internal static void WarningWhenFails(this Log log, string msg, Func <int> func) { if (func() < 0) { log.Warning($"{msg}: {SDL2.SDL_GetError()}"); } }
internal void FixedUpdate() { var currentTime = SDL2.SDL_GetTicks(); Lag += (currentTime - _lastLagMeasureTime) / 1000f; _lastLagMeasureTime = currentTime; }
public override void Play() { EnsureHandleValid(); if (Status == PlaybackStatus.Playing) { if (SDL2_nmix.NMIX_Pause(Handle) < 0) { _log.Error($"Failed to play the audio source [pause]: {SDL2.SDL_GetError()}"); return; } if (SDL2_nmix.NMIX_Rewind(FileSourceHandle) < 0) { _log.Error($"Failed to play the audio source [rewind]: {SDL2.SDL_GetError()}"); return; } Status = PlaybackStatus.Stopped; } if (SDL2_nmix.NMIX_Play(Handle) < 0) { _log.Error($"Failed to play the audio source [play]: {SDL2.SDL_GetError()}"); return; } Status = PlaybackStatus.Playing; }
private void ControllerConnected(Window owner, SDL2.SDL_Event ev) { var instance = SDL2.SDL_GameControllerOpen(ev.cdevice.which); var joyInstance = SDL2.SDL_GameControllerGetJoystick(instance); var instanceId = SDL2.SDL_JoystickInstanceID(joyInstance); var playerIndex = ControllerRegistry.Instance.GetFirstFreePlayerSlot(); SDL2.SDL_GameControllerSetPlayerIndex(instance, playerIndex); var name = SDL2.SDL_GameControllerName(instance); var productInfo = new ProductInfo( SDL2.SDL_GameControllerGetVendor(instance), SDL2.SDL_GameControllerGetProduct(instance) ); var guid = SDL2.SDL_JoystickGetGUID(joyInstance); var controllerInfo = new ControllerInfo(instance, instanceId, guid, playerIndex, name, productInfo); ControllerRegistry.Instance.Register(instance, controllerInfo); owner.Game.OnControllerConnected( new ControllerEventArgs(controllerInfo) ); }
private static void InitializeSdlSystems() { Console.WriteLine("---"); Console.WriteLine("Initializing SDL2 core..."); SDL2.SDL_Init(BootConfig.SdlModules.SdlInitFlags); }
public void ExecuteProgram() { _stopwatch.Start(); while (!_quit) { var clocks = _device.Step(); _inputCountdown -= clocks; if (_inputCountdown < 0) { _inputCountdown += ClocksPerInputCheck; CheckForInput(); } _delayCountdown -= clocks; if (_delayCountdown < 0) { _delayCountdown += ClocksPerFrame; var msToSleep = _msPerFrame - (_stopwatch.ElapsedTicks / (double)Stopwatch.Frequency) * 1000; if (msToSleep > 0) { SDL2.SDL_Delay((uint)msToSleep); } _stopwatch.Restart(); } } }
public void Dispose() { _soundOutput?.Dispose(); SDL2.SDL_DestroyRenderer(_renderer); SDL2.SDL_DestroyWindow(_window); SDL2.SDL_Quit(); }
public FrameworkException(string message, bool getSdlError = false) : base(message) { if (getSdlError) { SdlError = SDL2.SDL_GetError(); } }
private static void RunGameNoLoop() { // WARNING!: This function is dependent on the internals of MonoGame; always check the source of truth: // var type = _game !.GetType(); var doInitializeMethod = _baseGameType.GetMethod( "DoInitialize", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance); doInitializeMethod !.Invoke(_game, null); var initializedField = _baseGameType.GetField( "_initialized", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance); initializedField !.SetValue(_game, true); var beginRunMethod = type.GetMethod( "BeginRun", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance); beginRunMethod !.Invoke(_game, null); var gameTimerField = _baseGameType.GetField( "_gameTimer", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance); gameTimerField !.SetValue(_game, Stopwatch.StartNew()); var doUpdateMethod = _baseGameType.GetMethod( "DoUpdate", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance); doUpdateMethod !.Invoke(_game, new object[] { new GameTime() }); SDL2.SDL_ShowWindow(_game.Window.Handle); }
public static int IMG_SavePNG(IntPtr surface, string file) { return(INTERNAL_IMG_SavePNG( surface, SDL2.UTF8_ToNative(file) )); }
internal FileBasedAudioSource(string filePath, bool decodeWhole) { RwOpsHandle = SDL2.SDL_RWFromFile(filePath, "rb"); if (RwOpsHandle == IntPtr.Zero) { _log.Error($"Failed to initialize RWops from file: {SDL2.SDL_GetError()}"); return; } FileSourceHandle = SDL2_nmix.NMIX_NewFileSource( RwOpsHandle, Path.GetExtension(filePath).TrimStart('.'), decodeWhole ); if (FileSourceHandle == IntPtr.Zero) { _log.Error($"Failed to initialize audio source from file: {SDL2.SDL_GetError()}"); return; } unsafe { Handle = FileSource->source; } HookSourceCallback(); }
internal GraphicsManager(Game game, IntPtr sdlRendererHandle) { _log = LogManager.GetForCurrentAssembly(); _game = game; SdlRendererHandle = sdlRendererHandle; CreateVulkanInstance(); SDL2.SDL_Vulkan_CreateSurface( _game.Window.SdlWindowHandle, VulkanInstanceHandle, out var surfacePtr ); SdlVulkanSurfaceHandle = new UIntPtr(surfacePtr); SdlVulkanSurface = (SurfaceKhr)typeof(SurfaceKhr).GetConstructor( BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance, null, Type.EmptyTypes, null ).Invoke(null); typeof(SurfaceKhr).GetField("m", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic) .SetValue(SdlVulkanSurface, surfacePtr ); var physDevs = VulkanInstance.EnumeratePhysicalDevices(); InitializeVulkan(physDevs[0], SdlVulkanSurface); RenderContext = new RenderContext(game); }
public static int IMG_SaveJPG(IntPtr surface, string file, int quality) { return(INTERNAL_IMG_SaveJPG( surface, SDL2.UTF8_ToNative(file), quality )); }
public void Seek(int milliseconds) { EnsureFileSourceHandleValid(); if (SDL2_nmix.NMIX_Seek(FileSourceHandle, milliseconds) < 0) { _log.Error($"Failed to seek to {milliseconds}ms: {SDL2.SDL_GetError()}"); } }
public void Rewind() { EnsureFileSourceHandleValid(); if (SDL2_nmix.NMIX_Rewind(FileSourceHandle) < 0) { _log.Error($"Failed to rewind the requested audio source: {SDL2.SDL_GetError()}"); } }
public static IntPtr IMG_LoadTexture( IntPtr renderer, string file ) { return(INTERNAL_IMG_LoadTexture( renderer, SDL2.UTF8_ToNative(file) )); }
public static KernelModules Setup(KernelModules moduleTypes, object?param = null) { // Ignore any requested modules... MonoGame is all or nothing SetGame(param); InitializeReflectedMembers(); SDL2.LoadApi(); return(KernelModules.All); }
public SDL2(Subsystems subsystems) { _subsystems = subsystems; if (SDL_Init(_subsystems) < 0) { string message = $"SDL2 could not be initialized! SDL_Error: {SDL2.GetError()}"; throw new InitializationException(message); } }
public static string GetName(int playerIndex) { var controller = ControllerRegistry.Instance.GetControllerInfo(playerIndex); if (controller == null) { return(null); } return(SDL2.SDL_GameControllerName(controller.InstancePointer)); }
private void ControllerDisconnected(Window owner, SDL2.SDL_Event ev) { var instance = SDL2.SDL_GameControllerFromInstanceID(ev.cdevice.which); var controllerInfo = ControllerRegistry.Instance.GetControllerInfoByPointer(instance); ControllerRegistry.Instance.Unregister(instance); owner.Game.OnControllerDisconnected( new ControllerEventArgs(controllerInfo) ); }
public void Quit() { Audio.Dispose(); Content.Dispose(); SDL_mixer.Mix_Quit(); SDL_gpu.GPU_Quit(); SDL2.SDL_Quit(); Environment.Exit(0); }
public static void Show(MessageBoxSeverity severity, string title, string message, Window owner = null) { if (SDL2.SDL_ShowSimpleMessageBox( (SDL2.SDL_MessageBoxFlags)severity, title, message, owner?.Handle ?? IntPtr.Zero ) < 0) { Log.Error($"Couldn't show message box: {SDL2.SDL_GetError()}"); } }
public static IntPtr IMG_LoadTyped_RW( IntPtr src, int freesrc, string type ) { return(INTERNAL_IMG_LoadTyped_RW( src, freesrc, SDL2.UTF8_ToNative(type) )); }
public static void AddMapping(string controllerMapping) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(controllerMapping)) { _log.Warning("Tried to add a null or empty controller mapping."); return; } if (SDL2.SDL_GameControllerAddMapping(controllerMapping) < 0) { _log.Error($"Failed to add a controller mapping: {SDL2.SDL_GetError()}."); } }
public static BatteryStatus GetBatteryLevel(int playerIndex) { var controller = ControllerRegistry.Instance.GetControllerInfo(playerIndex); if (controller == null) { return(BatteryStatus.Unknown); } var joystickInstance = SDL2.SDL_GameControllerGetJoystick(controller.InstancePointer); return((BatteryStatus)SDL2.SDL_JoystickCurrentPowerLevel(joystickInstance)); }
private static void InitializeSdlSystems() { Console.WriteLine("---"); Console.WriteLine("Initializing SDL2 core..."); SDL2.SDL_Init(BootConfig.SdlModules.SdlInitFlags); if (BootConfig.EnableSdlGpuDebugging) { Console.WriteLine("Enabling SDL_gpu debugging..."); SDL_gpu.GPU_SetDebugLevel(SDL_gpu.GPU_DebugLevelEnum.GPU_DEBUG_LEVEL_MAX); } }
public static bool IsButtonPressed(int playerIndex, ControllerButton button) { var controller = ControllerRegistry.Instance.GetControllerInfo(playerIndex); if (controller == null) { return(false); } return(SDL2.SDL_GameControllerGetButton( controller.InstancePointer, (SDL2.SDL_GameControllerButton)button ) > 0); }
internal void Update() { var currentTime = SDL2.SDL_GetTicks(); if (currentTime - _lastTime > 1000) { FPS = _frameCount; _lastTime = currentTime; _frameCount = 0; } _frameCount++; }
protected override void FreeNativeResources() { if (FileSourceHandle != IntPtr.Zero) { SDL2_nmix.NMIX_FreeFileSource(Handle); FileSourceHandle = IntPtr.Zero; } if (RwOpsHandle != IntPtr.Zero) { SDL2.SDL_FreeRW(RwOpsHandle); RwOpsHandle = IntPtr.Zero; } }
private void ControllerButtonReleased(Window owner, SDL2.SDL_Event ev) { var instance = SDL2.SDL_GameControllerFromInstanceID(ev.cbutton.which); var controller = ControllerRegistry.Instance.GetControllerInfoByPointer(instance); var button = (ControllerButton)ev.cbutton.button; owner.Game.OnControllerButtonReleased( new ControllerButtonEventArgs( controller, button ) ); }