예제 #1
         * /// <summary>
         * /// Transfers call to specified recipient.
         * /// </summary>
         * /// <param name="to">Address where to transfer call.</param>
         * public void CallTransfer(string to)
         * {
         *  throw new NotImplementedException();
         * }*/


        #region method CopyMessage

        /// <summary>
        /// Copies header fileds from 1 message to antother.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="source">Source message.</param>
        /// <param name="destination">Destination message.</param>
        /// <param name="exceptHeaders">Header fields not to copy.</param>
        private void CopyMessage(SIP_Message source, SIP_Message destination, string[] exceptHeaders)
            foreach (SIP_HeaderField headerField in source.Header)
                bool copy = true;
                foreach (string h in exceptHeaders)
                    if (h.ToLower() == headerField.Name.ToLower())
                        copy = false;

                if (copy)
                    destination.Header.Add(headerField.Name, headerField.Value);

            destination.Data = source.Data;
예제 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Transfers call to specified recipient.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="to">Address where to transfer call.</param>
        public void CallTransfer(string to)
            throw new NotImplementedException();

        /// <summary>
        /// Copies header fileds from 1 message to antother.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="source">Source message.</param>
        /// <param name="destination">Destination message.</param>
        /// <param name="exceptHeaders">Header fields not to copy.</param>
        private void CopyMessage(SIP_Message source, SIP_Message destination, string[] exceptHeaders)
            foreach (SIP_HeaderField headerField in source.Header)
                bool copy = true;
                foreach (string h in exceptHeaders)
                    if (h.ToLower() == headerField.Name.ToLower())
                        copy = false;

                if (copy)
                    destination.Header.Add(headerField.Name, headerField.Value);

            destination.Data = source.Data;
예제 #3
파일: SIPDump.cs 프로젝트: skrusty/SIPDump
        private static void device_OnPacketArrival(object sender, CaptureEventArgs e)
            var time = e.Packet.Timeval.Date;
            var len  = e.Packet.Data.Length;

            var packet = PacketDotNet.Packet.ParsePacket(e.Packet.LinkLayerType, e.Packet.Data);

            var udpPacket = PacketDotNet.UdpPacket.GetEncapsulated(packet);

            if (udpPacket != null)
                    // signalling packet
                    SIP_Message msg = ParseSIPMessage(udpPacket.PayloadData);
                    if (msg != null && msg.CallID != null)
                        SDP_Message sdp = null;

                            sdp = SDP_Message.Parse(System.Text.ASCIIEncoding.Default.GetString(msg.Data));
                        catch { }

                        if (msg is SIP_Request && msg.CallID != null)
                            SIP_Request r = (SIP_Request)msg;

                            if (!Call.Calls.ContainsKey(r.CallID))
                                if (r.RequestLine.Method == "INVITE")
                                    Call.Calls.Add(r.CallID, new Call(r.CallID));
                                    Call.Calls[r.CallID].CallerIP = ((IpPacket)udpPacket.ParentPacket).SourceAddress;
                                    Call.Calls[r.CallID].CalleeIP = ((IpPacket)udpPacket.ParentPacket).DestinationAddress;
                                    return;     // Ignore this conversation

                            // if this is an invite, do we have an audio rtp port defined?
                            if (r.RequestLine.Method == "INVITE")
                                if (sdp != null)
                                    foreach (var a in sdp.MediaDescriptions)
                                        Console.Out.WriteLine(r.CallID + " - Got RTP Media Port: " + ((IpPacket)udpPacket.ParentPacket).SourceAddress + ":" + a.Port.ToString());
                                        if (Call.Calls[r.CallID].CallerIP.ToString() == ((IpPacket)udpPacket.ParentPacket).SourceAddress.ToString())
                                            Call.Calls[r.CallID].CallerRTPPort = a.Port;
                                            Call.Calls[r.CallID].CalleeRTPPort = a.Port;

                            if (r.RequestLine.Method == "BYE")
                                if (Call.Calls.ContainsKey(r.CallID))
                                    // Log bye was recevied
                                    Call.Calls[r.CallID].SeenBYE = true;

                                    // Now indicate who hung up
                                    Call.Calls[r.CallID].WhoHungUp = ((IpPacket)udpPacket.ParentPacket).SourceAddress == Call.Calls[r.CallID].CallerIP ?
                                                                     Call.CallDirection.Caller : Call.CallDirection.Callee;
                                    Console.WriteLine("Unknown CallID: " + r.CallID);
                        else if (msg is SIP_Response && msg.CallID != null)
                            SIP_Response r = (SIP_Response)msg;

                            if (sdp != null)
                                foreach (var a in sdp.MediaDescriptions)
                                    Console.Out.WriteLine(r.CallID + " - Got RTP Media Port: " + ((IpPacket)udpPacket.ParentPacket).SourceAddress + ":" + a.Port.ToString());
                                    if (Call.Calls[r.CallID].CallerIP.ToString() == ((IpPacket)udpPacket.ParentPacket).SourceAddress.ToString())
                                        Call.Calls[r.CallID].CallerRTPPort = a.Port;
                                        Call.Calls[r.CallID].CalleeRTPPort = a.Port;

                            if (Call.Calls.ContainsKey(r.CallID))
                                if (r.StatusCodeType == SIP_StatusCodeType.Success && Call.Calls[r.CallID].SeenBYE)
                                    Call.Calls[r.CallID].Confirmed = true;

                        // Add packet to history
                        if (Call.Calls.ContainsKey(msg.CallID))
                            Call.Calls[msg.CallID].WritePacket(e.Packet, Call.PacketType.SIPDialog);
                            // Check to see is this call has been terminated
                            if (Call.Calls[msg.CallID].Confirmed)
                                // Close off the call now last data has been written
                                Console.WriteLine("Call Ended: " + msg.CallID);

                                // Close off the call

                                // Remove the call from the in-memory list
                        Call c = Call.GetCallByRTPPort(udpPacket.SourcePort);
                        if (c != null)
                            c.WritePacket(e.Packet, Call.PacketType.RTP);
                catch (Exception ex) {
예제 #4
        public void Handler(Packet packet)
            var udpPacket = UdpPacket.GetEncapsulated(packet);

            // if it's not udp , udpPacket will be null and we don't handle it.
            if (udpPacket != null)
                    // signalling packet
                    SIP_Message msg = ParseSIPMessage(udpPacket.PayloadData);
                    if (msg != null && msg.CallID != null)
                        SDP_Message sdp = null;
                        Console.WriteLine("SIP capture");
                            sdp = SDP_Message.Parse(System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetString(msg.Data));
                        catch { }

                        if (msg is SIP_Request && msg.CallID != null)
                            SIP_Request r = (SIP_Request)msg;
                            //already containsKey
                            if (!Call.SIPSessions.ContainsKey(r.CallID))
                                if (r.RequestLine.Method == "INVITE")
                                    Call.SIPSessions.Add(r.CallID, new Call(r.CallID));
                                    Call.SIPSessions[r.CallID].CallerIP = ((IpPacket)udpPacket.ParentPacket).SourceAddress;
                                    Call.SIPSessions[r.CallID].CalleeIP = ((IpPacket)udpPacket.ParentPacket).DestinationAddress;
                                    return;     // Ignore this conversation

                            // if this is an invite, do we have an audio rtp port defined?
                            if (r.RequestLine.Method == "INVITE")
                                if (sdp != null)
                                    foreach (var a in sdp.MediaDescriptions)
                                        Console.Out.WriteLine(r.CallID + " - Got RTP Media Port: " + ((IpPacket)udpPacket.ParentPacket).SourceAddress + ":" + a.Port.ToString());
                                        if (Call.SIPSessions[r.CallID].CallerIP.ToString() == ((IpPacket)udpPacket.ParentPacket).SourceAddress.ToString())
                                            Call.SIPSessions[r.CallID].CallerRTPPort = a.Port;
                                            Call.SIPSessions[r.CallID].CalleeRTPPort = a.Port;

                                        break; // First description is about audio . Second is about viedo and we don't need it, so break.

                            if (r.RequestLine.Method == "BYE")
                                if (Call.SIPSessions.ContainsKey(r.CallID))
                                    // Log bye was recevied
                                    Call.SIPSessions[r.CallID].SeenBYE = true;

                                    // Now indicate who hung up
                                    Call.SIPSessions[r.CallID].WhoHungUp = ((IpPacket)udpPacket.ParentPacket).SourceAddress == Call.SIPSessions[r.CallID].CallerIP ?
                                                                           Call.CallDirection.Caller : Call.CallDirection.Callee;
                                    Console.WriteLine("Unknown CallID: " + r.CallID);
                        }//    if (msg is SIP_Request && msg.CallID != null)
                        else if (msg is SIP_Response && msg.CallID != null)
                            SIP_Response r = (SIP_Response)msg;

                            if (r.StatusCode != 183 && r.StatusCode != 100 && r.StatusCode != 200)
                                Call.SIPSessions[r.CallID].isEnd = true;

                            if (sdp != null)
                                foreach (var a in sdp.MediaDescriptions)
                                    Console.Out.WriteLine(r.CallID + " - Got RTP Media Port: " + ((IpPacket)udpPacket.ParentPacket).SourceAddress + ":" + a.Port.ToString());
                                    if (Call.SIPSessions[r.CallID].CallerIP.ToString() == ((IpPacket)udpPacket.ParentPacket).SourceAddress.ToString())
                                        Call.SIPSessions[r.CallID].CallerRTPPort = a.Port;
                                        Call.SIPSessions[r.CallID].CalleeRTPPort = a.Port;

                                    break; // First description is about audio . Second is about viedo and we don't need it, so break.

                            if (Call.SIPSessions.ContainsKey(r.CallID))
                                if (r.StatusCodeType == SIP_StatusCodeType.Success && Call.SIPSessions[r.CallID].SeenBYE)
                                    Call.SIPSessions[r.CallID].Confirmed = true;
                                    Call.SIPSessions[r.CallID].isEnd     = true;

                        // Add packet to history
                        if (Call.SIPSessions.ContainsKey(msg.CallID))
                            Call.SIPSessions[msg.CallID].WritePacket(packet, Call.PacketType.SIPDialog);
                            // Check to see is this call has been terminated
                            if (Call.SIPSessions[msg.CallID].Confirmed)
                                // Close off the call now last data has been written
                                Console.WriteLine("Call Ended: " + msg.CallID);

                                // Close off the call

                                StringBuilder file        = new StringBuilder(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + "//" + Call.SIPSessions[msg.CallID].SIPPacketFilePathAndName);
                                StringBuilder StoragePath = new StringBuilder(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + "//" + Call.SIPSessions[msg.CallID].SIPPacketFilePath);
                                pacp_to_wav(file, StoragePath);

                            if (Call.SIPSessions[msg.CallID].isEnd == true)
                        Call c = Call.GetCallByRTPPort(udpPacket.SourcePort);
                        if (c != null)
                            c.WritePacket(packet, Call.PacketType.RTP);
                catch (Exception ex)