public int VALIDATE_MAIL(string UIDL, SharedSettings.Settings settings) { string value = string.Empty; try { //Establecemos conexion con SAP RfcConfigParameters rfc = SAP_Connection.GetParameters(settings); RfcDestination rfcDest = null; rfcDest = RfcDestinationManager.GetDestination(rfc); //Creamos repositorio para la función RfcRepository repo = rfcDest.Repository; IRfcFunction validate_mail = repo.CreateFunction("Z_MAIL_VALIDATE"); validate_mail.SetValue("UIDL", UIDL); //Ejecutamos la consulta validate_mail.Invoke(rfcDest); IRfcStructure ret = validate_mail.GetStructure("RETURN"); value = ret.GetValue("NUMBER").ToString(); if (value == "004") { //Encontró correo previamente guardado return(0); } else { //No encontró correo return return(4); } } catch (RfcCommunicationException e) { throw e; } catch (RfcLogonException e) { // user could not logon... throw e; } catch (RfcAbapRuntimeException e) { // serious problem on ABAP system side... throw e; } catch (RfcAbapBaseException e) { // The function module returned an ABAP exception, an ABAP message // or an ABAP class-based exception... throw e; } catch (Exception e) { throw e; } }
public int SAVE_MAIL_DATA(List <MAIL_DATA_BE> mail_data, SharedSettings.Settings settings) { try { //Establecemos conexion con SAP RfcConfigParameters rfc = SAP_Connection.GetParameters(settings); RfcDestination rfcDest = null; rfcDest = RfcDestinationManager.GetDestination(rfc); //Creamos repositorio para la función RfcRepository repo = rfcDest.Repository; IRfcFunction save_mail = repo.CreateFunction("Z_MAIL_SAVE"); IRfcTable p_maildata = save_mail.GetTable("P_MAILDATA"); get_maildata_saptab(mail_data, ref p_maildata); save_mail.Invoke(rfcDest); IRfcStructure bapiret = save_mail.GetStructure("BAPIRET"); //Ejecutamos la consulta //save_mail.Invoke(rfcDest); //Revisamos que la consulta haya sido exitosa if (bapiret.GetString("TYPE") == "E") { return(4); //Hubo un error } else { return(0); //Guardado exitoso } } catch (RfcCommunicationException e) { throw e; } catch (RfcLogonException e) { // user could not logon... throw e; } catch (RfcAbapRuntimeException e) { // serious problem on ABAP system side... throw e; } catch (RfcAbapBaseException e) { // The function module returned an ABAP exception, an ABAP message // or an ABAP class-based exception... throw e; } catch (Exception e) { throw e; } }
public string SAVE_MAIL_DATA(MAIL_DATA_BE mail_data, List <Attachment_BE> attachs, List <Relacionados> relacionados, SharedSettings.Settings settings) { byte[] pdf; try { //Establecemos conexion con SAP RfcConfigParameters rfc = SAP_Connection.GetParameters(settings); RfcDestination rfcDest = null; rfcDest = RfcDestinationManager.GetDestination(rfc); //Creamos repositorio para la función RfcRepository repo = rfcDest.Repository; IRfcFunction save_mail = repo.CreateFunction("Z_MAIL_SAVE"); IRfcStructure p_maildata = save_mail.GetStructure("P_MAILDATA"); IRfcTable p_attachments = save_mail.GetTable("P_ATTACHMENTS"); IRfcTable p_relacionados = save_mail.GetTable("P_RELACIONADOS"); get_maildata_sapstr(mail_data, ref p_maildata); get_mailattach_saptab(attachs, ref p_attachments); get_relacionados_saptab(relacionados, ref p_relacionados); //Ejecutamos la consulta save_mail.Invoke(rfcDest); pdf = save_mail.GetByteArray("FILEPDFGEN"); IRfcStructure bapiret = save_mail.GetStructure("BAPIRET"); //string res = save_mail.GetString("MSG"); //Revisamos que la consulta haya sido exitosa if (pdf.Length > 0 && String.IsNullOrEmpty(attachs[0].PATHFILEPDF) == false) { if (System.IO.File.Exists(attachs[0].PATHFILEPDF) == false) { System.IO.File.WriteAllBytes(attachs[0].PATHFILEPDF, pdf); } } if (bapiret.GetString("TYPE") == "E") { string mensajeError = bapiret.GetString("MESSAGE"); return(mensajeError); //Hubo un error } else { return(""); //Guardado exitoso } } catch (RfcCommunicationException e) { throw e; } catch (RfcLogonException e) { // user could not logon... throw e; } catch (RfcAbapRuntimeException e) { // serious problem on ABAP system side... throw e; } catch (RfcAbapBaseException e) { // The function module returned an ABAP exception, an ABAP message // or an ABAP class-based exception... throw e; } catch (Exception e) { throw e; } }
public Attachment_BE VALIDATE_XML(ref Attachment_BE attach, string metodoPago, SharedSettings.Settings settings) { try { //Establecemos conexion con SAP RfcConfigParameters rfc = SAP_Connection.GetParameters(settings); RfcDestination rfcDest = null; rfcDest = RfcDestinationManager.GetDestination(rfc); //Creamos repositorio para la función RfcRepository repo = rfcDest.Repository; IRfcFunction validate_mail = repo.CreateFunction("Z_MAIL_VALIDATE_DATA"); validate_mail.SetValue("P_RFC_VENDOR", attach.RFC_VEND); validate_mail.SetValue("P_RFC_COMPANY", attach.RFC_COMP); validate_mail.SetValue("P_MET_PAGO", metodoPago); //Ejecutamos la consulta validate_mail.Invoke(rfcDest); attach.RFC_COMPANY = validate_mail.GetString("ERFC_COMPANY"); attach.RFC_VENDOR = validate_mail.GetString("ERFC_VENDOR"); attach.LIFNR = validate_mail.GetString("ELIFNR"); attach.BUKRS = validate_mail.GetString("EBUKRS"); //attach.ECALLECOMP = validate_mail.GetString("ECALLECOMP"); //attach.E_N_EXTCOMP = validate_mail.GetString("E_N_EXTCOMP"); //attach.ECOLCOMP = validate_mail.GetString("ECOLCOMP"); //attach.EMUNI_COMP = validate_mail.GetString("EMUNI_COMP"); //attach.ECPCOMP = validate_mail.GetString("ECPCOMP"); //attach.EPAISCOMP = validate_mail.GetString("EPAISCOMP"); //attach.ECALLEVEND = validate_mail.GetString("ECALLEVEND"); //attach.E_N_EXTVEND = validate_mail.GetString("E_N_EXTVEND"); //attach.ECOLVEND = validate_mail.GetString("ECOLVEND"); //attach.EMUNI_VEND = validate_mail.GetString("EMUNI_VEND"); //attach.ECPVEND = validate_mail.GetString("ECPVEND"); //attach.EPAISVEND = validate_mail.GetString("EPAISVEND"); //attach.EEDO_COMP = validate_mail.GetString("EEDO_COMP"); //attach.EEDO_VEND = validate_mail.GetString("EEDO_VEND"); attach.Desc_Error = attach.Desc_Error + validate_mail.GetString("E_MET_PAGO"); return(attach); } catch (RfcCommunicationException e) { throw e; } catch (RfcLogonException e) { // user could not logon... throw e; } catch (RfcAbapRuntimeException e) { // serious problem on ABAP system side... throw e; } catch (RfcAbapBaseException e) { // The function module returned an ABAP exception, an ABAP message // or an ABAP class-based exception... throw e; } catch (Exception e) { throw e; } }