// Start is called before the first frame update private new void Start() { base.Start(); CarCreated?.Invoke(this); carAIChase = GetComponent <AICarChase>(); controllingCar = GetComponent <CarPhysics>(); //Start Siren Sound if (sirenSource & sirenSound) { sirenSource.PlaySFXLoop(sirenSound); } }
// Start is called before the first frame update private void Start() { objectRB = GetComponent <Rigidbody>(); if (GameStateManager.PlayerSelectedCar) { //Get multipliers from the game state manager and apply those to our default values moveSpeed *= GameStateManager.PlayerSelectedCar.speedMutiplier; rotationAmount *= GameStateManager.PlayerSelectedCar.handilingMutiplier; } //Start playing car audio if (engineAudioSource && engineSound) { engineAudioSource.PlaySFXLoop(engineSound); } }