public bool Mine(Block block, byte dificulty) { block.MinerPublicKey = publicKey; block.Dificulty = dificulty; var data = block.GetData(); stop = false; while (!stop) { using (var sha256 = new SHA256Managed()) { sha256.Initialize(); block.Hash = sha256.ComputeHash(data); } var first = Array.FindIndex(block.Hash, b => b != 0); if (first >= dificulty) { return(true); } block.Nonce++; Buffer.BlockCopy(BitConverter.GetBytes(block.Nonce), 0, data, data.Length - 4, 4); //Thread.Sleep(1); } return(false); }
private static BigInteger Hash(params BigInteger[] integers) { using (var sha256 = new SHA256Managed()) { sha256.Initialize(); for (int i = 0; i < integers.Length; i++) { byte[] buffer = integers[i].ToByteArray(true); int padding = buffer.Length % 4; if (padding != 0) { Array.Resize(ref buffer, buffer.Length + (4 - padding)); } if (i == integers.Length - 1) { sha256.TransformFinalBlock(buffer, 0, buffer.Length); } else { sha256.TransformBlock(buffer, 0, buffer.Length, null, 0); } } byte[] hash = sha256.Hash; ReverseBytesAsUInt32(hash); return(new BigInteger(hash, true)); } }
public static void Fill(ConcurrentDictionary <string, ConcurrentBag <File> > files, string path, Func <string, File> factory, Progress pg) { var sha = new SHA256Managed(); sha.Initialize(); List <string> list = Directory.EnumerateFiles(path, "*", SearchOption.AllDirectories).ToList(); int count = list.Count; int n = 0; Console.Error.WriteLine("\r" + count + " files in " + path); foreach (var file in list) { byte[] hashBytes = sha.ComputeHash(System.IO.File.OpenRead(file)); string hash = BitConverter.ToString(hashBytes).Replace("-", ""); files.AddOrUpdate(hash, h => new ConcurrentBag <File> { factory(file) }, (h, l) => { l.Add(factory(file)); return(l); }); pg.Report(++n, count); } }
public string StoreData(byte[] data, string extension = null) { var hasher = new SHA256Managed(); hasher.Initialize(); string hash = null; using (hasher) { hash = HexTools.ByteArrayToHexString(hasher.ComputeHash(data)); var targetPath = BuildPath(hash, extension); if (_storage.Exists(targetPath)) { return(null); } var directory = Path.GetDirectoryName(targetPath); _storage.CreateFolder(directory); var file = _storage.Open(targetPath); using (file) { file.Write(data, 0, data.Length); } } return(hash); }
//Creates and returns new User by Email public async Task <pix_dtmodel.Models.User> CreateNewUser(string email, string hashPass, string uname) { //Create model pix_dtmodel.Models.User usr = new pix_dtmodel.Models.User(); //Make a hasher SHA256 hasher = new SHA256Managed(); hasher.Initialize(); //Init the csp //hash email for use in the UID byte[] hashedBytes = hasher.ComputeHash(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(email)); //Use bit Converter to get hash string string hashString = BitConverter.ToString(hashedBytes).Replace("-", String.Empty); //Set fields usr.Uid = "USR" + hashString; //Check backend for duplicates if (userSession.GetRecordById(usr.Uid).Result != null) { //If query that returned a result than the user is taken return error return(null); } //Always store email in lowercase usr.Email = email.ToLower(); //Always store username in lowercase usr.Username = uname.ToLower(); //Contact google boi FirebaseAuthLink tempLink = await auth.CreateUserWithEmailAndPasswordAsync(email, hashPass, uname, true); //Now we've issued a request to create a new account using the hashed password, email and then a verification email will hopefully be issued out. usr.TimeLeft = tempLink.ExpiresIn + ""; //Expirary Date, refresh token when this gets too low. //apply token. usr.Token = tempLink.FirebaseToken; //set hash usr.HashWord = hashPass.Replace("-", String.Empty); //set Google id. usr.Gid = tempLink.User.LocalId; //Finally add to dbase userSession.Add(usr); //debug line Console.WriteLine("User " + uname + " expires in " + usr.TimeLeft); //cleanup? hasher.Clear(); hashedBytes = null; hashString = null; return(usr); }
public byte[] GetData() { var transactions = GetTransactions(); var data = new byte[32 * transactions.Length + MinerPublicKey.Length + 4 + 1]; var offset = 0; foreach (var transaction in transactions) { byte[] hash; var td = transaction.GetData(); using (var sha256 = new SHA256Managed()) { sha256.Initialize(); hash = sha256.ComputeHash(td); } Buffer.BlockCopy(hash, 0, data, offset, 32); offset += 32; } Buffer.BlockCopy(MinerPublicKey, 0, data, offset, MinerPublicKey.Length); offset += MinerPublicKey.Length; Buffer.BlockCopy(BitConverter.GetBytes(Nonce), 0, data, offset, 4); offset += 4; data[offset] = Dificulty; return(data); }
internal static byte[] CreateSaltedHash(byte[] password, byte[] salt, Int32 hashIterations) { // Seed for the pseudo-random fcn: salt + block index. byte[] saltAndIndex = new byte[salt.Length + BLOCK_INDEX]; Array.Copy(salt, 0, saltAndIndex, 0, salt.Length); byte[] hashOutput = new byte[BLOCK_COUNT * SHA2_256_HASH_SIZE_IN_BYTES]; int hashOutputOffset = 0; SHA256Managed hashInner = new SHA256Managed(); SHA256Managed hashOuter = new SHA256Managed(); // For HMAC the key must be hashed or padded with zeros so // that it fits into a single block of the hash algorithm being used. if (password.Length > SHA2_256_BLOCK_SIZE_IN_BYTES) { password = hashInner.ComputeHash(password); } byte[] key = new byte[SHA2_256_BLOCK_SIZE_IN_BYTES]; Array.Copy(password, 0, key, 0, password.Length); byte[] keyInner = new byte[SHA2_256_BLOCK_SIZE_IN_BYTES]; byte[] keyOuter = new byte[SHA2_256_BLOCK_SIZE_IN_BYTES]; for (Int32 i = 0; i < SHA2_256_BLOCK_SIZE_IN_BYTES; i++) { keyInner[i] = (byte)(key[i] ^ INNER_HASH_PADDING); keyOuter[i] = (byte)(key[i] ^ OUTER_HASH_PADDING); } // For each block of desired output... for (Int32 hashBlock = 0; hashBlock < BLOCK_COUNT; hashBlock++) { // Seed HMAC with salt & block index. IncrementInteger(saltAndIndex, salt.Length); byte[] hmacResult = saltAndIndex; for (Int32 i = 0; i < hashIterations; i++) { // Simple implementation of HMAC-SHA2-256. hashInner.Initialize(); hashInner.TransformBlock(keyInner, 0, SHA2_256_BLOCK_SIZE_IN_BYTES, keyInner, 0); hashInner.TransformFinalBlock(hmacResult, 0, hmacResult.Length); byte[] temp = hashInner.Hash; hashOuter.Initialize(); hashOuter.TransformBlock(keyOuter, 0, SHA2_256_BLOCK_SIZE_IN_BYTES, keyOuter, 0); hashOuter.TransformFinalBlock(temp, 0, temp.Length); hmacResult = hashOuter.Hash; // XOR result into output buffer. XorByteArray(hmacResult, 0, hashOutput, hashOutputOffset); } hashOutputOffset += SHA2_256_HASH_SIZE_IN_BYTES; } byte[] result = new byte[SHA2_256_HASH_SIZE_IN_BYTES]; Array.Copy(hashOutput, 0, result, 0, SHA2_256_HASH_SIZE_IN_BYTES); return(result); }
public static string SHA256(string input) { if (!init) { sha.Initialize(); } byte[] hash = sha.ComputeHash(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(input)); return(BitConverter.ToString(hash).Replace("-", "")); }
private string Sha256Hash(string rawString) { var rawStringBytes = Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(rawString); var hashProvider = new SHA256Managed(); hashProvider.Initialize(); rawStringBytes = hashProvider.ComputeHash(rawStringBytes); hashProvider.Clear(); return(Convert.ToBase64String(rawStringBytes)); }
public static string HashPassword(string password) { Byte[] passwordBytes = Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(password); SHA256Managed hashProvider = new SHA256Managed(); hashProvider.Initialize(); passwordBytes = hashProvider.ComputeHash(passwordBytes); hashProvider.Clear(); return(Convert.ToBase64String(passwordBytes)); }
public static string CalculateFingerprintHash(string fingerprint) { SHA256Managed sh = new SHA256Managed(); byte[] request = UTF8Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(fingerprint); sh.Initialize(); byte[] hash = sh.ComputeHash(request, 0, request.Length); return(Convert.ToBase64String(hash)); }
public static void SequenceHash() { byte[] data = { 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13 }; using var alg = new SHA256Managed(); var hash = new byte[alg.HashSize / 8]; using var builder = new HashBuilder(alg); builder.Add(new ChunkSequence <byte>(data, 3).ToReadOnlySequence()); Equal(alg.HashSize / 8, builder.Build(hash)); alg.Initialize(); Equal(hash, alg.ComputeHash(data)); }
private static byte[] GetBytes(byte[] password, byte[] salt, int iterations, int howManyBytes) { // round up uint cBlocks = (uint)((howManyBytes + HASH_SIZE_IN_BYTES - 1) / HASH_SIZE_IN_BYTES); // seed for the pseudo-random fcn: salt + block index byte[] saltAndIndex = new byte[salt.Length + 4]; Array.Copy(salt, 0, saltAndIndex, 0, salt.Length); byte[] output = new byte[cBlocks * HASH_SIZE_IN_BYTES]; int outputOffset = 0; SHA256Managed innerHash = new SHA256Managed(); SHA256Managed outerHash = new SHA256Managed(); // HMAC says the key must be hashed or padded with zeros // so it fits into a single block of the hash in use if (password.Length > BLOCK_SIZE_IN_BYTES) { password = innerHash.ComputeHash(password); } byte[] key = new byte[BLOCK_SIZE_IN_BYTES]; Array.Copy(password, 0, key, 0, password.Length); byte[] InnerKey = new byte[BLOCK_SIZE_IN_BYTES]; byte[] OuterKey = new byte[BLOCK_SIZE_IN_BYTES]; for (int i = 0; i < BLOCK_SIZE_IN_BYTES; ++i) { InnerKey[i] = (byte)(key[i] ^ IPAD); OuterKey[i] = (byte)(key[i] ^ OPAD); } // for each block of desired output for (int iBlock = 0; iBlock < cBlocks; ++iBlock) { // seed HMAC with salt & block index _incrementBigEndianIndex(saltAndIndex, salt.Length); byte[] U = saltAndIndex; for (int i = 0; i < iterations; ++i) { // simple implementation of HMAC-SHA-256 innerHash.Initialize(); innerHash.TransformBlock(InnerKey, 0, BLOCK_SIZE_IN_BYTES, InnerKey, 0); innerHash.TransformFinalBlock(U, 0, U.Length); byte[] temp = innerHash.Hash; outerHash.Initialize(); outerHash.TransformBlock(OuterKey, 0, BLOCK_SIZE_IN_BYTES, OuterKey, 0); outerHash.TransformFinalBlock(temp, 0, temp.Length); U = outerHash.Hash; // U = result of HMAC // xor result into output buffer _xorByteArray(U, 0, HASH_SIZE_IN_BYTES, output, outputOffset); } outputOffset += HASH_SIZE_IN_BYTES; } byte[] result = new byte[howManyBytes]; Array.Copy(output, 0, result, 0, howManyBytes); return result; }
public static void HashBuilding() { byte[] data = { 1, 2, 3 }; using var alg = new SHA256Managed(); var hash = new byte[alg.HashSize / 8]; using var builder = new HashBuilder(alg); False(builder.IsEmpty); builder.Add(data); Equal(alg.HashSize / 8, builder.Build(hash)); alg.Initialize(); Equal(hash, alg.ComputeHash(data)); }
public static async Task HashPipe() { byte[] data = { 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13 }; using var alg = new SHA256Managed(); var hash = new byte[alg.HashSize / 8]; var pipe = new Pipe(); await pipe.Writer.WriteAsync(data); await alg.ComputeHashAsync(pipe.Reader, data.Length, hash); alg.Initialize(); Equal(hash, alg.ComputeHash(data)); }
public string HashPassword(string password) { password = "******" + password + "$#!%^"; var pwdBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(password); SHA256 hashAlg = new SHA256Managed(); hashAlg.Initialize(); var hashedBytes = hashAlg.ComputeHash(pwdBytes); var hash = Convert.ToBase64String(hashedBytes); return(hash); }
public override uint256 GetHash() { ProcessBlock(); sha.TransformFinalBlock(Empty, 0, 0); var hash1 = sha.Hash; Buffer.BlockCopy(sha.Hash, 0, _Buffer, 0, 32); sha.Initialize(); sha.TransformFinalBlock(_Buffer, 0, 32); var hash2 = sha.Hash; return(new uint256(hash2)); }
public MerkleTree() { m_BranchNodes = new List <MerkleNode>(); m_LeafNodes = new SortedDictionary <int, MerkleNode>(); m_Tasks = new List <Task>(); m_StopWatch = new Stopwatch(); m_Sha256Managed = new SHA256Managed(); m_Sha256Managed.Initialize(); m_IsMultithreaded = true; }
public static String GenerateHash(String password) { //WARNING: This code does not reflect best practice. It is a simplistic implementation designed to introduce the concept of hashing. password = "******" + password + "$#!%^"; var pwdBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(password); SHA256 hashAlg = new SHA256Managed(); hashAlg.Initialize(); var hashedBytes = hashAlg.ComputeHash(pwdBytes); var hash = Convert.ToBase64String(hashedBytes); return(hash); }
public byte[] CalculateHash() { using (var sha256 = new SHA256Managed()) { sha256.Initialize(); sha256.TransformBlock(this.Index); sha256.TransformBlock(this.PreviousHash); sha256.TransformBlock(this.TimeStamp.ToBinary()); sha256.TransformBlock(this.Data); sha256.TransformFinalBlock(this.Nonce); return(sha256.Hash); } }
//Create a string from the input private static string Hash(string url) { byte[] result; SHA256 shaM = new SHA256Managed(); byte[] ms = new byte[url.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < url.Length; i++) { byte b = Convert.ToByte(url[i]); ms[i] = (b); } shaM.Initialize(); result = shaM.ComputeHash(ms, 0, ms.Length); return(BitConverter.ToString(result)); }
public static string GenUid(string email) { //Make a hasher SHA256 hasher = new SHA256Managed(); hasher.Initialize(); //Init the csp //hash email for use in the UID byte[] hashedBytes = hasher.ComputeHash(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(email)); //Use bit Converter to get hash string string hashString = BitConverter.ToString(hashedBytes).Replace("-", String.Empty); return("USR" + hashString); }
private byte[] ComputeBinding(ChannelHeader channelHeader, SignatureHeader signatureHeader) { using (SHA256Managed digest = new SHA256Managed()) { digest.Initialize(); digest.TransformBlock(signatureHeader.Nonce.ToByteArray(), 0, signatureHeader.Nonce.Length, null, 0); digest.TransformBlock(creator.ToByteArray(), 0, creator.Length, null, 0); byte[] epoch = BitConverter.GetBytes(channelHeader.Epoch); if (!BitConverter.IsLittleEndian) { epoch = epoch.Reverse().ToArray(); } digest.TransformFinalBlock(epoch, 0, epoch.Length); return(digest.Hash); } }
public static async Task HashEntirePipe() { byte[] data = { 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13 }; using var alg = new SHA256Managed(); var hash = new byte[alg.HashSize / 8]; var pipe = new Pipe(); ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(async state => { await pipe.Writer.WriteAsync(data); pipe.Writer.Complete(); }); await alg.ComputeHashAsync(pipe.Reader, hash); alg.Initialize(); Equal(hash, alg.ComputeHash(data)); }
public static string HashPassword(string ClientHashedPassword) { //haslo >8 liter sprawdzane po stronie kilenta var byteArrayClientPassword = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(ClientHashedPassword); SHA256 sha = new SHA256Managed(); sha.Initialize(); var hashedPasswordBytes = sha.ComputeHash(byteArrayClientPassword); string result = ""; foreach (var h in hashedPasswordBytes) { result += string.Format("{0:x2}", h); } sha.Clear(); return(result); }
/* *pHash - is the Hash Returned from the Credit Service. You need to URLDecode the value before passing it in. *pSecretValue - the secret key issued when you registered at the Credit Gateway *pAppId - the appid issued to you when you registered at the credit gateway *pTransId - the transaction id your system issues to identify the purchase *pTransAmount - the value you are charging for this transaction *pAppStatus - The status of the credit transaction. Values : A = Accepted, D = Denied */ public static bool VerifyServerResponseHash(String pHash, String pSecretValue, String pAppId, String pTransId, String pTransAmount, String pAppStatus) { String secretPartA = pSecretValue.Substring(0, 5); String secretPartB = pSecretValue.Substring(5, 5); String val = secretPartA + "-" + pAppId + "-" + pTransId + "-" + pTransAmount + "-" + pAppStatus + "-" + secretPartB; var pwdBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(val); SHA256 hashAlg = new SHA256Managed(); hashAlg.Initialize(); var hashedBytes = hashAlg.ComputeHash(pwdBytes); var hash = Convert.ToBase64String(hashedBytes); if (hash == pHash) return true; else return false; }
public string HashPassword(string ClientHashedPassword) { var byteArrayClientPassword = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(ClientHashedPassword); SHA256 sha = new SHA256Managed(); sha.Initialize(); var hashedPasswordBytes = sha.ComputeHash(byteArrayClientPassword); //var hashedPasswordString = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(hashedPasswordBytes); string result = ""; foreach (var h in hashedPasswordBytes) { result += string.Format("{0:x2}", h); } sha.Clear(); //Console.WriteLine(hashedPasss); return(result); }
private string GetComputedSignature(DateTime now) { var header = this.GetHeader(); var claimSet = this.GetClaimSet(now); var privateKey = this.GetPrivateKey(); using (var hashAlg = new SHA256Managed()) { hashAlg.Initialize(); var headerAndPayload = Encode.UrlBase64Encode(header) + "." + Encode.UrlBase64Encode(claimSet); var headerPayloadBytes = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(headerAndPayload); var signature = Encode.UrlBase64Encode(privateKey.SignData(headerPayloadBytes, hashAlg)); return(headerAndPayload + "." + signature); } }
/* * pSecretValue - the secret key issued when you registered at the Credit Gateway * pAppId - the appid issued to you when you registered at the credit gateway * pTransId - the transaction id your system issues to identify the purchase * pTransAmount - the value you are charging for this transaction */ public static String GenerateClientRequestHash(String pSecretValue, String pAppId, String pTransId, String pTransAmount) { try { String secretPartA = pSecretValue.Substring(0, 5); String secretPartB = pSecretValue.Substring(5, 5); String val = secretPartA + "-" + pAppId + "-" + pTransId + "-" + pTransAmount + "-" + secretPartB; var pwdBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(val); SHA256 hashAlg = new SHA256Managed(); hashAlg.Initialize(); var hashedBytes = hashAlg.ComputeHash(pwdBytes); var hash = Convert.ToBase64String(hashedBytes); return(hash); } catch (Exception e) { return(null); } }
/* *pSecretValue - the secret key issued when you registered at the Credit Gateway *pAppId - the appid issued to you when you registered at the credit gateway *pTransId - the transaction id your system issues to identify the purchase *pTransAmount - the value you are charging for this transaction */ public static String GenerateClientRequestHash(String pSecretValue, String pAppId, String pTransId, String pTransAmount) { try { String secretPartA = pSecretValue.Substring(0, 5); String secretPartB = pSecretValue.Substring(5, 5); String val = secretPartA + "-" + pAppId + "-" + pTransId + "-" + pTransAmount + "-" + secretPartB; var pwdBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(val); SHA256 hashAlg = new SHA256Managed(); hashAlg.Initialize(); var hashedBytes = hashAlg.ComputeHash(pwdBytes); var hash = Convert.ToBase64String(hashedBytes); return hash; } catch (Exception) { return null; } }
public static string GetJWT(string clientEmail, RSACryptoServiceProvider privateKey, DateTime now) { var payload = new { scope = scope, iss = clientEmail, aud = "", exp = (int)(now - zeroDate + TimeSpan.FromHours(1)).TotalSeconds, iat = (int)(now - zeroDate).TotalSeconds, //sub = "*****@*****.**", }; string serializedPayload = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(payload); using (var hashAlg = new SHA256Managed()) { hashAlg.Initialize(); var headerAndPayload = UrlBase64Encode(serializedHeader) + "." + UrlBase64Encode(serializedPayload); var headerPayloadBytes = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(headerAndPayload); var signature = UrlBase64Encode(privateKey.SignData(headerPayloadBytes, hashAlg)); return(headerAndPayload + "." + signature); } }
/* * pHash - is the Hash Returned from the Credit Service. You need to URLDecode the value before passing it in. * pSecretValue - the secret key issued when you registered at the Credit Gateway * pAppId - the appid issued to you when you registered at the credit gateway * pTransId - the transaction id your system issues to identify the purchase * pTransAmount - the value you are charging for this transaction * pAppStatus - The status of the credit transaction. Values : A = Accepted, D = Denied */ public static bool VerifyServerResponseHash(String pHash, String pSecretValue, String pAppId, String pTransId, String pTransAmount, String pAppStatus) { String secretPartA = pSecretValue.Substring(0, 5); String secretPartB = pSecretValue.Substring(5, 5); String val = secretPartA + "-" + pAppId + "-" + pTransId + "-" + pTransAmount + "-" + pAppStatus + "-" + secretPartB; var pwdBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(val); SHA256 hashAlg = new SHA256Managed(); hashAlg.Initialize(); var hashedBytes = hashAlg.ComputeHash(pwdBytes); var hash = Convert.ToBase64String(hashedBytes); if (hash == pHash) { return(true); } else { return(false); } }
public static string Update(string p_Username, string p_Password, string p_IPAddress) { TcpClient l_Client = new TcpClient("", 8246); NetworkStream l_Stream = l_Client.GetStream(); StreamReader l_Reader = new StreamReader(l_Stream); StreamWriter l_Writer = new StreamWriter(l_Stream); string l_Greeting = l_Reader.ReadLine(); if (!l_Greeting.StartsWith("*")) { l_Client.Close(); throw new Exception("Invalid server greeting!"); } #region LOGIN { l_Writer.WriteLine("LOGIN " + p_Username); l_Writer.Flush(); string l_Answer1 = l_Reader.ReadLine(); if (!l_Answer1.StartsWith("USERSALT")) { l_Client.Close(); throw new Exception("Error while logging in (Stage1):\n" + l_Answer1); } string l_Answer2 = l_Reader.ReadLine(); if (!l_Answer2.StartsWith("SERVERSALT")) { l_Client.Close(); throw new Exception("Error while logging in (Stage2):\n" + l_Answer2); } try { string l_UserSalt = l_Answer1.Split(' ')[1]; string l_ServerSalt = l_Answer2.Split(' ')[1]; SHA256Managed SHA256 = new SHA256Managed(); SHA256.Initialize(); byte[] l_Data1 = SHA256.ComputeHash(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(p_Password + l_UserSalt)); string l_String1 = Convert.ToBase64String(l_Data1).TrimEnd('='); SHA256 = new SHA256Managed(); SHA256.Initialize(); byte[] l_Data2 = SHA256.ComputeHash(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(l_String1 + l_ServerSalt)); string l_String2 = Convert.ToBase64String(l_Data2).TrimEnd('='); l_Writer.WriteLine("PASSWORD " + l_String2); l_Writer.Flush(); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception("Error while logging in (Stage3)", ex); } string l_Answer = l_Reader.ReadLine(); if (!l_Answer.StartsWith("OK LOGIN")) { l_Client.Close(); throw new Exception("Error while logging in (Stage4):\n" + l_Answer); } } #endregion #region UPDATE { if (p_IPAddress != null) { l_Writer.WriteLine("UPDATE " + p_IPAddress); l_Writer.Flush(); } else { l_Writer.WriteLine("UPDATE"); l_Writer.Flush(); } string l_Answer = l_Reader.ReadLine(); l_Client.Close(); if (!l_Answer.StartsWith("OK UPDATE")) { throw new Exception("Error while updating ip address:\n" + l_Answer); } return(l_Answer); } #endregion }