예제 #1
    private readonly int orientation_;  // Hilbert curve orientation of this cell (see s2coords.h)

    #region Constructors

    // Construct an S2PaddedCell for the given cell id and padding.
    public S2PaddedCell(S2CellId id, double padding)
        ij_lo_  = new int[2];
        Id      = id;
        Padding = padding;
        if (Id.IsFace())
            // Fast path for constructing a top-level face (the most common case).
            double limit = 1 + padding;
            Bound = new R2Rect(new R1Interval(-limit, limit),
                               new R1Interval(-limit, limit));
            middle_ = new R2Rect(new R1Interval(-padding, padding),
                                 new R1Interval(-padding, padding));
            ij_lo_[0]    = ij_lo_[1] = 0;
            orientation_ = (int)(Id.Face() & 1);
            Level        = 0;
            var ij = new int[2];
            id.ToFaceIJOrientation(out ij[0], out ij[1], out orientation_, true);
            Level = id.Level();
            Bound = S2CellId.IJLevelToBoundUV(ij, Level).Expanded(padding);
            int ij_size = S2CellId.SizeIJ(Level);
            ij_lo_[0] = ij[0] & -ij_size;
            ij_lo_[1] = ij[1] & -ij_size;
예제 #2
        public static ulong[] GetCellIdsForLatLong(double latitude, double longitude)
            var latLong = S2LatLng.FromDegrees(latitude, longitude);
            var cell    = S2CellId.FromLatLng(latLong);
            var cellId  = cell.ParentForLevel(15);
            var cells   = cellId.GetEdgeNeighbors();
            var cellIds = new List <ulong>

            foreach (var cellEdge1 in cells)
                if (!cellIds.Contains(cellEdge1.Id))

                foreach (var cellEdge2 in cellEdge1.GetEdgeNeighbors())
                    if (!cellIds.Contains(cellEdge2.Id))

예제 #3
        public ElevationLocation(ulong c)
            var cellId = new S2CellId(c);
            var latlng = cellId.ToLatLng();

            Init(latlng.LatDegrees, latlng.LngDegrees);
예제 #4
        public GeoLocation(ulong capturedCellId)
            var cellId = new S2CellId(capturedCellId);
            var latlng = cellId.ToLatLng();

            Init(latlng.LatDegrees, latlng.LngDegrees);
         * Checks that "covering" completely covers the given region. If "check_tight"
         * is true, also checks that it does not contain any cells that do not
         * intersect the given region. ("id" is only used internally.)

        protected void checkCovering(IS2Region region, S2CellUnion covering, bool checkTight, S2CellId id)
            if (!id.IsValid)
                for (var face = 0; face < 6; ++face)
                    checkCovering(region, covering, checkTight, S2CellId.FromFacePosLevel(face, 0, 0));

            if (!region.MayIntersect(new S2Cell(id)))
                // If region does not intersect id, then neither should the covering.
                if (checkTight)
            else if (!covering.Contains(id))
                // The region may intersect id, but we can't assert that the covering
                // intersects id because we may discover that the region does not actually
                // intersect upon further subdivision. (MayIntersect is not exact.)
                Assert.True(!region.Contains(new S2Cell(id)));
                var result = !id.IsLeaf;
                var end = id.ChildEnd;
                for (var child = id.ChildBegin; !child.Equals(end); child = child.Next)
                    checkCovering(region, covering, checkTight, child);
        private void expandCell(
            S2CellId parent, List <S2CellId> cells, IDictionary <S2CellId, S2CellId> parentMap)
            if (parent.Level == kMaxExpandLevel)
            var i           = 0;
            var j           = 0;
            int?orientation = 0;
            var face        = parent.ToFaceIjOrientation(ref i, ref j, ref orientation);

            JavaAssert.Equal(face, parent.Face);

            var pos = 0;

            for (var child = parent.ChildBegin; !child.Equals(parent.ChildEnd);
                 child = child.Next)
                // Do some basic checks on the children
                JavaAssert.Equal(child.Level, parent.Level + 1);
                int?childOrientation = 0;
                JavaAssert.Equal(child.ToFaceIjOrientation(ref i, ref j, ref childOrientation), face);
                    childOrientation.Value, orientation.Value ^ S2.PosToOrientation(pos));

                parentMap.Add(child, parent);
                expandCell(child, cells, parentMap);
        public void suppressedTestLoopRelations2()
            // Construct polygons consisting of a sequence of adjacent cell ids
            // at some fixed level. Comparing two polygons at the same level
            // ensures that there are no T-vertices.
            for (var iter = 0; iter < 1000; ++iter)
                var num   = (ulong)LongRandom();
                var begin = new S2CellId(num | 1);
                if (!begin.IsValid)
                begin = begin.ParentForLevel((int)Math.Round(rand.NextDouble() * S2CellId.MaxLevel));
                var aBegin = advance(begin, skewed(6));
                var aEnd   = advance(aBegin, skewed(6) + 1);
                var bBegin = advance(begin, skewed(6));
                var bEnd   = advance(bBegin, skewed(6) + 1);
                if (!aEnd.IsValid || !bEnd.IsValid)

                var a          = makeCellLoop(aBegin, aEnd);
                var b          = makeCellLoop(bBegin, bEnd);
                var contained  = (aBegin <= bBegin && bEnd <= aEnd);
                var intersects = (aBegin < bEnd && bBegin < aEnd);
                    "Checking " + a.NumVertices + " vs. " + b.NumVertices + ", contained = " + contained
                    + ", intersects = " + intersects);

                assertEquals(contained, a.Contains(b));
                assertEquals(intersects, a.Intersects(b));
예제 #8
 public void Test_S2CellId_ToString()
     Assert.Equal("3/", S2CellId.FromFace(3).ToString());
     Assert.Equal("Invalid: 0000000000000000", S2CellId.None.ToString());
예제 #9
    // Let T be the target S2CellId.  If T is contained by some index cell I
    // (including equality), this method positions the iterator at I and
    // returns INDEXED.  Otherwise if T contains one or more (smaller) index
    // cells, it positions the iterator at the first such cell I and returns
    // SUBDIVIDED.  Otherwise it returns DISJOINT.
    public (CellRelation cellRelation, int pos) LocateCell(S2CellId target)
        // Let T be the target, let I = cell_map_.GetLowerBound(T.RangeMin), and
        // let I' be the predecessor of I.  If T contains any index cells, then T
        // contains I.  Similarly, if T is contained by an index cell, then the
        // containing cell is either I or I'.  We test for containment by comparing
        // the ranges of leaf cells spanned by T, I, and I'.

        var(pos, _) = SeekCell(target.RangeMin());
        var id = GetCellId(pos);

        if (id is not null)
            if (id >= target && id.Value.RangeMin() <= target)
                return(CellRelation.INDEXED, pos);
            if (id <= target.RangeMax())
                return(CellRelation.SUBDIVIDED, pos);
        if (--pos >= 0)
            id = GetCellId(pos);

            if (id != null && id.Value.RangeMax() >= target)
                return(CellRelation.INDEXED, pos);
        return(CellRelation.DISJOINT, 0);
예제 #10
 public void Test_S2CellId_FromFace()
     for (int face = 0; face < 6; ++face)
         Assert.Equal(S2CellId.FromFacePosLevel(face, 0, 0), S2CellId.FromFace(face));
예제 #11
        public void Test_S2CellId_ParentChildRelationships()
            S2CellId id = S2CellId.FromFacePosLevel(3, 0x12345678, S2.kMaxCellLevel - 4);

            Assert.Equal(3UL, id.Face());
            Assert.Equal(0x12345700UL, id.Pos());
            Assert.Equal(S2.kMaxCellLevel - 4, id.Level());

            Assert.Equal(0x12345610UL, id.ChildBegin(id.Level() + 2).Pos());
            Assert.Equal(0x12345640UL, id.ChildBegin().Pos());
            Assert.Equal(0x12345400UL, id.Parent().Pos());
            Assert.Equal(0x12345000UL, id.Parent(id.Level() - 2).Pos());

            // Check ordering of children relative to parents.
            Assert.True(id.ChildBegin() < id);
            Assert.True(id.ChildEnd() > id);
            Assert.Equal(id.ChildEnd(), id.ChildBegin().Next().Next().Next().Next());
            Assert.Equal(id.RangeMin(), id.ChildBegin(S2.kMaxCellLevel));
            Assert.Equal(id.RangeMax().Next(), id.ChildEnd(S2.kMaxCellLevel));

            // Check that cells are represented by the position of their center
            // along the Hilbert curve.
            Assert.Equal(2 * id.Id, id.RangeMin().Id + id.RangeMax().Id);
예제 #12
        public void Test_S2CellId_Containment()
            // Test contains() and intersects().
            var parent_map = new Dictionary <S2CellId, S2CellId>();
            var cells      = new List <S2CellId>();

            for (int face = 0; face < 6; ++face)
                ExpandCell(S2CellId.FromFace(face), cells, parent_map);
            foreach (var end_id in cells)
                foreach (var begin_id in cells)
                    bool contained = true;
                    for (var id = begin_id; id != end_id; id = parent_map[id])
                        if (!parent_map.ContainsKey(id))
                            contained = false;
                    Assert.Equal(contained, end_id.Contains(begin_id));
                                 begin_id >= end_id.RangeMin() &&
                                 begin_id <= end_id.RangeMax());
                                 end_id.Contains(begin_id) || begin_id.Contains(end_id));
예제 #13
        public void Test_S2CellId_Advance()
            S2CellId id = S2CellId.FromFacePosLevel(3, 0x12345678,
                                                    S2.kMaxCellLevel - 4);

            // Check basic properties of advance().
            Assert.Equal(S2CellId.End(0), S2CellId.Begin(0).Advance(7));
            Assert.Equal(S2CellId.End(0), S2CellId.Begin(0).Advance(12));
            Assert.Equal(S2CellId.Begin(0), S2CellId.End(0).Advance(-7));
            Assert.Equal(S2CellId.Begin(0), S2CellId.End(0).Advance(-12000000));
            int num_level_5_cells = 6 << (2 * 5);

            Assert.Equal(S2CellId.End(5).Advance(500 - num_level_5_cells),
            Assert.Equal(S2CellId.FromFacePosLevel(5, 0, S2.kMaxCellLevel),
                         S2CellId.FromFacePosLevel(1, 0, S2.kMaxCellLevel)
                         .Advance((long)(4UL << (2 * S2.kMaxCellLevel))));

            // Check basic properties of advance_wrap().
            Assert.Equal(S2CellId.FromFace(1), S2CellId.Begin(0).AdvanceWrap(7));
            Assert.Equal(S2CellId.Begin(0), S2CellId.Begin(0).AdvanceWrap(12));
            Assert.Equal(S2CellId.FromFace(4), S2CellId.FromFace(5).AdvanceWrap(-7));
            Assert.Equal(S2CellId.Begin(0), S2CellId.Begin(0).AdvanceWrap(-12000000));
            Assert.Equal(S2CellId.FromFacePosLevel(1, 0, S2.kMaxCellLevel),
                         S2CellId.FromFacePosLevel(5, 0, S2.kMaxCellLevel)
                         .AdvanceWrap((long)(2UL << (2 * S2.kMaxCellLevel))));
예제 #14
 public void Test_S2CellUnion_ToStringOneCell()
     Assert.Equal(new S2CellUnion(new List <S2CellId> {
                  "Size:1 S2CellIds:3");
예제 #15
 // Clears all state with respect to which range(s) have been visited.
 public void Reset()
     Current           = CellNode.Zero;
     prev_start_id_    = S2CellId.None;
     node_cutoff_      = -1;
     next_node_cutoff_ = -1;
예제 #16
        public static S2CellUnion FindCellIds(S2LatLngRect latLngRect)
            var queue = new ConcurrentQueue <S2CellId>();

            var cellIds = new List <S2CellId>();

            for (var c = S2CellId.Begin(0); !c.Equals(S2CellId.End(0)); c = c.Next)
                if (ContainsGeodataToFind(c, latLngRect))

            ProcessQueue(queue, cellIds, latLngRect);
            Debug.Assert(queue.Count == 0);

            queue = null;

            if (cellIds.Count > 0)
                var cellUnion = new S2CellUnion();
                cellUnion.InitFromCellIds(cellIds); // This normalize the cells.
                // cellUnion.initRawCellIds(cellIds); // This does not normalize the cells.
                cellIds = null;


        public void testContinuity()
            // Make sure that sequentially increasing cell ids form a continuous
            // path over the surface of the sphere, i.e. there are no
            // discontinuous jumps from one region to another.

            var maxDist = S2Projections.MaxEdge.GetValue(MAX_WALK_LEVEL);
            var end     = S2CellId.End(MAX_WALK_LEVEL);
            var id      = S2CellId.Begin(MAX_WALK_LEVEL);

            for (; !id.Equals(end); id = id.Next)
                Assert.True(id.ToPointRaw().Angle(id.NextWithWrap.ToPointRaw()) <= maxDist);

                // Check that the ToPointRaw() returns the center of each cell
                // in (s,t) coordinates.
                var p    = id.ToPointRaw();
                var face = S2Projections.XyzToFace(p);
                var uv   = S2Projections.ValidFaceXyzToUv(face, p);
                                     S2Projections.UvToSt(uv.X), 1.0 / (1 << MAX_WALK_LEVEL)), 0);
                                     S2Projections.UvToSt(uv.Y), 1.0 / (1 << MAX_WALK_LEVEL)), 0);
예제 #18
        public static ulong GetPokeCell(ICoordinate poke)
            var latLng = S2LatLng.FromDegrees((double)poke.Latitude, (double)poke.Longitude);
            var hash   = S2CellId.FromLatLng(latLng).ParentForLevel(20).Id;

        public void testAllNeighbors(S2CellId id, int level)
            Assert.True(level >= id.Level && level < S2CellId.MaxLevel);

            // We compute GetAllNeighbors, and then add in all the children of "id"
            // at the given level. We then compare this against the result of finding
            // all the vertex neighbors of all the vertices of children of "id" at the
            // given level. These should give the same result.
            var all      = new List <S2CellId>();
            var expected = new List <S2CellId>();

            id.GetAllNeighbors(level, all);
            var end = id.ChildEndForLevel(level + 1);

            for (var c = id.ChildBeginForLevel(level + 1); !c.Equals(end); c = c.Next)
                c.GetVertexNeighbors(level, expected);
            // Sort the results and eliminate duplicates.
            ISet <S2CellId> allSet      = new HashSet <S2CellId>(all);
            ISet <S2CellId> expectedSet = new HashSet <S2CellId>(expected);
            var             result      = allSet.SetEquals(expectedSet);

        private void expandCell(
            S2CellId parent, List<S2CellId> cells, IDictionary<S2CellId, S2CellId> parentMap)
            if (parent.Level == kMaxExpandLevel)
            var i = 0;
            var j = 0;
            int? orientation = 0;
            var face = parent.ToFaceIjOrientation(ref i, ref j, ref orientation);
            JavaAssert.Equal(face, parent.Face);

            var pos = 0;
            for (var child = parent.ChildBegin; !child.Equals(parent.ChildEnd);
                 child = child.Next)
                // Do some basic checks on the children
                JavaAssert.Equal(child.Level, parent.Level + 1);
                int? childOrientation = 0;
                JavaAssert.Equal(child.ToFaceIjOrientation(ref i, ref j, ref childOrientation), face);
                    childOrientation.Value, orientation.Value ^ S2.PosToOrientation(pos));

                parentMap.Add(child, parent);
                expandCell(child, cells, parentMap);
예제 #21
        public override int GetHashCode()
            int hash = 1;

            if (S2CellId != 0UL)
                hash ^= S2CellId.GetHashCode();
            if (CurrentTimestampMs != 0L)
                hash ^= CurrentTimestampMs.GetHashCode();
            hash ^= forts_.GetHashCode();
            hash ^= spawnPoints_.GetHashCode();
            hash ^= deletedObjects_.GetHashCode();
            if (IsTruncatedList != false)
                hash ^= IsTruncatedList.GetHashCode();
            hash ^= fortSummaries_.GetHashCode();
            hash ^= decimatedSpawnPoints_.GetHashCode();
            hash ^= wildPokemons_.GetHashCode();
            hash ^= catchablePokemons_.GetHashCode();
            hash ^= nearbyPokemons_.GetHashCode();
        public void testAllNeighbors(S2CellId id, int level)
            Assert.True(level >= id.Level && level < S2CellId.MaxLevel);

            // We compute GetAllNeighbors, and then add in all the children of "id"
            // at the given level. We then compare this against the result of finding
            // all the vertex neighbors of all the vertices of children of "id" at the
            // given level. These should give the same result.
            var all = new List<S2CellId>();
            var expected = new List<S2CellId>();
            id.GetAllNeighbors(level, all);
            var end = id.ChildEndForLevel(level + 1);
            for (var c = id.ChildBeginForLevel(level + 1); !c.Equals(end); c = c.Next)
                c.GetVertexNeighbors(level, expected);
            // Sort the results and eliminate duplicates.
            ISet<S2CellId> allSet = new HashSet<S2CellId>(all);
            ISet<S2CellId> expectedSet = new HashSet<S2CellId>(expected);
            var result = allSet.SetEquals(expectedSet);
예제 #23
    // Like GetSimpleCovering(), but accepts a starting S2CellId rather than a
    // starting point and cell level.  Returns all edge-connected cells at the
    // same level as "start" that intersect "region", in arbitrary order.
    public static void FloodFill(IS2Region region, S2CellId start, List <S2CellId> output)
        var all      = new List <(S2CellId, int)>();
        var frontier = new List <S2CellId>();

        all.Add((start, start.GetHashCode()));
        while (frontier.Any())
            S2CellId id = frontier.Last();
            frontier.RemoveAt(frontier.Count - 1);
            if (!region.MayIntersect(new S2Cell(id)))

            var neighbors = new S2CellId[4];
            for (int edge = 0; edge < 4; ++edge)
                var nbr  = neighbors[edge];
                var hash = nbr.GetHashCode();
                all.Add((nbr, hash));
                if (hash != 0)
예제 #24
        public void Test_S2CellUnion_FromBeginEnd()
            // Since FromMinMax() is implemented in terms of FromBeginEnd(), we
            // focus on test cases that generate an empty range.
            S2CellId initial_id = S2CellId.FromFace(3);

            // Test an empty range before the minimum S2CellId.
            S2CellUnion cell_union = new(new List <S2CellId> {
            S2CellId id_begin      = S2CellId.Begin(S2.kMaxCellLevel);

            cell_union.InitFromBeginEnd(id_begin, id_begin);

            // Test an empty range after the maximum S2CellId.
            cell_union = new S2CellUnion(new List <S2CellId> {
            S2CellId id_end = S2CellId.End(S2.kMaxCellLevel);

            cell_union.InitFromBeginEnd(id_end, id_end);

            // Test the full sphere.
            cell_union = S2CellUnion.FromBeginEnd(id_begin, id_end);
            Assert.Equal(6, cell_union.Size());
            foreach (S2CellId id in cell_union)
예제 #25
    /// <summary>
    /// Converts a string in the format returned by ToString() to an S2CellId.
    /// Returns S2CellId.None if the string could not be parsed.
    /// The method name includes "Debug" in order to avoid possible confusion
    /// with FromToken() above.
    /// </summary>
    private static S2CellId S2CellId_FromDebugString(string str)
        // This function is reasonably efficient, but is only intended for use in
        // tests.
        var level = str.Length - 2;

        if (level < 0 || level > S2.kMaxCellLevel)

        var face = (int)char.GetNumericValue(str[0]);

        if (face < 0 || face > 5 || str[1] != '/')

        var id = S2CellId.FromFace(face);

        for (var i = 2; i < str.Length; i++)
            var child_pos = (int)char.GetNumericValue(str[i]);
            if (child_pos < 0 || child_pos > 3)
            id = id.Child(child_pos);
예제 #26
        public void Test_S2CellUnion_FromMinMax()
            // Check the very first leaf cell and face cell.
            S2CellId face1_id = S2CellId.FromFace(0);

            TestFromMinMax(face1_id.RangeMin(), face1_id.RangeMin());
            TestFromMinMax(face1_id.RangeMin(), face1_id.RangeMax());

            // Check the very last leaf cell and face cell.
            S2CellId face5_id = S2CellId.FromFace(5);

            TestFromMinMax(face5_id.RangeMin(), face5_id.RangeMax());
            TestFromMinMax(face5_id.RangeMax(), face5_id.RangeMax());

            // Check random ranges of leaf cells.
            for (int iter = 0; iter < 100; ++iter)
                S2CellId x = S2Testing.GetRandomCellId(S2.kMaxCellLevel);
                S2CellId y = S2Testing.GetRandomCellId(S2.kMaxCellLevel);
                if (x > y)
                    var tmp = x; x = y; y = tmp;
                TestFromMinMax(x, y);
예제 #27
        public static async Task <ElevationLocation> FindOrUpdateInDatabase(ulong c, IElevationService service)
            var cellId = new S2CellId(c);
            var latlng = cellId.ToLatLng();

            return(await FindOrUpdateInDatabase(latlng.LatDegrees, latlng.LngDegrees, service).ConfigureAwait(false));
        private S2CellId getCellId(double latDegrees, double lngDegrees)
            var id = S2CellId.FromLatLng(S2LatLng.FromDegrees(latDegrees, lngDegrees));

            Trace.WriteLine(Convert.ToString(unchecked ((long)id.Id), 16));
예제 #29
        // Positions the ContentsIterator at the first (cell_id, label) pair that
        // covers the given leaf cell range.  Note that when multiple leaf cell
        // ranges are visited using the same ContentsIterator, duplicate values
        // may be suppressed.  If you don't want this behavior, call Clear() first.
        public bool StartUnion(RangeNode rn)
            if (rn.StartId < prev_start_id_)
                node_cutoff_ = -1;  // Can't automatically eliminate duplicates.
            prev_start_id_ = rn.StartId;

            // TODO(ericv): Since RangeNode only uses 12 of its 16 bytes, we could add a
            // "label" field without using any extra space.  Then we could store a leaf
            // node of cell_tree_ directly in each RangeNode, where the cell_id is
            // implicitly defined as the one that covers the current leaf cell range.
            // This would save quite a bit of space; e.g. if the given cells are
            // non-overlapping, then cell_tree_ would be empty (since every node is a
            // leaf node and could therefore be stored directly in a RangeNode).  It
            // would also be faster because cell_tree_ would rarely be accessed.
            if (rn.Contents <= node_cutoff_)
                Current = cell_tree_[rn.Contents];

            // When visiting ancestors, we can stop as soon as the node index is smaller
            // than any previously visited node index.  Because indexes are assigned
            // using a preorder traversal, such nodes are guaranteed to have already
            // been reported.
            next_node_cutoff_ = rn.Contents;
        public void testContainment()
            IDictionary <S2CellId, S2CellId> parentMap = new Dictionary <S2CellId, S2CellId>();
            var cells = new List <S2CellId>();

            for (var face = 0; face < 6; ++face)
                expandCell(S2CellId.FromFacePosLevel(face, 0, 0), cells, parentMap);
            for (var i = 0; i < cells.Count; ++i)
                for (var j = 0; j < cells.Count; ++j)
                    var contained = true;
                    for (var id = cells[j]; id != cells[i]; id = parentMap[id])
                        if (!parentMap.ContainsKey(id))
                            contained = false;
                    JavaAssert.Equal(cells[i].Contains(cells[j]), contained);
                    JavaAssert.Equal(cells[j] >= cells[i].RangeMin &&
                                     cells[j] <= cells[i].RangeMax, contained);
                                     cells[i].Contains(cells[j]) || cells[j].Contains(cells[i]));
예제 #31
    // Construct the child of "parent" with the given (i,j) index.  The four
    // child cells have indices of (0,0), (0,1), (1,0), (1,1), where the i and j
    // indices correspond to increasing u- and v-values respectively.
    public S2PaddedCell(S2PaddedCell parent, int i, int j)
        ij_lo_  = new int[2];
        Padding = parent.Padding;
        Level   = parent.Level + 1;
        // Compute the position and orientation of the child incrementally from the
        // orientation of the parent.
        int pos = S2.kIJtoPos[parent.orientation_][2 * i + j];

        Id = parent.Id.Child(pos);
        int ij_size = S2CellId.SizeIJ(Level);

        ij_lo_[0]    = parent.ij_lo_[0] + i * ij_size;
        ij_lo_[1]    = parent.ij_lo_[1] + j * ij_size;
        orientation_ = parent.orientation_ ^ S2.kPosToOrientation[pos];
        // For each child, one corner of the bound is taken directly from the parent
        // while the diagonally opposite corner is taken from middle().
        var middle = parent.Middle;
        var x      = new double[] { parent.Bound[0][0], parent.Bound[0][1] };
        var y      = new double[] { parent.Bound[1][0], parent.Bound[1][1] };

        x[1 - i] = middle[0][1 - i];
        y[1 - j] = middle[1][1 - j];
        Bound    = new R2Rect(new R1Interval(x), new R1Interval(y));
예제 #32
        public static async Task <GeoLocation> FindOrUpdateInDatabase(ulong capturedCellId)
            var cellId = new S2CellId(capturedCellId);
            var latlng = cellId.ToLatLng();

            return(await FindOrUpdateInDatabase(latlng.LatDegrees, latlng.LngDegrees));
예제 #33
        private static S2CellId GetPrevious(S2CellId cellId, int depth)
            if (depth < 0)
                return cellId;


            return GetPrevious(cellId.Previous, depth);
예제 #34
        private static S2CellId GetNext(S2CellId cellId, int depth)
            if (depth < 0)
                return cellId;


            return GetNext(cellId.Next, depth);
예제 #35
        private static S2CellId GetNext(S2CellId cellId, int depth)
            while (true)
                if (depth < 0)
                    return cellId;

                cellId = cellId.Next;
예제 #36
        private static S2CellId GetPrevious(S2CellId cellId, int depth)
            while (true)
                if (depth < 0)
                    return cellId;

                cellId = cellId.Previous;
        public static void DrawS2Cells(List<ulong> cellsIds, GMapOverlay mapLayer)
            for (int i=0; i<cellsIds.Count; i++)
                S2CellId cellId = new S2CellId(cellsIds[i]);
                S2Cell cell = new S2Cell(cellId);

                List<PointLatLng> points = new List<PointLatLng>();
                for (int j=0; j<4; j++)
                    S2LatLng point = new S2LatLng(cell.GetVertex(j));
                    points.Add(new PointLatLng(point.LatDegrees, point.LngDegrees));
                GMapPolygon polygon = new GMapPolygon(points, "mypolygon");
                polygon.Fill = new SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(50, Color.Red));
                polygon.Stroke = new Pen(Color.Red, 1);
        public void S2CellIdTestBasic()
            // Check default constructor.
            var id = new S2CellId();
            //JavaAssert.Equal(id.id(), 0);

            // Check basic accessor methods.
            id = S2CellId.FromFacePosLevel(3, 0x12345678, S2CellId.MaxLevel - 4);
            //JavaAssert.Equal(id.face(), 3);
            // JavaAssert.Equal(id.pos(), 0x12345700);
            //JavaAssert.Equal(id.level(), S2CellId.MAX_LEVEL - 4);

            //// Check face definitions
            //JavaAssert.Equal(getCellId(0, 0).face(), 0);
            //JavaAssert.Equal(getCellId(0, 90).face(), 1);
            //JavaAssert.Equal(getCellId(90, 0).face(), 2);
            //JavaAssert.Equal(getCellId(0, 180).face(), 3);
            //JavaAssert.Equal(getCellId(0, -90).face(), 4);
            //JavaAssert.Equal(getCellId(-90, 0).face(), 5);

            //// Check parent/child relationships.
            //JavaAssert.Equal(id.childBegin(id.level() + 2).pos(), 0x12345610);
            //JavaAssert.Equal(id.childBegin().pos(), 0x12345640);
            //JavaAssert.Equal(id.parent().pos(), 0x12345400);
            //JavaAssert.Equal(id.parent(id.level() - 2).pos(), 0x12345000);

            //// Check ordering of children relative to parents.
            //var childEnd = id.childEnd();
            //var childId = childEnd.id();
            //var id1 = id.id();

            //JavaAssert.Equal(id.childBegin().next().next().next().next(), id.childEnd());
            //JavaAssert.Equal(id.childBegin(S2CellId.MAX_LEVEL), id.rangeMin());
            //JavaAssert.Equal(id.childEnd(S2CellId.MAX_LEVEL), id.rangeMax().next());

            // Check wrapping from beginning of Hilbert curve to end and vice versa.
            // JavaAssert.Equal(S2CellId.begin(0).prevWrap(), S2CellId.end(0).prev());

                             S2CellId.FromFacePosLevel(5, ~0UL >> S2CellId.FaceBits, S2CellId.MaxLevel));

            JavaAssert.Equal(S2CellId.End(4).Previous.NextWithWrap, S2CellId.Begin(4));
                             S2CellId.FromFacePosLevel(0, 0, S2CellId.MaxLevel));

            // Check that cells are represented by the position of their center
            // along the Hilbert curve.
            JavaAssert.Equal(id.RangeMin.Id + id.RangeMax.Id, 2*id.Id);
         * Checks that "covering" completely covers the given region. If "check_tight"
         * is true, also checks that it does not contain any cells that do not
         * intersect the given region. ("id" is only used internally.)

        protected void checkCovering(IS2Region region, S2CellUnion covering, bool checkTight, S2CellId id)
            if (!id.IsValid)
                for (var face = 0; face < 6; ++face)
                    checkCovering(region, covering, checkTight, S2CellId.FromFacePosLevel(face, 0, 0));

            if (!region.MayIntersect(new S2Cell(id)))
                // If region does not intersect id, then neither should the covering.
                if (checkTight)
            else if (!covering.Contains(id))
                // The region may intersect id, but we can't assert that the covering
                // intersects id because we may discover that the region does not actually
                // intersect upon further subdivision. (MayIntersect is not exact.)
                Assert.True(!region.Contains(new S2Cell(id)));
                var result = !id.IsLeaf;
                var end = id.ChildEnd;
                for (var child = id.ChildBegin; !child.Equals(end); child = child.Next)
                    checkCovering(region, covering, checkTight, child);
        public void suppressedTestLoopRelations2()
            // Construct polygons consisting of a sequence of adjacent cell ids
            // at some fixed level. Comparing two polygons at the same level
            // ensures that there are no T-vertices.
            for (var iter = 0; iter < 1000; ++iter)
                var num = (ulong)LongRandom();
                var begin = new S2CellId(num | 1);
                if (!begin.IsValid)
                begin = begin.ParentForLevel((int)Math.Round(rand.NextDouble()*S2CellId.MaxLevel));
                var aBegin = advance(begin, skewed(6));
                var aEnd = advance(aBegin, skewed(6) + 1);
                var bBegin = advance(begin, skewed(6));
                var bEnd = advance(bBegin, skewed(6) + 1);
                if (!aEnd.IsValid || !bEnd.IsValid)

                var a = makeCellLoop(aBegin, aEnd);
                var b = makeCellLoop(bBegin, bEnd);
                var contained = (aBegin <= bBegin && bEnd <= aEnd);
                var intersects = (aBegin < bEnd && bBegin < aEnd);
                    "Checking " + a.NumVertices + " vs. " + b.NumVertices + ", contained = " + contained
                    + ", intersects = " + intersects);

                assertEquals(contained, a.Contains(b));
                assertEquals(intersects, a.Intersects(b));
 private S2CellId advance(S2CellId id, int n)
     while (id.IsValid && --n >= 0)
         id = id.Next;
     return id;
        private S2Loop makeCellLoop(S2CellId begin, S2CellId end)
            // Construct a CCW polygon whose boundary is the union of the cell ids
            // in the range [begin, end). We Add the edges one by one, removing
            // any edges that are already present in the opposite direction.

            IDictionary<S2Point, ISet<S2Point>> edges = new Dictionary<S2Point, ISet<S2Point>>();
            for (var id = begin; !id.Equals(end); id = id.Next)
                var cell = new S2Cell(id);
                for (var k = 0; k < 4; ++k)
                    var a = cell.GetVertex(k);
                    var b = cell.GetVertex((k + 1) & 3);
                    if (!edges.ContainsKey(b))
                        edges.Add(b, new HashSet<S2Point>());
                    // if a is in b's set, remove it and remove b's set if it's empty
                    // otherwise, Add b to a's set
                    if (!edges[b].Remove(a))
                        if (!edges.ContainsKey(a))
                            edges.Add(a, new HashSet<S2Point>());
                    else if (edges[b].Count == 0)

            // The remaining edges form a single loop. We simply follow it starting
            // at an arbitrary vertex and build up a list of vertices.

            var vertices = new List<S2Point>();
            //S2Point p = edges.keySet().iterator().next();
            var p = edges.Keys.First();
            while (edges.Any())
                assertEquals(1, edges[p].Count);
                var next = edges[p].First();
                //S2Point next = edges[p].iterator().next();
                p = next;

            return new S2Loop(vertices);