예제 #1
        private unsafe void IntersectionSearch(double *y, double *dydx, double hupper, KerrBlackHoleEquation equation)
            double hlower = 0.0;

            equation.Function(y, dydx);

            while ((y[0] > equation.Rhor) && (y[0] < equation.R0 * 2))
                double *yout = stackalloc double[equation.N];
                double *yerr = stackalloc double[equation.N];

                double hdiff = hupper - hlower;

                if (Math.Abs(hdiff) < 1e-7)
                    RungeKutta.IntegrateStep(equation, y, dydx, hupper, yout, yerr);

                    Util.memcpy((IntPtr)y, (IntPtr)yout, equation.N * sizeof(double));

                double hmid = (hupper + hlower) / 2;

                RungeKutta.IntegrateStep(equation, y, dydx, hmid, yout, yerr);

                if (yout[0] < equation.R0)
                    hlower = hmid;
                    hupper = hmid;
예제 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Use Runge-Kutta steps to find intersection with horizontal plane of the scene.
        /// This is necessary to stop integrating when the ray hits the accretion disc.
        /// </summary>
        private unsafe void IntersectionSearch(double *y, double *dydx, double hupper, KerrBlackHoleEquation equation)
            double hlower = 0.0;

            int side;

            if (y[1] > Math.PI / 2)
                side = 1;
            else if (y[1] < Math.PI / 2)
                side = -1;
                // unlikely, but needs to handle a situation when ray hits the plane EXACTLY

            equation.Function(y, dydx);

            while ((y[0] > equation.Rhor) && (y[0] < equation.R0) && (side != 0))
                double *yout = stackalloc double[equation.N];
                double *yerr = stackalloc double[equation.N];

                double hdiff = hupper - hlower;

                if (Math.Abs(hdiff) < 1e-7)
                    RungeKutta.IntegrateStep(equation, y, dydx, hupper, yout, yerr);

                    Util.memcpy((IntPtr)y, (IntPtr)yout, equation.N * sizeof(double));


                double hmid = (hupper + hlower) / 2;

                RungeKutta.IntegrateStep(equation, y, dydx, hmid, yout, yerr);

                if (side * (yout[1] - Math.PI / 2) > 0)
                    hlower = hmid;
                    hupper = hmid;
예제 #3
        protected unsafe void IntersectionSearch(double *y, double *dydx, double hupper, KerrBlackHoleEquation equation)
            double hlower = 0.0;
            double tempX = 0, tempY = 0, tempZ = 0;

            equation.Function(y, dydx);

            while ((y[0] > equation.Rhor) && (y[0] < equation.R0))
                double *yout = stackalloc double[equation.N];
                double *yerr = stackalloc double[equation.N];

                double hdiff = hupper - hlower;

                if (Math.Abs(hdiff) < 1e-7)
                    RungeKutta.IntegrateStep(equation, y, dydx, hupper, yout, yerr);

                    Util.memcpy((IntPtr)y, (IntPtr)yout, equation.N * sizeof(double));

                double hmid = (hupper + hlower) / 2;

                RungeKutta.IntegrateStep(equation, y, dydx, hmid, yout, yerr);

                Util.ToCartesian(yout[0], yout[1], yout[2], ref tempX, ref tempY, ref tempZ);
                double distance = Math.Sqrt((tempX - centerX) * (tempX - centerX)
                                            + (tempY - centerY) * (tempY - centerY)
                                            + (tempZ - centerZ) * (tempZ - centerZ));

                if (distance > radius)
                    hlower = hmid;
                    hupper = hmid;