// if required, rename output-files to indicate if switches are set to non-default values
        bool EM3_AddNonDefaultSwitches_To_OutputFileName(Dictionary <ConfigKey, Dictionary <string, string> > contentEMConfigs, RunMainForm runMainForm)
                // check if automatic renaming of the output-filenames is switched on
                if (!EM_UI.EM_AppContext.Instance.GetUserSettingsAdministrator().GetPolicySwitchAutoRenameValue())

                foreach (DataGridViewRow systemRow in runMainForm.dgvRun.Rows) // loop over systems
                    // assess whether any run-checkboxes (standard run, add-ons) are checked for the system
                    if (!EM_Helpers.SaveConvertToBoolean(systemRow.Cells[runMainForm.colRun.Name].Value))

                    // assess which dataset is selected for run
                    DataConfig.DBSystemConfigRow dbSystemConfigRow = runMainForm.GetSelectedDBSystemCombination(systemRow);
                    if (dbSystemConfigRow == null)
                        continue;                            // should not happen
                    // find the EMConfig (prepared in GenerateEMConfigs) where the output needs to be renamed
                    Dictionary <string, string> contentEMConfig = null;
                    ConfigKey key = new ConfigKey(systemRow.Cells[runMainForm.colCountry.Name].Value.ToString(), dbSystemConfigRow.DataBaseID, dbSystemConfigRow.SystemID);
                    if (contentEMConfigs.ContainsKey(key))
                        contentEMConfig = contentEMConfigs[key];
                    if (contentEMConfig == null)
                        continue;                          // should not happen
                    // instruct the executable to apply this suffix to standard output (i.e. concerns only DefOutputs in policies output_std and output_std_hh):
                    // specificly, change e.g. mt_2014_std to mt_2014_UAAon and/or mt_2014_std_hh to mt_2014_UAAon_hh
                    string renameString = GenerateSwitchRenamingSuffix(runMainForm, systemRow, dbSystemConfigRow);
                    if (renameString != string.Empty)
                        contentEMConfig.Add(TAGS.STDOUTPUT_FILENAME_SUFFIX, renameString);
            catch { }
        // this does not only add the addOn-info, but also collects the country- and addOn-file that need to be transformed to EM3 format
        bool EM3_AddAddOnInfo(string outputPath, Dictionary <ConfigKey, Dictionary <string, string> > contentEMConfigs, RunMainForm runMainForm)
            addOnsToTransform = new List <string>(); countriesToTransform = new List <string>(); // for collecting country- and addon-files which need to be transformed to EM3

            foreach (DataGridViewRow systemRow in runMainForm.dgvRun.Rows)                       // loop over systems
                // assess whether any add-on is selected for run (theoretically more than one add-on can be selected for a system)
                List <AddOnSystemInfo> selectedAddOns = new List <AddOnSystemInfo>();
                foreach (DataGridViewColumn column in runMainForm.dgvRun.Columns)
                    if (column.Name.StartsWith(RunMainForm._colAddOnPrefix) && EM_Helpers.SaveConvertToBoolean(systemRow.Cells[column.Name].Value))
                        if (!AddOnInfoHelper.GetSupportedSystemInfo(systemRow.Cells[runMainForm.colSystem.Name].Value.ToString(),
                                                                    column.Tag as List <AddOnSystemInfo>, out List <AddOnSystemInfo> supportedAOSystemInfo))

                // we need to know whether the system is selected, first to collect the country for transformation (see remark above)
                // and, if it is selected in addition to any add-on(s), we need to copy the configuration file (instead of just adapting it)
                bool   isSystemSelected = EM_Helpers.SaveConvertToBoolean(systemRow.Cells[runMainForm.colRun.Name].Value);
                string countryShortName = systemRow.Cells[runMainForm.colCountry.Name].Value.ToString().ToLower();
                if (isSystemSelected || selectedAddOns.Any())
                    string countryToTransform = countryShortName;
                    if (!countriesToTransform.Contains(countryToTransform))

                if (!selectedAddOns.Any())

                // to find the config (prepared in GenerateEMConfigs) we need the dataset
                DataConfig.DBSystemConfigRow dbSystemConfigRow = runMainForm.GetSelectedDBSystemCombination(systemRow); if (dbSystemConfigRow == null)
                    continue;                                                                                                                                    // should not happen
                ConfigKey key = new ConfigKey(countryShortName, dbSystemConfigRow.DataBaseID, dbSystemConfigRow.SystemID);
                if (!contentEMConfigs.ContainsKey(key))
                    continue;                                     // should not happen
                Dictionary <string, string> contentEMConfig = contentEMConfigs[key];

                // if the system itself is selected too, we need to make a copy of the config (i.e. run the plain system and run the add-on)
                if (isSystemSelected)
                    contentEMConfig = new Dictionary <string, string>();
                    foreach (var entry in contentEMConfigs[key])
                        contentEMConfig.Add(entry.Key, entry.Value);
                    ConfigKey someKey = new ConfigKey(Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), string.Empty, string.Empty); // the key is irrelevant
                    contentEMConfigs.Add(someKey, contentEMConfig);

                int cnt = 0;
                foreach (AddOnSystemInfo addOnSystemInfo in selectedAddOns)                                       // loop over the add-ons which are selected for run (usually one)
                    contentEMConfig[RunMainForm._labelRunFormInfoText] += addOnSystemInfo._addOnSystemName + " "; // add to text that is displayed in the window showing run status
                    // add: $"ADDON{cnt}", $"{addOn}|{addOnSys}"
                    contentEMConfig.Add(TAGS.EM2CONFIG_ADDON + (cnt++).ToString(), addOnSystemInfo._addOnShortName + "|" + addOnSystemInfo._addOnSystemName);

                    string addOnToTransform = addOnSystemInfo._addOnShortName.ToLower();
                    if (!addOnsToTransform.Contains(addOnToTransform))
                        EM_AppContext.Instance.WriteXml(addOnSystemInfo._addOnShortName, false, false); // make sure the EM2 version is saved