예제 #1
        public void StrokePropertyValuesAreCorrect()
            var paint = new SKPaint();

            paint.IsStroke = true;

            paint.IsStroke = false;
예제 #2
        public SKImage BurnIn(string fileName)
            //read all images into memory
            SKImage finalImage = null;
            //create a bitmap from the file and add it to the list
            SKBitmap bitmap = SKBitmap.Decode(fileName);

                int width  = 0;
                int height = 0;
                //update the size of the final bitmap
                width  += bitmap.Width;
                height += bitmap.Height;

                //get a surface so we can draw an image
                using (var tempSurface = SKSurface.Create(new SKImageInfo(width, height)))
                    //get the drawing canvas of the surface
                    var canvas = tempSurface.Canvas;

                    //set background color

                    //go through each image and draw it on the final image
                    int offset    = 0;
                    int offsetTop = 0;
                    canvas.DrawBitmap(bitmap, SKRect.Create(offset, offsetTop, bitmap.Width, bitmap.Height));
                    offsetTop = offsetTop > 0 ? 0 : bitmap.Height / 2;
                    offset   += (int)(bitmap.Width / 1.6);

                    SKPaint textPaint = new SKPaint
                        Color     = LabelColor,
                        TextSize  = TextFontSize * (float)DisplayScaleFactor,
                        TextAlign = SKTextAlign.Center,
                        Typeface  = SKTypeface.FromFamilyName("Segoe UI", SKTypefaceStyle.Normal)

                    SKPaint thinLinePaint = new SKPaint
                        Style       = SKPaintStyle.Stroke,
                        Color       = LineColor,
                        StrokeWidth = 2 * (float)DisplayScaleFactor

                    int displayLength = DisplayLength;
                    //1/5 to 1/10 of image

                    //IMPORTANT:length is calculated without display scale factor
                    int length = GetScreenDrawLength(DisplayLength);

                    int left = 16;

                    var x = left + (int)(length / 2.0);
                    var y = 25;//(int)height - 20 * (float)DisplayScaleFactor;

                    // Display text
                    canvas.DrawText($@"{displayLength:0} {ScaleUnit}", x, y, textPaint);
                    // Display thick line
                    float scaleFactor = (float)DisplayScaleFactor;
                    canvas.DrawLine(left, 5 * scaleFactor, left, 20 * scaleFactor, thinLinePaint);                   //left
                    canvas.DrawLine(left + 2, 15 * scaleFactor, left + length - 2, 15 * scaleFactor, thinLinePaint); //middle
                    canvas.DrawLine(left + length, 5 * scaleFactor, left + length, 20 * scaleFactor, thinLinePaint); //right
                    // return the surface as a manageable image
                    finalImage = tempSurface.Snapshot();

                //return the image that was just drawn