public static IList <ActionChunk> TranslateActionChunk(OutputModelFactory factory, RuleFunction rf, string action, ActionAST node) { IToken tokenWithinAction = node.Token; ActionTranslator translator = new ActionTranslator(factory, node); translator.rf = rf; factory.GetGrammar().tool.Log("action-translator", "translate " + action); string altLabel = node.GetAltLabel(); if (rf != null) { translator.nodeContext = rf.ruleCtx; if (altLabel != null) { AltLabelStructDecl decl; rf.altLabelCtxs.TryGetValue(altLabel, out decl); translator.nodeContext = decl; } } ANTLRStringStream @in = new ANTLRStringStream(action); @in.Line = tokenWithinAction.Line; @in.CharPositionInLine = tokenWithinAction.CharPositionInLine; ActionSplitter trigger = new ActionSplitter(@in, translator); // forces eval, triggers listener methods trigger.GetActionTokens(); return(translator.chunks); }
public virtual void BuildNormalRuleFunction(Rule r, RuleFunction function) { CodeGenerator gen = @delegate.GetGenerator(); // TRIGGER factory functions for rule alts, elements GrammarASTAdaptor adaptor = new GrammarASTAdaptor(r.ast.Token.InputStream); GrammarAST blk = (GrammarAST)r.ast.GetFirstChildWithType(ANTLRParser.BLOCK); CommonTreeNodeStream nodes = new CommonTreeNodeStream(adaptor, blk); walker = new SourceGenTriggers(nodes, this); try { // walk AST of rule alts/elements function.code = DefaultOutputModelFactory.List(walker.block(null, null)); function.hasLookaheadBlock = walker.hasLookaheadBlock; } catch (Antlr.Runtime.RecognitionException e) { @delegate.GetGenerator().tool.ConsoleError.WriteLine(e.Message); @delegate.GetGenerator().tool.ConsoleError.WriteLine(e.StackTrace); } function.ctxType = @delegate.GetTarget().GetRuleFunctionContextStructName(function); function.postamble = RulePostamble(function, r); }
public static void CreateRuleFunction(IRuleFunctionRepository ruleFunctionRepository, string name, string ruleFunctionText) { var ruleFunction = new RuleFunction(ruleFunctionRepository.GetNextId(), name, ruleFunctionText); ruleFunctionRepository.Add(ruleFunction); ruleFunctions.Add(ruleFunction); }
public virtual RuleFunction Rule(Rule r) { RuleFunction rf = @delegate.Rule(r); foreach (CodeGeneratorExtension ext in extensions) { rf = ext.Rule(rf); } return(rf); }
public virtual IList <SrcOp> RulePostamble(RuleFunction function, Rule r) { IList <SrcOp> ops = @delegate.RulePostamble(function, r); foreach (CodeGeneratorExtension ext in extensions) { ops = ext.RulePostamble(ops); } return(ops); }
/** If we know which actual function, we can provide the actual ctx type. * This will contain implicit labels etc... From outside, though, we * see only ParserRuleContext unless there are externally visible stuff * like args, locals, explicit labels, etc... */ public virtual string GetRuleFunctionContextStructName(RuleFunction function) { Rule r = function.rule; if (r.g.IsLexer()) { return(GetTemplates().GetInstanceOf("LexerRuleContext").Render()); } string baseName = r.GetBaseContext(); return(Utils.Capitalize(baseName) + GetTemplates().GetInstanceOf("RuleContextNameSuffix").Render()); }
public override IList <SrcOp> RulePostamble(RuleFunction function, Rule r) { if (r.namedActions.ContainsKey("after") || r.namedActions.ContainsKey("finally")) { // See OutputModelController.buildLeftRecursiveRuleFunction // and Parser.exitRule for other places which set stop. CodeGenerator gen = GetGenerator(); TemplateGroup codegenTemplates = gen.GetTemplates(); Template setStopTokenAST = codegenTemplates.GetInstanceOf("recRuleSetStopToken"); Action setStopTokenAction = new Action(this, function.ruleCtx, setStopTokenAST); IList <SrcOp> ops = new List <SrcOp>(1); ops.Add(setStopTokenAction); return(ops); } return(base.RulePostamble(function, r)); }
public static IList <ActionChunk> TranslateAction(OutputModelFactory factory, RuleFunction rf, IToken tokenWithinAction, ActionAST node) { string action = tokenWithinAction.Text; if (action != null && action.Length > 0 && action[0] == '{') { int firstCurly = action.IndexOf('{'); int lastCurly = action.LastIndexOf('}'); if (firstCurly >= 0 && lastCurly >= 0) { action = action.Substring(firstCurly + 1, lastCurly - firstCurly - 1); // trim {...} } } return(TranslateActionChunk(factory, rf, action, node)); }
public override RuleFunction Rule(Rule r) { if (r is LeftRecursiveRule) { return(new LeftRecursiveRuleFunction(this, (LeftRecursiveRule)r)); } else if ( { return(new LeftFactoredRuleFunction(this, r)); } else if ( { return(new LeftUnfactoredRuleFunction(this, r)); } else { RuleFunction rf = new RuleFunction(this, r); return(rf); } }
public override IList <SrcOp> TokenRef(GrammarAST ID, GrammarAST labelAST, GrammarAST args) { MatchToken matchOp = new MatchToken(this, (TerminalAST)ID); if (labelAST != null) { string label = labelAST.Text; RuleFunction rf = GetCurrentRuleFunction(); if (labelAST.Parent.Type == ANTLRParser.PLUS_ASSIGN) { // add Token _X and List<Token> X decls DefineImplicitLabel(ID, matchOp); // adds _X TokenListDecl l = GetTokenListLabelDecl(label); rf.AddContextDecl(ID.GetAltLabel(), l); } else { Decl d = GetTokenLabelDecl(label); matchOp.labels.Add(d); rf.AddContextDecl(ID.GetAltLabel(), d); } // Decl d = getTokenLabelDecl(label); // ((MatchToken)matchOp).labels.add(d); // getCurrentRuleFunction().addContextDecl(ID.getAltLabel(), d); // if ( labelAST.parent.getType() == ANTLRParser.PLUS_ASSIGN ) { // TokenListDecl l = getTokenListLabelDecl(label); // getCurrentRuleFunction().addContextDecl(ID.getAltLabel(), l); // } } if (controller.NeedsImplicitLabel(ID, matchOp)) { DefineImplicitLabel(ID, matchOp); } AddToLabelList listLabelOp = GetAddToListOpIfListLabelPresent(matchOp, labelAST); return(List(matchOp, listLabelOp)); }
/** Create RuleFunction per rule and update semantic predicates, actions of parser * output object with stuff found in r. */ public virtual void BuildRuleFunction(Parser parser, Rule r) { RuleFunction function = Rule(r); parser.funcs.Add(function); PushCurrentRule(function); function.FillNamedActions(@delegate, r); if (r is LeftRecursiveRule) { BuildLeftRecursiveRuleFunction((LeftRecursiveRule)r, (LeftRecursiveRuleFunction)function); } else { BuildNormalRuleFunction(r, function); } Grammar g = GetGrammar(); foreach (ActionAST a in r.actions) { if (a is PredAST) { PredAST p = (PredAST)a; RuleSempredFunction rsf; if (!parser.sempredFuncs.TryGetValue(r, out rsf) || rsf == null) { rsf = new RuleSempredFunction(@delegate, r, function.ctxType); parser.sempredFuncs[r] = rsf; } rsf.actions[g.sempreds[p]] = new Action(@delegate, p); } } PopCurrentRule(); }
public override IList <SrcOp> Set(GrammarAST setAST, GrammarAST labelAST, bool invert) { MatchSet matchOp; if (invert) { matchOp = new MatchNotSet(this, setAST); } else { matchOp = new MatchSet(this, setAST); } if (labelAST != null) { string label = labelAST.Text; RuleFunction rf = GetCurrentRuleFunction(); if (labelAST.Parent.Type == ANTLRParser.PLUS_ASSIGN) { DefineImplicitLabel(setAST, matchOp); TokenListDecl l = GetTokenListLabelDecl(label); rf.AddContextDecl(setAST.GetAltLabel(), l); } else { Decl d = GetTokenLabelDecl(label); matchOp.labels.Add(d); rf.AddContextDecl(setAST.GetAltLabel(), d); } } if (controller.NeedsImplicitLabel(setAST, matchOp)) { DefineImplicitLabel(setAST, matchOp); } AddToLabelList listLabelOp = GetAddToListOpIfListLabelPresent(matchOp, labelAST); return(List(matchOp, listLabelOp)); }
public virtual RuleFunction Rule(RuleFunction rf) { return(rf); }
public Rule(Relationship ifTrue, RuleFunction functionToFire) { this.ifTrue = ifTrue; thenRule += functionToFire; }
public virtual IList <SrcOp> RulePostamble(RuleFunction function, Rule r) { return(null); }
public override void Up() { List <PMSAdmin.Domain.Model.CustomFieldTypes.CustomFieldType> employeeCftList = new List <CustomFieldType>(); List <PMSAdmin.Domain.Model.CustomFieldTypes.CustomFieldType> jobIndexCftList = new List <CustomFieldType>(); List <PMSAdmin.Domain.Model.CustomFieldTypes.CustomFieldType> jobCftList = new List <CustomFieldType>(); List <PMSAdmin.Domain.Model.Jobs.Job> jobList = new List <PMSAdmin.Domain.Model.Jobs.Job>(); List <PMSAdmin.Domain.Model.JobIndices.JobIndex> jobIndexList = new List <PMSAdmin.Domain.Model.JobIndices.JobIndex>(); List <PMSAdmin.Domain.Model.JobPositions.JobPosition> jobPositionList = new List <PMSAdmin.Domain.Model.JobPositions.JobPosition>(); List <PMSAdmin.Domain.Model.Units.Unit> unitList = new List <PMSAdmin.Domain.Model.Units.Unit>(); PMSAdmin.Domain.Model.Policies.RuleEngineBasedPolicy policy; Core.RuleEngine.Model.Rule rule; Core.RuleEngine.Model.RuleFunction rf; Period period; List <PMS.Domain.Model.Jobs.Job> jobInPeriodList = new List <PMS.Domain.Model.Jobs.Job>(); List <PMS.Domain.Model.JobIndices.JobIndex> jobIndexInPeriodList = new List <PMS.Domain.Model.JobIndices.JobIndex>(); List <PMS.Domain.Model.JobPositions.JobPosition> jobPositionInPeriodList = new List <PMS.Domain.Model.JobPositions.JobPosition>(); List <PMS.Domain.Model.Units.Unit> unitInPeriodList = new List <PMS.Domain.Model.Units.Unit>(); List <PMS.Domain.Model.Employees.Employee> empList = new List <PMS.Domain.Model.Employees.Employee>(); #region rule Engine var uows = new MITD.Domain.Repository.UnitOfWorkScope( new Data.NH.NHUnitOfWorkFactory(() => { RuleEngineSession.sessionName = "PMSDBConnection"; return(Core.RuleEngine.NH.RuleEngineSession.GetSession()); })); using (var uow = uows.CurrentUnitOfWork as NHUnitOfWork) { var recRep = new Core.RuleEngine.NH.REConfigeRepository(uow); var rec = new Core.RuleEngine.Model.RuleEngineConfigurationItem( new Core.RuleEngine.Model.RuleEngineConfigurationItemId("RuleTextTemplate"), @" public class <#classname#> : IRule<CalculationData> { public void Execute(CalculationData data) { <#ruletext#> } }"); recRep.Add(rec); rec = new Core.RuleEngine.Model.RuleEngineConfigurationItem( new Core.RuleEngine.Model.RuleEngineConfigurationItemId("ReferencedAssemblies"), @"System.Core.dll;MITD.Core.RuleEngine.dll;MITD.PMS.RuleContracts.dll"); recRep.Add(rec); rec = new Core.RuleEngine.Model.RuleEngineConfigurationItem( new Core.RuleEngine.Model.RuleEngineConfigurationItemId("LibraryTextTemplate"), @" using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using MITD.Core; using MITD.Core.RuleEngine; using MITD.PMS.RuleContracts; using System.Linq; using System.Globalization; namespace MITD.Core.RuleEngine { public static class Utils { public static RuleResult Res = new RuleResult(); <#functions#> } public class RuleResultHelper : IRuleResult<RuleResult> { public RuleResult GetResult() { return Utils.Res; } public void Clear() { Utils.Res = new RuleResult(); } } <#rules#> }"); recRep.Add(rec); var rfRep = new Core.RuleEngine.NH.RuleFunctionRepository(uow); rf = new RuleFunction(rfRep.GetNextId(), "توابع خطکش پورتر", @" public static int IndexCount(JobPosition job, string indexCFName, string indexCFValue, string group) { return job.Indices.Count(j => j.Key.CustomFields.Any(k => k.Key == indexCFName && k.Value == indexCFValue) && j.Key.Group.DictionaryName == group); } public static string IndexGroup(KeyValuePair<JobIndex, Dictionary<Employee, Inquiry>> index) { return index.Key.Group.DictionaryName; } public static string IndexField(KeyValuePair<JobIndex, Dictionary<Employee, Inquiry>> index, string fieldName) { return index.Key.CustomFields[fieldName]; } public static RulePoint AddPoint(JobPosition job, KeyValuePair<JobIndex, Dictionary<Employee, Inquiry>> index, string name, decimal value, bool final = false) { var res = new RulePoint { Name = name, Value = value, Final = final }; if (!Utils.Res.JobResults.Any(j => j.Key == job.DictionaryName)) Utils.Res.JobResults.Add(job.DictionaryName, new JobPositionResult()); if (!Utils.Res.JobResults[job.DictionaryName].IndexResults.Any(j => j.Key == index.Key.DictionaryName)) Utils.Res.JobResults[job.DictionaryName].IndexResults.Add(index.Key.DictionaryName, new List<RulePoint>()); Utils.Res.JobResults[job.DictionaryName].IndexResults[index.Key.DictionaryName].Add(res); return res; } public static RulePoint AddPoint(JobPosition job, string name, decimal value, bool final = false) { var res = new RulePoint { Name = name, Value = value, Final = final }; if (!Utils.Res.JobResults.Any(j => j.Key == job.DictionaryName)) Utils.Res.JobResults.Add(job.DictionaryName, new JobPositionResult()); Utils.Res.JobResults[job.DictionaryName].Results.Add(res); return res; } public static RulePoint AddPoint(string name, decimal value, bool final = false) { var res = new RulePoint { Name = name, Value = value, Final = final }; Utils.Res.Results.Add(res); return res; } public static RulePoint GetPoint(JobPosition job, KeyValuePair<JobIndex, Dictionary<Employee, Inquiry>> index, string name) { return Utils.Res.JobResults[job.DictionaryName].IndexResults[index.Key.DictionaryName].Single(j=>j.Name==name); } public static decimal GetInquiryByJobPositionName( KeyValuePair<JobIndex, Dictionary<Employee, Inquiry>> jobIndex,string inquirerJobPositionName ) { return Convert.ToDecimal(jobIndex.Value.SingleOrDefault (x=>x.Value.JobPosition.DictionaryName==inquirerJobPositionName).Value.Value); } " ); rfRep.Add(rf); var ruleRep = new RuleRepository(uow); rule = new Rule(new RuleId(ruleRep.GetNextId()), "محاسبه امتیاز شاخص ها", @" //محاسبه تعداد شاخص ها با اهمیت های مختلف decimal total = 0; int it = 0; foreach(var job in data.JobPositions) { decimal a1 = Utils.IndexCount(job, ""Importance"", ""1"", ""General""); decimal b1 = Utils.IndexCount(job, ""Importance"", ""3"", ""General""); decimal c1 = Utils.IndexCount(job, ""Importance"", ""5"", ""General""); decimal d1 = Utils.IndexCount(job, ""Importance"", ""7"", ""General""); decimal e1 = Utils.IndexCount(job, ""Importance"", ""9"", ""General""); //محاسبه عدد وزنی شاخص های عمومی decimal y1 = 0; decimal n = (9 * a1 + 7 * b1 + 5 * c1 + 3 * d1 + e1); if (n != 0) y1 = 20 / n; a1 = 9 * y1; b1 = 7 * y1; c1 = 5 * y1; d1 = 3 * y1; e1 = y1; decimal a2 = Utils.IndexCount(job, ""Importance"", ""1"", ""Technical""); decimal b2 = Utils.IndexCount(job, ""Importance"", ""3"", ""Technical""); decimal c2 = Utils.IndexCount(job, ""Importance"", ""5"", ""Technical""); decimal d2 = Utils.IndexCount(job, ""Importance"", ""7"", ""Technical""); decimal e2 = Utils.IndexCount(job, ""Importance"", ""9"", ""Technical""); //محاسبه عدد وزنی شاخص های تخصصی decimal y2 = 0; decimal m = (9 * a2 + 7 * b2 + 5 * c2 + 3 * d2 + e2); if (m != 0) y2 = 80 / m; a2 = 9 * y2; b2 = 7 * y2; c2 = 5 * y2; d2 = 3 * y2; e2 = y2; decimal a3 = Utils.IndexCount(job, ""Importance"", ""1"", ""Equalizer""); decimal b3 = Utils.IndexCount(job, ""Importance"", ""3"", ""Equalizer""); decimal c3 = Utils.IndexCount(job, ""Importance"", ""5"", ""Equalizer""); decimal d3 = Utils.IndexCount(job, ""Importance"", ""7"", ""Equalizer""); decimal e3 = Utils.IndexCount(job, ""Importance"", ""9"", ""Equalizer""); //محاسبه عدد وزنی شاخص های یکسان ساز decimal z = .1m; decimal y3 = 0; decimal o = (9 * a3 + 7 * b3 + 5 * c3 + 3 * d3 + e3); if (o != 0) y3 = z / o; a3 = 9 * y3; b3 = 7 * y3; c3 = 5 * y3; d3 = 3 * y3; e3 = y3; decimal sum = 0; decimal sum2 = 0; decimal sum3 = 0; Random rnd = new Random(); foreach (var index in job.Indices) { if (Utils.IndexGroup(index) == ""General"") { if(job.Job.DictionaryName==""TechnicalInspector"") { decimal x = 0; //فرهنگ و تعهد سازمانی if(index.Key.DictionaryName==""OrganizationalCultureAndCommitment"") { var inquiryPoint=Utils.GetInquiryByJobPositionName(index,""TechnicalInspectorJobPosition""); x=inquiryPoint/9; } else if(index.Key.DictionaryName==""OrganizationalGrowthAndExcelency"") { var inquiryPoint=Utils.GetInquiryByJobPositionName(index,""TechnicalInspectorJobPosition""); x=inquiryPoint/9; } else if(index.Key.DictionaryName==""Discipline"") { var inquiryPoint=Utils.GetInquiryByJobPositionName(index,""TechnicalInspectorJobPosition""); x=inquiryPoint/9; } else if(index.Key.DictionaryName==""AdherenceToOrganizarionValues"") { var inquiryPoint=Utils.GetInquiryByJobPositionName(index,""TechnicalInspectorJobPosition""); x=inquiryPoint/9; } else if(index.Key.DictionaryName==""HardWorking"") { var inquiryPoint=Utils.GetInquiryByJobPositionName(index,""TechnicalInspectorJobPosition""); x=inquiryPoint/9; } else if(index.Key.DictionaryName==""EnglishLanquageSkills"") { var inquiryPoint=Utils.GetInquiryByJobPositionName(index,""TechnicalInspectorJobPosition""); x=inquiryPoint/9; } else if(index.Key.DictionaryName==""ICDLFamiliarity"") { var inquiryPoint=Utils.GetInquiryByJobPositionName(index,""TechnicalInspectorJobPosition""); x=inquiryPoint/9; } else if(index.Key.DictionaryName==""MentalAndPhisicalAbility"") { var inquiryPoint=Utils.GetInquiryByJobPositionName(index,""TechnicalInspectorJobPosition""); x=inquiryPoint/9; } Utils.AddPoint(job, index, ""gross"", x); } if (Utils.IndexField(index, ""Importance"") == ""9"") { sum += Utils.AddPoint(job, index, ""net"", a1 * Utils.GetPoint(job, index, ""gross"").Value).Value; } if (Utils.IndexField(index, ""Importance"") == ""7"") { sum += Utils.AddPoint(job, index, ""net"", b1 * Utils.GetPoint(job, index, ""gross"").Value).Value; } if (Utils.IndexField(index, ""Importance"") == ""5"") { sum += Utils.AddPoint(job, index, ""net"", c1 * Utils.GetPoint(job, index, ""gross"").Value).Value; } if (Utils.IndexField(index, ""Importance"") == ""3"") { sum += Utils.AddPoint(job, index, ""net"", d1 * Utils.GetPoint(job, index, ""gross"").Value).Value; } if (Utils.IndexField(index, ""Importance"") == ""1"") { sum += Utils.AddPoint(job, index, ""net"", e1 * Utils.GetPoint(job, index, ""gross"").Value).Value; } } else if (Utils.IndexGroup(index) == ""Technical"") { if(job.Job.DictionaryName==""TechnicalInspector"") { decimal x = 0; //کنترل هزینه if(index.Key.DictionaryName==""CostControl"") { x = Math.Abs(Convert.ToDecimal(job.CustomFields[""DeclaredAnnualBudget""])-Convert.ToDecimal(job.CustomFields[""TotalAnnualCost""])+1)/Convert.ToDecimal(job.CustomFields[""DeclaredAnnualBudget""]); } //برنامه ریزی و کنترل تعمیرات ادواری (زمان else if(index.Key.DictionaryName==""PereiodicMaintenancePlaningTime"") { x = Math.Abs(Convert.ToDecimal(job.CustomFields[""EstimatedPereiodicMaintenanceTime""])-Convert.ToDecimal(job.CustomFields[""ActualPereiodicMaintenanceTime""])+1)/Convert.ToDecimal(job.CustomFields[""EstimatedPereiodicMaintenanceTime""]); } //مدت زمان Off HIRE فني (ساعت) else if(index.Key.DictionaryName==""TechnicalOffHireTime"") { x = (Convert.ToDecimal(job.CustomFields[""TechnicalOffHireTime""])/Convert.ToDecimal(job.CustomFields[""ShipOperationalEfficiency""]))+1; } //مجموع تعداد نواقص اعلام شده توسط FSC و PSC برای شناورها else if(index.Key.DictionaryName==""VesselFaultSumNo"") { decimal y = Convert.ToDecimal(job.CustomFields[""PSCFSCvesselInspectionNO""]); x = 2/((Convert.ToDecimal(job.CustomFields[""VesselFaultSumNo""])/(y>0?y:1))+2); } //بهره وري دوره های تخصصی ( دوره مهندس ناظری) else if(index.Key.DictionaryName==""TechnicalCourseAttending"") { x = Convert.ToDecimal(job.CustomFields[""TechnicalCourseAttending""])/100; } else if(index.Key.DictionaryName==""BudgetQuality"") { var inquiryPoint=Utils.GetInquiryByJobPositionName(index,""TechnicalInspectorJobPosition""); x=inquiryPoint/9; } else if(index.Key.DictionaryName==""PereiodicMaintenancePlaningQuality"") { var inquiryPoint=Utils.GetInquiryByJobPositionName(index,""TechnicalInspectorJobPosition""); x=inquiryPoint/9; } else if(index.Key.DictionaryName==""VoyageMaintenancePlannigAbility"") { var inquiryPoint=Utils.GetInquiryByJobPositionName(index,""TechnicalInspectorJobPosition""); x=inquiryPoint/9; } else if(index.Key.DictionaryName==""ContractorSelectionProcess"") { var inquiryPoint=Utils.GetInquiryByJobPositionName(index,""TechnicalInspectorJobPosition""); x=inquiryPoint/9; } else if(index.Key.DictionaryName==""ProblemSolvingAbility"") { var inquiryPoint=Utils.GetInquiryByJobPositionName(index,""TechnicalInspectorJobPosition""); x=inquiryPoint/9; } else if(index.Key.DictionaryName==""CertificateUpdates"") { var inquiryPoint=Utils.GetInquiryByJobPositionName(index,""TechnicalInspectorJobPosition""); x=inquiryPoint/9; } else if(index.Key.DictionaryName==""JobSoftwareFamiliarity"") { var inquiryPoint=Utils.GetInquiryByJobPositionName(index,""TechnicalInspectorJobPosition""); x=inquiryPoint/9; } Utils.AddPoint(job, index, ""gross"", x); } if (Utils.IndexField(index, ""Importance"") == ""9"") { sum2 += Utils.AddPoint(job, index, ""net"", a2 * Utils.GetPoint(job, index, ""gross"").Value).Value; } if (Utils.IndexField(index, ""Importance"") == ""7"") { sum2 += Utils.AddPoint(job, index, ""net"", b2 * Utils.GetPoint(job, index, ""gross"").Value).Value; } if (Utils.IndexField(index, ""Importance"") == ""5"") { sum2 += Utils.AddPoint(job, index, ""net"", c2 * Utils.GetPoint(job, index, ""gross"").Value).Value; } if (Utils.IndexField(index, ""Importance"") == ""3"") { sum2 += Utils.AddPoint(job, index, ""net"", d2 * Utils.GetPoint(job, index, ""gross"").Value).Value; } if (Utils.IndexField(index, ""Importance"") == ""1"") { sum2 += Utils.AddPoint(job, index, ""net"", e2 * Utils.GetPoint(job, index, ""gross"").Value).Value; } } else if (Utils.IndexGroup(index) == ""Equalizer"") { if(job.Job.DictionaryName==""TechnicalInspector"") { decimal x = 0; //سن كشتي if(index.Key.DictionaryName==""ShipAge"") { int no = Convert.ToInt32(job.CustomFields[""ShipNo""]); for (int i = 1; i < no+1; i++) { decimal age = Convert.ToDecimal(job.CustomFields[""ShipAge""+i]); if(age>=0 && age<5) age=1; else if(age>=5 && age<10) age=3; else if(age>=10 && age<15) age=5; else if(age>=15 && age<20) age=7; else if(age>=20) age=9; else continue; x += age; } x=x/no/9; } //نوع كشتي else if(index.Key.DictionaryName==""ShipType"") { int no = Convert.ToInt32(job.CustomFields[""ShipNo""]); for (int i = 1; i < no+1; i++) { decimal type = Convert.ToDecimal(job.CustomFields[""ShipType""+i]); if(type==0) type=8; else if(type==1) type=7; else type = 9; x += type; } x=x/no/9; } //تعداد كشتي else if(index.Key.DictionaryName==""ShipNo"") { int no = Convert.ToInt32(job.CustomFields[""ShipNo""]); x=no/6; } //کیفیت پرسنل كشتي else if(index.Key.DictionaryName==""ShipStaffQuality"") { x += (110-Convert.ToDecimal(job.CustomFields[""CommandersInquiryScore""]))/100*0.328m; x += (110-Convert.ToDecimal(job.CustomFields[""FirstOfficersInquiryScore""]))/100*0.138m; x += (110-Convert.ToDecimal(job.CustomFields[""ChiefEngineersInquiryScore""]))/100*0.277m; x += (110-Convert.ToDecimal(job.CustomFields[""SecondOfficersInquiryScore""]))/100*0.128m; x += (110-Convert.ToDecimal(job.CustomFields[""ElectronicEngineersInquiryScore""]))/100*0.129m; } //کارکرد عملیاتی کشتی ( روز ) else if(index.Key.DictionaryName==""ShipOperationEfficiency"") { x = Convert.ToDecimal(job.CustomFields[""ShipOperationalEfficiency""])/(Convert.ToInt32(job.CustomFields[""ShipNo""])*30*3); } //مسیر حرکت کشتی else if(index.Key.DictionaryName==""ShipPath"") { int no = Convert.ToInt32(job.CustomFields[""ShipNo""]); for (int i = 1; i < no+1; i++) { decimal type = Convert.ToDecimal(job.CustomFields[""ShipPath""+i]); if(type==1) type=9; else if(type==2) type=9; else if(type==3) type=7; else if(type==4) type=5; else if(type==5) type=5; else if(type==6) type=9; else if(type==7) type=5; else if(type==8) type=8; else if(type==9) type=9; x += type; } x=x/no/9; } Utils.AddPoint(job, index, ""gross"", x); } if (Utils.IndexField(index, ""Importance"") == ""9"") { sum3 += Utils.AddPoint(job, index, ""net"", a3 * Utils.GetPoint(job, index, ""gross"").Value).Value; } if (Utils.IndexField(index, ""Importance"") == ""7"") { sum3 += Utils.AddPoint(job, index, ""net"", b3 * Utils.GetPoint(job, index, ""gross"").Value).Value; } if (Utils.IndexField(index, ""Importance"") == ""5"") { sum3 += Utils.AddPoint(job, index, ""net"", c3 * Utils.GetPoint(job, index, ""gross"").Value).Value; } if (Utils.IndexField(index, ""Importance"") == ""3"") { sum3 += Utils.AddPoint(job, index, ""net"", d3 * Utils.GetPoint(job, index, ""gross"").Value).Value; } if (Utils.IndexField(index, ""Importance"") == ""1"") { sum3 += Utils.AddPoint(job, index, ""net"", e3 * Utils.GetPoint(job, index, ""gross"").Value).Value; } } } Utils.AddPoint(job, ""final-general"", sum); Utils.AddPoint(job, ""initial-technical"", sum2); Utils.AddPoint(job, ""final-equalizer"", sum3); sum2 = sum2 * (1 - z / 2 + sum3); Utils.AddPoint(job, ""final-technical"", sum2); sum = Math.Min(sum + sum2 + sum3, 100); Utils.AddPoint(job, ""final-job"", sum); total += sum; it++; } if (it > 0) Utils.AddPoint(""final"", total / it, true); ", RuleType.PerCalculation, 1); ruleRep.Add(rule); uow.Commit(); } #endregion #region PMS Admin uows = new MITD.Domain.Repository.UnitOfWorkScope( new Data.NH.NHUnitOfWorkFactory(() => { return(PMSAdmin.Persistence.NH.PMSAdminSession.GetSession()); })); using (var uow = uows.CurrentUnitOfWork as NHUnitOfWork) { var cftRep = new PMSAdmin.Persistence.NH.CustomFieldRepository(uow); #region Employee CustomFields for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { var cft = new PMSAdmin.Domain.Model.CustomFieldTypes.CustomFieldType(cftRep.GetNextId(), "فبلد دلخواه کارمند" + i, "EmployeeCft" + i, 0, 100, EntityTypeEnum.Employee, "string"); cftRep.Add(cft); employeeCftList.Add(cft); } #endregion #region JobIndex CustomFields Creation for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) { var cft = new PMSAdmin.Domain.Model.CustomFieldTypes.CustomFieldType(cftRep.GetNextId(), "فبلد دلخواه شاخص شغل" + i, "JobIndexCft" + i, 0, 100, EntityTypeEnum.JobIndex, "string"); cftRep.Add(cft); jobIndexCftList.Add(cft); } var imp = new PMSAdmin.Domain.Model.CustomFieldTypes.CustomFieldType(cftRep.GetNextId(), "اهمیت", "Importance", 0, 100, EntityTypeEnum.JobIndex, "string"); cftRep.Add(imp); jobIndexCftList.Add(imp); #endregion #region Job CustomFields Creation for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { var cft = new PMSAdmin.Domain.Model.CustomFieldTypes.CustomFieldType(cftRep.GetNextId(), "فبلد دلخواه شغل" + i, "JobCft" + i, 0, 100, EntityTypeEnum.Job, "string"); cftRep.Add(cft); jobCftList.Add(cft); } #endregion var jobRep = new PMSAdmin.Persistence.NH.JobRepository(uow); #region Jobs Creation for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { var job = new PMSAdmin.Domain.Model.Jobs.Job(jobRep.GetNextId(), " شغل" + i, "Job" + i); job.AssignCustomFields(jobCftList.Skip(i * 2).Take(2).ToList()); jobRep.AddJob(job); jobList.Add(job); } #endregion var jobPositionRep = new PMSAdmin.Persistence.NH.JobPositionRepository(uow); #region JobPositions Creation for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { var jobPosition = new PMSAdmin.Domain.Model.JobPositions.JobPosition(jobPositionRep.GetNextId(), " پست" + i, "JobPosition" + i); jobPositionRep.Add(jobPosition); jobPositionList.Add(jobPosition); } #endregion var unitRep = new PMSAdmin.Persistence.NH.UnitRepository(uow); #region Unit Creation for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { var unit = new PMSAdmin.Domain.Model.Units.Unit(unitRep.GetNextId(), " واحد" + i, "Unit" + i); unitRep.Add(unit); unitList.Add(unit); } #endregion var jobIndexRep = new PMSAdmin.Persistence.NH.JobIndexRepository(uow); #region JobIndexes Creation var jobIndexCategory = new PMSAdmin.Domain.Model.JobIndices.JobIndexCategory(jobIndexRep.GetNextId(), null, "دسته شاخص", "JobIndexCategory"); jobIndexRep.Add(jobIndexCategory); for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { var jobIndex = new PMSAdmin.Domain.Model.JobIndices.JobIndex(jobIndexRep.GetNextId(), jobIndexCategory, " شاخص شغل" + i, "JobIndex" + i); var jobIndexCustomFields = jobIndexCftList.Skip(i * 2).Take(2).ToList(); jobIndexCustomFields.Add(jobIndexCftList.Single(j => j.DictionaryName == "Importance")); jobIndex.AssignCustomFields(jobIndexCustomFields); jobIndexRep.Add(jobIndex); jobIndexList.Add(jobIndex); } #endregion var policyRep = new PMSAdmin.Persistence.NH.PolicyRepository(uow); #region Policy Creation policy = new PMSAdmin.Domain.Model.Policies.RuleEngineBasedPolicy(policyRep.GetNextId(), " خظ کش پرتر", "PorterRulerPolicy"); policyRep.Add(policy); policy.AssignRule(rule); policy.AssignRuleFunction(rf); #endregion uow.Commit(); } #endregion uows = new MITD.Domain.Repository.UnitOfWorkScope( new Data.NH.NHUnitOfWorkFactory(() => PMS.Persistence.NH.PMSSession.GetSession())); using (var uow = uows.CurrentUnitOfWork as NHUnitOfWork) { var periodRep = new PeriodRepository(uow); var periodManagerService = new PeriodManagerService(periodRep, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null); #region Period creation period = new Period(new PeriodId(periodRep.GetNextId()), Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), DateTime.Now, DateTime.Now, 91); period.ChangeActiveStatus(periodManagerService, true); periodRep.Add(period); #endregion var jobIndexRep = new PMS.Persistence.NH.JobIndexRepository(uow); #region JobIndex Creation var jobIndexGroupGenaral = new PMS.Domain.Model.JobIndices.JobIndexGroup(jobIndexRep.GetNextId(), period, null, "گروه شاخص های عمومی", "General"); jobIndexRep.Add(jobIndexGroupGenaral); var jobIndexGroupTechnical = new PMS.Domain.Model.JobIndices.JobIndexGroup(jobIndexRep.GetNextId(), period, null, "گروه شاخص های تخصصی", "Technical"); jobIndexRep.Add(jobIndexGroupTechnical); var countjil = jobIndexList.Count(); var index = 0; foreach (var itm in jobIndexList.Take(countjil / 2)) { var sharedJobIndex = new PMS.Domain.Model.JobIndices.SharedJobIndex( new PMS.Domain.Model.JobIndices.SharedJobIndexId(itm.Id.Id), itm.Name, itm.DictionaryName); var jobIndex = new PMS.Domain.Model.JobIndices.JobIndex(jobIndexRep.GetNextId(), period, sharedJobIndex, jobIndexGroupGenaral, index % 2 == 0); var dicSharedCutomField = jobIndexCftList .Where(j => itm.CustomFieldTypeIdList.Select(i => i.Id).Contains(j.Id.Id)).Select(p => new PMS.Domain.Model.JobIndices.SharedJobIndexCustomField( new PMS.Domain.Model.JobIndices.SharedJobIndexCustomFieldId(p.Id.Id), p.Name, p.DictionaryName, p.MinValue, p.MaxValue)).ToDictionary(s => s, s => s.DictionaryName == "Importance" ? (((index + 1) * 2) - 1).ToString() : string.Empty); jobIndex.UpdateCustomFields(dicSharedCutomField); jobIndexInPeriodList.Add(jobIndex); jobIndexRep.Add(jobIndex); index++; } index = 0; foreach (var itm in jobIndexList.Skip(countjil / 2)) { var sharedJobIndex = new PMS.Domain.Model.JobIndices.SharedJobIndex( new PMS.Domain.Model.JobIndices.SharedJobIndexId(itm.Id.Id), itm.Name, itm.DictionaryName); var jobIndex = new PMS.Domain.Model.JobIndices.JobIndex(jobIndexRep.GetNextId(), period, sharedJobIndex, jobIndexGroupTechnical, index % 2 == 0); var dicSharedCutomField = jobIndexCftList .Where(j => itm.CustomFieldTypeIdList.Select(i => i.Id).Contains(j.Id.Id)).Select(p => new PMS.Domain.Model.JobIndices.SharedJobIndexCustomField( new PMS.Domain.Model.JobIndices.SharedJobIndexCustomFieldId(p.Id.Id), p.Name, p.DictionaryName, p.MinValue, p.MaxValue)).ToDictionary(s => s, s => s.DictionaryName == "Importance" ? (((index + 1) * 2) - 1).ToString() : string.Empty); jobIndex.UpdateCustomFields(dicSharedCutomField); jobIndexInPeriodList.Add(jobIndex); jobIndexRep.Add(jobIndex); index++; } #endregion var jobRep = new PMS.Persistence.NH.JobRepository(uow); #region Job creation foreach (var pmsAdminJob in jobList) { var jobJobIndices = jobIndexInPeriodList.Select(jobIndex => new JobJobIndex(jobIndex.Id, true, true, true)).ToList(); var job = new PMS.Domain.Model.Jobs.Job(period, new PMS.Domain.Model.Jobs.SharedJob( new PMS.Domain.Model.Jobs.SharedJobId(pmsAdminJob.Id.Id), pmsAdminJob.Name, pmsAdminJob.DictionaryName), jobCftList .Where(j => pmsAdminJob.CustomFieldTypeIdList.Select(i => i.Id) .Contains(j.Id.Id)).Select(p => new PMS.Domain.Model.Jobs.JobCustomField(new PMS.Domain.Model.Jobs.JobCustomFieldId(period.Id, new SharedJobCustomFieldId(p.Id.Id), new SharedJobId(pmsAdminJob.Id.Id)) , new SharedJobCustomField(new SharedJobCustomFieldId(p.Id.Id), p.Name, p.DictionaryName, p.MinValue, p.MaxValue, p.TypeId))).ToList(), jobJobIndices); jobInPeriodList.Add(job); jobRep.Add(job); } #endregion var unitRep = new PMS.Persistence.NH.UnitRepository(uow); #region Unit Creation foreach (var pmsAdminUnit in unitList) { var unit = new PMS.Domain.Model.Units.Unit(period, new PMS.Domain.Model.Units.SharedUnit( new PMS.Domain.Model.Units.SharedUnitId(pmsAdminUnit.Id.Id), pmsAdminUnit.Name, pmsAdminUnit.DictionaryName), null); unitInPeriodList.Add(unit); unitRep.Add(unit); } #endregion var jobPositionRep = new PMS.Persistence.NH.JobPositionRepository(uow); #region JobPosition Creation var jpIndex = 0; PMS.Domain.Model.JobPositions.JobPosition jobPositionParent = null; foreach (var pmsAdminJobPosition in jobPositionList) { var jobPosition = new PMS.Domain.Model.JobPositions.JobPosition(period, new Domain.Model.JobPositions.SharedJobPosition(new Domain.Model.JobPositions.SharedJobPositionId(pmsAdminJobPosition.Id.Id), pmsAdminJobPosition.Name, pmsAdminJobPosition.DictionaryName) , jobPositionParent, jobInPeriodList[jpIndex], unitInPeriodList[jpIndex] ); if (jpIndex != 1 && jpIndex != 2) { jobPositionParent = jobPosition; } jobPositionInPeriodList.Add(jobPosition); jobPositionRep.Add(jobPosition); jpIndex++; } #endregion var employeeRep = new PMS.Persistence.NH.EmployeeRepository(uow); #region Employee Creation for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) { var employeeCustomFields = employeeCftList.ToList() .ToDictionary( e => new Domain.Model.Employees.SharedEmployeeCustomField( new Domain.Model.Employees.SharedEmployeeCustomFieldId(e.Id.Id), e.Name, e.DictionaryName, e.MinValue, e.MaxValue), e => e.Id.Id.ToString()); var employee = new PMS.Domain.Model.Employees.Employee( ((i + 1) * 2000).ToString(), period, "کارمند" + i, "کارمندیان" + i, employeeCustomFields); var jobPositionInPeriod = jobPositionInPeriodList.Skip(i / 2).Take(1).Single(); var jobcustomFields = jobInPeriodList.Single(j => j.Id.Equals(jobPositionInPeriod.JobId)).CustomFields; if (jobcustomFields != null && jobcustomFields.Count != 0) { var employeeJobPosition = new Domain.Model.Employees.EmployeeJobPosition(employee, jobPositionInPeriod, period.StartDate, period.EndDate, 100, 1, jobcustomFields.Select(j => new EmployeeJobCustomFieldValue(j.Id, "10")).ToList() ); employee.AssignJobPositions(new List <Domain.Model.Employees.EmployeeJobPosition> { employeeJobPosition }, periodManagerService); } empList.Add(employee); employeeRep.Add(employee); } #endregion uow.Commit(); } using (var uow = uows.CurrentUnitOfWork as NHUnitOfWork) { var jobPositionRep = new PMS.Persistence.NH.JobPositionRepository(uow); var jobRep = new PMS.Persistence.NH.JobRepository(uow); var jobIndexRep = new PMS.Persistence.NH.JobIndexRepository(uow); var inquiryRep = new InquiryJobIndexPointRepository(uow); var inquiryConfiguratorService = new JobPositionInquiryConfiguratorService(jobPositionRep); foreach (var jobPosition in jobPositionInPeriodList) { var jobp = jobPositionRep.GetBy(jobPosition.Id); jobp.ConfigeInquirer(inquiryConfiguratorService, false); } uow.Commit(); } using (var uow = uows.CurrentUnitOfWork as NHUnitOfWork) { var jobPositionRep = new PMS.Persistence.NH.JobPositionRepository(uow); var jobRep = new PMS.Persistence.NH.JobRepository(uow); var jobIndexRep = new PMS.Persistence.NH.JobIndexRepository(uow); var inquiryRep = new InquiryJobIndexPointRepository(uow); var inquiryConfiguratorService = new JobPositionInquiryConfiguratorService(jobPositionRep); foreach (var jobPosition in jobPositionInPeriodList) { var jobp = jobPositionRep.GetBy(jobPosition.Id); foreach (var itm in jobp.ConfigurationItemList) { var job = jobRep.GetById(itm.JobPosition.JobId); foreach (var jobIndexId in job.JobIndexList) { var jobIndex = jobIndexRep.GetById(jobIndexId.JobIndexId); if ((jobIndex as JobIndex).IsInquireable) { var id = inquiryRep.GetNextId(); var inquiryIndexPoint = new Domain.Model.InquiryJobIndexPoints.InquiryJobIndexPoint( new Domain.Model.InquiryJobIndexPoints.InquiryJobIndexPointId(id), itm, jobIndex as Domain.Model.JobIndices.JobIndex, "5"); inquiryRep.Add(inquiryIndexPoint); } } } } uow.Commit(); } using (var uow = uows.CurrentUnitOfWork as NHUnitOfWork) { EventPublisher publisher = new EventPublisher(); var rebps = new RuleBasedPolicyEngineService(new LocatorProvider("PMSDb"), publisher); var policyRep = new MITD.PMS.Persistence.NH.PolicyRepository(uow, new PolicyConfigurator(rebps)); var pmsPolicy = policyRep.GetById(new PolicyId(policy.Id.Id)); var calcRep = new CalculationRepository(uow); var calc = new Calculation(calcRep.GetNextId(), period, pmsPolicy, "محاسبه آزمایشی", DateTime.Now, empList[0].Id.EmployeeNo + ";" + empList[1].Id.EmployeeNo); calcRep.Add(calc); uow.Commit(); } }
public virtual void PushCurrentRule(RuleFunction r) { currentRule.Push(r); }
public void EmployeeDataTest() { List <PMSAdmin.Domain.Model.CustomFieldTypes.CustomFieldType> employeeCftList = new List <CustomFieldType>(); List <PMSAdmin.Domain.Model.CustomFieldTypes.CustomFieldType> jobIndexCftList = new List <CustomFieldType>(); List <PMSAdmin.Domain.Model.CustomFieldTypes.CustomFieldType> jobCftList = new List <CustomFieldType>(); List <PMSAdmin.Domain.Model.Jobs.Job> jobList = new List <PMSAdmin.Domain.Model.Jobs.Job>(); List <PMSAdmin.Domain.Model.JobIndices.JobIndex> jobIndexList = new List <PMSAdmin.Domain.Model.JobIndices.JobIndex>(); List <PMSAdmin.Domain.Model.JobPositions.JobPosition> jobPositionList = new List <PMSAdmin.Domain.Model.JobPositions.JobPosition>(); List <PMSAdmin.Domain.Model.Units.Unit> unitList = new List <PMSAdmin.Domain.Model.Units.Unit>(); PMSAdmin.Domain.Model.Policies.RuleEngineBasedPolicy policy; Core.RuleEngine.Model.Rule rule; Core.RuleEngine.Model.RuleFunction rf; Period period; List <PMS.Domain.Model.Jobs.Job> jobInPeriodList = new List <PMS.Domain.Model.Jobs.Job>(); List <PMS.Domain.Model.JobIndices.JobIndex> jobIndexInPeriodList = new List <PMS.Domain.Model.JobIndices.JobIndex>(); List <PMS.Domain.Model.JobPositions.JobPosition> jobPositionInPeriodList = new List <PMS.Domain.Model.JobPositions.JobPosition>(); List <PMS.Domain.Model.Units.Unit> unitInPeriodList = new List <PMS.Domain.Model.Units.Unit>(); List <PMS.Domain.Model.Employees.Employee> empList = new List <PMS.Domain.Model.Employees.Employee>(); #region rule Engine var uows = new MITD.Domain.Repository.UnitOfWorkScope( new Data.NH.NHUnitOfWorkFactory(() => { RuleEngineSession.sessionName = "PMSDBConnection"; return(Core.RuleEngine.NH.RuleEngineSession.GetSession()); })); using (var uow = uows.CurrentUnitOfWork as NHUnitOfWork) { var recRep = new Core.RuleEngine.NH.REConfigeRepository(uow); var rec = new Core.RuleEngine.Model.RuleEngineConfigurationItem( new Core.RuleEngine.Model.RuleEngineConfigurationItemId("RuleTextTemplate"), @" public class <#classname#> : IRule<CalculationData> { public void Execute(CalculationData data) { <#ruletext#> } }"); recRep.Add(rec); rec = new Core.RuleEngine.Model.RuleEngineConfigurationItem( new Core.RuleEngine.Model.RuleEngineConfigurationItemId("ReferencedAssemblies"), @"System.Core.dll;MITD.Core.RuleEngine.dll;MITD.PMS.RuleContracts.dll"); recRep.Add(rec); rec = new Core.RuleEngine.Model.RuleEngineConfigurationItem( new Core.RuleEngine.Model.RuleEngineConfigurationItemId("LibraryTextTemplate"), @" using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using MITD.Core; using MITD.Core.RuleEngine; using MITD.PMS.RuleContracts; using System.Linq; using System.Globalization; namespace MITD.Core.RuleEngine { public static class Utils { public static RuleResult Res = new RuleResult(); <#functions#> } public class RuleResultHelper : IRuleResult<RuleResult> { public RuleResult GetResult() { return Utils.Res; } public void Clear() { Utils.Res = new RuleResult(); } } <#rules#> }"); recRep.Add(rec); var rfRep = new Core.RuleEngine.NH.RuleFunctionRepository(uow); rf = new RuleFunction(rfRep.GetNextId(), "توابع خطکش پورتر", @" public static int IndexCount(JobPosition job, string indexCFName, string indexCFValue, string group) { return job.Indices.Count(j => j.Key.CustomFields.Any(k => k.Key == indexCFName && k.Value == indexCFValue) && j.Key.Group.DictionaryName == group); } public static string IndexGroup(KeyValuePair<JobIndex, Dictionary<Employee, Inquiry>> index) { return index.Key.Group.DictionaryName; } public static string IndexField(KeyValuePair<JobIndex, Dictionary<Employee, Inquiry>> index, string fieldName) { return index.Key.CustomFields[fieldName]; } public static RulePoint AddPoint(JobPosition job, KeyValuePair<JobIndex, Dictionary<Employee, Inquiry>> index, string name, decimal value, bool final = false) { var res = new RulePoint { Name = name, Value = value, Final = final }; if (!Utils.Res.JobResults.Any(j => j.Key == job.DictionaryName)) Utils.Res.JobResults.Add(job.DictionaryName, new JobPositionResult()); if (!Utils.Res.JobResults[job.DictionaryName].IndexResults.Any(j => j.Key == index.Key.DictionaryName)) Utils.Res.JobResults[job.DictionaryName].IndexResults.Add(index.Key.DictionaryName, new List<RulePoint>()); Utils.Res.JobResults[job.DictionaryName].IndexResults[index.Key.DictionaryName].Add(res); return res; } public static RulePoint AddPoint(JobPosition job, string name, decimal value, bool final = false) { var res = new RulePoint { Name = name, Value = value, Final = final }; if (!Utils.Res.JobResults.Any(j => j.Key == job.DictionaryName)) Utils.Res.JobResults.Add(job.DictionaryName, new JobPositionResult()); Utils.Res.JobResults[job.DictionaryName].Results.Add(res); return res; } public static RulePoint AddPoint(string name, decimal value, bool final = false) { var res = new RulePoint { Name = name, Value = value, Final = final }; Utils.Res.Results.Add(res); return res; } public static RulePoint GetPoint(JobPosition job, KeyValuePair<JobIndex, Dictionary<Employee, Inquiry>> index, string name) { return Utils.Res.JobResults[job.DictionaryName].IndexResults[index.Key.DictionaryName].Single(j=>j.Name==name); } " ); rfRep.Add(rf); var ruleRep = new RuleRepository(uow); rule = new Rule(new RuleId(ruleRep.GetNextId()), "محاسبه امتیاز شاخص ها", @" //محاسبه تعداد شاخص ها با اهمیت های مختلف decimal total = 0; int it = 0; foreach(var job in data.JobPositions) { decimal a1 = Utils.IndexCount(job, ""Importance"", ""1"", ""General""); decimal b1 = Utils.IndexCount(job, ""Importance"", ""3"", ""General""); decimal c1 = Utils.IndexCount(job, ""Importance"", ""5"", ""General""); decimal d1 = Utils.IndexCount(job, ""Importance"", ""7"", ""General""); decimal e1 = Utils.IndexCount(job, ""Importance"", ""9"", ""General""); //محاسبه عدد وزنی شاخص های عمومی decimal y1 = 0; decimal n = (9 * a1 + 7 * b1 + 5 * c1 + 3 * d1 + e1); if (n != 0) y1 = 20 / n; a1 = 9 * y1; b1 = 7 * y1; c1 = 5 * y1; d1 = 3 * y1; e1 = y1; decimal a2 = Utils.IndexCount(job, ""Importance"", ""1"", ""Technical""); decimal b2 = Utils.IndexCount(job, ""Importance"", ""3"", ""Technical""); decimal c2 = Utils.IndexCount(job, ""Importance"", ""5"", ""Technical""); decimal d2 = Utils.IndexCount(job, ""Importance"", ""7"", ""Technical""); decimal e2 = Utils.IndexCount(job, ""Importance"", ""9"", ""Technical""); //محاسبه عدد وزنی شاخص های تخصصی decimal y2 = 0; decimal m = (9 * a2 + 7 * b2 + 5 * c2 + 3 * d2 + e2); if (m != 0) y2 = 80 / m; a2 = 9 * y2; b2 = 7 * y2; c2 = 5 * y2; d2 = 3 * y2; e2 = y2; decimal a3 = Utils.IndexCount(job, ""Importance"", ""1"", ""Equalizer""); decimal b3 = Utils.IndexCount(job, ""Importance"", ""3"", ""Equalizer""); decimal c3 = Utils.IndexCount(job, ""Importance"", ""5"", ""Equalizer""); decimal d3 = Utils.IndexCount(job, ""Importance"", ""7"", ""Equalizer""); decimal e3 = Utils.IndexCount(job, ""Importance"", ""9"", ""Equalizer""); //محاسبه عدد وزنی شاخص های یکسان ساز decimal z = .1m; decimal y3 = 0; decimal o = (9 * a3 + 7 * b3 + 5 * c3 + 3 * d3 + e3); if (o != 0) y3 = z / o; a3 = 9 * y3; b3 = 7 * y3; c3 = 5 * y3; d3 = 3 * y3; e3 = y3; decimal sum = 0; decimal sum2 = 0; decimal sum3 = 0; Random rnd = new Random(); foreach (var index in job.Indices) { if (Utils.IndexGroup(index) == ""General"") { Utils.AddPoint(job, index, ""gross"", Convert.ToDecimal(rnd.NextDouble())); if (Utils.IndexField(index, ""Importance"") == ""9"") { sum += Utils.AddPoint(job, index, ""net"", a1 * Utils.GetPoint(job, index, ""gross"").Value).Value; } if (Utils.IndexField(index, ""Importance"") == ""7"") { sum += Utils.AddPoint(job, index, ""net"", b1 * Utils.GetPoint(job, index, ""gross"").Value).Value; } if (Utils.IndexField(index, ""Importance"") == ""5"") { sum += Utils.AddPoint(job, index, ""net"", c1 * Utils.GetPoint(job, index, ""gross"").Value).Value; } if (Utils.IndexField(index, ""Importance"") == ""3"") { sum += Utils.AddPoint(job, index, ""net"", d1 * Utils.GetPoint(job, index, ""gross"").Value).Value; } if (Utils.IndexField(index, ""Importance"") == ""1"") { sum += Utils.AddPoint(job, index, ""net"", e1 * Utils.GetPoint(job, index, ""gross"").Value).Value; } } else if (Utils.IndexGroup(index) == ""Technical"") { Utils.AddPoint(job, index, ""gross"", Convert.ToDecimal(rnd.NextDouble())); if (Utils.IndexField(index, ""Importance"") == ""9"") { sum2 += Utils.AddPoint(job, index, ""net"", a2 * Utils.GetPoint(job, index, ""gross"").Value).Value; } if (Utils.IndexField(index, ""Importance"") == ""7"") { sum2 += Utils.AddPoint(job, index, ""net"", b2 * Utils.GetPoint(job, index, ""gross"").Value).Value; } if (Utils.IndexField(index, ""Importance"") == ""5"") { sum2 += Utils.AddPoint(job, index, ""net"", c2 * Utils.GetPoint(job, index, ""gross"").Value).Value; } if (Utils.IndexField(index, ""Importance"") == ""3"") { sum2 += Utils.AddPoint(job, index, ""net"", d2 * Utils.GetPoint(job, index, ""gross"").Value).Value; } if (Utils.IndexField(index, ""Importance"") == ""1"") { sum2 += Utils.AddPoint(job, index, ""net"", e2 * Utils.GetPoint(job, index, ""gross"").Value).Value; } } else if (Utils.IndexGroup(index) == ""Equalizer"") { Utils.AddPoint(job, index, ""gross"", Convert.ToDecimal(rnd.NextDouble())); if (Utils.IndexField(index, ""Importance"") == ""9"") { sum3 += Utils.AddPoint(job, index, ""net"", a3 * Utils.GetPoint(job, index, ""gross"").Value).Value; } if (Utils.IndexField(index, ""Importance"") == ""7"") { sum3 += Utils.AddPoint(job, index, ""net"", b3 * Utils.GetPoint(job, index, ""gross"").Value).Value; } if (Utils.IndexField(index, ""Importance"") == ""5"") { sum3 += Utils.AddPoint(job, index, ""net"", c3 * Utils.GetPoint(job, index, ""gross"").Value).Value; } if (Utils.IndexField(index, ""Importance"") == ""3"") { sum3 += Utils.AddPoint(job, index, ""net"", d3 * Utils.GetPoint(job, index, ""gross"").Value).Value; } if (Utils.IndexField(index, ""Importance"") == ""1"") { sum3 += Utils.AddPoint(job, index, ""net"", e3 * Utils.GetPoint(job, index, ""gross"").Value).Value; } } } Utils.AddPoint(job, ""final-general"", sum); Utils.AddPoint(job, ""initial-technical"", sum2); Utils.AddPoint(job, ""final-equalizer"", sum3); sum2 = sum2 * (1 - z / 2 + sum3); Utils.AddPoint(job, ""final-technical"", sum2); sum = Math.Min(sum + sum2 + sum3, 100); Utils.AddPoint(job, ""final-job"", sum); total += sum; it++; } if (it > 0) Utils.AddPoint(""final"", total / it, true); ", RuleType.PerCalculation, 1); ruleRep.Add(rule); uow.Commit(); } #endregion #region PMS Admin uows = new MITD.Domain.Repository.UnitOfWorkScope( new Data.NH.NHUnitOfWorkFactory(() => { return(PMSAdmin.Persistence.NH.PMSAdminSession.GetSession()); })); using (var uow = uows.CurrentUnitOfWork as NHUnitOfWork) { var cftRep = new PMSAdmin.Persistence.NH.CustomFieldRepository(uow); #region Employee CustomFields for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { var cft = new PMSAdmin.Domain.Model.CustomFieldTypes.CustomFieldType(cftRep.GetNextId(), "فبلد دلخواه کارمند" + i, "EmployeeCft" + i, 0, 100, EntityTypeEnum.Employee, "string"); cftRep.Add(cft); employeeCftList.Add(cft); } #endregion #region JobIndex CustomFields Creation for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) { var cft = new PMSAdmin.Domain.Model.CustomFieldTypes.CustomFieldType(cftRep.GetNextId(), "فبلد دلخواه شاخص شغل" + i, "JobIndexCft" + i, 0, 100, EntityTypeEnum.JobIndex, "string"); cftRep.Add(cft); jobIndexCftList.Add(cft); } var imp = new PMSAdmin.Domain.Model.CustomFieldTypes.CustomFieldType(cftRep.GetNextId(), "اهمیت", "Importance", 0, 100, EntityTypeEnum.JobIndex, "string"); cftRep.Add(imp); jobIndexCftList.Add(imp); #endregion #region Job CustomFields Creation for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { var cft = new PMSAdmin.Domain.Model.CustomFieldTypes.CustomFieldType(cftRep.GetNextId(), "فبلد دلخواه شغل" + i, "JobCft" + i, 0, 100, EntityTypeEnum.Job, "string"); cftRep.Add(cft); jobCftList.Add(cft); } #endregion var jobRep = new PMSAdmin.Persistence.NH.JobRepository(uow); #region Jobs Creation for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { var job = new PMSAdmin.Domain.Model.Jobs.Job(jobRep.GetNextId(), " شغل" + i, "Job" + i); job.AssignCustomFields(jobCftList.Skip(i * 2).Take(2).ToList()); jobRep.AddJob(job); jobList.Add(job); } #endregion var jobPositionRep = new PMSAdmin.Persistence.NH.JobPositionRepository(uow); #region JobPositions Creation for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { var jobPosition = new PMSAdmin.Domain.Model.JobPositions.JobPosition(jobPositionRep.GetNextId(), " پست" + i, "JobPosition" + i); jobPositionRep.Add(jobPosition); jobPositionList.Add(jobPosition); } #endregion var unitRep = new PMSAdmin.Persistence.NH.UnitRepository(uow); #region Unit Creation for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { var unit = new PMSAdmin.Domain.Model.Units.Unit(unitRep.GetNextId(), " واحد" + i, "Unit" + i); unitRep.Add(unit); unitList.Add(unit); } #endregion var jobIndexRep = new PMSAdmin.Persistence.NH.JobIndexRepository(uow); #region JobIndexes Creation var jobIndexCategory = new PMSAdmin.Domain.Model.JobIndices.JobIndexCategory(jobIndexRep.GetNextId(), null, "دسته شاخص", "JobIndexCategory"); jobIndexRep.Add(jobIndexCategory); for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { var jobIndex = new PMSAdmin.Domain.Model.JobIndices.JobIndex(jobIndexRep.GetNextId(), jobIndexCategory, " شاخص شغل" + i, "JobIndex" + i); var jobIndexCustomFields = jobIndexCftList.Skip(i * 2).Take(2).ToList(); jobIndexCustomFields.Add(jobIndexCftList.Single(j => j.DictionaryName == "Importance")); jobIndex.AssignCustomFields(jobIndexCustomFields); jobIndexRep.Add(jobIndex); jobIndexList.Add(jobIndex); } #endregion var policyRep = new PMSAdmin.Persistence.NH.PolicyRepository(uow); #region Policy Creation policy = new PMSAdmin.Domain.Model.Policies.RuleEngineBasedPolicy(policyRep.GetNextId(), " خظ کش پرتر", "PorterRulerPolicy"); policyRep.Add(policy); policy.AssignRule(rule); policy.AssignRuleFunction(rf); #endregion uow.Commit(); } #endregion uows = new MITD.Domain.Repository.UnitOfWorkScope( new Data.NH.NHUnitOfWorkFactory(() => PMS.Persistence.NH.PMSSession.GetSession())); using (var uow = uows.CurrentUnitOfWork as NHUnitOfWork) { var periodRep = new PeriodRepository(uow); var periodManagerService = new PeriodManagerService(periodRep, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null); #region Period creation period = new Period(new PeriodId(periodRep.GetNextId()), Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), DateTime.Now, DateTime.Now, 91); period.ChangeActiveStatus(periodManagerService, true); periodRep.Add(period); #endregion var jobIndexRep = new PMS.Persistence.NH.JobIndexRepository(uow); #region JobIndex Creation var jobIndexGroupGenaral = new PMS.Domain.Model.JobIndices.JobIndexGroup(jobIndexRep.GetNextId(), period, null, "گروه شاخص های عمومی", "General"); jobIndexRep.Add(jobIndexGroupGenaral); var jobIndexGroupTechnical = new PMS.Domain.Model.JobIndices.JobIndexGroup(jobIndexRep.GetNextId(), period, null, "گروه شاخص های تخصصی", "Technical"); jobIndexRep.Add(jobIndexGroupTechnical); var countjil = jobIndexList.Count(); var index = 0; foreach (var itm in jobIndexList.Take(countjil / 2)) { var sharedJobIndex = new PMS.Domain.Model.JobIndices.SharedJobIndex( new PMS.Domain.Model.JobIndices.SharedJobIndexId(itm.Id.Id), itm.Name, itm.DictionaryName); var jobIndex = new PMS.Domain.Model.JobIndices.JobIndex(jobIndexRep.GetNextId(), period, sharedJobIndex, jobIndexGroupGenaral, index % 2 == 0); var dicSharedCutomField = jobIndexCftList .Where(j => itm.CustomFieldTypeIdList.Select(i => i.Id).Contains(j.Id.Id)).Select(p => new PMS.Domain.Model.JobIndices.SharedJobIndexCustomField( new PMS.Domain.Model.JobIndices.SharedJobIndexCustomFieldId(p.Id.Id), p.Name, p.DictionaryName, p.MinValue, p.MaxValue)).ToDictionary(s => s, s => s.DictionaryName == "Importance" ? (((index + 1) * 2) - 1).ToString() : string.Empty); jobIndex.UpdateCustomFields(dicSharedCutomField); jobIndexInPeriodList.Add(jobIndex); jobIndexRep.Add(jobIndex); index++; } index = 0; foreach (var itm in jobIndexList.Skip(countjil / 2)) { var sharedJobIndex = new PMS.Domain.Model.JobIndices.SharedJobIndex( new PMS.Domain.Model.JobIndices.SharedJobIndexId(itm.Id.Id), itm.Name, itm.DictionaryName); var jobIndex = new PMS.Domain.Model.JobIndices.JobIndex(jobIndexRep.GetNextId(), period, sharedJobIndex, jobIndexGroupTechnical, index % 2 == 0); var dicSharedCutomField = jobIndexCftList .Where(j => itm.CustomFieldTypeIdList.Select(i => i.Id).Contains(j.Id.Id)).Select(p => new PMS.Domain.Model.JobIndices.SharedJobIndexCustomField( new PMS.Domain.Model.JobIndices.SharedJobIndexCustomFieldId(p.Id.Id), p.Name, p.DictionaryName, p.MinValue, p.MaxValue)).ToDictionary(s => s, s => s.DictionaryName == "Importance" ? (((index + 1) * 2) - 1).ToString() : string.Empty); jobIndex.UpdateCustomFields(dicSharedCutomField); jobIndexInPeriodList.Add(jobIndex); jobIndexRep.Add(jobIndex); index++; } #endregion var jobRep = new PMS.Persistence.NH.JobRepository(uow); #region Job creation foreach (var pmsAdminJob in jobList) { var jobJobIndices = jobIndexInPeriodList.Select(jobIndex => new JobJobIndex(jobIndex.Id, true, true, true)).ToList(); var job = new PMS.Domain.Model.Jobs.Job(period, new PMS.Domain.Model.Jobs.SharedJob( new PMS.Domain.Model.Jobs.SharedJobId(pmsAdminJob.Id.Id), pmsAdminJob.Name, pmsAdminJob.DictionaryName), jobCftList .Where(j => pmsAdminJob.CustomFieldTypeIdList.Select(i => i.Id) .Contains(j.Id.Id)).Select(p => new PMS.Domain.Model.Jobs.JobCustomField(new PMS.Domain.Model.Jobs.JobCustomFieldId(period.Id, new SharedJobCustomFieldId(p.Id.Id), new SharedJobId(pmsAdminJob.Id.Id)) , new SharedJobCustomField(new SharedJobCustomFieldId(p.Id.Id), p.Name, p.DictionaryName, p.MinValue, p.MaxValue, p.TypeId))).ToList(), jobJobIndices); jobInPeriodList.Add(job); jobRep.Add(job); } #endregion var unitRep = new PMS.Persistence.NH.UnitRepository(uow); #region Unit Creation foreach (var pmsAdminUnit in unitList) { var unit = new PMS.Domain.Model.Units.Unit(period, new PMS.Domain.Model.Units.SharedUnit( new PMS.Domain.Model.Units.SharedUnitId(pmsAdminUnit.Id.Id), pmsAdminUnit.Name, pmsAdminUnit.DictionaryName), null); unitInPeriodList.Add(unit); unitRep.Add(unit); } #endregion var jobPositionRep = new PMS.Persistence.NH.JobPositionRepository(uow); #region JobPosition Creation var jpIndex = 0; PMS.Domain.Model.JobPositions.JobPosition jobPositionParent = null; foreach (var pmsAdminJobPosition in jobPositionList) { var jobPosition = new PMS.Domain.Model.JobPositions.JobPosition(period, new Domain.Model.JobPositions.SharedJobPosition(new Domain.Model.JobPositions.SharedJobPositionId(pmsAdminJobPosition.Id.Id), pmsAdminJobPosition.Name, pmsAdminJobPosition.DictionaryName) , jobPositionParent, jobInPeriodList[jpIndex], unitInPeriodList[jpIndex] ); if (jpIndex != 1 && jpIndex != 2) { jobPositionParent = jobPosition; } jobPositionInPeriodList.Add(jobPosition); jobPositionRep.Add(jobPosition); jpIndex++; } #endregion var employeeRep = new PMS.Persistence.NH.EmployeeRepository(uow); #region Employee Creation for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) { var employeeCustomFields = employeeCftList.ToList() .ToDictionary( e => new Domain.Model.Employees.SharedEmployeeCustomField( new Domain.Model.Employees.SharedEmployeeCustomFieldId(e.Id.Id), e.Name, e.DictionaryName, e.MinValue, e.MaxValue), e => e.Id.Id.ToString()); var employee = new PMS.Domain.Model.Employees.Employee( ((i + 1) * 2000).ToString(), period, "کارمند" + i, "کارمندیان" + i, employeeCustomFields); var jobPositionInPeriod = jobPositionInPeriodList.Skip(i / 2).Take(1).Single(); var jobcustomFields = jobInPeriodList.Single(j => j.Id.Equals(jobPositionInPeriod.JobId)).CustomFields; if (jobcustomFields != null && jobcustomFields.Count != 0) { var employeeJobPosition = new Domain.Model.Employees.EmployeeJobPosition(employee, jobPositionInPeriod, period.StartDate, period.EndDate, 100, 1, jobcustomFields.Select(j => new EmployeeJobCustomFieldValue(j.Id, "10")).ToList() ); employee.AssignJobPositions(new List <Domain.Model.Employees.EmployeeJobPosition> { employeeJobPosition }, periodManagerService); } empList.Add(employee); employeeRep.Add(employee); } #endregion uow.Commit(); } using (var uow = uows.CurrentUnitOfWork as NHUnitOfWork) { var jobPositionRep = new PMS.Persistence.NH.JobPositionRepository(uow); var jobRep = new PMS.Persistence.NH.JobRepository(uow); var jobIndexRep = new PMS.Persistence.NH.JobIndexRepository(uow); var inquiryRep = new InquiryJobIndexPointRepository(uow); var inquiryConfiguratorService = new JobPositionInquiryConfiguratorService(jobPositionRep); foreach (var jobPosition in jobPositionInPeriodList) { var jobp = jobPositionRep.GetBy(jobPosition.Id); jobp.ConfigeInquirer(inquiryConfiguratorService, false); } uow.Commit(); } using (var uow = uows.CurrentUnitOfWork as NHUnitOfWork) { var jobPositionRep = new PMS.Persistence.NH.JobPositionRepository(uow); var jobRep = new PMS.Persistence.NH.JobRepository(uow); var jobIndexRep = new PMS.Persistence.NH.JobIndexRepository(uow); var inquiryRep = new InquiryJobIndexPointRepository(uow); var inquiryConfiguratorService = new JobPositionInquiryConfiguratorService(jobPositionRep); foreach (var jobPosition in jobPositionInPeriodList) { var jobp = jobPositionRep.GetBy(jobPosition.Id); foreach (var itm in jobp.ConfigurationItemList) { var job = jobRep.GetById(itm.JobPosition.JobId); foreach (var jobIndexId in job.JobIndexList) { var jobIndex = jobIndexRep.GetById(jobIndexId.JobIndexId); if ((jobIndex as JobIndex).IsInquireable) { var id = inquiryRep.GetNextId(); var inquiryIndexPoint = new Domain.Model.InquiryJobIndexPoints.InquiryJobIndexPoint( new Domain.Model.InquiryJobIndexPoints.InquiryJobIndexPointId(id), itm, jobIndex as Domain.Model.JobIndices.JobIndex, "5"); inquiryRep.Add(inquiryIndexPoint); } } } } uow.Commit(); } using (var uow = uows.CurrentUnitOfWork as NHUnitOfWork) { EventPublisher publisher = new EventPublisher(); var rebps = new RuleBasedPolicyEngineService(new LocatorProvider("PMSDb"), publisher); var policyRep = new MITD.PMS.Persistence.NH.PolicyRepository(uow, new PolicyConfigurator(rebps)); var pmsPolicy = policyRep.GetById(new PolicyId(policy.Id.Id)); var calcRep = new CalculationRepository(uow); var calc = new Calculation(calcRep.GetNextId(), period, pmsPolicy, "محاسبه آزمایشی", DateTime.Now, empList[0].Id.EmployeeNo + ";" + empList[1].Id.EmployeeNo); calcRep.Add(calc); uow.Commit(); } }