예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a bitmap of the graph.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Settings">Graph settings.</param>
        /// <param name="States">State object(s) that contain graph-specific information about its inner states.
        /// These can be used in calls back to the graph object to make actions on the generated graph.</param>
        /// <returns>Bitmap</returns>
        public override SKImage CreateBitmap(GraphSettings Settings, out object[] States)
            SKImageInfo ImageInfo = new SKImageInfo(this.bitmap.Width, this.bitmap.Height, SKColorType.Bgra8888);
            int         c         = ImageInfo.BytesSize;

            States = new object[0];

            IntPtr Pixels = Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem(c);

                this.bitmap.ReadPixels(ImageInfo, Pixels, ImageInfo.RowBytes, 0, 0);

                using (SKData Data = SKData.Create(Pixels, c))
                    SKImage Result = SKImage.FromPixelData(new SKImageInfo(ImageInfo.Width, ImageInfo.Height, SKColorType.Bgra8888), Data, ImageInfo.RowBytes);
                    Pixels = IntPtr.Zero;

                if (Pixels != IntPtr.Zero)
예제 #2
 private SKImage GetBitmap(byte[] Pixels)
     using (SKData Data = SKData.CreateCopy(Pixels))
         SKImageInfo ImageInfo = new SKImageInfo(this.width, this.height, SKColorType.Rgba8888, SKAlphaType.Premul);
         return(SKImage.FromPixelData(ImageInfo, Data, this.width << 2));
예제 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Encode image to stream.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="image">Image to be encoded.</param>
        /// <param name="stream">Stream to which to encode.</param>
        public void Encode(Image image, Stream stream)
            var data = SKData.Create(image.ImageData, image.Size);
            var img  = SKImage.FromPixelData(SKImageInfo.Empty, data, image.Stride);
            var png  = img.Encode(SKEncodedImageFormat.Png, 100);

예제 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Encode image to stream.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="image">Image to be encoded.</param>
        /// <param name="stream">Stream to which to encode.</param>
        public void Encode(Image image, Stream stream)
            var data = SKData.Create(image.ImageData, image.Size);
            var img  = SKImage.FromPixelData(SKImageInfo.Empty, data, image.Stride);
            var jpeg = img.Encode(SKEncodedImageFormat.Jpeg, this.QualityLevel);

예제 #5
        public static SKImage ToBitmap(int[] ColorIndex, int Width, int Height, SKColor[] Palette)
            int N = Palette.Length;

            byte[]  reds   = new byte[N];
            byte[]  greens = new byte[N];
            byte[]  blues  = new byte[N];
            SKColor cl;
            int     x;

            for (x = 0; x < N; x++)
                cl        = Palette[x];
                reds[x]   = cl.Red;
                greens[x] = cl.Green;
                blues[x]  = cl.Blue;

            int Size  = Width * Height;
            int Size4 = Size * 4;

            byte[] rgb = new byte[Size4];
            int    Index, Index2;
            int    d;

            for (Index = Index2 = 0; Index < Size; Index++)
                d = ColorIndex[Index];

                if (d < 0 || d >= N)
                    rgb[Index2++] = 0;
                    rgb[Index2++] = 0;
                    rgb[Index2++] = 0;
                    rgb[Index2++] = 255;
                    rgb[Index2++] = blues[d];
                    rgb[Index2++] = greens[d];
                    rgb[Index2++] = reds[d];
                    rgb[Index2++] = 255;

            using (SKData Data = SKData.Create(new MemoryStream(rgb)))
                return(SKImage.FromPixelData(new SKImageInfo(Width, Height, SKColorType.Bgra8888), Data, Width * 4));
예제 #6
        public static SKImage Load(string filePath)
            using var image = Pfim.Pfim.FromFile(filePath);
            var newData = image.Data;
            var stride  = image.Stride;

            var colorType = SkColorType(image, ref newData, ref stride);
            var imageInfo = new SKImageInfo(image.Width, image.Height, colorType);

            using var stream = new SKMemoryStream(newData);
            using var data   = SKData.Create(stream);
            var fromPixelData = SKImage.FromPixelData(imageInfo, data, stride);

예제 #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Converts an image to a SkiaSharp SKImage.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="image">Image to convert to SKImage type.</param>
        /// <returns>SKImage.</returns>
        internal static SKImage AsSKImage(this ImageBase image)
            var data      = SKData.Create(image.ImageData, image.Size);
            var colorType = image.PixelFormat switch
                // These are unsupported by SkiaSharp: BGRX_32bpp, BGR_24bpp, Gray_16bpp, RGBA_64bpp
                PixelFormat.BGRA_32bpp => SKColorType.Bgra8888,
                PixelFormat.Gray_8bpp => SKColorType.Gray8,
                PixelFormat.Undefined => SKColorType.Unknown,
                PixelFormat.Gray_16bpp => throw new ArgumentException($"Unsupported pixel format: {image.PixelFormat} (e.g. DepthImage)"),
                      _ => throw new ArgumentException($"Unsupported pixel format: {image.PixelFormat}"),
            var info = new SKImageInfo(image.Width, image.Height, colorType);

            return(SKImage.FromPixelData(info, data, image.Stride));
예제 #8
        public static FractalGraph CalcNovaMandelbrot(double rCenter, double iCenter, double rDelta, double Rr, double Ri,
                                                      double pr, double pi, SKColor[] Palette, int Width, int Height, ScriptNode Node,
                                                      FractalZoomScript FractalZoomScript, object State)
            byte[]  reds;
            byte[]  greens;
            byte[]  blues;
            double  r0, i0, r1, i1;
            double  dr, di;
            double  r, i;
            double  zr, zi, zr2, zi2, zr3, zi3, zr4, zi4;
            double  aspect;
            double  Temp;
            int     x, y;
            int     n, N;
            int     index;
            SKColor cl;
            double  lnz;
            double  argz;
            double  amp;
            double  phi;

            N      = Palette.Length;
            reds   = new byte[N];
            greens = new byte[N];
            blues  = new byte[N];

            for (x = 0; x < N; x++)
                cl        = Palette[x];
                reds[x]   = cl.Red;
                greens[x] = cl.Green;
                blues[x]  = cl.Blue;

            int    size = Width * Height * 4;
            double Conv = 1e-10;
            double Div  = 1e10;

            byte[] rgb = new byte[size];

            rDelta *= 0.5;
            r0      = rCenter - rDelta;
            r1      = rCenter + rDelta;

            aspect = ((double)Width) / Height;

            i0 = iCenter - rDelta / aspect;
            i1 = iCenter + rDelta / aspect;

            dr = (r1 - r0) / Width;
            di = (i1 - i0) / Height;

            for (y = 0, i = i0, index = 0; y < Height; y++, i += di)
                for (x = 0, r = r0; x < Width; x++, r += dr)
                    zr = r;
                    zi = i;

                    n = 0;
                        // f: z->z^p-1 = exp(p*ln(z))-1
                        // exp(a+ib)=exp(a)*(cos(b)+i*sin(b))
                        // ln(z)=ln|z|+i*arg(z)
                        // exp(p*ln(z))-1 =
                        // = exp((pr+i*pi)*(ln|z|+i*arg(z)))-1 =
                        // = exp(pr*ln|z|-pi*arg(z)+i*(pi*ln|z|+pr*arg(z)))-1 =
                        // = exp(pr*ln|z|-pi*arg(z))*(cos(pi*ln|z|+pr*arg(z))+i*sin(pi*ln|z|+pr*arg(z)))-1

                        lnz  = System.Math.Log(Math.Sqrt(zr * zr + zi * zi));
                        argz = System.Math.Atan2(zi, zr);
                        amp  = System.Math.Exp(pr * lnz - pi * argz);
                        phi  = pi * lnz + pr * argz;

                        zr2 = amp * System.Math.Cos(phi) - 1;
                        zi2 = amp * System.Math.Sin(phi);

                        // f': z->p*z^(p-1) = p*exp((p-1)*ln(z)) =
                        // = (pr+i*pi)*exp((pr-1+i*pi)*(ln|z|+i*arg(z))) =
                        // = (pr+i*pi)*exp((pr-1)*ln|z|-pi*arg(z)+i*(pi*ln|z|+(pr-1)*arg(z))) =
                        // = (pr+i*pi)*exp((pr-1)*ln|z|-pi*arg(z))(sin(pi*ln|z|+(pr-1)*arg(z))+i*cos(pi*ln|z|+(pr-1)*arg(z))) =

                        amp = System.Math.Exp((pr - 1) * lnz - pi * argz);
                        phi = pi * lnz + (pr - 1) * argz;

                        zr3 = amp * System.Math.Cos(phi);
                        zi3 = amp * System.Math.Sin(phi);

                        Temp = pr * zr3 - pi * zi3;
                        zi3  = pr * zi3 + pi * zr3;
                        zr3  = Temp;

                        // f/f':

                        Temp = 1.0 / (zr3 * zr3 + zi3 * zi3);
                        zr4  = (zr2 * zr3 + zi2 * zi3) * Temp;
                        zi4  = (zi2 * zr3 - zr2 * zi3) * Temp;

                        Temp = Rr * zr4 - Ri * zi4;
                        zi4  = Ri * zr4 + Rr * zi4 + i;
                        zr4  = Temp + r;

                        zr -= zr4;
                        zi -= zi4;

                        Temp = Math.Sqrt(zr4 * zr4 + zi4 * zi4);
                    }while ((Temp > Conv) && (Temp < Div) && (n++ < N));

                    if (Temp < Conv && n < N)
                        rgb[index++] = blues[n];
                        rgb[index++] = greens[n];
                        rgb[index++] = reds[n];
                        rgb[index++] = 0;
                        rgb[index++] = 0;
                        rgb[index++] = 0;

                    rgb[index++] = 255;

            using (SKData Data = SKData.Create(new MemoryStream(rgb)))
                SKImage Bitmap = SKImage.FromPixelData(new SKImageInfo(Width, Height, SKColorType.Bgra8888), Data, Width * 4);
                return(new FractalGraph(Bitmap, r0, i0, r1, i1, rDelta * 2, true, Node, FractalZoomScript, State));
예제 #9
        public static FractalGraph CalcNewton(double rCenter, double iCenter, double rDelta, Complex R,
                                              ILambdaExpression f, ScriptNode fDef, Variables Variables, SKColor[] Palette,
                                              int Width, int Height, ScriptNode Node, FractalZoomScript FractalZoomScript,
                                              object State)
            byte[]  reds;
            byte[]  greens;
            byte[]  blues;
            double  RRe = R.Real;
            double  RIm = R.Imaginary;
            double  r0, i0, r1, i1;
            double  dr, di;
            double  r, i;
            double  aspect;
            int     x, y;
            int     n, N;
            SKColor cl;
            Complex z;

            N      = Palette.Length;
            reds   = new byte[N];
            greens = new byte[N];
            blues  = new byte[N];

            for (x = 0; x < N; x++)
                cl        = Palette[x];
                reds[x]   = cl.Red;
                greens[x] = cl.Green;
                blues[x]  = cl.Blue;

            Variables v = new Variables();


            if (!(f is IDifferentiable Differentiable) ||
                !(Differentiable.Differentiate(Differentiable.DefaultVariableName, v) is ILambdaExpression fPrim))
                throw new ScriptRuntimeException("Lambda expression not differentiable.", Node);

            int    size = Width * Height * 4;
            double Conv = 1e-10;
            double Div  = 1e10;

            byte[] rgb = new byte[size];

            Complex[]  Row;
            Complex[]  Row2;
            Complex[]  Row3;
            int[]      Offset;
            IElement[] P = new IElement[1];
            int        j, c, x2;
            IElement   Obj, Obj2;
            double     Mod;

            rDelta *= 0.5;
            r0      = rCenter - rDelta;
            r1      = rCenter + rDelta;

            aspect = ((double)Width) / Height;

            i0 = iCenter - rDelta / aspect;
            i1 = iCenter + rDelta / aspect;

            dr = (r1 - r0) / Width;
            di = (i1 - i0) / Height;

            for (y = 0, i = i0; y < Height; y++, i += di)
                Row    = new Complex[Width];
                Offset = new int[Width];

                c = Width;
                for (x = 0, x2 = y * Width * 4, r = r0; x < Width; x++, r += dr, x2 += 4)
                    Row[x]    = new Complex(r, i);
                    Offset[x] = x2;

                n = 0;
                while (n < N && c > 0)
                    P[0] = Expression.Encapsulate(Row);
                    Obj  = f.Evaluate(P, v);
                    Obj2 = fPrim.Evaluate(P, v);
                    Row2 = Obj.AssociatedObjectValue as Complex[];
                    Row3 = Obj2.AssociatedObjectValue as Complex[];

                    if (Row2 == null || Row3 == null)
                        throw new ScriptRuntimeException("Lambda expression (and its first derivative) must be able to accept complex vectors, " +
                                                         "and return complex vectors of equal length. Type returned: " +
                                                         Obj.GetType().FullName + " and " + Obj2.GetType().FullName, Node);
                    else if (Row2.Length != c || Row3.Length != c)
                        throw new ScriptRuntimeException("Lambda expression (and its first derivative) must be able to accept complex vectors, " +
                                                         "and return complex vectors of equal length. Length returned: " +
                                                         Row2.Length.ToString() + " and " + Row3.Length.ToString() +
                                                         ". Expected: " + c.ToString(), Node);

                    for (x = x2 = 0; x < c; x++)
                        j       = Offset[x];
                        z       = R * Row2[x] / Row3[x];
                        Row[x] -= z;

                        Mod = z.Magnitude;

                        if (Mod > Conv && Mod < Div)
                            if (x != x2)
                                Offset[x2] = j;

                            if (n >= N)
                                rgb[j++] = 0;
                                rgb[j++] = 0;
                                rgb[j++] = 0;
                                rgb[j++] = blues[n];
                                rgb[j++] = greens[n];
                                rgb[j++] = reds[n];

                            rgb[j++] = 255;

                    if (x2 < x)
                        Array.Resize <Complex>(ref Row, x2);
                        Array.Resize <int>(ref Offset, x2);
                        c = x2;

            using (SKData Data = SKData.Create(new MemoryStream(rgb)))
                SKImage Bitmap = SKImage.FromPixelData(new SKImageInfo(Width, Height, SKColorType.Bgra8888), Data, Width * 4);
                return(new FractalGraph(Bitmap, r0, i0, r1, i1, rDelta * 2, true, Node, FractalZoomScript, State));
예제 #10
        public static FractalGraph CalcNewton(double rCenter, double iCenter, double rDelta, Complex R,
                                              Complex[] Coefficients, SKColor[] Palette, int Width, int Height, ScriptNode Node,
                                              FractalZoomScript FractalZoomScript, object State)
            byte[]  reds;
            byte[]  greens;
            byte[]  blues;
            double  RRe = R.Real;
            double  RIm = R.Imaginary;
            double  r0, i0, r1, i1;
            double  dr, di;
            double  r, i;
            double  zr, zi, zr2, zi2, zr3, zi3, zr4, zi4;
            double  aspect;
            double  Temp;
            int     x, y;
            int     n, N;
            int     index;
            int     Degree = Coefficients.Length - 1;
            SKColor cl;

            N      = Palette.Length;
            reds   = new byte[N];
            greens = new byte[N];
            blues  = new byte[N];

            for (x = 0; x < N; x++)
                cl        = Palette[x];
                reds[x]   = cl.Red;
                greens[x] = cl.Green;
                blues[x]  = cl.Blue;

            if (Degree < 2)
                Array.Resize <Complex>(ref Coefficients, 3);
                while (Degree < 2)
                    Coefficients[++Degree] = Complex.Zero;

            Complex[] Prim = new Complex[Degree];
            for (x = 1; x <= Degree; x++)
                Prim[x - 1] = x * Coefficients[x];

            Coefficients = (Complex[])Coefficients.Clone();

            int j, c = Prim.Length;

            double[] ReC    = new double[c + 1];
            double[] ImC    = new double[c + 1];
            double[] RePrim = new double[c];
            double[] ImPrim = new double[c];
            Complex  z;

            for (j = 0; j < c; j++)
                z      = Coefficients[j];
                ReC[j] = z.Real;
                ImC[j] = z.Imaginary;

                z         = Prim[j];
                RePrim[j] = z.Real;
                ImPrim[j] = z.Imaginary;

            z      = Coefficients[j];
            ReC[j] = z.Real;
            ImC[j] = z.Imaginary;

            int    size = Width * Height * 4;
            double Conv = 1e-10;
            double Div  = 1e10;

            byte[] rgb = new byte[size];

            rDelta *= 0.5;
            r0      = rCenter - rDelta;
            r1      = rCenter + rDelta;

            aspect = ((double)Width) / Height;

            i0 = iCenter - rDelta / aspect;
            i1 = iCenter + rDelta / aspect;

            dr = (r1 - r0) / Width;
            di = (i1 - i0) / Height;

            for (y = 0, i = i0, index = 0; y < Height; y++, i += di)
                for (x = 0, r = r0; x < Width; x++, r += dr)
                    zr = r;
                    zi = i;

                    n = 0;
                        // f:
                        zr2 = zi2 = 0;
                        for (j = 0; j <= c; j++)
                            Temp = zr2 * zr - zi2 * zi + ReC[j];
                            zi2  = zr2 * zi + zi2 * zr + ImC[j];
                            zr2  = Temp;

                        // f':
                        zr3 = zi3 = 0;
                        for (j = 0; j < c; j++)
                            Temp = zr3 * zr - zi3 * zi + RePrim[j];
                            zi3  = zr3 * zi + zi3 * zr + ImPrim[j];
                            zr3  = Temp;

                        // f/f':

                        Temp = 1.0 / (zr3 * zr3 + zi3 * zi3);
                        zr4  = (zr2 * zr3 + zi2 * zi3) * Temp;
                        zi4  = (zi2 * zr3 - zr2 * zi3) * Temp;

                        // R*f/f'
                        Temp = zr4 * RRe - zi4 * RIm;
                        zi4  = zr4 * RIm + zi4 * RRe;
                        zr4  = Temp;

                        zr -= zr4;
                        zi -= zi4;

                        Temp = Math.Sqrt(zr4 * zr4 + zi4 * zi4);
                    }while ((Temp > Conv) && (Temp < Div) && (n++ < N));

                    if (Temp < Conv && n < N)
                        rgb[index++] = blues[n];
                        rgb[index++] = greens[n];
                        rgb[index++] = reds[n];
                        rgb[index++] = 0;
                        rgb[index++] = 0;
                        rgb[index++] = 0;

                    rgb[index++] = 255;

            using (SKData Data = SKData.Create(new MemoryStream(rgb)))
                SKImage Bitmap = SKImage.FromPixelData(new SKImageInfo(Width, Height, SKColorType.Bgra8888), Data, Width * 4);
                return(new FractalGraph(Bitmap, r0, i0, r1, i1, rDelta * 2, true, Node, FractalZoomScript, State));
예제 #11
        public static FractalGraph CalcHalley(double rCenter, double iCenter, double rDelta, Complex R,
                                              double[] Coefficients, SKColor[] Palette, int Width, int Height, ScriptNode Node,
                                              FractalZoomScript FractalZoomScript, object State)
            byte[]  reds;
            byte[]  greens;
            byte[]  blues;
            double  RRe = R.Real;
            double  RIm = R.Imaginary;
            double  r0, i0, r1, i1;
            double  dr, di;
            double  r, i;
            double  zr, zi, zr2, zi2, zr3, zi3, zr4, zi4, zr5, zi5, zr6, zi6;
            double  aspect;
            double  Temp;
            int     x, y;
            int     n, N;
            int     index;
            int     Degree = Coefficients.Length - 1;
            SKColor cl;

            N      = Palette.Length;
            reds   = new byte[N];
            greens = new byte[N];
            blues  = new byte[N];

            for (x = 0; x < N; x++)
                cl        = Palette[x];
                reds[x]   = cl.Red;
                greens[x] = cl.Green;
                blues[x]  = cl.Blue;

            if (Degree < 3)
                Array.Resize <double>(ref Coefficients, 4);
                while (Degree < 3)
                    Coefficients[++Degree] = 0;

            double[] Prim = new double[Degree];
            for (x = 1; x <= Degree; x++)
                Prim[x - 1] = x * Coefficients[x];

            double[] Bis = new double[Degree - 1];
            for (x = 1; x < Degree; x++)
                Bis[x - 1] = x * Prim[x];

            Coefficients = (double[])Coefficients.Clone();

            int    size = Width * Height * 4;
            double Conv = 1e-10;
            double Div  = 1e10;

            byte[] rgb = new byte[size];

            rDelta *= 0.5;
            r0      = rCenter - rDelta;
            r1      = rCenter + rDelta;

            aspect = ((double)Width) / Height;

            i0 = iCenter - rDelta / aspect;
            i1 = iCenter + rDelta / aspect;

            dr = (r1 - r0) / Width;
            di = (i1 - i0) / Height;

            for (y = 0, i = i0, index = 0; y < Height; y++, i += di)
                for (x = 0, r = r0; x < Width; x++, r += dr)
                    zr = r;
                    zi = i;

                    n = 0;
                        // f:
                        zr2 = zi2 = 0;
                        foreach (double C in Coefficients)
                            Temp = zr2 * zr - zi2 * zi + C;
                            zi2  = zr2 * zi + zi2 * zr;
                            zr2  = Temp;

                        // f':
                        zr3 = zi3 = 0;
                        foreach (double C in Prim)
                            Temp = zr3 * zr - zi3 * zi + C;
                            zi3  = zr3 * zi + zi3 * zr;
                            zr3  = Temp;

                        // f":
                        zr4 = zi4 = 0;
                        foreach (double C in Bis)
                            Temp = zr4 * zr - zi4 * zi + C;
                            zi4  = zr4 * zi + zi4 * zr;
                            zr4  = Temp;

                        // 2*f*f'

                        zr5 = 2 * (zr2 * zr3 - zi2 * zi3);
                        zi5 = 2 * (zr2 * zi3 + zi2 * zr3);

                        // 2f'^2-f*f"

                        zr6 = 2 * (zr3 * zr3 - zi3 * zi3) - (zr2 * zr4 - zi2 * zi4);
                        zi6 = 4 * zr3 * zi3 - (zr2 * zi4 + zr4 * zi2);

                        // R*2*f*f'/2f'^2-f*f"

                        Temp = 1.0 / (zr6 * zr6 + zi6 * zi6);
                        zr4  = (zr5 * zr6 + zi5 * zi6) * Temp;
                        zi4  = (zi5 * zr6 - zr5 * zi6) * Temp;

                        // R*2*f*f'/(2f'^2-f*f")
                        Temp = zr4 * RRe - zi4 * RIm;
                        zi4  = zr4 * RIm + zi4 * RRe;
                        zr4  = Temp;

                        zr -= zr4;
                        zi -= zi4;

                        Temp = Math.Sqrt(zr4 * zr4 + zi4 * zi4);
                    }while ((Temp > Conv) && (Temp < Div) && (n++ < N));

                    if (Temp < Conv && n < N)
                        rgb[index++] = blues[n];
                        rgb[index++] = greens[n];
                        rgb[index++] = reds[n];
                        rgb[index++] = 0;
                        rgb[index++] = 0;
                        rgb[index++] = 0;

                    rgb[index++] = 255;

            using (SKData Data = SKData.Create(new MemoryStream(rgb)))
                SKImage Bitmap = SKImage.FromPixelData(new SKImageInfo(Width, Height, SKColorType.Bgra8888), Data, Width * 4);
                return(new FractalGraph(Bitmap, r0, i0, r1, i1, rDelta * 2, true, Node, FractalZoomScript, State));
예제 #12
        public static FractalGraph CalcIfs(double xCenter, double yCenter, double rDelta, long N,
                                           DoubleMatrix[] Functions, double[] Weights, SKColor[] Colors, int Width, int Height, int Seed,
                                           ScriptNode Node, FractalZoomScript FractalZoomScript, object State)
            DoubleMatrix M;

            double[,] E;
            double[][] Coefficients;
            double     TotWeight = 0;
            double     Weight;
            SKColor    cl;

            byte[] Reds;
            byte[] Greens;
            byte[] Blues;
            int    i, c = Functions.Length;
            Random Gen = new Random(Seed);

            if (c < 2)
                throw new ScriptRuntimeException("At least two transformations need to be provided.", Node);

            if (Weights.Length != c)
                throw new ArgumentException("Weights must be of equal length as Functions.", "Weights");

            if (Colors.Length != c)
                throw new ArgumentException("Colors must be of equal length as Functions.", "Colors");

            for (i = 0; i < c; i++)
                Weight = Weights[i];
                if (Weight < 0)
                    throw new ScriptRuntimeException("Weights must be non-negative.", Node);

                Weights[i] += TotWeight;
                TotWeight  += Weight;

            if (TotWeight == 0)
                throw new ScriptRuntimeException("The total weight of all functions must be postitive.", Node);

            for (i = 0; i < c; i++)
                Weights[i] /= TotWeight;

            Coefficients = new double[c][];
            Reds         = new byte[c];
            Greens       = new byte[c];
            Blues        = new byte[c];

            for (i = 0; i < c; i++)
                cl        = Colors[i];
                Reds[i]   = cl.Red;
                Greens[i] = cl.Green;
                Blues[i]  = cl.Blue;

                M = Functions[i];
                E = M.Values;

                if (M.Columns == 2 && M.Rows == 2)
                    Coefficients[i] = new double[]
                        (double)E[0, 0], (double)E[0, 1], 0,
                        (double)E[1, 0], (double)E[1, 1], 0,
                        0, 0, 1
                else if (M.Columns == 3 && M.Rows == 3)
                    Coefficients[i] = new double[]
                        (double)E[0, 0], (double)E[0, 1], (double)E[0, 2],
                        (double)E[1, 0], (double)E[1, 1], (double)E[1, 2],
                        (double)E[2, 0], (double)E[2, 1], (double)E[2, 2]
                    throw new ScriptRuntimeException("Matrix not a linear 2D-transformation or a homogenous 2D-transformation.", Node);

            int size = Width * Height * 4;

            byte[] rgb = new byte[size];

            double AspectRatio = ((double)Width) / Height;
            double x = Gen.NextDouble();
            double y = Gen.NextDouble();
            double p = 1;
            double x2, y2, p2;

            double[] C;
            int      j;
            double   xMin, xMax, yMin, yMax;
            double   sx, sy;
            int      xi, yi;

            xMin = xCenter - rDelta / 2;
            xMax = xMin + rDelta;
            yMin = yCenter - rDelta / (2 * AspectRatio);
            yMax = yMin + rDelta / AspectRatio;

            sx = Width / (xMax - xMin);
            sy = Height / (yMax - yMin);

            for (i = 0; i < 20; i++)
                Weight = Gen.NextDouble();
                j      = 0;
                while (j < c - 1 && Weights[j] <= Weight)

                C = Coefficients[j];

                x2 = C[0] * x + C[1] * y + C[2] * p;
                y2 = C[3] * x + C[4] * y + C[5] * p;
                p2 = C[6] * x + C[7] * y + C[8] * p;

                x = x2;
                y = y2;
                p = p2;

            while (N-- > 0)
                Weight = Gen.NextDouble();
                j      = 0;
                while (j < c - 1 && Weights[j] <= Weight)

                C = Coefficients[j];

                x2 = C[0] * x + C[1] * y + C[2] * p;
                y2 = C[3] * x + C[4] * y + C[5] * p;
                p2 = C[6] * x + C[7] * y + C[8] * p;

                x = x2;
                y = y2;
                p = p2;

                if (p == 0)

                if (x < xMin || x > xMax || y < yMin || y > yMax)

                xi = (int)((x / p - xMin) * sx + 0.5);
                yi = Height - 1 - (int)((y / p - yMin) * sy + 0.5);

                if (xi < 0 || xi >= Width || yi < 0 || yi >= Height)

                i = (yi * Width + xi) << 2;

                if (rgb[i + 3] == 0)
                    rgb[i++] = Blues[j];
                    rgb[i++] = Greens[j];
                    rgb[i++] = Reds[j];
                    rgb[i]   = 0xff;
                    rgb[i] = (byte)((rgb[i] + Blues[j]) >> 1);
                    rgb[i] = (byte)((rgb[i] + Greens[j]) >> 1);
                    rgb[i] = (byte)((rgb[i] + Reds[j]) >> 1);

            using (SKData Data = SKData.Create(new MemoryStream(rgb)))
                SKImage Bitmap = SKImage.FromPixelData(new SKImageInfo(Width, Height, SKColorType.Bgra8888), Data, Width * 4);
                return(new FractalGraph(Bitmap, xMin, yMin, xMax, yMax, rDelta, false, Node, FractalZoomScript, State));
예제 #13
        public static FractalGraph CalcJulia(double rCenter, double iCenter, ILambdaExpression f,
                                             ScriptNode fDef, double rDelta, SKColor[] Palette, int Width, int Height,
                                             ScriptNode Node, Variables Variables,
                                             FractalZoomScript FractalZoomScript, object State)
            byte[]  reds;
            byte[]  greens;
            byte[]  blues;
            double  r0, i0, r1, i1;
            double  dr, di;
            double  r, i, Mod;
            double  aspect;
            int     x, x2, y;
            int     n, N;
            SKColor cl;

            N      = Palette.Length;
            reds   = new byte[N];
            greens = new byte[N];
            blues  = new byte[N];

            for (x = 0; x < N; x++)
                cl        = Palette[x];
                reds[x]   = cl.Red;
                greens[x] = cl.Green;
                blues[x]  = cl.Blue;

            int size = Width * Height * 4;

            byte[]  rgb = new byte[size];
            Complex z;

            IElement[] P = new IElement[1];
            int        j, c;
            IElement   Obj;

            rDelta *= 0.5;
            r0      = rCenter - rDelta;
            r1      = rCenter + rDelta;

            aspect = ((double)Width) / Height;

            i0 = iCenter - rDelta / aspect;
            i1 = iCenter + rDelta / aspect;

            dr = (r1 - r0) / Width;
            di = (i1 - i0) / Height;

            for (y = 0, i = i0; y < Height; y++, i += di)
                Complex[] Row    = new Complex[Width];
                int[]     Offset = new int[Width];

                c = Width;
                for (x = 0, x2 = y * Width * 4, r = r0; x < Width; x++, r += dr, x2 += 4)
                    Row[x]    = new Complex(r, i);
                    Offset[x] = x2;

                Variables v = new Variables();

                n = 0;
                while (n < N && c > 0)
                    P[0] = Expression.Encapsulate(Row);
                    Obj  = f.Evaluate(P, v);
                    Row  = Obj.AssociatedObjectValue as Complex[];

                    if (Row == null)
                        throw new ScriptRuntimeException("Lambda expression must be able to accept complex vectors, " +
                                                         "and return complex vectors of equal length. Type returned: " +
                                                         Obj.GetType().FullName, Node);
                    else if (Row.Length != c)
                        throw new ScriptRuntimeException("Lambda expression must be able to accept complex vectors, " +
                                                         "and return complex vectors of equal length. Length returned: " +
                                                         Row.Length.ToString() + ". Expected: " + c.ToString(), Node);

                    for (x = x2 = 0; x < c; x++)
                        z = Row[x];
                        j = Offset[x];

                        Mod = z.Magnitude;

                        if (Mod < 3)
                            if (x != x2)
                                Row[x2]    = z;
                                Offset[x2] = j;

                            if (n >= N)
                                rgb[j++] = 0;
                                rgb[j++] = 0;
                                rgb[j++] = 0;
                                rgb[j++] = blues[n];
                                rgb[j++] = greens[n];
                                rgb[j++] = reds[n];

                            rgb[j++] = 255;

                    if (x2 < x)
                        Array.Resize <Complex>(ref Row, x2);
                        Array.Resize <int>(ref Offset, x2);
                        c = x2;

                if (c > 0)
                    for (x = 0; x < c; x++)
                        j = Offset[x];

                        rgb[j++] = 0;
                        rgb[j++] = 0;
                        rgb[j++] = 0;
                        rgb[j++] = 255;

            using (SKData Data = SKData.Create(new MemoryStream(rgb)))
                SKImage Bitmap = SKImage.FromPixelData(new SKImageInfo(Width, Height, SKColorType.Bgra8888), Data, Width * 4);
                return(new FractalGraph(Bitmap, r0, i0, r1, i1, rDelta * 2, true, Node, FractalZoomScript, State));
예제 #14
        public static SKImage ToBitmap(double[] ColorIndex, int Width, int Height, SKColor[] Palette)
            int N     = Palette.Length;
            int Size  = Width * Height;
            int Size4 = Size * 4;

            byte[]  rgb = new byte[Size4];
            byte[]  reds;
            byte[]  greens;
            byte[]  blues;
            double  d;
            SKColor cl;
            int     Index2;
            int     ci;
            int     Component;
            int     Index;
            int     x;

            reds   = new byte[N];
            greens = new byte[N];
            blues  = new byte[N];

            for (x = 0; x < N; x++)
                cl        = Palette[x];
                reds[x]   = cl.Red;
                greens[x] = cl.Green;
                blues[x]  = cl.Blue;

            for (Index = Index2 = 0; Index < Size; Index++)
                d = ColorIndex[Index];

                ci = (int)d;
                if (ci < 0 || ci >= N)
                    rgb[Index2++] = 0;
                    rgb[Index2++] = 0;
                    rgb[Index2++] = 0;
                    rgb[Index2++] = 255;
                else if (ci == N - 1)
                    rgb[Index2++] = blues[ci];
                    rgb[Index2++] = greens[ci];
                    rgb[Index2++] = reds[ci];
                    rgb[Index2++] = 255;
                    d -= ci;

                    Component = (int)(blues[ci + 1] * d + blues[ci] * (1 - d) + 0.5);
                    if (Component > 255)
                        rgb[Index2++] = 255;
                        rgb[Index2++] = (byte)Component;

                    Component = (int)(greens[ci + 1] * d + greens[ci] * (1 - d) + 0.5);
                    if (Component > 255)
                        rgb[Index2++] = 255;
                        rgb[Index2++] = (byte)Component;

                    Component = (int)(reds[ci + 1] * d + reds[ci] * (1 - d) + 0.5);
                    if (Component > 255)
                        rgb[Index2++] = 255;
                        rgb[Index2++] = (byte)Component;

                    rgb[Index2++] = 255;

            using (SKData Data = SKData.Create(new MemoryStream(rgb)))
                return(SKImage.FromPixelData(new SKImageInfo(Width, Height, SKColorType.Bgra8888), Data, Width * 4));
예제 #15
        public static FractalGraph CalcNewton(double rCenter, double iCenter, double rDelta, Complex R,
                                              ILambdaExpression f, ScriptNode fDef, Variables Variables, int N, int Width, int Height,
                                              ScriptNode Node, FractalZoomScript FractalZoomScript, object State)
            double        RRe             = R.Real;
            double        RIm             = R.Imaginary;
            List <double> AttractorsR     = new List <double>();
            List <double> AttractorsI     = new List <double>();
            List <int>    AttractorColors = new List <int>();

            double[] AttractorsR2 = new double[0];
            double[] AttractorsI2 = new double[0];
            int[]    AttractorsColors2 = new int[0];
            double   r0, i0, r1, i1;
            double   dr, di;
            double   r, i;
            double   zr, zi;
            double   aspect;
            int      x, y, b, c, d;
            int      NrAttractors = 0;
            int      n;
            int      index;

            Variables v = new Variables();


            if (!(f is IDifferentiable Differentiable) ||
                !(Differentiable.Differentiate(Differentiable.DefaultVariableName, v) is ILambdaExpression fPrim))
                throw new ScriptRuntimeException("Lambda expression not differentiable.", Node);

            int    size  = Width * Height * 4;
            double Conv  = 1e-10;
            double Div   = 1e10;
            double Conv2 = Conv * 2;

            byte[] rgb = new byte[size];

            Complex[]  Row;
            Complex[]  Row2;
            Complex[]  Row3;
            int[]      Offset;
            IElement[] P = new IElement[1];
            int        j, x2;
            IElement   Obj, Obj2;
            double     Mod;
            Complex    z;

            rDelta *= 0.5;
            r0      = rCenter - rDelta;
            r1      = rCenter + rDelta;

            aspect = ((double)Width) / Height;

            i0 = iCenter - rDelta / aspect;
            i1 = iCenter + rDelta / aspect;

            dr = (r1 - r0) / Width;
            di = (i1 - i0) / Height;

            for (y = 0, i = i0, index = 0; y < Height; y++, i += di)
                Row    = new Complex[Width];
                Offset = new int[Width];

                c = Width;
                for (x = 0, x2 = y * Width * 4, r = r0; x < Width; x++, r += dr, x2 += 4)
                    Row[x]    = new Complex(r, i);
                    Offset[x] = x2;

                n = 0;
                while (n < N && c > 0)
                    P[0] = Expression.Encapsulate(Row);
                    Obj  = f.Evaluate(P, v);
                    Obj2 = fPrim.Evaluate(P, v);
                    Row2 = Obj.AssociatedObjectValue as Complex[];
                    Row3 = Obj2.AssociatedObjectValue as Complex[];

                    if (Row2 == null || Row3 == null)
                        throw new ScriptRuntimeException("Lambda expression (and its first derivative) must be able to accept complex vectors, " +
                                                         "and return complex vectors of equal length. Type returned: " +
                                                         Obj.GetType().FullName + " and " + Obj2.GetType().FullName, Node);
                    else if (Row2.Length != c || Row3.Length != c)
                        throw new ScriptRuntimeException("Lambda expression (and its first derivative) must be able to accept complex vectors, " +
                                                         "and return complex vectors of equal length. Length returned: " +
                                                         Row2.Length.ToString() + " and " + Row3.Length.ToString() +
                                                         ". Expected: " + c.ToString(), Node);

                    for (x = x2 = 0; x < c; x++)
                        j       = Offset[x];
                        z       = R * Row2[x] / Row3[x];
                        Row[x] -= z;

                        Mod = z.Magnitude;

                        if (Mod > Conv && Mod < Div)
                            if (x != x2)
                                Offset[x2] = j;

                            if (n >= N)
                                rgb[j++] = 0;
                                rgb[j++] = 0;
                                rgb[j++] = 0;
                                zr = z.Real;
                                zi = z.Imaginary;

                                for (b = 0; b < NrAttractors; b++)
                                    if (Math.Abs(AttractorsR2[b] - zr) < Conv2 &&
                                        Math.Abs(AttractorsI2[b] - zi) < Conv2)

                                if (b == NrAttractors)

                                    int p1 = ~((b % 6) + 1);
                                    int p2 = ((b / 6) % 7);

                                    int Red   = (p1 & 1) != 0 ? 255 : 0;
                                    int Green = (p1 & 2) != 0 ? 255 : 0;
                                    int Blue  = (p1 & 4) != 0 ? 255 : 0;

                                    if ((p2 & 1) != 0)
                                        Red >>= 1;

                                    if ((p2 & 2) != 0)
                                        Green >>= 1;

                                    if ((p2 & 4) != 0)
                                        Blue >>= 1;

                                    Blue <<= 8;
                                    Blue  |= Green;
                                    Blue <<= 8;
                                    Blue  |= Red;


                                    AttractorsR2      = AttractorsR.ToArray();
                                    AttractorsI2      = AttractorsI.ToArray();
                                    AttractorsColors2 = AttractorColors.ToArray();


                                b = AttractorColors[b];

                                d            = (byte)b;
                                rgb[index++] = (byte)((d * (N - n + 1)) / N);
                                b          >>= 8;
                                d            = (byte)b;
                                rgb[index++] = (byte)((d * (N - n + 1)) / N);
                                b          >>= 8;
                                d            = (byte)b;
                                rgb[index++] = (byte)((d * (N - n + 1)) / N);

                            rgb[j++] = 255;

                    if (x2 < x)
                        Array.Resize <Complex>(ref Row, x2);
                        Array.Resize <int>(ref Offset, x2);
                        c = x2;

            using (SKData Data = SKData.Create(new MemoryStream(rgb)))
                SKImage Bitmap = SKImage.FromPixelData(new SKImageInfo(Width, Height, SKColorType.Bgra8888), Data, Width * 4);
                return(new FractalGraph(Bitmap, r0, i0, r1, i1, rDelta * 2, true, Node, FractalZoomScript, State));
예제 #16
        public static FractalGraph CalcNewton(double rCenter, double iCenter, double rDelta, Complex R,
                                              Complex[] Coefficients, int N, int Width, int Height, ScriptNode Node,
                                              FractalZoomScript FractalZoomScript, object State)
            double        RRe             = R.Real;
            double        RIm             = R.Imaginary;
            List <double> AttractorsR     = new List <double>();
            List <double> AttractorsI     = new List <double>();
            List <int>    AttractorColors = new List <int>();

            double[] AttractorsR2 = new double[0];
            double[] AttractorsI2 = new double[0];
            int[]    AttractorsColors2 = new int[0];
            double   r0, i0, r1, i1;
            double   dr, di;
            double   r, i;
            double   zr, zi, zr2, zi2, zr3, zi3, zr4, zi4;
            double   aspect;
            double   Temp;
            int      x, y, b, c = 0, d;
            int      n;
            int      index;
            int      Degree = Coefficients.Length - 1;

            if (Degree < 2)
                Array.Resize <Complex>(ref Coefficients, 3);
                while (Degree < 2)
                    Coefficients[++Degree] = Complex.Zero;

            Complex[] Prim = new Complex[Degree];
            for (x = 1; x <= Degree; x++)
                Prim[x - 1] = x * Coefficients[x];

            Coefficients = (Complex[])Coefficients.Clone();

            int j, e = Prim.Length;

            double[] ReC    = new double[e + 1];
            double[] ImC    = new double[e + 1];
            double[] RePrim = new double[e];
            double[] ImPrim = new double[e];
            Complex  z;

            for (j = 0; j < e; j++)
                z      = Coefficients[j];
                ReC[j] = z.Real;
                ImC[j] = z.Imaginary;

                z         = Prim[j];
                RePrim[j] = z.Real;
                ImPrim[j] = z.Imaginary;

            z      = Coefficients[j];
            ReC[j] = z.Real;
            ImC[j] = z.Imaginary;

            int    size  = Width * Height * 4;
            double Conv  = 1e-10;
            double Div   = 1e10;
            double Conv2 = Conv * 2;

            byte[] rgb = new byte[size];

            rDelta *= 0.5;
            r0      = rCenter - rDelta;
            r1      = rCenter + rDelta;

            aspect = ((double)Width) / Height;

            i0 = iCenter - rDelta / aspect;
            i1 = iCenter + rDelta / aspect;

            dr = (r1 - r0) / Width;
            di = (i1 - i0) / Height;

            for (y = 0, i = i0, index = 0; y < Height; y++, i += di)
                for (x = 0, r = r0; x < Width; x++, r += dr)
                    zr = r;
                    zi = i;

                    n = 0;
                        // f:
                        zr2 = zi2 = 0;
                        for (j = 0; j <= e; j++)
                            Temp = zr2 * zr - zi2 * zi + ReC[j];
                            zi2  = zr2 * zi + zi2 * zr + ImC[j];
                            zr2  = Temp;

                        // f':
                        zr3 = zi3 = 0;
                        for (j = 0; j < e; j++)
                            Temp = zr3 * zr - zi3 * zi + RePrim[j];
                            zi3  = zr3 * zi + zi3 * zr + ImPrim[j];
                            zr3  = Temp;

                        // f/f':

                        Temp = 1.0 / (zr3 * zr3 + zi3 * zi3);
                        zr4  = (zr2 * zr3 + zi2 * zi3) * Temp;
                        zi4  = (zi2 * zr3 - zr2 * zi3) * Temp;

                        // R*f/f'
                        Temp = zr4 * RRe - zi4 * RIm;
                        zi4  = zr4 * RIm + zi4 * RRe;
                        zr4  = Temp;

                        zr -= zr4;
                        zi -= zi4;

                        Temp = Math.Sqrt(zr4 * zr4 + zi4 * zi4);
                    }while ((Temp > Conv) && (Temp < Div) && (n++ < N));

                    if (Temp < Conv && n < N)
                        for (b = 0; b < c; b++)
                            if (Math.Abs(AttractorsR2[b] - zr) < Conv2 &&
                                Math.Abs(AttractorsI2[b] - zi) < Conv2)

                        if (b == c)

                            int p1 = ~((b % 6) + 1);
                            int p2 = ((b / 6) % 7);

                            int Red   = (p1 & 1) != 0 ? 255 : 0;
                            int Green = (p1 & 2) != 0 ? 255 : 0;
                            int Blue  = (p1 & 4) != 0 ? 255 : 0;

                            if ((p2 & 1) != 0)
                                Red >>= 1;

                            if ((p2 & 2) != 0)
                                Green >>= 1;

                            if ((p2 & 4) != 0)
                                Blue >>= 1;

                            Blue <<= 8;
                            Blue  |= Green;
                            Blue <<= 8;
                            Blue  |= Red;


                            AttractorsR2      = AttractorsR.ToArray();
                            AttractorsI2      = AttractorsI.ToArray();
                            AttractorsColors2 = AttractorColors.ToArray();


                        b = AttractorColors[b];

                        d            = (byte)b;
                        rgb[index++] = (byte)((d * (N - n + 1)) / N);
                        b          >>= 8;
                        d            = (byte)b;
                        rgb[index++] = (byte)((d * (N - n + 1)) / N);
                        b          >>= 8;
                        d            = (byte)b;
                        rgb[index++] = (byte)((d * (N - n + 1)) / N);
                        rgb[index++] = 0;
                        rgb[index++] = 0;
                        rgb[index++] = 0;

                    rgb[index++] = 255;

            using (SKData Data = SKData.Create(new MemoryStream(rgb)))
                SKImage Bitmap = SKImage.FromPixelData(new SKImageInfo(Width, Height, SKColorType.Bgra8888), Data, Width * 4);
                return(new FractalGraph(Bitmap, r0, i0, r1, i1, rDelta * 2, true, Node, FractalZoomScript, State));
예제 #17
        public static FractalGraph CalcIfs(double xCenter, double yCenter, double rDelta, long N,
                                           ILambdaExpression[] Functions, double[] Weights, SKColor[] Colors, int Width, int Height, int Seed,
                                           ScriptNode Node, Variables Variables, FractalZoomScript FractalZoomScript, object State)
            ILambdaExpression Lambda;
            double            TotWeight = 0;
            double            Weight;

            bool[]  Real;
            byte[]  Reds;
            byte[]  Greens;
            byte[]  Blues;
            SKColor cl;
            int     i, c = Functions.Length;
            Random  Gen = new Random(Seed);

            if (c < 2)
                throw new ScriptRuntimeException("At least two transformations need to be provided.", Node);

            if (Weights.Length != c)
                throw new ArgumentException("Weights must be of equal length as Functions.", "Weights");

            if (Colors.Length != c)
                throw new ArgumentException("Colors must be of equal length as Functions.", "Colors");

            for (i = 0; i < c; i++)
                Weight = Weights[i];
                if (Weight < 0)
                    throw new ScriptRuntimeException("Weights must be non-negative.", Node);

                Weights[i] += TotWeight;
                TotWeight  += Weight;

            if (TotWeight == 0)
                throw new ScriptRuntimeException("The total weight of all functions must be postitive.", Node);

            for (i = 0; i < c; i++)
                Weights[i] /= TotWeight;

            Real   = new bool[c];
            Reds   = new byte[c];
            Greens = new byte[c];
            Blues  = new byte[c];

            for (i = 0; i < c; i++)
                cl        = Colors[i];
                Reds[i]   = cl.Red;
                Greens[i] = cl.Green;
                Blues[i]  = cl.Blue;

                Lambda = Functions[i];

                switch (Lambda.NrArguments)
                case 1:
                    Real[i] = false;

                case 2:
                    Real[i] = true;

                    throw new ScriptRuntimeException("Lambda expressions in calls to IfsFractal() must be either real-values (taking two parameters) or complex valued (taking one parameter).", Node);

            int size = Width * Height * 4;

            byte[] rgb = new byte[size];

            double        AspectRatio = ((double)Width) / Height;
            double        x           = Gen.NextDouble();
            double        y           = Gen.NextDouble();
            int           j;
            double        xMin, xMax, yMin, yMax;
            double        sx, sy;
            DoubleNumber  xv = new DoubleNumber(0);
            DoubleNumber  yv = new DoubleNumber(0);
            ComplexNumber zv = new ComplexNumber(0);

            IElement[] RealParameters    = new IElement[] { xv, yv };
            IElement[] ComplexParameters = new IElement[] { zv };
            Variables  v = new Variables();
            int        xi, yi;


            xMin = xCenter - rDelta / 2;
            xMax = xMin + rDelta;
            yMin = yCenter - rDelta / (2 * AspectRatio);
            yMax = yMin + rDelta / AspectRatio;

            sx = Width / (xMax - xMin);
            sy = Height / (yMax - yMin);

            Complex z;

            for (i = 0; i < 20; i++)
                Weight = Gen.NextDouble();
                j      = 0;
                while (j < c - 1 && Weights[j] <= Weight)

                Lambda = Functions[j];

                if (Real[j])
                    xv.Value = x;
                    yv.Value = y;

                    if (!(Lambda.Evaluate(RealParameters, v) is IVector Result) || Result.Dimension != 2)
                        throw new ScriptRuntimeException("Expected 2-dimensional numeric vector as a result.", Node);

                    x = Expression.ToDouble(Result.GetElement(0).AssociatedObjectValue);
                    y = Expression.ToDouble(Result.GetElement(1).AssociatedObjectValue);
                    zv.Value = new Complex(x, y);
                    z        = Expression.ToComplex(Lambda.Evaluate(ComplexParameters, v).AssociatedObjectValue);

                    x = z.Real;
                    y = z.Imaginary;

            while (N-- > 0)
                Weight = Gen.NextDouble();
                j      = 0;
                while (j < c - 1 && Weights[j] <= Weight)

                Lambda = Functions[j];

                if (Real[j])
                    xv.Value = x;
                    yv.Value = y;

                    if (!(Lambda.Evaluate(RealParameters, v) is IVector Result) || Result.Dimension != 2)
                        throw new ScriptRuntimeException("Expected 2-dimensional numeric vector as a result.", Node);

                    x = Expression.ToDouble(Result.GetElement(0).AssociatedObjectValue);
                    y = Expression.ToDouble(Result.GetElement(1).AssociatedObjectValue);
                    zv.Value = new Complex(x, y);
                    z        = Expression.ToComplex(Lambda.Evaluate(ComplexParameters, v).AssociatedObjectValue);

                    x = z.Real;
                    y = z.Imaginary;

                if (x < xMin || x > xMax || y < yMin || y > yMax)

                xi = (int)((x - xMin) * sx + 0.5);
                yi = Height - 1 - (int)((y - yMin) * sy + 0.5);

                if (xi < 0 || xi >= Width || yi < 0 || yi >= Height)

                i = (yi * Width + xi) << 2;

                if (rgb[i + 3] == 0)
                    rgb[i++] = Blues[j];
                    rgb[i++] = Greens[j];
                    rgb[i++] = Reds[j];
                    rgb[i]   = 0xff;
                    rgb[i] = (byte)((rgb[i] + Blues[j]) >> 1);
                    rgb[i] = (byte)((rgb[i] + Greens[j]) >> 1);
                    rgb[i] = (byte)((rgb[i] + Reds[j]) >> 1);

            using (SKData Data = SKData.Create(new MemoryStream(rgb)))
                SKImage Bitmap = SKImage.FromPixelData(new SKImageInfo(Width, Height, SKColorType.Bgra8888), Data, Width * 4);
                return(new FractalGraph(Bitmap, xMin, yMin, xMax, yMax, rDelta, false, Node, FractalZoomScript, State));
예제 #18
파일: Program.cs 프로젝트: taylaninan/Pfim
        private static void ConvertFile(string file)
            SKColorType colorType;

            using (var image = Pfim.FromFile(file))
                var newData    = image.Data;
                var newDataLen = image.DataLen;
                var stride     = image.Stride;
                switch (image.Format)
                case ImageFormat.Rgb8:
                    colorType = SKColorType.Gray8;

                case ImageFormat.R5g6b5:
                    // color channels still need to be swapped
                    colorType = SKColorType.Rgb565;

                case ImageFormat.Rgba16:
                    // color channels still need to be swapped
                    colorType = SKColorType.Argb4444;

                case ImageFormat.Rgb24:
                    // Skia has no 24bit pixels, so we upscale to 32bit
                    var pixels = image.DataLen / 3;
                    newDataLen = pixels * 4;
                    newData    = new byte[newDataLen];
                    for (int i = 0; i < pixels; i++)
                        newData[i * 4]     = image.Data[i * 3];
                        newData[i * 4 + 1] = image.Data[i * 3 + 1];
                        newData[i * 4 + 2] = image.Data[i * 3 + 2];
                        newData[i * 4 + 3] = 255;

                    stride    = image.Width * 4;
                    colorType = SKColorType.Bgra8888;

                case ImageFormat.Rgba32:
                    colorType = SKColorType.Bgra8888;

                    throw new ArgumentException($"Skia unable to interpret pfim format: {image.Format}");

                var imageInfo = new SKImageInfo(image.Width, image.Height, colorType);
                var handle    = GCHandle.Alloc(newData, GCHandleType.Pinned);
                var ptr       = Marshal.UnsafeAddrOfPinnedArrayElement(newData, 0);
                using (var data = SKData.Create(ptr, newDataLen, (address, context) => handle.Free()))
                    using (var skImage = SKImage.FromPixelData(imageInfo, data, stride))
                        using (var bitmap = SKBitmap.FromImage(skImage))
                            using (var fs = File.Create(Path.ChangeExtension(file, ".png")))
                                using (var wstream = new SKManagedWStream(fs))
                                    var success = SKPixmap.Encode(wstream, bitmap, SKEncodedImageFormat.Png, 95);
                                    Console.WriteLine(success ? "Image converted successfully" : "Image unsuccessful");
예제 #19
        public static FractalGraph CalcJulia(double rCenter, double iCenter, double R0, double I0, double rDelta,
                                             SKColor[] Palette, int Width, int Height, ScriptNode Node,
                                             FractalZoomScript FractalZoomScript, object State)
            byte[]  reds;
            byte[]  greens;
            byte[]  blues;
            double  r0, i0, r1, i1;
            double  dr, di;
            double  r, i;
            double  zr, zi, zrt, zr2, zi2;
            double  aspect;
            int     x, y;
            int     n, N;
            int     index;
            SKColor cl;

            N      = Palette.Length;
            reds   = new byte[N];
            greens = new byte[N];
            blues  = new byte[N];

            for (x = 0; x < N; x++)
                cl        = Palette[x];
                reds[x]   = cl.Red;
                greens[x] = cl.Green;
                blues[x]  = cl.Blue;

            int size = Width * Height * 4;

            byte[] rgb = new byte[size];

            rDelta *= 0.5;
            r0      = rCenter - rDelta;
            r1      = rCenter + rDelta;

            aspect = ((double)Width) / Height;

            i0 = iCenter - rDelta / aspect;
            i1 = iCenter + rDelta / aspect;

            dr = (r1 - r0) / Width;
            di = (i1 - i0) / Height;

            for (y = 0, i = i0, index = 0; y < Height; y++, i += di)
                for (x = 0, r = r0; x < Width; x++, r += dr)
                    zr = r;
                    zi = i;

                    n   = 0;
                    zr2 = zr * zr;
                    zi2 = zi * zi;

                    while (zr2 + zi2 < 9 && n < N)
                        zrt = zr2 - zi2 + R0;
                        zi  = 2 * zr * zi + I0;
                        zr  = zrt;

                        zr2 = zr * zr;
                        zi2 = zi * zi;

                    if (n >= N)
                        rgb[index++] = 0;
                        rgb[index++] = 0;
                        rgb[index++] = 0;
                        rgb[index++] = blues[n];
                        rgb[index++] = greens[n];
                        rgb[index++] = reds[n];

                    rgb[index++] = 255;

            using (SKData Data = SKData.Create(new MemoryStream(rgb)))
                SKImage Bitmap = SKImage.FromPixelData(new SKImageInfo(Width, Height, SKColorType.Bgra8888), Data, Width * 4);
                return(new FractalGraph(Bitmap, r0, i0, r1, i1, rDelta * 2, true, Node, FractalZoomScript, State));
예제 #20
        /// <summary>
        /// Blends two images of the same size using a blending factor.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Image1">Image 1</param>
        /// <param name="Image2">Image 2</param>
        /// <param name="p">Blending factor (0=<paramref name="Image1"/>, 1=<paramref name="Image2"/>).</param>
        /// <returns>Blended image.</returns>
        public static SKImage BlendColors(SKImage Image1, SKImage Image2, double p)
            if (Image1.Width != Image2.Width || Image1.Height != Image2.Height)
                throw new ArgumentException("Images not of the same size.", nameof(Image2));

            SKImageInfo ImageInfo = new SKImageInfo(Image1.Width, Image1.Height, SKColorType.Bgra8888);
            int         i, j, c = ImageInfo.BytesSize;
            IntPtr      Pixels1 = Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem(c);
            IntPtr      Pixels2 = IntPtr.Zero;

                Pixels2 = Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem(c);

                Image1.ReadPixels(ImageInfo, Pixels1, ImageInfo.RowBytes, 0, 0);
                Image2.ReadPixels(ImageInfo, Pixels2, ImageInfo.RowBytes, 0, 0);

                byte[] Bin1 = new byte[c];
                byte[] Bin2 = new byte[c];
                Marshal.Copy(Pixels1, Bin1, 0, c);
                Marshal.Copy(Pixels2, Bin2, 0, c);

                for (i = 0; i < c; i++)
                    j = (int)(Bin1[i] * (1 - p) + Bin2[i] * p + 0.5);
                    if (j < 0)
                        Bin1[i] = 0;
                    else if (j > 255)
                        Bin1[i] = 255;
                        Bin1[i] = (byte)j;

                Marshal.Copy(Bin1, 0, Pixels1, c);

                using (SKData Data = SKData.Create(Pixels1, c))
                    SKImage Result = SKImage.FromPixelData(new SKImageInfo(ImageInfo.Width, ImageInfo.Height, SKColorType.Bgra8888), Data, ImageInfo.RowBytes);
                    Pixels1 = IntPtr.Zero;

                if (Pixels1 != IntPtr.Zero)

                if (Pixels2 != IntPtr.Zero)
예제 #21
        /// <summary>
        /// Blends an image with a fixed color using a blending factor.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Image">Image</param>
        /// <param name="Color">Color</param>
        /// <param name="p">Blending factor (0=<paramref name="Image"/>, 1=<paramref name="Color"/>).</param>
        /// <returns>Blended image.</returns>
        public static SKImage BlendColors(SKImage Image, SKColor Color, double p)
            SKImageInfo ImageInfo = new SKImageInfo(Image.Width, Image.Height, SKColorType.Bgra8888);
            int         i, j, c = ImageInfo.BytesSize;
            byte        R      = Color.Red;
            byte        G      = Color.Green;
            byte        B      = Color.Blue;
            byte        A      = Color.Alpha;
            IntPtr      Pixels = Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem(c);

                Image.ReadPixels(ImageInfo, Pixels, ImageInfo.RowBytes, 0, 0);

                byte[] Bin = new byte[c];
                Marshal.Copy(Pixels, Bin, 0, c);

                for (i = 0; i < c; i++)
                    j = (int)(Bin[i] * (1 - p) + B * p + 0.5);
                    if (j < 0)
                        Bin[i] = 0;
                    else if (j > 255)
                        Bin[i] = 255;
                        Bin[i] = (byte)j;

                    j = (int)(Bin[++i] * (1 - p) + G * p + 0.5);
                    if (j < 0)
                        Bin[i] = 0;
                    else if (j > 255)
                        Bin[i] = 255;
                        Bin[i] = (byte)j;

                    j = (int)(Bin[++i] * (1 - p) + R * p + 0.5);
                    if (j < 0)
                        Bin[i] = 0;
                    else if (j > 255)
                        Bin[i] = 255;
                        Bin[i] = (byte)j;

                    j = (int)(Bin[++i] * (1 - p) + A * p + 0.5);
                    if (j < 0)
                        Bin[i] = 0;
                    else if (j > 255)
                        Bin[i] = 255;
                        Bin[i] = (byte)j;

                Marshal.Copy(Bin, 0, Pixels, c);

                using (SKData Data = SKData.Create(Pixels, c))
                    SKImage Result = SKImage.FromPixelData(new SKImageInfo(ImageInfo.Width, ImageInfo.Height, SKColorType.Bgra8888), Data, ImageInfo.RowBytes);
                    Pixels = IntPtr.Zero;

                if (Pixels != IntPtr.Zero)
예제 #22
        internal SKImage RenderBitmapRgba(double Gamma, double Vibrancy, bool Preview, SKColor?Background)
            int[]    Frequency;
            double[] Reds;
            double[] Greens;
            double[] Blues;

            if (Preview)
                Frequency = (int[])this.frequency.Clone();
                Reds      = (double[])this.reds.Clone();
                Greens    = (double[])this.greens.Clone();
                Blues     = (double[])this.blues.Clone();
                Frequency = this.frequency;
                Reds      = this.reds;
                Greens    = this.greens;
                Blues     = this.blues;

            int Width  = this.width / this.superSampling;
            int Height = this.height / this.superSampling;
            int size   = Width * Height * 4;

            byte[] rgb = new byte[size];
            int    x, y;
            int    dst = 0;
            int    srcY;
            int    src;
            int    si, a;
            int    rowStep = Width * this.superSampling;
            int    rowStep2 = rowStep - this.superSampling;
            int    srcYStep = rowStep * this.superSampling;
            int    dx, dy;
            int    i, j;
            double r, g, b, s, s2;
            int    freq, maxfreq = 0;
            double GammaComponent = Gamma * (1 - Vibrancy) + Vibrancy;
            double GammaAlpha = Gamma * Vibrancy + (1 - Vibrancy);
            bool   HasBg = Background.HasValue;
            byte   BgR, BgG, BgB;

            if (HasBg)
                BgR = Background.Value.Red;
                BgG = Background.Value.Green;
                BgB = Background.Value.Blue;
                BgR = BgG = BgB = 0;

            s2 = Math.Pow(255.0, GammaComponent);

            if (this.superSampling > 1)
                for (y = srcY = 0; y < Height; y++, srcY += srcYStep)
                    for (x = 0, src = srcY; x < Width; x++, src += this.superSampling)
                        si   = src;
                        r    = g = b = 0.0;
                        freq = 0;

                        for (dy = 0; dy < this.superSampling; dy++)
                            for (dx = 0; dx < this.superSampling; dx++, si++)
                                j = Frequency[si];
                                if (j > 0)
                                    freq += j;
                                    r    += j * Reds[si];
                                    g    += j * Greens[si];
                                    b    += j * Blues[si];

                            si += rowStep2;

                        if (freq == 0)
                            Frequency[src] = 0;
                            if (freq > maxfreq)
                                maxfreq = freq;

                            s = s2 / freq;
                            Frequency[src] = freq;
                            Reds[src]      = r * s;
                            Greens[src]    = g * s;
                            Blues[src]     = b * s;
                maxfreq = 0;
                foreach (int F in Frequency)
                    if (F > maxfreq)
                        maxfreq = F;

            if (maxfreq == 0)
                s = 1;
                s = Math.Pow(255.0, GammaAlpha) / Math.Log(maxfreq);

            GammaComponent = 1.0 / GammaComponent;
            GammaAlpha     = 1.0 / GammaAlpha;

            if (Vibrancy == 1)          // Only gamma correction on the alpha-channel
                for (y = srcY = 0; y < Height; y++, srcY += srcYStep)
                    for (x = 0, src = srcY; x < Width; x++, src += this.superSampling)
                        i = Frequency[src];

                        if (i == 0)
                            if (HasBg)
                                rgb[dst++] = BgB;
                                rgb[dst++] = BgG;
                                rgb[dst++] = BgR;
                                rgb[dst++] = 0xff;
                                rgb[dst++] = 0;
                                rgb[dst++] = 0;
                                rgb[dst++] = 0;
                                rgb[dst++] = 0;
                            if (HasBg)
                                a = (int)(Math.Pow(Math.Log(i) * s, GammaAlpha));

                                si = (int)Blues[src];
                                si = (si * a + BgB * (255 - a) + 128) / 255;
                                if (si < 0)
                                    rgb[dst++] = 0;
                                else if (si > 255)
                                    rgb[dst++] = 255;
                                    rgb[dst++] = (byte)si;

                                si = (int)Greens[src];
                                si = (si * a + BgG * (255 - a) + 128) / 255;
                                if (si < 0)
                                    rgb[dst++] = 0;
                                else if (si > 255)
                                    rgb[dst++] = 255;
                                    rgb[dst++] = (byte)si;

                                si = (int)Reds[src];
                                si = (si * a + BgR * (255 - a) + 128) / 255;
                                if (si < 0)
                                    rgb[dst++] = 0;
                                else if (si > 255)
                                    rgb[dst++] = 255;
                                    rgb[dst++] = (byte)si;

                                rgb[dst++] = 255;
                                si = (int)Blues[src];
                                if (si < 0)
                                    rgb[dst++] = 0;
                                else if (si > 255)
                                    rgb[dst++] = 255;
                                    rgb[dst++] = (byte)si;

                                si = (int)Greens[src];
                                if (si < 0)
                                    rgb[dst++] = 0;
                                else if (si > 255)
                                    rgb[dst++] = 255;
                                    rgb[dst++] = (byte)si;

                                si = (int)Reds[src];
                                if (si < 0)
                                    rgb[dst++] = 0;
                                else if (si > 255)
                                    rgb[dst++] = 255;
                                    rgb[dst++] = (byte)si;

                                a = (int)(Math.Pow(Math.Log(i) * s, GammaAlpha));
                                if (a < 0)
                                    rgb[dst++] = 0;
                                else if (a > 255)
                                    rgb[dst++] = 255;
                                    rgb[dst++] = (byte)a;
            else if (Vibrancy == 0)     // Only gamma correction on the individual components.
                for (y = srcY = 0; y < Height; y++, srcY += srcYStep)
                    for (x = 0, src = srcY; x < Width; x++, src += this.superSampling)
                        i = Frequency[src];

                        if (i == 0)
                            if (HasBg)
                                rgb[dst++] = BgB;
                                rgb[dst++] = BgG;
                                rgb[dst++] = BgR;
                                rgb[dst++] = 0xff;
                                rgb[dst++] = 0;
                                rgb[dst++] = 0;
                                rgb[dst++] = 0;
                                rgb[dst++] = 0;
                            if (HasBg)
                                a = (int)(Math.Log(i) * s);

                                si = (int)Math.Pow(Blues[src], GammaComponent);
                                si = (si * a + BgB * (255 - a) + 128) / 255;
                                if (si < 0)
                                    rgb[dst++] = 0;
                                else if (si > 255)
                                    rgb[dst++] = 255;
                                    rgb[dst++] = (byte)si;

                                si = (int)Math.Pow(Greens[src], GammaComponent);
                                si = (si * a + BgG * (255 - a) + 128) / 255;
                                if (si < 0)
                                    rgb[dst++] = 0;
                                else if (si > 255)
                                    rgb[dst++] = 255;
                                    rgb[dst++] = (byte)si;

                                si = (int)Math.Pow(Reds[src], GammaComponent);
                                si = (si * a + BgR * (255 - a) + 128) / 255;
                                if (si < 0)
                                    rgb[dst++] = 0;
                                else if (si > 255)
                                    rgb[dst++] = 255;
                                    rgb[dst++] = (byte)si;

                                rgb[dst++] = 255;
                                si = (int)Math.Pow(Blues[src], GammaComponent);
                                if (si < 0)
                                    rgb[dst++] = 0;
                                else if (si > 255)
                                    rgb[dst++] = 255;
                                    rgb[dst++] = (byte)si;

                                si = (int)Math.Pow(Greens[src], GammaComponent);
                                if (si < 0)
                                    rgb[dst++] = 0;
                                else if (si > 255)
                                    rgb[dst++] = 255;
                                    rgb[dst++] = (byte)si;

                                si = (int)Math.Pow(Reds[src], GammaComponent);
                                if (si < 0)
                                    rgb[dst++] = 0;
                                else if (si > 255)
                                    rgb[dst++] = 255;
                                    rgb[dst++] = (byte)si;

                                a = (int)(Math.Log(i) * s);
                                if (a < 0)
                                    rgb[dst++] = 0;
                                else if (a > 255)
                                    rgb[dst++] = 255;
                                    rgb[dst++] = (byte)a;
            else                        // Interpolated gamma correction on both the components and the alpha channel.
                for (y = srcY = 0; y < Height; y++, srcY += srcYStep)
                    for (x = 0, src = srcY; x < Width; x++, src += this.superSampling)
                        i = Frequency[src];

                        if (i == 0)
                            if (HasBg)
                                rgb[dst++] = BgB;
                                rgb[dst++] = BgG;
                                rgb[dst++] = BgR;
                                rgb[dst++] = 0xff;
                                rgb[dst++] = 0;
                                rgb[dst++] = 0;
                                rgb[dst++] = 0;
                                rgb[dst++] = 0;
                            if (HasBg)
                                a = (int)(Math.Pow(Math.Log(i) * s, GammaAlpha));

                                si = (int)Math.Pow(Blues[src], GammaComponent);
                                si = (si * a + BgB * (255 - a) + 128) / 255;
                                if (si < 0)
                                    rgb[dst++] = 0;
                                else if (si > 255)
                                    rgb[dst++] = 255;
                                    rgb[dst++] = (byte)si;

                                si = (int)Math.Pow(Greens[src], GammaComponent);
                                si = (si * a + BgG * (255 - a) + 128) / 255;
                                if (si < 0)
                                    rgb[dst++] = 0;
                                else if (si > 255)
                                    rgb[dst++] = 255;
                                    rgb[dst++] = (byte)si;

                                si = (int)Math.Pow(Reds[src], GammaComponent);
                                si = (si * a + BgR * (255 - a) + 128) / 255;
                                if (si < 0)
                                    rgb[dst++] = 0;
                                else if (si > 255)
                                    rgb[dst++] = 255;
                                    rgb[dst++] = (byte)si;

                                rgb[dst++] = 255;
                                si = (int)Math.Pow(Blues[src], GammaComponent);
                                if (si < 0)
                                    rgb[dst++] = 0;
                                else if (si > 255)
                                    rgb[dst++] = 255;
                                    rgb[dst++] = (byte)si;

                                si = (int)Math.Pow(Greens[src], GammaComponent);
                                if (si < 0)
                                    rgb[dst++] = 0;
                                else if (si > 255)
                                    rgb[dst++] = 255;
                                    rgb[dst++] = (byte)si;

                                si = (int)Math.Pow(Reds[src], GammaComponent);
                                if (si < 0)
                                    rgb[dst++] = 0;
                                else if (si > 255)
                                    rgb[dst++] = 255;
                                    rgb[dst++] = (byte)si;

                                a = (int)(Math.Pow(Math.Log(i) * s, GammaAlpha));
                                if (a < 0)
                                    rgb[dst++] = 0;
                                else if (a > 255)
                                    rgb[dst++] = 255;
                                    rgb[dst++] = (byte)a;

            using (SKData Data = SKData.Create(new MemoryStream(rgb)))
                return(SKImage.FromPixelData(new SKImageInfo(Width, Height, SKColorType.Bgra8888), Data, Width * 4));
예제 #23
        internal SKImage RenderBitmapHsl(double Gamma, double LightFactor, bool Preview, SKColor?Background)
            int[]    Frequency;
            double[] Hues;
            double[] Saturations;
            double[] Lights;

            if (Preview)
                Frequency   = (int[])this.frequency.Clone();
                Hues        = (double[])this.reds.Clone();
                Saturations = (double[])this.greens.Clone();
                Lights      = (double[])this.blues.Clone();
                Frequency   = this.frequency;
                Hues        = this.reds;
                Saturations = this.greens;
                Lights      = this.blues;

            int Width  = this.width / this.superSampling;
            int Height = this.height / this.superSampling;
            int size   = Width * Height * 4;

            byte[]  rgb = new byte[size];
            int     x, y;
            int     dst = 0;
            int     srcY;
            int     src;
            int     si;
            int     rowStep = Width * this.superSampling;
            int     rowStep2 = rowStep - this.superSampling;
            int     srcYStep = rowStep * this.superSampling;
            int     SuperSampling2 = this.superSampling * this.superSampling;
            int     dx, dy;
            int     i, j;
            double  H, S, L;
            int     freq, maxfreq = 0;
            long    R2, G2, B2;
            SKColor cl;
            bool    HasBg = Background.HasValue;
            byte    BgR, BgG, BgB;

            if (HasBg)
                BgR = Background.Value.Red;
                BgG = Background.Value.Green;
                BgB = Background.Value.Blue;
                BgR = BgG = BgB = 0;

            maxfreq = 0;
            foreach (int F in Frequency)
                if (F > maxfreq)
                    maxfreq = F;

            Gamma = 1.0 / Gamma;

            if (this.superSampling == 1)
                for (y = srcY = 0; y < Height; y++, srcY += srcYStep)
                    for (x = 0, src = srcY; x < Width; x++, src++)
                        i = Frequency[src];

                        if (i == 0)
                            if (HasBg)
                                rgb[dst++] = BgB;
                                rgb[dst++] = BgG;
                                rgb[dst++] = BgR;
                                rgb[dst++] = 0;
                                rgb[dst++] = 0;
                                rgb[dst++] = 0;

                            rgb[dst++] = 0xff;
                            H = Hues[src] * 360;
                            S = Math.Pow(Saturations[src], Gamma);
                            L = Math.Pow((Lights[src] * i) / maxfreq, Gamma) * LightFactor;

                            if (S > 1)
                                S = 1;

                            if (L > 1)
                                L = 1;

                            cl         = Graph.ToColorHSL(H, S, L);
                            rgb[dst++] = cl.Blue;
                            rgb[dst++] = cl.Green;
                            rgb[dst++] = cl.Red;
                            rgb[dst++] = 0xff;
                for (y = srcY = 0; y < Height; y++, srcY += srcYStep)
                    for (x = 0, src = srcY; x < Width; x++, src += this.superSampling)
                        si   = src;
                        R2   = G2 = B2 = 0;
                        freq = 0;

                        for (dy = 0; dy < this.superSampling; dy++)
                            for (dx = 0; dx < this.superSampling; dx++, si++)
                                j = Frequency[si];
                                if (j > 0)
                                    H = Hues[si] * 360;
                                    S = Math.Pow(Saturations[si], Gamma);
                                    L = Math.Pow((Lights[si] * j) / maxfreq, Gamma) * LightFactor;

                                    if (S > 1)
                                        S = 1;

                                    if (L > 1)
                                        L = 1;

                                    cl = Graph.ToColorHSL(H, S, L);

                                    freq += j;
                                    R2   += j * cl.Red;
                                    G2   += j * cl.Green;
                                    B2   += j * cl.Blue;

                            si += rowStep2;

                        if (freq == 0)
                            if (HasBg)
                                rgb[dst++] = BgB;
                                rgb[dst++] = BgG;
                                rgb[dst++] = BgR;
                                rgb[dst++] = 0;
                                rgb[dst++] = 0;
                                rgb[dst++] = 0;

                            rgb[dst++] = 0xff;
                            R2 /= freq;
                            if (R2 > 255)
                                R2 = 255;

                            G2 /= freq;
                            if (G2 > 255)
                                G2 = 255;

                            B2 /= freq;
                            if (B2 > 255)
                                B2 = 255;

                            rgb[dst++] = (byte)B2;
                            rgb[dst++] = (byte)G2;
                            rgb[dst++] = (byte)R2;
                            rgb[dst++] = 0xff;

            using (SKData Data = SKData.Create(new MemoryStream(rgb)))
                return(SKImage.FromPixelData(new SKImageInfo(Width, Height, SKColorType.Bgra8888), Data, Width * 4));
예제 #24
        private static SKBitmap LoadTga(string file)
            SKColorType colorType;

            using (var image = Pfim.Pfim.FromFile(file))
                var newData    = image.Data;
                var newDataLen = image.DataLen;
                var stride     = image.Stride;
                switch (image.Format)
                case ImageFormat.Rgb8:
                    colorType = SKColorType.Gray8;

                case ImageFormat.R5g6b5:
                    // color channels still need to be swapped
                    colorType = SKColorType.Rgb565;

                case ImageFormat.Rgba16:
                    // color channels still need to be swapped
                    colorType = SKColorType.Argb4444;

                case ImageFormat.Rgb24:
                    // Skia has no 24bit pixels, so we upscale to 32bit
                    var pixels = image.DataLen / 3;
                    newDataLen = pixels * 4;
                    newData    = new byte[newDataLen];
                    for (int i = 0; i < pixels; i++)
                        newData[i * 4]     = image.Data[i * 3];
                        newData[i * 4 + 1] = image.Data[i * 3 + 1];
                        newData[i * 4 + 2] = image.Data[i * 3 + 2];
                        newData[i * 4 + 3] = 255;

                    stride    = image.Width * 4;
                    colorType = SKColorType.Bgra8888;

                case ImageFormat.Rgba32:
                    colorType = SKColorType.Bgra8888;

                    throw new ArgumentException($"Skia unable to interpret pfim format: {image.Format}");

                var imageInfo = new SKImageInfo(image.Width, image.Height, colorType);
                var handle    = GCHandle.Alloc(newData, GCHandleType.Pinned);
                var ptr       = Marshal.UnsafeAddrOfPinnedArrayElement(newData, 0);
                using (var data = SKData.Create(ptr, newDataLen, (address, context) => handle.Free()))
                    using (var skImage = SKImage.FromPixelData(imageInfo, data, stride))
                        var bitmap = SKBitmap.FromImage(skImage);