private void getSAMInfo(SAM sam) { string text = ""; if (sam != null) { long tick = DateTime.Now.Ticks; /** Connect [Start] */ try { if (!sam.IsConnected) { sam.Connect(); text += GetString(Resource.String.message_sam_connected_successfully) + " " + sam.SamType + "(Slot " + sam.SamIndex + ")\n"; } } catch (SAMException ex) { updateStatus(GetString(Resource.String.message_connect_error) + " " + SAMResults.GetErrorDescription(ex.Result)); return; } /** Connect [End] */ /** Transceive [Start] */ byte[] getVersionAPDU = null; getVersionAPDUs.TryGetValue(sam.SamType, out getVersionAPDU); byte[] response = null; try { text += GetString(Resource.String.message_transceive) + "\n"; response = sam.Transceive(getVersionAPDU, (short)0, false); if (response != null) { text += GetString(Resource.String.version) + " " + getHexString(response) + "\n"; } else { text += GetString(Resource.String.version_error) + "\n"; } } catch (SAMException ex) { text += GetString(Resource.String.message_transceive_failed) + " " + SAMResults.GetErrorDescription(ex.Result) + "\n"; } /**Transceive [End] */ /** Disconnect [Start] */ if (sam.IsConnected) { sam.Disconnect(); text += GetString(Resource.String.message_disconnecting) + " " + sam.SamType + "(Slot " + sam.SamIndex + ")\n"; } /** Disconnect [End] */ long timetook = (DateTime.Now.Ticks - tick) / 10000; text += "Time taken to get version: " + timetook + "ms"; updateStatus(text); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("Hello"); SAM sam = new SAM(20); Console.WriteLine(sam.ToString()); Console.ReadKey(); }
void SAM_Refresh() //This method is called when the Refresh Button is pressed. { if (tmrEvents.Enabled) //stop our timer first before we do anything. { tmrEvents.Stop(); } SAM.Refresh(); //Perform the refresh. GUI_Reset(); LoadSteamAppsToListBox(); //Reload data to list box. }
private SAM requestSAM() { SAMForm SAMForm = new SAMForm(); SAMForm.ShowDialog(); SAM response = SAMForm.getSAMResponse(); ValenceAndArousalDao excitementAndArousalDao = new ValenceAndArousalDao(); excitementAndArousalDao.InsertExcitementAndArousal(currentSession.TestName, EventTypes.INITIAL_SAM, response.Valence, response.Arousal, this.Seccion); return(response); }
void StartStopWatchEvents() //This method is called when the Start/Stop watching events button is pressed. { if (SAM.EventListenerRunning) { SAM.StopListeningForEvents(); GUI_EventListenUpdate(false); } else { SAM.StartListeningForEvents(); GUI_EventListenUpdate(true); } }
public void RunSAMTest(bool single, bool stop) { if (single) { SAM sam = new SAM(F1, COMPort); sam.Start_Test(); } else { if (F1.getCheckStatus((COMPort == 1) ? (F1.SAMCheck) : (F1.SAMCheck2)) && !stop) { SAM sam = new SAM(F1, COMPort); sam.Start_Test(); } } }
// Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { //Getting LSL stream marker = FindObjectOfType <LSLMarkerStream>(); //Generating pseudo-randomized trial list for (int i = 0; i < (TotalNumberTrials / 3); i++) { DoorCaseList.Add(1); DoorCaseList.Add(2); DoorCaseList.Add(3); DoorCaseList = DoorCaseList.OrderBy(x => UnityEngine.Random.value).ToList(); } //Generating pseudo-randomized GoNoGo list for (int i = 0; i < (TotalNumberTrials / 2); i++) { GoNoGoList.Add("Go"); GoNoGoList.Add("NoGo"); GoNoGoList = GoNoGoList.OrderBy(x => UnityEngine.Random.value).ToList(); } //Generating randomized list of time in dark System.Random rnd = new System.Random(); for (int i = 0; i < TotalNumberTrials; i++) { TimeInDarkList.Add(rnd.Next(TimeInDark - DarkSD, TimeInDark + DarkSD)); } //Generating randomized list of time in dark for (int i = 0; i < TotalNumberTrials; i++) { TimeToImperativeList.Add(rnd.Next(TimeToImperative - LightSD, TimeToImperative + LightSD)); } //Removing the cursor in-game Cursor.visible = false; //Setting start status isDark = true; DarkTimer = TimeInDarkList[CurrentTrial]; LightTimer = TimeToImperativeList[CurrentTrial]; GoNoGoState = ""; //Retrieving the SAM questionnaire SAMcode = gameobjectSAM.GetComponent <SAM>(); }
/// <summary> /// Add a read being parsed to the index /// </summary> /// <param name="alignedSequence"></param> /// <param name="offset"></param> internal void AddReadToIndexInformation(SAM.SAMAlignedSequence alignedSequence, FileOffset offset) { if (offset < FirstOffSetSeen) { FirstOffSetSeen = offset; } else if (offset > LastOffSetSeen) { LastOffSetSeen = offset; } //update meta-data if (alignedSequence.Pos < 1 || (alignedSequence.Flag&SAMFlags.UnmappedQuery)==SAMFlags.UnmappedQuery) { UnMappedReadsCount++; return; } else { MappedReadsCount++; } //update linear index LinearIndexMaker.UpdateLinearArrayIndex(alignedSequence, offset); }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> public FormPhonemesEditor(SAM inst, SAMTimbre timbre, bool singleSelect) { this.inst = inst; this.timbre = timbre; for (int i = 0; i < inst.BaseTimbres.Length; i++) { if (inst.BaseTimbres[i] == timbre) { timbreNo = i; } } InitializeComponent(); metroTextBoxAllophones.Text = timbre.Phonemes; Size = Settings.Default.PhonemesEdSize; }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="context"></param> /// <param name="provider"></param> /// <param name="value"></param> /// <returns></returns> public override object EditValue(ITypeDescriptorContext context, IServiceProvider provider, object value) { IWindowsFormsEditorService editorService = null; if (provider != null) { editorService = provider.GetService(typeof(IWindowsFormsEditorService)) as IWindowsFormsEditorService; } if (editorService == null) { return(value); } bool singleSel = true; SAMTimbre tim = context.Instance as SAMTimbre; SAMTimbre[] tims = value as SAMTimbre[]; if (tims != null) { tim = tims[0]; singleSel = false; } SAM inst = null; try { //InstrumentManager.ExclusiveLockObject.EnterReadLock(); inst = InstrumentManager.FindParentInstrument(InstrumentType.SAM, tim) as SAM; } finally { //InstrumentManager.ExclusiveLockObject.ExitReadLock(); } using (var frm = new FormPhonemesEditor(inst, tim, singleSel)) { frm.Tag = context; frm.Allophones = (string)value; frm.ValueChanged += (s, e) => { try { //InstrumentManager.ExclusiveLockObject.EnterWriteLock(); context.PropertyDescriptor.SetValue(context.Instance, frm.Allophones); } finally { //InstrumentManager.ExclusiveLockObject.ExitWriteLock(); } }; DialogResult dr = frm.ShowDialog(); if (dr == DialogResult.OK) { value = frm.Allophones; } else if (value != null) { value = ((string)value + " ").Clone(); } } return(value); }
private void tagDetection(Intent intent) { tagOperationInProgress = true; if (samManager == null) { initSAMManager(); } if (NfcAdapter.ActionNdefDiscovered.Equals(intent.Action) || NfcAdapter.ActionTagDiscovered.Equals(intent.Action) || NfcAdapter.ActionTechDiscovered.Equals(intent.Action)) { Tag lTag = (Tag)intent.GetParcelableExtra(NfcAdapter.ExtraTag); SAM sam = null; SAMType samTypeForTag = null; samTypeForTag = findCompatibleSAM(lTag); string text = detectedTag + " " + GetString(Resource.String.message_tag_detected) + "\n"; string compatibeSAMText = ""; foreach (KeyValuePair <int, SAM> entry in presetSAMList) { if (entry.Value.SamType == samTypeForTag) { sam = entry.Value; compatibeSAMText += "\n\t" + sam.SamType + "(Slot " + sam.SamIndex + ")"; } } if (presetSAMList.Count > 0) { if (compatibeSAMText != "") { text += GetString(Resource.String.message_tag_compatible) + " " + compatibeSAMText; /** * Connect to the appropriate SAM based on the Tag detected. */ /** * //Connect [Start] * try * { * if (!sam.IsConnected) * { * sam.Connect(); * } * } * catch (SAMException ex) * { * SAMResults.GetErrorDescription(ex.Result); * } * //Connect [End] * * //Transceive [Start] * * byte[] response = null; * try * { * response = sam.Transceive(transceive_apdu_1, (short)0, false); * response = sam.Transceive(transceive_apdu_2, (short)0, false); * response = sam.Transceive(transceive_apdu_3, (short)0, false); * response = sam.Transceive(transceive_apdu_4, (short)0, false); * * } * catch (SAMException ex) * { * SAMResults.GetErrorDescription(ex.Result); * } * //Transceive [End] * * //Disconnect [Start] * if (sam.IsConnected) * { * sam.Disconnect(); * } * //Disconnect [End] */ } else { text += GetString(Resource.String.message_tag_not_compatible); } } updateStatus(text); } }
// Update is called once per frame void Update() { if (m.isDark) { allAnswered = false; answeredArousal = false; answeredValence = false; answeredDominance = false; selectionSquareArousal.SetActive(false); selectionSquareValence.SetActive(false); selectionSquareDominance.SetActive(false); } if (insideSquareScript.insideSquare && !m.isDark && m.circleTouched) { canAnswer = true; } else { canAnswer = false; } //The first questionnaire--Arousal if (canAnswer && !answeredArousal && !answeredValence && !answeredDominance) { //Setting Arousal on first Arousal.SetActive(true); if (Input.GetKeyDown("1")) { selectionSquareArousal.SetActive(true); if (Input.GetKeyDown("1") && selectionSquareArousal.transform.position == A0.transform.position) { //Debug.Log(m.CurrentStatus + ";Arousal1"); m.eventMarkerRun = false; sendMarker(";Arousal1"); StartCoroutine(Selected(A0)); StartCoroutine(Selected(selectionSquareArousal)); StartCoroutine(RemoveQuestionnaire(Arousal)); } selectionSquareArousal.transform.position = A0.transform.position; } if (Input.GetKeyDown("2")) { selectionSquareArousal.SetActive(true); if (Input.GetKeyDown("2") && selectionSquareArousal.transform.position == A1.transform.position) { //Debug.Log(m.CurrentStatus + ";Arousal2"); m.eventMarkerRun = false; sendMarker(";Arousal2"); StartCoroutine(Selected(A1)); StartCoroutine(Selected(selectionSquareArousal)); StartCoroutine(RemoveQuestionnaire(Arousal)); } selectionSquareArousal.transform.position = A1.transform.position; } if (Input.GetKeyDown("3")) { selectionSquareArousal.SetActive(true); if (Input.GetKeyDown("3") && selectionSquareArousal.transform.position == A2.transform.position) { //Debug.Log(m.CurrentStatus + ";Arousal3"); m.eventMarkerRun = false; sendMarker(";Arousal3"); StartCoroutine(Selected(A2)); StartCoroutine(Selected(selectionSquareArousal)); StartCoroutine(RemoveQuestionnaire(Arousal)); } selectionSquareArousal.transform.position = A2.transform.position; } if (Input.GetKeyDown("4")) { selectionSquareArousal.SetActive(true); if (Input.GetKeyDown("4") && selectionSquareArousal.transform.position == A3.transform.position) { //Debug.Log(m.CurrentStatus + ";Arousal4"); m.eventMarkerRun = false; sendMarker(";Arousal4"); StartCoroutine(Selected(A3)); StartCoroutine(Selected(selectionSquareArousal)); StartCoroutine(RemoveQuestionnaire(Arousal)); } selectionSquareArousal.transform.position = A3.transform.position; } if (Input.GetKeyDown("5")) { selectionSquareArousal.SetActive(true); if (Input.GetKeyDown("5") && selectionSquareArousal.transform.position == A4.transform.position) { //Debug.Log(m.CurrentStatus + ";Arousal5"); m.eventMarkerRun = false; sendMarker(";Arousal5"); StartCoroutine(Selected(A4)); StartCoroutine(Selected(selectionSquareArousal)); StartCoroutine(RemoveQuestionnaire(Arousal)); } selectionSquareArousal.transform.position = A4.transform.position; } } //The second questionnaire--Valence if (canAnswer && answeredArousal && !answeredValence && !answeredDominance) { //Setting Valence on first Valence.SetActive(true); if (Input.GetKeyDown("1")) { selectionSquareValence.SetActive(true); if (Input.GetKeyDown("1") && selectionSquareValence.transform.position == V0.transform.position) { //Debug.Log(m.CurrentStatus + ";Valence1"); m.eventMarkerRun = false; sendMarker(";Valence1"); StartCoroutine(Selected(V0)); StartCoroutine(Selected(selectionSquareValence)); StartCoroutine(RemoveQuestionnaire(Valence)); } selectionSquareValence.transform.position = V0.transform.position; } if (Input.GetKeyDown("2")) { selectionSquareValence.SetActive(true); if (Input.GetKeyDown("2") && selectionSquareValence.transform.position == V1.transform.position) { //Debug.Log(m.CurrentStatus + ";Valence2"); m.eventMarkerRun = false; sendMarker(";Valence2"); StartCoroutine(Selected(V1)); StartCoroutine(Selected(selectionSquareValence)); StartCoroutine(RemoveQuestionnaire(Valence)); } selectionSquareValence.transform.position = V1.transform.position; } if (Input.GetKeyDown("3")) { selectionSquareValence.SetActive(true); if (Input.GetKeyDown("3") && selectionSquareValence.transform.position == V2.transform.position) { //Debug.Log(m.CurrentStatus + ";Valence3"); m.eventMarkerRun = false; sendMarker(";Valence3"); StartCoroutine(Selected(V2)); StartCoroutine(Selected(selectionSquareValence)); StartCoroutine(RemoveQuestionnaire(Valence)); } selectionSquareValence.transform.position = V2.transform.position; } if (Input.GetKeyDown("4")) { selectionSquareValence.SetActive(true); if (Input.GetKeyDown("4") && selectionSquareValence.transform.position == V3.transform.position) { //Debug.Log(m.CurrentStatus + ";Valence4"); m.eventMarkerRun = false; sendMarker(";Valence4"); StartCoroutine(Selected(V3)); StartCoroutine(Selected(selectionSquareValence)); StartCoroutine(RemoveQuestionnaire(Valence)); } selectionSquareValence.transform.position = V3.transform.position; } if (Input.GetKeyDown("5")) { selectionSquareValence.SetActive(true); if (Input.GetKeyDown("5") && selectionSquareValence.transform.position == V4.transform.position) { //Debug.Log(m.CurrentStatus + ";Valence5"); m.eventMarkerRun = false; sendMarker(";Valence5"); StartCoroutine(Selected(V4)); StartCoroutine(Selected(selectionSquareValence)); StartCoroutine(RemoveQuestionnaire(Valence)); } selectionSquareValence.transform.position = V4.transform.position; } } //The third questionnaire--Dominance if (canAnswer && answeredArousal && answeredValence && !answeredDominance) { //Setting Dominance on Dominance.SetActive(true); if (Input.GetKeyDown("1")) { selectionSquareDominance.SetActive(true); if (Input.GetKeyDown("1") && selectionSquareDominance.transform.position == D0.transform.position) { //Debug.Log(m.CurrentStatus + ";Dominance1"); m.eventMarkerRun = false; sendMarker(";Dominance1"); StartCoroutine(Selected(D0)); StartCoroutine(Selected(selectionSquareDominance)); StartCoroutine(RemoveQuestionnaire(Dominance)); } selectionSquareDominance.transform.position = D0.transform.position; } if (Input.GetKeyDown("2")) { selectionSquareDominance.SetActive(true); if (Input.GetKeyDown("2") && selectionSquareDominance.transform.position == D1.transform.position) { //Debug.Log("#" + m.CurrentTrial.ToString() + "Dominance2"); m.eventMarkerRun = false; sendMarker(";Dominance2"); StartCoroutine(Selected(D1)); StartCoroutine(Selected(selectionSquareDominance)); StartCoroutine(RemoveQuestionnaire(Dominance)); } selectionSquareDominance.transform.position = D1.transform.position; } if (Input.GetKeyDown("3")) { selectionSquareDominance.SetActive(true); if (Input.GetKeyDown("3") && selectionSquareDominance.transform.position == D2.transform.position) { //Debug.Log("#" + m.CurrentTrial.ToString() + "Dominance3"); m.eventMarkerRun = false; sendMarker(";Dominance3"); StartCoroutine(Selected(D2)); StartCoroutine(Selected(selectionSquareDominance)); StartCoroutine(RemoveQuestionnaire(Dominance)); } selectionSquareDominance.transform.position = D2.transform.position; } if (Input.GetKeyDown("4")) { selectionSquareDominance.SetActive(true); if (Input.GetKeyDown("4") && selectionSquareDominance.transform.position == D3.transform.position) { //Debug.Log("#" + m.CurrentTrial.ToString() + "Dominance4"); m.eventMarkerRun = false; sendMarker(";Dominance4"); StartCoroutine(Selected(D3)); StartCoroutine(Selected(selectionSquareDominance)); StartCoroutine(RemoveQuestionnaire(Dominance)); } selectionSquareDominance.transform.position = D3.transform.position; } if (Input.GetKeyDown("5")) { selectionSquareDominance.SetActive(true); if (Input.GetKeyDown("5") && selectionSquareDominance.transform.position == D4.transform.position) { //Debug.Log("#" + m.CurrentTrial.ToString() + "Dominance5"); m.eventMarkerRun = false; sendMarker(";Dominance5"); StartCoroutine(Selected(D4)); StartCoroutine(Selected(selectionSquareDominance)); StartCoroutine(RemoveQuestionnaire(Dominance)); } selectionSquareDominance.transform.position = D4.transform.position; } } //Resetting the color of the selection square for next trial if (!canAnswer || (answeredArousal && answeredDominance && answeredValence)) { StartCoroutine(ResettingColor(selectionSquareArousal, A0, A1, A2, A3, A4)); StartCoroutine(ResettingColor(selectionSquareValence, V0, V1, V2, V3, V4)); StartCoroutine(ResettingColor(selectionSquareDominance, D0, D1, D2, D3, D4)); } if (answeredArousal && answeredDominance && answeredValence) { allAnswered = true; } else { allAnswered = false; } //Fading the color of the square IEnumerator Selected(GameObject SAM) { for (float f = 1f; f > -0.05; f -= 0.01f) { selectedColor.a = f; SAM.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().color = selectedColor; yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.01f)); } } //Resetting the color for next trials IEnumerator ResettingColor(GameObject sq, GameObject one, GameObject two, GameObject three, GameObject four, GameObject five) { sq.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().color = new Color(1, 1, 1, 1); one.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().color = new Color(1, 1, 1, 1); two.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().color = new Color(1, 1, 1, 1); three.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().color = new Color(1, 1, 1, 1); four.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().color = new Color(1, 1, 1, 1); five.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().color = new Color(1, 1, 1, 1); yield return(null); } //Removing a questionnaire IEnumerator RemoveQuestionnaire(GameObject q) { yield return(new WaitForSeconds(1f)); if ( == "SAM_Arousal") { answeredArousal = true; } if ( == "SAM_Valence") { answeredValence = true; } if ( == "SAM_Dominance") { answeredDominance = true; } q.SetActive(false); } void sendMarker(string SAM) { if (!m.eventMarkerRun) { print(m.CurrentStatus + SAM); sM.Write(m.CurrentStatus + SAM); m.eventMarkerRun = true; } } }