예제 #1
        private async void TapGestureRecognizer_Action_Tapped_1(object sender, EventArgs e)
                var button = sender as Grid;
                if (button != null)
                    var childlbl = (Label)button.Children[1];
                    if (childlbl != null)
                        var clicked = childlbl.Text.Trim();;

                        var Response = Application.Current.Properties.ContainsKey("AcLoadResponse") ? Application.Current.Properties["AcLoadResponse"] as string : "";

                        List <string> act      = new List <string>();
                        SD_RootObject response = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <SD_RootObject>(Response);

                        foreach (var li in response.Details)
                            act = li.Action.Split(',').Length > 0 ? li.Action.Split(',').ToList() : null;

                        bool isselected = false;
                        List <ACtionList> ActionList = new List <ACtionList>();
                        foreach (var a in act)
                            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(a.Trim()))
                            ACtionList ad = new ACtionList();
                            ad.Action = a.Trim();

                            if ((!isselected) && (a.ToLower().TrimStart() == clicked.ToLower().TrimStart()))
                                ad.ImageName = "radio.png";
                                isselected   = true;
                                ad.ImageName = "unradio.png";


                        lvaclist.ItemsSource = ActionList;

                        Application.Current.Properties["ActionClicked"] = clicked;
            catch (Exception ex)
                await DisplayAlert("", ex.Message, "OK");
예제 #2
        public async void LoadActionList(string Response)
                List <string> act      = new List <string>();
                SD_RootObject response = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <SD_RootObject>(Response);

                string status = "";
                foreach (var li in response.Details)
                    act    = li.Action.Split(',').Length > 0 ? li.Action.Split(',').ToList() : null;
                    status = li.Status.Trim().TrimStart();
                List <ACtionList> ActionList = new List <ACtionList>();

                bool isselect = false;
                foreach (var a in act)
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(a.Trim()))

                    ACtionList ad = new ACtionList();
                    ad.Action = a.Trim().TrimStart();

                    if ((!isselect) && (ad.Action == status))
                        ad.ImageName = "radio.png";
                        isselect     = true;
                        ad.ImageName = "unradio.png";


                if (ActionList.Count > 0)
                    lvaclist.ItemsSource = ActionList;
                    btnsave.IsEnabled  = false;
                    btnreset.IsEnabled = false;
            catch (Exception ex)
                await DisplayAlert("", ex.Message, "OK");
예제 #3
        public void LoadValues(string HAWB, string MoveType, string ServiceDate)

            Application.Current.Properties["carHAWB"]       = HAWB;
            Application.Current.Properties["carMoveType"]   = MoveType;
            Application.Current.Properties["carManifestNo"] = ServiceDate;

            date.Text = DateTime.Now.ToString("MMM dd yyyy");

            lblhawb.Text        = "Shipment # " + HAWB;
            lblmovetype.Text    = "Move Type : " + MoveType;
            lblservicedate.Text = "Service Date : " + ServiceDate;
            string Type = Application.Current.Properties["Type"].ToString();

            if (Type.ToLower() == "m")
                lblmanif.IsVisible = true;
                lblship.IsVisible  = false;
                lblmanif.IsVisible = false;
                lblship.IsVisible  = true;
            var username = Application.Current.Properties["username"];

            lblwlcm.Text = "Welcome " + username;

            var resp = Application.Current.Properties.ContainsKey("LoadResponse") ? Application.Current.Properties["LoadResponse"] as string : "";

            SD_RootObject response = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <SD_RootObject>(resp);

            foreach (var a in response.Details)
                lbltkpicno.Text = "Total Files Uploaded (" + a.Pic + ")";
                notes.Text      = a.DCargoNotes;
예제 #4
        private async void Btnmarkship_Clicked(object sender, EventArgs e)
                var Hawb       = Application.Current.Properties.ContainsKey("ShipHawb") ? Application.Current.Properties["ShipHawb"] as string : "";
                var MoveType   = Application.Current.Properties.ContainsKey("ShipMtype") ? Application.Current.Properties["ShipMtype"] as string : "";
                var customer   = from s in App.SqlLiteCon().Table <Customer>() select s;
                var inprogress = Application.Current.Properties.ContainsKey("inProgess") ? Application.Current.Properties["inProgess"] as string : "";
                if (inprogress.ToLower() != "y")
                    await DisplayAlert("", "This shipment is not In-progress, cannot save any updates.", "OK");

                var username   = "";
                var CompanyId  = "";
                var InviteCode = "";
                var Url        = "";

                var Lat    = "0";
                var Long   = "0";
                var Status = "";
                var RefNo  = "";
                var Type   = "";

                foreach (var c in customer)
                    username   = c.UserId;
                    InviteCode = c.XCode;
                    CompanyId  = c.CompanyID;
                    Url        = c.TransactURL;
                    Type       = c.Type;
                    //if ((!string.IsNullOrEmpty(c.ActiveShipmentNo)) && (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(c.ActiveShipmentStatus)))
                    //    c.ActiveShipmentNo = "";
                    //    c.ActiveShipmentStatus = "";
                    //    App.SqlLiteCon().Update(c);

                var resp = Application.Current.Properties.ContainsKey("LoadResponse") ? Application.Current.Properties["LoadResponse"] as string : "";

                SD_RootObject response = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <SD_RootObject>(resp);

                foreach (var a in response.Details)
                    // Lat = a.SLine2;
                    //Long = a.CLine2;
                    Status = a.Status;
                    RefNo  = a.RefNo;

                    //var locationd = await Geolocation.GetLastKnownLocationAsync();

                    //if (locationd != null)
                    //    Lat = locationd.Latitude.ToString();
                    //    Long = locationd.Longitude.ToString();
                    //    await DisplayAlert("", "Cannot access Location ? Please enable the location.", "OK");


                        var requestsss  = new GeolocationRequest(GeolocationAccuracy.Medium);
                        var locationsss = await Geolocation.GetLocationAsync(requestsss);

                        if (locationsss != null)
                            Lat  = locationsss.Latitude.ToString();
                            Long = locationsss.Longitude.ToString();
                            await DisplayAlert("", "Cannot access Location ? Please enable the location.", "OK");
                        var locationd = await Geolocation.GetLastKnownLocationAsync();

                        if (locationd != null)
                            Lat  = locationd.Latitude.ToString();
                            Long = locationd.Longitude.ToString();
                            await DisplayAlert("", "Cannot access Location ? Please enable the location.", "OK");
                catch (FeatureNotSupportedException fnsEx)
                    await DisplayAlert("", fnsEx.Message, "OK");
                catch (FeatureNotEnabledException fneEx)
                    await DisplayAlert("", fneEx.Message, "OK");
                catch (PermissionException pEx)
                    await DisplayAlert("", pEx.Message, "OK");
                catch (Exception ex)
                    await DisplayAlert("", ex.Message, "OK");
                string TrackDateTime = DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss tt").Replace("-", "/");

                var Sendresponse = App.SOAP_Request.SendProgress(RefNo, Hawb, Lat, Long, username.Trim(), CompanyId, InviteCode, "C", Url, TrackDateTime);

                Btnship_RootObject Btnshipresponse = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Btnship_RootObject>(Sendresponse);
                foreach (var re in Btnshipresponse.Details)
                    if (re.Message.ToLower() == "ok")
                        var resp2 = App.SOAP_Request.LoadDetails(Hawb, username.Trim(), MoveType, InviteCode, CompanyId, Url);

                        if (resp2.Contains("\"Details\":"))
                            SD_RootObject response2 = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <SD_RootObject>(resp2);
                            foreach (var a in response2.Details)
                                Application.Current.Properties["inProgess"] = a.inProgress;
                                if ((!string.IsNullOrEmpty(a.inProgress)) && (a.inProgress.ToLower() != "y"))
                                    Application.Current.Properties["StopSend"] = "true";

                                    App.SqlLiteCon().Execute("update Customer set ActiveShipmentNo='' ,ActiveShipmentStatus='' where ActiveShipmentNo = ?", Hawb);

                                    //ThreadAbortList TAs = new ThreadAbortList();
                                    //TAs.ShipmentId = Hawb;


                            Application.Current.Properties["LoadResponse"] = resp2;

                        await DisplayAlert("", "Mark Shipment Completed", "OK");

                        if (Type.ToLower() == "m")
                            await Navigation.PushAsync(new MBoardItemDetails());
                            await Navigation.PushAsync(new SBoardDataDetails());
            catch (Exception ex)
                await DisplayAlert("", ex.Message, "OK");

예제 #5
        public async void loadimg()
                var inprogress = Application.Current.Properties.ContainsKey("inProgess") ? Application.Current.Properties["inProgess"] as string : "";
                if (inprogress.ToLower() != "y")
                    await DisplayAlert("", "This shipment is not In-progress, cannot save any updates.", "OK");

                await CrossMedia.Current.Initialize();

                if (!CrossMedia.Current.IsCameraAvailable || !CrossMedia.Current.IsTakePhotoSupported)
                    await DisplayAlert("No Camera", ":( No camera available.", "OK");


                var file = await CrossMedia.Current.TakePhotoAsync(new Plugin.Media.Abstractions.StoreCameraMediaOptions
                    Directory          = "uploadImage",
                    SaveToAlbum        = false,
                    CompressionQuality = 75,
                    CustomPhotoSize    = 50,
                    PhotoSize          = PhotoSize.MaxWidthHeight,
                    SaveMetaData       = false,
                    MaxWidthHeight     = 2000,
                    DefaultCamera      = CameraDevice.Rear

                if (file == null)

                string imgBase64String = GetBase64StringForImage(file.Path);

                    string OriginalFilePath = file.Path;
                    if (File.Exists(OriginalFilePath))
                catch (Exception ex)
                    await DisplayAlert("", ex.Message, "OK");

                var HAWB        = Application.Current.Properties.ContainsKey("ShipHawb") ? Application.Current.Properties["ShipHawb"] as string : "";
                var MoveType    = Application.Current.Properties.ContainsKey("ShipMtype") ? Application.Current.Properties["ShipMtype"] as string : "";
                var ServiceDate = Application.Current.Properties.ContainsKey("ShipDate") ? Application.Current.Properties["ShipDate"] as string : "";

                var customer = from s in App.SqlLiteCon().Table <Customer>() select s;

                var username   = "";
                var CompanyId  = "";
                var InviteCode = "";
                var Url        = "";

                var DGargo = "";
                var RefNo  = "";

                foreach (var c in customer)
                    username   = c.UserId;
                    InviteCode = c.XCode;
                    CompanyId  = c.CompanyID;
                    Url        = c.TransactURL;

                var resp = Application.Current.Properties.ContainsKey("LoadResponse") ? Application.Current.Properties["LoadResponse"] as string : "";

                SD_RootObject response = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <SD_RootObject>(resp);

                foreach (var a in response.Details)
                    DGargo = a.DCargo;
                    RefNo  = a.RefNo;

                var UCIresp = App.SOAP_Request.Uploadimgs(RefNo, HAWB, imgBase64String, username.Trim(), CompanyId, InviteCode, Url);

                Cargo_RootObject Btnshipresponse = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Cargo_RootObject>(UCIresp);

                if (Btnshipresponse.Details[0].Message.ToLower().Contains("ok"))
                    if (Btnshipresponse.Details[0].Count != "0")
                        //lbltkpicno.Text = "Total Files Uploaded (" + Btnshipresponse.Details[0].Count + ")";
                        await Navigation.PushAsync(new ShipmentDetails(HAWB, MoveType, ServiceDate));
            catch (Exception ex)
                await DisplayAlert("", ex.Message, "OK");
예제 #6
        private async void XamlSwitch_Toggled(object sender, ToggledEventArgs e)
                var swtich = sender as Switch;

                var inprogress = Application.Current.Properties.ContainsKey("inProgess") ? Application.Current.Properties["inProgess"] as string : "";

                var HAWB        = Application.Current.Properties.ContainsKey("ShipHawb") ? Application.Current.Properties["ShipHawb"] as string : "";
                var MoveType    = Application.Current.Properties.ContainsKey("ShipMtype") ? Application.Current.Properties["ShipMtype"] as string : "";
                var ServiceDate = Application.Current.Properties.ContainsKey("ShipDate") ? Application.Current.Properties["ShipDate"] as string : "";

                var username   = "";
                var CompanyId  = "";
                var InviteCode = "";
                var Url        = "";
                var RefNo      = "";

                var DGargo = swtich.IsToggled ? "Y" : "N";

                var resp = Application.Current.Properties.ContainsKey("LoadResponse") ? Application.Current.Properties["LoadResponse"] as string : "";

                SD_RootObject response = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <SD_RootObject>(resp);

                string RDGargo = "";

                foreach (var a in response.Details)
                    RDGargo = a.DCargo;
                    RefNo   = a.RefNo;

                if (DGargo.ToLower() == RDGargo.ToLower())
                if (inprogress.ToLower() != "y")
                    if (swtich.IsToggled)
                        swtich.IsToggled = false;
                        swtich.IsToggled = true;

                    await DisplayAlert("", "This shipment is not In-progress, cannot save any updates.", "OK");


                var customer = from s in App.SqlLiteCon().Table <Customer>() select s;
                foreach (var c in customer)
                    username   = c.UserId;
                    InviteCode = c.XCode;
                    CompanyId  = c.CompanyID;
                    Url        = c.TransactURL;

                var UCresp = App.SOAP_Request.UpdateDCargo(RefNo, HAWB, DGargo, username.Trim(), CompanyId, InviteCode, Url);

                Cargo_RootObject Btnshipresponse = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Cargo_RootObject>(UCresp);

                if (Btnshipresponse.Details[0].Message.ToLower().Contains("ok"))
                    // await DisplayAlert("", "Notes Updated.", "OK");
                    var updresp = App.SOAP_Request.LoadDetails(HAWB, username.Trim(), MoveType, InviteCode, CompanyId, Url);

                    Application.Current.Properties["LoadResponse"] = updresp;
                    // await DisplayAlert("", "Notes could not be Updated.", "OK");

                    if (swtich.IsToggled)
                        swtich.IsToggled = false;
                        swtich.IsToggled = true;
            catch (Exception ex)
                await DisplayAlert("", ex.Message, "OK");
예제 #7
        private async void Loadvalues(string hawb, string Mtype, string Date)
                Application.Current.Properties["ShipHawb"]  = hawb;
                Application.Current.Properties["ShipMtype"] = Mtype;
                Application.Current.Properties["ShipDate"]  = Date;

                date.Text           = DateTime.Now.ToString("MMM dd yyyy");
                lblhawb.Text        = "Shipment # " + hawb;
                lblmovetype.Text    = "Move Type : " + Mtype;
                lblservicedate.Text = "Service Date : " + Date;

                var customer = from s in App.SqlLiteCon().Table <Customer>() select s;

                var username   = "";
                var CompanyId  = "";
                var type       = "";
                var InviteCode = "";
                var Url        = "";
                var Type       = "";
                var Lat        = "";
                var Long       = "";
                var Status     = "";
                var RefNo      = "";

                foreach (var c in customer)
                    username     = c.UserId;
                    Type         = c.Type;
                    lblwlcm.Text = "Welcome " + username;
                    Application.Current.Properties["username"] = username;
                    InviteCode = c.XCode;
                    CompanyId  = c.CompanyID;
                    Url        = c.TransactURL;
                    type       = c.Type;

                var resp = App.SOAP_Request.LoadDetails(hawb, username.Trim(), Mtype, InviteCode, CompanyId, Url);

                //var resp = "{ \"Details\": [{ \"Message\": \"OK\", \"ID\": \"1253001\", \"Date\": \"01/01/2017\", \"Mtype\": \"Direct\", \"NoPieces\": \"10\", \"Wgt\": \"25.50 lbs\", \"Haz\": \"No\", \"SLine1\": \"2020 EXHIBITS\", \"SLine2\": \"10550 S. SAM HOUSTON PKWY W HOUSTON TX,77071\", \"CLine1\": \"36 CS MSG COMM-F1C344\", \"CLine2\": \"ARACELI PATAGUE APO,AP GUAM ,96543\", \"SP\": \"\", \"DCargo\": \"No\", \"DCargo\": \"No\", \"Pic\": \"5\" ,\"Status\": \"Out For Delivery\" ,\"Sign\": \"Ox920191jd200001j11010i11010111113f\" ,\"inProgress\": \"Y\" ,\"Action\": \"Out for Pickup, Arrived at Shipper, Picked Up, Delivered\" }] }";

                if (resp.Contains("\"Details\":"))
                    SD_RootObject response    = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <SD_RootObject>(resp);
                    bool          isdataexist = true;
                    foreach (var a in response.Details)
                        if (a.Message.ToLower() != "ok")
                            isdataexist = false;

                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Convert.ToString(a.Date)))
                            a.Date = a.Date.Split(' ')[0];

                        Lat    = a.SLine2;
                        Long   = a.CLine2;
                        Status = a.Status;
                        RefNo  = a.RefNo;

                        Application.Current.Properties["ShipRef"] = RefNo;

                        if ((!string.IsNullOrEmpty(a.inProgress)) && (a.inProgress.ToLower() == "y"))
                            btnship.BackgroundColor = (Color.FromHex("#B6D7A8"));
                            btnship.BackgroundColor = (Color.FromHex("#DDDDDD"));

                        if (a.DCargo.ToLower() == "y")
                            a.DCargo = "true";
                            a.DCargo = "false";

                        a.CLine2 = a.CLine2.Trim().Trim(',').Trim(' ');
                        a.SLine2 = a.SLine2.Trim().Trim(',').Trim(' ');

                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(a.SP.Trim()))
                            a.SPBtnClr = "#B6D7A8";
                            a.SPBtnClr = "#DDDDDD";

                        Application.Current.Properties["inProgess"]       = a.inProgress;
                        Application.Current.Properties["SP"]              = a.SP;
                        Application.Current.Properties["ShipDCargoNotes"] = a.DCargoNotes;
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(a.Sign))
                            var    im     = Convert.FromBase64String(a.Sign);
                            Stream stream = new MemoryStream(im);
                            imgsign.Source    = ImageSource.FromStream(() => { return(stream); });
                            imgsign.IsVisible = true;

                    Application.Current.Properties["LoadResponse"] = resp;

                    if (Type.ToLower() == "m")
                        lblmanif.IsVisible = true;
                        lblship.IsVisible  = false;
                        lblmanif.IsVisible = false;
                        lblship.IsVisible  = true;
                    Application.Current.Properties["Type"] = Type;
                    if (isdataexist)
                        shipdetails.ItemsSource = response.Details;
                    await DisplayAlert("", resp, "OK");
            catch (Exception ex)
                await DisplayAlert("", ex.Message, "OK");
예제 #8
        private async void Btnship_Clicked(object sender, EventArgs e)
                var Hawb     = Application.Current.Properties.ContainsKey("ShipHawb") ? Application.Current.Properties["ShipHawb"] as string : "";
                var MoveType = Application.Current.Properties.ContainsKey("ShipMtype") ? Application.Current.Properties["ShipMtype"] as string : "";

                var customer             = from s in App.SqlLiteCon().Table <Customer>() select s;
                var username             = "";
                var CompanyId            = "";
                var InviteCode           = "";
                var Url                  = "";
                var ActiveShipmentNo     = "";
                var ActiveShipmentStatus = "";

                //var Lat = "";
                //var Long = "";
                var Status  = "";
                var RefNo   = "";
                var Seconds = "";

                var resp = Application.Current.Properties.ContainsKey("LoadResponse") ? Application.Current.Properties["LoadResponse"] as string : "";

                SD_RootObject response = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <SD_RootObject>(resp);

                foreach (var a in response.Details)
                    //Lat = a.SLine2;
                    //Long = a.CLine2;
                    Status               = a.Status;
                    RefNo                = a.RefNo;
                    ActiveShipmentNo     = a.ID;
                    ActiveShipmentStatus = a.Status;
                    Seconds              = a.Seconds;

                foreach (var c in customer)
                    username   = c.UserId;
                    InviteCode = c.XCode;
                    CompanyId  = c.CompanyID;
                    Url        = c.TransactURL;
                    if ((string.IsNullOrEmpty(c.ActiveShipmentNo)) && (string.IsNullOrEmpty(c.ActiveShipmentStatus)))
                        App.SqlLiteCon().Execute("update Customer set ActiveShipmentNo='" + ActiveShipmentNo.Trim() + "' ,ActiveShipmentStatus='" + ActiveShipmentStatus.Trim() + "' where ActiveShipmentNo = ?", c.ActiveShipmentNo);
                    else if ((!string.IsNullOrEmpty(c.ActiveShipmentNo)) && (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(c.ActiveShipmentStatus)))
                        if (c.ActiveShipmentNo.Trim() != ActiveShipmentNo.Trim())
                            var action = await DisplayAlert("", "You are currently working on shipment #" + c.ActiveShipmentNo + ". Would you like to stop working on that shipment and start working on this one?", "Yes", "No");

                            if (action)
                                var TrackDateTimes = DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss tt").Replace("-", "/");
                                var ChangeShipment = App.SOAP_Request.ChangeShipment(c.ActiveShipmentNo, ActiveShipmentNo, username.Trim(), CompanyId, "Y", c.ActiveShipmentStatus, TrackDateTimes, InviteCode, Url);
                                Btnship_RootObject ChngShipresponse = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Btnship_RootObject>(ChangeShipment);
                                foreach (var m in ChngShipresponse.Details)
                                    if (m.Message.ToLower() == "ok")
                                        //c.ActiveShipmentNo = ActiveShipmentNo;
                                        //c.ActiveShipmentStatus = ActiveShipmentStatus;
                                        App.SqlLiteCon().Execute("update Customer set ActiveShipmentNo='" + ActiveShipmentNo.Trim() + "' ,ActiveShipmentStatus='" + ActiveShipmentStatus.Trim() + "' where ActiveShipmentNo = ?", c.ActiveShipmentNo);

                string lattitude  = "0";
                string longtitude = "0";

                        var requestsss  = new GeolocationRequest(GeolocationAccuracy.Medium);
                        var locationsss = await Geolocation.GetLocationAsync(requestsss);

                        if (locationsss != null)
                            lattitude  = locationsss.Latitude.ToString();
                            longtitude = locationsss.Longitude.ToString();
                            await DisplayAlert("", "Cannot access Location. Please enable the location.", "OK");
                        var locationd = await Geolocation.GetLastKnownLocationAsync();

                        if (locationd != null)
                            lattitude  = locationd.Latitude.ToString();
                            longtitude = locationd.Longitude.ToString();
                            await DisplayAlert("", "Cannot access Location. Please enable the location.", "OK");
                catch (FeatureNotSupportedException fnsEx)
                    await DisplayAlert("", "Cannot access Location.", "OK");
                catch (FeatureNotEnabledException fneEx)
                    await DisplayAlert("", "Cannot access Location.", "OK");
                catch (PermissionException pEx)
                    await DisplayAlert("", "Cannot access Location.", "OK");
                catch (Exception ex)
                    await DisplayAlert("", "Cannot access Location.", "OK");
                var TrackDateTime = DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss tt").Replace("-", "/");
                var Sendresponse  = App.SOAP_Request.SendProgress(RefNo, Hawb, lattitude, longtitude, username.Trim(), CompanyId, InviteCode, "I", Url, TrackDateTime);
                Btnship_RootObject Btnshipresponse = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Btnship_RootObject>(Sendresponse);
                foreach (var re in Btnshipresponse.Details)
                    if (re.Message.ToLower() == "ok")
                        btnship.BackgroundColor = (Color.FromHex("#B6D7A8"));
                        await DisplayAlert("", re.Message, "OK");

                resp     = App.SOAP_Request.LoadDetails(Hawb, username.Trim(), MoveType, InviteCode, CompanyId, Url);
                response = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <SD_RootObject>(resp);

                string inProgress = "";
                string TrackUser  = "";
                foreach (var a in response.Details)
                    inProgress = a.inProgress;
                    TrackUser  = a.TrackUser;
                Application.Current.Properties["inProgess"] = inProgress;

                if ((inProgress.ToLower() == "y") && (TrackUser.ToLower() == "y"))
                    //await Task.Run(() => SendProgressCall(RefNo, Hawb, lattitude, longtitude, username.Trim(), CompanyId, InviteCode.Trim(), "I", Url)); //does not block UI

                    Thread t = new Thread(() =>
                        Console.WriteLine("executing ThreadProc");
                            TrackDateTime = DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss tt").Replace("-", "/");
                            SendProgressCall(RefNo, Hawb, lattitude, longtitude, username.Trim(), CompanyId, InviteCode.Trim(), "I", Url, TrackDateTime, Seconds);
                            // Console.WriteLine("finished executing ThreadProc");
                    t.IsBackground = true;
            catch (Exception ex)
                await DisplayAlert("", ex.Message, "OK");
예제 #9
        private async void Ximage_Tapped(object sender, EventArgs e)
                var Hawb     = Application.Current.Properties.ContainsKey("ShipHawb") ? Application.Current.Properties["ShipHawb"] as string : "";
                var MoveType = Application.Current.Properties.ContainsKey("ShipMtype") ? Application.Current.Properties["ShipMtype"] as string : "";

                var customer             = from s in App.SqlLiteCon().Table <Customer>() select s;
                var ActiveShipmentStatus = "";

                var username         = "";
                var CompanyId        = "";
                var InviteCode       = "";
                var Url              = "";
                var Type             = "";
                var newrefno         = "0";
                var Status           = "";
                var RefNo            = "";
                var ActiveShipmentNo = "";

                var resp = Application.Current.Properties.ContainsKey("LoadResponse") ? Application.Current.Properties["LoadResponse"] as string : "";

                SD_RootObject response = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <SD_RootObject>(resp);

                foreach (var a in response.Details)
                    Status = a.Status;
                    RefNo  = a.RefNo;

                foreach (var c in customer)
                    username             = c.UserId;
                    InviteCode           = c.XCode;
                    CompanyId            = c.CompanyID;
                    Url                  = c.TransactURL;
                    ActiveShipmentStatus = c.ActiveShipmentStatus;
                    ActiveShipmentNo     = c.ActiveShipmentNo;
                    Type                 = c.Type;

                var ddate = DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss tt").Replace("-", "/");

                var ChangeShipment           = App.SOAP_Request.ChangeShipment(ActiveShipmentNo, newrefno, username.Trim(), CompanyId, "Y", ActiveShipmentStatus, ddate, InviteCode, Url);
                Btnship_RootObject Xresponse = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Btnship_RootObject>(ChangeShipment);
                foreach (var re in Xresponse.Details)
                    if (re.Message.ToLower() == "ok")
                        foreach (var c in customer)
                            //c.ActiveShipmentNo = "";
                            //c.ActiveShipmentStatus = "";
                            App.SqlLiteCon().Execute("update Customer set ActiveShipmentNo='' ,ActiveShipmentStatus='' where ActiveShipmentNo = ?", Hawb);
                        if (Type.ToLower() == "m")
                            await Navigation.PushAsync(new MBoardItemDetails());
                            await Navigation.PushAsync(new SBoardDataDetails());
                        await DisplayAlert("", re.Message, "OK");
            catch (Exception ex)
                await DisplayAlert("", ex.Message, "OK");

예제 #10
        private async void Btnsave_Clicked(object sender, EventArgs e)
                var note = notes.Text.Trim();

                var HAWB        = Application.Current.Properties.ContainsKey("carHAWB") ? Application.Current.Properties["carHAWB"] as string : "";
                var MoveType    = Application.Current.Properties.ContainsKey("carMoveType") ? Application.Current.Properties["carMoveType"] as string : "";
                var ServiceDate = Application.Current.Properties.ContainsKey("carManifestNo") ? Application.Current.Properties["carManifestNo"] as string : "";
                var inprogress  = Application.Current.Properties.ContainsKey("inProgess") ? Application.Current.Properties["inProgess"] as string : "";

                var customer = from s in App.SqlLiteCon().Table <Customer>() select s;

                var username   = "";
                var CompanyId  = "";
                var InviteCode = "";
                var Url        = "";

                var DGargo = "";
                var RefNo  = "";

                foreach (var c in customer)
                    username   = c.UserId;
                    InviteCode = c.XCode;
                    CompanyId  = c.CompanyID;
                    Url        = c.TransactURL;

                var resp = Application.Current.Properties.ContainsKey("LoadResponse") ? Application.Current.Properties["LoadResponse"] as string : "";

                SD_RootObject response = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <SD_RootObject>(resp);

                foreach (var a in response.Details)
                    DGargo = a.DCargo;
                    RefNo  = a.RefNo;
                if (inprogress.ToLower() != "y")
                    await DisplayAlert("", "This shipment is not In-progress, cannot save any updates.", "OK");

                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(note))
                    var UCresp = App.SOAP_Request.UpdateDCargoNotes(RefNo, HAWB, note, username.Trim(), CompanyId, InviteCode, Url);

                    Cargo_RootObject Btnshipresponse = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Cargo_RootObject>(UCresp);

                    if (Btnshipresponse.Details[0].Message.ToLower().Contains("ok"))
                        await DisplayAlert("", "Notes Updated.", "OK");
                        await DisplayAlert("", "Notes could not be Updated.", "OK");

                List <string> ISL = new List <string>();

                if (Application.Current.Properties.ContainsKey("ImageStramList"))
                    ISL = Application.Current.Properties["ImageStramList"] as List <string>;
                string imgcount = ISL.Count.ToString();

                foreach (var val in ISL)
                    var UCIresp = App.SOAP_Request.Uploadimgs(RefNo, HAWB, val, username.Trim(), CompanyId, InviteCode, Url);

                    Cargo_RootObject Btnshipresp = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Cargo_RootObject>(UCIresp);

                    if (Btnshipresp.Details[0].Message.ToLower().Contains("ok"))
                        if (Btnshipresp.Details[0].Count != "0")
                            lbltkpicno.Text = "Total Files Uploaded (" + Btnshipresp.Details[0].Count + ")";

            catch (Exception ex)
                await DisplayAlert("", ex.Message, "OK");
예제 #11
        private async void Btnsave_Clicked(object sender, EventArgs e)
                var ActionClicked = Application.Current.Properties.ContainsKey("ActionClicked") ? Application.Current.Properties["ActionClicked"] as string : "";

                var HAWB        = Application.Current.Properties.ContainsKey("AcHawb") ? Application.Current.Properties["AcHawb"] as string : "";
                var MoveType    = Application.Current.Properties.ContainsKey("AcMtype") ? Application.Current.Properties["AcMtype"] as string : "";
                var ServiceDate = Application.Current.Properties.ContainsKey("AcDate") ? Application.Current.Properties["AcDate"] as string : "";
                var customer    = from s in App.SqlLiteCon().Table <Customer>() select s;
                var username    = "";
                var CompanyId   = "";
                var InviteCode  = "";
                var Url         = "";

                //var DGargo = "";
                var RefNo = "";
                foreach (var c in customer)
                    username   = c.UserId;
                    InviteCode = c.XCode;
                    CompanyId  = c.CompanyID;
                    Url        = c.TransactURL;

                var resp       = Application.Current.Properties.ContainsKey("AcLoadResponse") ? Application.Current.Properties["AcLoadResponse"] as string : "";
                var inprogress = Application.Current.Properties.ContainsKey("inProgess") ? Application.Current.Properties["inProgess"] as string : "";

                SD_RootObject response = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <SD_RootObject>(resp);

                foreach (var a in response.Details)
                    //DGargo = a.DCargo;
                    RefNo = a.RefNo;
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ActionClicked))
                        ActionClicked = a.Status.Trim().TrimStart();
                if (inprogress.ToLower() != "y")
                    await DisplayAlert("", "This shipment is not In-progress, cannot save any updates.", "OK");


                var ACresp = App.SOAP_Request.ShipmentActionUpdate(RefNo, HAWB, ActionClicked, MoveType, username.Trim(), CompanyId, InviteCode, Url);

                Action_RootObject Btnshipresponse = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Action_RootObject>(ACresp);

                if (Btnshipresponse.Details[0].Message.ToLower().Contains("ok"))
                    await DisplayAlert("", "Driver Actions Updated.", "OK");

                    var Acresp = App.SOAP_Request.LoadDetails(HAWB, username.Trim(), MoveType, InviteCode, CompanyId, Url);
                    Application.Current.Properties["AcLoadResponse"] = Acresp;
                    await DisplayAlert("", Btnshipresponse.Details[0].Message, "OK");
            catch (Exception ex)
                await DisplayAlert("", ex.Message, "OK");