public void Deserialize(Runtime.Serialization.IO.CompactReader reader) { _privateIp = reader.ReadObject() as string; _privatePort = reader.ReadInt32(); _publicIP = reader.ReadObject() as string; _publicPort = reader.ReadInt32(); }
public void Deserialize(Runtime.Serialization.IO.CompactReader reader) { _cacheId = reader.ReadObject() as string; _clientCacheId = reader.ReadObject() as string; _clientCacheSyncMode = reader.ReadObject() as string; _defaultReadThruProvider = reader.ReadObject() as string; _defaultWriteThruProvider = reader.ReadObject() as string; _loadBalance = reader.ReadBoolean(); _isRegisteredLocal = reader.ReadBoolean(); _serversPriorityList = new Dictionary <int, CacheServer>(); int lenght = reader.ReadInt32(); for (int i = 0; i < lenght; i++) { _serversPriorityList.Add(reader.ReadInt32(), reader.ReadObject() as CacheServer); } _serverName = reader.ReadObject() as string; _bindIp = reader.ReadObject() as string; _serverRuntimeContext = reader.ReadObject() as string == "1" ? RtContextValue.JVCACHE : RtContextValue.NCACHE; if (reader.ReadBoolean()) { _serverMapping = reader.ReadObject() as ServerMapping; } _enableClientLogs = reader.ReadBoolean(); _logLevel = reader.ReadObject() as string; }
public void Deserialize(Runtime.Serialization.IO.CompactReader reader) { _topicName = reader.ReadObject() as string; _currentMessageCount = reader.ReadInt64(); _subscriberCount = reader.ReadInt32(); _publisherCount = reader.ReadInt32(); }
public void Deserialize(Runtime.Serialization.IO.CompactReader reader) { _eventCounter = reader.ReadInt32(); _eventUniqueId = (string)reader.ReadObject(); _operationCounter = reader.ReadInt64(); _eventType = (EventType)reader.ReadInt32(); }
public void Deserialize(Runtime.Serialization.IO.CompactReader reader) { opTimeout = reader.ReadInt32(); statsRepInterval = reader.ReadInt32(); useHeartBeat = reader.ReadBoolean(); this._replicationStrategy = reader.ReadObject() as ReplicationStrategy; channel = reader.ReadObject() as Channel; }
public void Deserialize(Runtime.Serialization.IO.CompactReader reader) { this.maxTasks = reader.ReadInt32(); this.chunkSize = reader.ReadInt32(); this.communicateStats = reader.ReadBoolean(); this.queueSize = reader.ReadInt32(); this.maxExceptions = reader.ReadInt32(); }
public void Deserialize(Runtime.Serialization.IO.CompactReader reader) { _columnName = reader.ReadObject() as string; _columnType = (ColumnType)reader.ReadInt32(); _dataType = (ColumnDataType)reader.ReadInt32(); _aggregateFunctionType = (AggregateFunctionType)reader.ReadInt32(); _isFilled = reader.ReadBoolean(); _isHidden = reader.ReadBoolean(); }
void ICompactSerializable.Deserialize(Runtime.Serialization.IO.CompactReader reader) { _aggregateFunctionResult = (DictionaryEntry)reader.ReadObject(); _searchKeysResult = reader.ReadObject() as ClusteredArrayList; _searchEntriesResult = reader.ReadObject() as IDictionary; _queryType = (QueryType)reader.ReadInt32(); _aggregateFunctionType = (AggregateFunctionType)reader.ReadInt32(); _cqId = reader.ReadString(); _groupByFunctionResult = reader.ReadObject() as RecordSet; }
public void Deserialize(Runtime.Serialization.IO.CompactReader reader) { _cacheId = reader.ReadObject() as string; _topology = (CacheTopology)reader.ReadInt32(); _running = reader.ReadBoolean(); _dataCapacity = reader.ReadInt64(); _cachePropString = reader.ReadObject() as string; _partId = reader.ReadObject() as string; _managementPort = reader.ReadInt32(); _pid = reader.ReadInt32(); }
public void Deserialize(Runtime.Serialization.IO.CompactReader reader) { _serversList = new Dictionary <int, Dom.CacheServer>(); int length = reader.ReadInt32(); for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { int key = reader.ReadInt32(); ClientConfiguration.Dom.CacheServer value = reader.ReadObject() as ClientConfiguration.Dom.CacheServer; _serversList.Add(key, value); } }
public void Deserialize(Runtime.Serialization.IO.CompactReader reader) { _columns = reader.ReadObject() as ColumnCollection; _rows = new HashVector(); int rowCount = reader.ReadInt32(); for (int i = 0; i < rowCount; i++) { _rows.Add(reader.ReadInt32(), reader.ReadObject() as RecordRow); } }
public void Deserialize(Runtime.Serialization.IO.CompactReader reader) { _majorVersion1 = reader.ReadByte(); _majorVersion2 = reader.ReadByte(); _minorVersion1 = reader.ReadByte(); _minorVersion2 = reader.ReadByte(); _productName = (string)reader.ReadObject(); _editionID = reader.ReadInt32(); int temp = reader.ReadInt32(); _additionalData = reader.ReadBytes(temp); }
public void Deserialize(Runtime.Serialization.IO.CompactReader reader) { _cacheId = (string)reader.ReadObject(); _key = (string)reader.ReadObject(); _server = (string)reader.ReadObject(); _port = reader.ReadInt32(); }
public void Deserialize(Runtime.Serialization.IO.CompactReader reader) { _id = reader.ReadString(); _chunkId = reader.ReadInt32(); _isDisposable = reader.ReadBoolean(); _nodeIpAddress = reader.ReadObject() as Address; _isSocketServerDispose = reader.ReadBoolean(); }
public void Deserialize(Runtime.Serialization.IO.CompactReader reader) { _info = reader.ReadObject() as string; Status = (CacheStatus)reader.ReadInt32(); IsCoordinatorInternal = reader.ReadBoolean(); configID = reader.ReadString(); configVersion = reader.ReadDouble(); }
public new void Deserialize(Runtime.Serialization.IO.CompactReader reader) { _isRepica = reader.ReadBoolean(); _inProcInstance = reader.ReadBoolean(); _clientPort = reader.ReadInt32(); _nodeAt = reader.ReadObject() as string; base.Deserialize(reader); }
public void Deserialize(Runtime.Serialization.IO.CompactReader reader) { _node = reader.ReadObject() as ServerNode; _itemCount = reader.ReadInt64(); _dataSize = reader.ReadInt64(); _clientsConnected = reader.ReadUInt16(); _totalCacheSize = reader.ReadInt64(); _nodeStatus = (CacheNodeStatus)reader.ReadInt32(); }
public void Deserialize(Runtime.Serialization.IO.CompactReader reader) { _readerId = reader.ReadObject() as string; _recordSet = reader.ReadObject() as IRecordSet; _nodeAddress = reader.ReadObject() as string; _nextIndex = reader.ReadInt32(); _orderbyArguments = (List <OrderByArgument>)reader.ReadObject(); if (_orderbyArguments != null) { int noOfArgs = reader.ReadInt32(); _orderbyArguments = new List <OrderByArgument>(); for (int i = 0; i < noOfArgs; i++) { _orderbyArguments.Add(reader.ReadObject() as OrderByArgument); } } _isGrouped = reader.ReadBoolean(); }
public void Deserialize(Runtime.Serialization.IO.CompactReader reader) { _columns = new HashVector(); int columnCount = reader.ReadInt32(); for (int i = 0; i < columnCount; i++) { _columns.Add(reader.ReadInt32(), reader.ReadObject() as RecordColumn); } _nameToIndex = new HashVector(); int indexCount = reader.ReadInt32(); for (int i = 0; i < indexCount; i++) { _nameToIndex.Add(reader.ReadObject() as string, reader.ReadInt32()); } }
public void Deserialize(Runtime.Serialization.IO.CompactReader reader) { _connectionRetries = reader.ReadInt32(); _retryInterval = reader.ReadInt32(); _requestTimeout = reader.ReadInt32(); _connectionTimeout = reader.ReadInt32(); _serverPort = reader.ReadInt32(); _configurationId = reader.ReadInt32(); _retryConnectionDelay = reader.ReadInt32(); _jvcServerPort = reader.ReadInt32(); _localServerIp = reader.ReadObject() as string; }
public void Deserialize(Runtime.Serialization.IO.CompactReader reader) { Group = reader.ReadObject() as string; SubGroup = reader.ReadObject() as string; Version = reader.ReadUInt64(); Priority = reader.ReadInt32(); ReSyncExpiredItems = reader.ReadBoolean(); ReSyncProviderCacheItem = reader.ReadObject() as string; Flags = new BitSet(reader.ReadByte()); Value = reader.ReadObject(); }
public void Deserialize(Runtime.Serialization.IO.CompactReader reader) { int length = reader.ReadInt32(); _parameterList = new ArrayList(); bool isByteArray = false; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { isByteArray = reader.ReadBoolean(); if (isByteArray) { int count = reader.ReadInt32(); _parameterList.Add(reader.ReadBytes(count)); } else { _parameterList.Add(reader.ReadObject()); } } }
public void Deserialize(Runtime.Serialization.IO.CompactReader reader) { tcpPort = reader.ReadInt32(); numInitHosts = reader.ReadInt32(); connectionRetries = reader.ReadInt32(); connectionRetryInterval = reader.ReadInt32(); portRange = reader.ReadInt32(); initialHosts = reader.ReadObject() as String; joinRetryInterval = reader.ReadInt32(); joinRetries = reader.ReadInt32(); }
public void Deserialize(Runtime.Serialization.IO.CompactReader reader) { topology = reader.ReadObject() as string; activeMirrorNode = reader.ReadObject() as string; opTimeout = reader.ReadInt32(); statsRepInterval = reader.ReadInt32(); useHeartBeat = reader.ReadBoolean(); channel = reader.ReadObject() as Channel; bool nodeExists = reader.ReadBoolean(); if (nodeExists) { nodes = new Dictionary <NodeIdentity, StatusInfo>(); int count = reader.ReadInt32(); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { nodes.Add(reader.ReadObject() as NodeIdentity, reader.ReadObject() as StatusInfo); } } }
public void Deserialize(Runtime.Serialization.IO.CompactReader reader) { _nodeConfig = reader.ReadObject() as NodeConfiguration; //Needs to be initialized at ever read. _cacheConfigsMap = new Dictionary <string, CacheConfiguration>(); int lenght = reader.ReadInt32(); for (int i = 0; i < lenght; i++) { _cacheConfigsMap.Add(reader.ReadObject() as string, reader.ReadObject() as CacheConfiguration); } _bindIp = reader.ReadObject() as string; }
public void Deserialize(Runtime.Serialization.IO.CompactReader reader) { s_hostInfoMap = reader.ReadObject() as Dictionary <string, NodeOSInfo>; bool flag = reader.ReadBoolean(); if (flag) { int length = reader.ReadInt32(); _nodeinfo = new NodeOSInfo[length]; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { _nodeinfo[i] = (NodeOSInfo)reader.ReadObject(); } } }
public static ClusteredList <T> DeserializeClusteredList <T>(Runtime.Serialization.IO.CompactReader reader) { bool flag = reader.ReadBoolean(); if (flag) { int length = reader.ReadInt32(); ClusteredList <T> list = new ClusteredList <T>(); for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { list.Add((T)reader.ReadObject()); } return(list); } else { return(null); } }
public void Deserialize(Runtime.Serialization.IO.CompactReader reader) { if (this.nodesList == null) { this.nodesList = new ArrayList(); } this.nodesList = reader.ReadObject() as ArrayList; bool nodeExists = reader.ReadBoolean(); if (nodeExists) { this.nodes = new Dictionary <Alachisoft.NCache.Config.Dom.NodeIdentity, StatusInfo>(); int count = reader.ReadInt32(); for (int index = 0; index < count; index++) { nodes.Add(reader.ReadObject() as Alachisoft.NCache.Config.Dom.NodeIdentity, reader.ReadObject() as StatusInfo); } } }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="reader"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static IDictionary <T, V> DeserializeDictionary <T, V>(Runtime.Serialization.IO.CompactReader reader) { T key; V val; bool flag = reader.ReadBoolean(); if (flag) { IDictionary <T, V> dictionary = new HashVector <T, V>(); int Length = reader.ReadInt32(); for (int i = 0; i < Length; i++) { key = (T)reader.ReadObject(); val = (V)reader.ReadObject(); dictionary.Add(key, val); } return(dictionary); } else { return(null); } }
public void Deserialize(Runtime.Serialization.IO.CompactReader reader) { _size = reader.ReadInt32(); _tbuffer = reader.ReadBytes(_size); _sequence = reader.ReadInt32(); }