin(triangleBackSideAngle)),  // Back bottom
                new CGPoint(radius * Math.Cos(triangleBackSideAngle), -radius * Math.Sin(triangleBackSideAngle)), // Back top
                new CGPoint(radius, 0f)                                                                           // Back top

            TriangleShape           = SKShapeNode.FromPoints(ref points [0], (nuint)points.Length);
            TriangleShape.LineWidth = 2.5f;
            TriangleShape.ZPosition = 1f;

            Particles            = SKNode.FromFile <SKEmitterNode> ("Trail.sks");
            DefaultParticleRate  = (float)Particles.ParticleBirthRate;
            Particles.Position   = new CGPoint(-radius + 5, 0);
            Particles.TargetNode = scene;
            Particles.ZPosition  = 0f;
예제 #11
        public void InitAgent(SKScene scene, float radius, CGPoint position)
            Position = position;
            ZPosition = 10f;
            scene.AddChild (this);

            Agent = new GKAgent2D {
                Radius = radius,
                Position = new Vector2 ((float)position.X, (float)position.Y),
                Delegate = this,
                MaxSpeed = 100f,
                MaxAcceleration = 50f

            var circleShape = SKShapeNode.FromCircle (radius);
            circleShape.LineWidth = 2.5f;
            circleShape.FillColor = SKColor.Gray;
            circleShape.ZPosition = 1f;
            AddChild (circleShape);

            const float triangleBackSideAngle = (float)((135f / 360f) * (2 * Math.PI));
            var points = new [] {
                new CGPoint (radius, 0f), // Tip
                new CGPoint (radius * Math.Cos (triangleBackSideAngle), radius * Math.Sin (triangleBackSideAngle)), // Back bottom
                new CGPoint (radius * Math.Cos (triangleBackSideAngle), -radius * Math.Sin (triangleBackSideAngle)), // Back top
                new CGPoint (radius, 0f) // Back top

            TriangleShape = SKShapeNode.FromPoints (ref points [0], (nuint)points.Length);
            TriangleShape.LineWidth = 2.5f;
            TriangleShape.ZPosition = 1f;
            AddChild (TriangleShape);

            Particles = SKNode.FromFile<SKEmitterNode> ("Trail.sks");
            DefaultParticleRate = (float)Particles.ParticleBirthRate;
            Particles.Position = new CGPoint (-radius + 5, 0);
            Particles.TargetNode = scene;
            Particles.ZPosition = 0f;
            AddChild (Particles);
예제 #12
        public void Setup()
            nfloat w = Bounds.Width;
            nfloat h = Bounds.Height;

            if (w < h)
                nfloat wTmp = w;
                w = h;
                h = wTmp;

            // Setup the game overlays using SpriteKit
            SKScene skScene = SKScene.FromSize(new CGSize(w, h));

            skScene.ScaleMode = SKSceneScaleMode.ResizeFill;

            overlayGroup = SKNode.Create();
            overlayGroup.Position = new CGPoint(0f, h);

            // The Max icon
            SKSpriteNode sprite = SKSpriteNode.FromImageNamed("Images/MaxIcon.png");

            sprite.Position = new CGPoint(50f, -50f);

            sprite.XScale = sprite.YScale = 0.5f;

            for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                flowers [i]          = SKSpriteNode.FromImageNamed("Images/FlowerEmpty.png");
                flowers [i].Position = new CGPoint(110f + i * 40f, -50f);
                flowers [i].XScale   = flowers [i].YScale = 0.25f;

            // The peal icon and count.
            sprite          = SKSpriteNode.FromImageNamed("Images/ItemsPearl.png");
            sprite.Position = new CGPoint(110f, -100f);
            sprite.XScale   = sprite.YScale = 0.5f;

            pearlLabel          = SKLabelNode.FromFont("Chalkduster");
            pearlLabel.Text     = "x0";
            pearlLabel.Position = new CGPoint(152f, -113f);

            // The D-Pad
            sprite          = SKSpriteNode.FromImageNamed("Images/dpad.png");
            sprite.Position = new CGPoint(100f, 100f);
            sprite.XScale   = sprite.YScale = 0.5f;
            padRect = new CGRect(
                (sprite.Position.Y - DPAD_RADIUS) / w,
                1f - (sprite.Position.Y + DPAD_RADIUS) / h,
                2f * DPAD_RADIUS / w,
                2f * DPAD_RADIUS / h

            // Assign the SpriteKit overlay to the SceneKit view.
            OverlayScene = skScene;

            // Setup the pinch gesture
            defaultFov = PointOfView.Camera.XFov;

            var pinch = new UIPinchGestureRecognizer {
                Delegate             = this,
                CancelsTouchesInView = false

            pinch.AddTarget(() => PinchWithGestureRecognizer(pinch));

		// Setup overlays and lookup scene objects.
		void SetupGame ()
			var sceneRoot = sceneInterface.Scene?.RootNode;
			if (sceneRoot == null)
				throw new InvalidProgramException ();

			gameNodes = new GameNodes (sceneRoot);
			var gNodes = gameNodes.Value;

			gNodes.Object.Transform = SCNMatrix4.Identity;
			gNodes.ObjectMaterial.Transparency = 0;
			gNodes.Confetti.Hidden = true;

			var skScene = new SKScene (ContentFrame.Size) {
				ScaleMode = SKSceneScaleMode.ResizeFill
			skScene.AddChild (gNodes.CountdownLabel);

			sceneInterface.OverlayScene = skScene;