예제 #1
        private static void VerifyAssertion(XmlElement xmlElement)
            Console.Error.WriteLine("Verifying SAML assertion");

            if (SAMLAssertionSignature.IsSigned(xmlElement))
                bool verified = SAMLAssertionSignature.Verify(xmlElement, x509Certificate);
                Console.Error.WriteLine("Verified: " + verified);
                Console.Error.WriteLine("The SAML assertion isn't signed");
예제 #2
        static void Main(string[] args)
            try {
#if DOTNET45
                // Register the SHA-256 cryptographic algorithm.
                // Only supported in .NET 4.5 and above.
                CryptoConfig.AddAlgorithm(typeof(RSAPKCS1SHA256SignatureDescription), "http://www.w3.org/2001/04/xmldsig-more#rsa-sha256");

                // Load the certificate and private key for signature generation.
                X509Certificate2 x509Certificate = new X509Certificate2("idp.pfx", "password");

                // Create a basic SAML assertion and serialize it to XML.
                SAMLAssertion samlAssertion = new SAMLAssertion();
                samlAssertion.Issuer = new Issuer("test");
                XmlElement samlAssertionElement = samlAssertion.ToXml();

                // Sign the SAML assertion using SHA-256 for the digest and signature algorithms.
                SAMLAssertionSignature.Generate(samlAssertionElement, x509Certificate.PrivateKey, x509Certificate, null, "http://www.w3.org/2001/04/xmlenc#sha256", "http://www.w3.org/2001/04/xmldsig-more#rsa-sha256");
                Console.WriteLine("Signed SAML assertion: {0}", samlAssertionElement.OuterXml);

                // Verify the signature.
                bool verified = SAMLAssertionSignature.Verify(samlAssertionElement);
                Console.WriteLine("Signature verified: {0}", verified);

                // The HTTP-redirect doesn't use XML signatures so check it separately.
                // Create a basic authn request and serialize it to XML.
                AuthnRequest authnRequest = new AuthnRequest();
                authnRequest.Issuer = new Issuer("test");
                XmlElement authnRequestElement = authnRequest.ToXml();

                // Create the HTTP-redirect URL included the SHA-256 signature.
                string url = HTTPRedirectBinding.CreateRequestRedirectURL("http://www.test.com", authnRequestElement, null, x509Certificate.PrivateKey, HTTPRedirectBinding.SignatureAlgorithms.RSA_SHA256);

                string relayState = null;
                bool   signed     = false;

                // Retrieve the authn request from the HTTP-redirect URL and verify the signature.
                HTTPRedirectBinding.GetRequestFromRedirectURL(url, out authnRequestElement, out relayState, out signed, x509Certificate.PublicKey.Key);

            catch (Exception exception) {
                // If signature generation/verification fails then most likely the .NET CLR security update
                // hasn't been installed and configured correctly or the inbuilt .NET SHA-256 support hasn't been initialized.
예제 #3
        private static void SignAndVerify(X509Certificate2 x509Certificate, string digestMethod, string signatureMethod)
                Console.WriteLine("Testing signature generation and verification using \"{0}\".", signatureMethod);

                // Create a basic SAML assertion and serialize it to XML.
                SAMLAssertion samlAssertion = new SAMLAssertion();
                samlAssertion.Issuer = new Issuer("test");
                XmlElement samlAssertionElement = samlAssertion.ToXml();

                // Sign the SAML assertion using the specified digest and signature methods.
                SAMLAssertionSignature.Generate(samlAssertionElement, x509Certificate.PrivateKey, x509Certificate, null, digestMethod, signatureMethod);

                // Verify the signature.
                bool verified = SAMLAssertionSignature.Verify(samlAssertionElement);

                if (!verified)
                    throw new Exception("The XML signature failed to verify.");

                // The HTTP-redirect doesn't use XML signatures so check it separately.
                // Create a basic authn request and serialize it to XML.
                AuthnRequest authnRequest = new AuthnRequest();
                authnRequest.Issuer = new Issuer("test");
                XmlElement authnRequestElement = authnRequest.ToXml();

                // Create the HTTP-redirect URL included the signature.
                string url = HTTPRedirectBinding.CreateRequestRedirectURL("http://www.test.com", authnRequestElement, null, x509Certificate.PrivateKey, signatureMethod);

                string relayState = null;
                bool   signed     = false;

                // Retrieve the authn request from the HTTP-redirect URL and verify the signature.
                HTTPRedirectBinding.GetRequestFromRedirectURL(url, out authnRequestElement, out relayState, out signed, x509Certificate.PublicKey.Key);

                Console.WriteLine("Signature generation and verification using \"{0}\" was successful.", signatureMethod);

            catch (Exception exception)
                Console.WriteLine("Signature generation and verification using \"{0}\" failed.", signatureMethod);
        // Process a successful SAML response.
        private void ProcessSuccessSAMLResponse(SAMLResponse samlResponse, string relayState)
            Trace.Write("SP", "Processing successful SAML response");

            // Extract the asserted identity from the SAML response.
            // The SAML assertion may be signed or encrypted and signed.
            SAMLAssertion samlAssertion = null;

            if (samlResponse.GetUnsignedAssertions().Count > 0)
                samlAssertion = samlResponse.GetUnsignedAssertions()[0];
            else if (samlResponse.GetSignedAssertions().Count > 0)
                Trace.Write("SP", "Verifying assertion signature");

                XmlElement samlAssertionXml = samlResponse.GetSignedAssertions()[0];

                // Verify the assertion signature. The embedded signing certificate is used.
                if (!SAMLAssertionSignature.Verify(samlAssertionXml))
                    throw new ArgumentException("The SAML assertion signature failed to verify.");

                samlAssertion = new SAMLAssertion(samlAssertionXml);
            else if (samlResponse.GetEncryptedAssertions().Count > 0)
                Trace.Write("SP", "Decrypting assertion");

                // Load the decryption key.
                X509Certificate2 x509Certificate = (X509Certificate2)Application[Global.SPX509Certificate];

                // Decrypt the encrypted assertion.
                XmlElement samlAssertionXml = samlResponse.GetEncryptedAssertions()[0].DecryptToXml(x509Certificate.PrivateKey, null, null);

                if (SAMLAssertionSignature.IsSigned(samlAssertionXml))
                    Trace.Write("SP", "Verifying assertion signature");

                    // Verify the assertion signature. The embedded signing certificate is used.
                    if (!SAMLAssertionSignature.Verify(samlAssertionXml))
                        throw new ArgumentException("The SAML assertion signature failed to verify.");

                samlAssertion = new SAMLAssertion(samlAssertionXml);
                throw new ArgumentException("No assertions in response");

            // Get the subject name identifier.
            string userName = null;

            if (samlAssertion.Subject.NameID != null)
                userName = samlAssertion.Subject.NameID.NameIdentifier;

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(userName))
                throw new ArgumentException("The SAML assertion doesn't contain a subject name.");

            // Create a login context for the asserted identity.
            Trace.Write("SP", "Automatically logging in user " + userName);
            FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie(userName, false);

            // Get the originally requested resource URL from the relay state, if any.
            string redirectURL = "~/";

            RelayState cachedRelayState = RelayStateCache.Remove(relayState);

            if (cachedRelayState != null)
                redirectURL = cachedRelayState.ResourceURL;

            // Redirect to the originally requested resource URL, if any, or the default page.
            Trace.Write("SP", "Redirecting to " + redirectURL);
            Response.Redirect(redirectURL, false);

            Trace.Write("SP", "Processed successful SAML response");
예제 #5
        public ActionResult UploadSaml(FormCollection formCollection)
            var attributes    = new List <SAMLAttribute>();
            var errorMessages = new List <string>();
            var xmlDoc        = null as XmlDocument;

            SessionHelper.Set(SamlAttributesSessionKey, null);
            SessionHelper.Set(SamlErrorMessagesSessionKey, null);

            if (Request != null)
                var file = Request.Files["SamlFile"];

                if ((file != null) && (file.ContentLength > 0) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(file.FileName))
                        xmlDoc = new XmlDocument();


                        var samlValidator = new SAMLValidator();
                        var isValid       = samlValidator.Validate(xmlDoc);

                        if (!isValid)
                            errorMessages.AddRange(samlValidator.Warnings.Select(warning => string.Format("Warning:, {0}", warning.Message)));

                            errorMessages.AddRange(samlValidator.Errors.Select(error => error.Message));

                        if (SAMLMessageSignature.IsSigned(xmlDoc.DocumentElement))
                            if (!SAMLMessageSignature.Verify(xmlDoc.DocumentElement))
                                errorMessages.Add(string.Format("Failed to verify SAML response signature. [{0}]", xmlDoc.OuterXml));

                        var samlResponse            = new SAMLResponse(xmlDoc.DocumentElement);
                        var assertions              = samlResponse.GetAssertions();
                        var encryptedAssertions     = samlResponse.GetEncryptedAssertions();
                        var signedAssertions        = samlResponse.GetSignedAssertions();
                        var x509CertificateFilePath = Path.Combine(HttpRuntime.AppDomainAppPath, SAMLConfiguration.Current.ServiceProviderConfiguration.CertificateFile);
                        var x509Certificate         = new X509Certificate2(x509CertificateFilePath, SAMLConfiguration.Current.ServiceProviderConfiguration.CertificatePassword);

                        encryptedAssertions.ForEach(a =>
                            var decryptedAssertion = a.DecryptToXml(x509Certificate);

                            assertions.Add(new SAMLAssertion(decryptedAssertion));

                        signedAssertions.ForEach(a =>
                            if (SAMLAssertionSignature.IsSigned(a))
                                if (!SAMLAssertionSignature.Verify(a))
                                    errorMessages.Add(string.Format("Failed to verify SAML assertion signature. [{0}]", a.OuterXml));

                            assertions.Add(new SAMLAssertion(a));

                        assertions.ForEach(a =>
                            var nameId = a.GetNameID();
                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(nameId))
                                attributes.Add("NameId", nameId);

                                s => attributes.AddRange(from object attribute in s.Attributes
                                                         select attribute as SAMLAttribute));
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        var saml = xmlDoc != null ? xmlDoc.OuterXml : string.Empty;

                        errorMessages.Add(string.Format("{0} [{1}]", ex.Message, saml));

            SessionHelper.Set(SamlAttributesSessionKey, attributes.ToArray());
            SessionHelper.Set(SamlErrorMessagesSessionKey, errorMessages);
