// Add and removes references to current and neighboring sectors
    // as this component moves around the world.
    private void _MembershipChanged(List <SECTR_Sector> left, List <SECTR_Sector> joined)
        // Add ref to all of the new objects first so that we don't unload and then immeditately load again.
        if (joined != null)
            int numJoined = joined.Count;
            for (int sectorIndex = 0; sectorIndex < numJoined; ++sectorIndex)
                SECTR_Sector sector = joined[sectorIndex];
                if (sector && !currentSectors.Contains(sector))
                    SECTR_Graph.BreadthWalk(ref neighbors, sector, 0, MaxDepth);
                    int numNeighbors = neighbors.Count;
                    for (int neighborIndex = 0; neighborIndex < numNeighbors; ++neighborIndex)
                        SECTR_Chunk neighborChunk = neighbors[neighborIndex].Sector.GetComponent <SECTR_Chunk>();
                        if (neighborChunk)

        // Dec ref any sectors we're no longer in.
        if (left != null)
            int numLeft = left.Count;
            for (int sectorIndex = 0; sectorIndex < numLeft; ++sectorIndex)
                SECTR_Sector sector = left[sectorIndex];
                // We have to be careful about double-removing on shutdown b/c we don't control
                // order of destruction.
                if (sector && currentSectors.Contains(sector))
                    SECTR_Graph.BreadthWalk(ref neighbors, sector, 0, MaxDepth);
                    int numNeighbors = neighbors.Count;
                    for (int neighborIndex = 0; neighborIndex < numNeighbors; ++neighborIndex)
                        SECTR_Chunk neighborChunk = neighbors[neighborIndex].Sector.GetComponent <SECTR_Chunk>();
                        if (neighborChunk)
예제 #2
    void Update()
        if (waypoints.Count == 0 && SECTR_Sector.All.Count > 0 && MovementSpeed > 0f)
            SECTR_Sector goal = SECTR_Sector.All[Random.Range(0, SECTR_Sector.All.Count)];
            SECTR_Graph.FindShortestPath(ref path, transform.position, goal.transform.position, SECTR_Portal.PortalFlags.Locked);
            Vector3  height     = Vector3.zero;
            Collider myCollider = GetComponent <Collider>();
            if (myCollider)
                height.y += myCollider.bounds.extents.y;
            int numNodes = path.Count;
            for (int nodeIndex = 0; nodeIndex < numNodes; ++nodeIndex)
                SECTR_Graph.Node node = path[nodeIndex];
                waypoints.Add(node.Sector.transform.position + height);
                if (node.Portal)
            waypoints.Add(goal.transform.position + height);
            currentWaypointIndex = 0;

        if (waypoints.Count > 0 && MovementSpeed > 0)
            Vector3 nextWaypoint    = waypoints[currentWaypointIndex];
            Vector3 vecToGoal       = nextWaypoint - transform.position;
            float   sqrGoalDistance = vecToGoal.sqrMagnitude;
            if (sqrGoalDistance > SECTR_Geometry.kVERTEX_EPSILON)
                float distanceToGoal = Mathf.Sqrt(sqrGoalDistance);
                vecToGoal          /= distanceToGoal;
                vecToGoal          *= Mathf.Min(MovementSpeed * Time.deltaTime, distanceToGoal);
                transform.position += vecToGoal;
                if (currentWaypointIndex >= waypoints.Count)
예제 #3
    /// Writes out the current scene's Sector/Portal graph as a .dot file
    /// which can be visualized in programs like GraphVis and the like.
    public static void WriteGraphDot()
        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(EditorApplication.currentScene))
            string sceneDir;
            string sceneName;
            SECTR_Asset.GetCurrentSceneParts(out sceneDir, out sceneName);
            sceneName = sceneName.Replace(".unity", "");

            string graphFile = SECTR_Graph.GetGraphAsDot(sceneName);

            string path = sceneDir + sceneName + "_SECTR_Graph.dot";
            File.WriteAllText(SECTR_Asset.UnityToOSPath(path), graphFile);
            Selection.activeObject = AssetDatabase.LoadMainAssetAtPath(path);