public void JSONSerializationOfOneRuleWithoutConditionsWithoutTimeWindowIsCorrect() { // Arrange var rule = new RuleApiModel { Enabled = true, Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), Name = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), Description = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), GroupId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), Severity = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), Calculation = SOURCE_NO_AGGREGATION }; // Act var target = new AsaRefDataRule(rule); var json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(target); this.log.WriteLine("JSON: " + json); // Assert var expectedJSON = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new { Id = rule.Id, Name = rule.Name, Description = rule.Description, GroupId = rule.GroupId, Severity = rule.Severity, AggregationWindow = ASA_AGGREGATION_NONE, Fields = new string[] { }, __rulefilterjs = "return true;" }); Assert.Equal(expectedJSON, json); }
public void ItExportsRulesToTempFile() { // Arrange var rule1 = new RuleApiModel { Enabled = true, Name = "rule alpha" }; var rule2 = new RuleApiModel { Enabled = true, Name = "rule beta" }; var rules = new List <RuleApiModel> { rule1, rule2 }; var filename = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); this.fileWrapper.Setup(x => x.GetTempFileName()).Returns(filename); // Act, DateTimeOffset.UtcNow) .Wait(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(TEST_TIMEOUT)); // Assert this.fileWrapper.Verify( x => x.WriteAllText(filename, It.Is <string>(s => s.Contains(rule1.Name) && s.Contains(rule2.Name))), Times.Once); }
public void JSONSerializationOfOneRuleWithConditionsWithTimeWindowIsCorrect(string sourceOperator, string jsOperator) { // Arrange var rule = new RuleApiModel { Enabled = true, Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), Name = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), Description = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), GroupId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), Severity = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), Calculation = SOURCE_AVG_AGGREGATOR, TimePeriod = SOURCE_5MINS_AGGREGATION, Conditions = new List <ConditionApiModel> { new ConditionApiModel { Field = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N"), Operator = sourceOperator, Value = (new Random().Next(-10000, 10000) / 1.1).ToString() }, new ConditionApiModel { Field = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N"), Operator = sourceOperator, Value = new Random().Next(-10000, 10000).ToString() }, new ConditionApiModel { Field = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N"), Operator = sourceOperator, Value = (new Random().Next(-10000, 10000) / 1.3).ToString() }, } }; // Act var target = new AsaRefDataRule(rule); var json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(target); this.log.WriteLine("JSON: " + json); // Assert var cond1 = $"record.__aggregates.{rule.Conditions[0].Field}{ASA_JS_AVG_FIELD} {jsOperator} {rule.Conditions[0].Value}"; var cond2 = $"record.__aggregates.{rule.Conditions[1].Field}{ASA_JS_AVG_FIELD} {jsOperator} {rule.Conditions[1].Value}"; var cond3 = $"record.__aggregates.{rule.Conditions[2].Field}{ASA_JS_AVG_FIELD} {jsOperator} {rule.Conditions[2].Value}"; var expectedJSON = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new { Id = rule.Id, Name = rule.Name, Description = rule.Description, GroupId = rule.GroupId, Severity = rule.Severity, AggregationWindow = ASA_AGGREGATION_WINDOW_TUMBLING_5MINS, Fields = rule.Conditions.Select(x => x.Field), __rulefilterjs = $"return ({cond1} && {cond2} && {cond3}) ? true : false;" }); Assert.Equal(expectedJSON, json); }
public void ItExportsRulesToBlob() { // Arrange var time = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow; var blobfile = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); var rule = new RuleApiModel { Enabled = true, Name = "rule alpha" }; var rules = new List <RuleApiModel> { rule }; var filename = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); this.fileWrapper.Setup(x => x.GetTempFileName()).Returns(filename); this.blobStorageConfig.SetupGet(x => x.ReferenceDataDateFormat).Returns("yyyy-MM-dd"); this.blobStorageConfig.SetupGet(x => x.ReferenceDataTimeFormat).Returns("HH-mm"); this.blobStorageConfig.SetupGet(x => x.ReferenceDataRulesFileName).Returns(blobfile); // Act, time) .Wait(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(TEST_TIMEOUT)); // Assert var blobName = $"{time:yyyy-MM-dd/HH-mm}/{blobfile}"; this.blobStorageHelper.Verify( x => x.WriteBlobFromFileAsync(blobName, filename), Times.Once); }
public void ConstructorTest() { var rules = new RuleApiModel[] { }; mockRules .Setup(x => x.GetAllAsync()) .ReturnsAsync(rules); mockWriter .Setup(x => x.OpenAsync(It.IsAny <IStorageServiceConfig>())) .Returns(Task.FromResult(0)); var unused = new Alarms( logger, new ServicesConfig { AlarmsStorageServiceConfig = null }, mockRules.Object, mockRulesEvaluation.Object, mockWriter.Object); mockRules .Verify(x => x.GetAllAsync(), Times.Once); mockWriter .Verify(x => x.OpenAsync(It.IsAny <IStorageServiceConfig>()), Times.Once); }
public RulesEvaluationResult Evaluate(RuleApiModel rule, RawMessage message) { var result = new RulesEvaluationResult(); if (GroupContainsDevice(message.DeviceId, rule.GroupId)) { logger.Debug($"Evaluating rule {rule.Description} for device {message.DeviceId} with {rule.Conditions.Count()} conditions", () => { }); var descriptions = new List <string>(); foreach (var c in rule.Conditions) { var eval = EvaluateCondition(c, message); // perf: all conditions must match, break as soon as one doesn't if (!eval.Match) { return(result); } descriptions.Add(eval.Message); } result.Match = true; result.Message = string.Join("; ", descriptions); } else { logger.Debug($"Skipping rule {rule.Description} because device {message.DeviceId} doesn't belong to group {rule.GroupId}", () => { }); } return(result); }
public void EvaluateTest() { var evaluation = new RulesEvaluation( logger, mockDeviceGroups.Object); // Repeat times for broader coverage foreach (var unused in Enumerable.Range(0, 10)) { var totalConditions = rand.Next(3, 10); var message = rand.NextRawMessage(); var rule = new RuleApiModel { GroupId = rand.NextString(), Conditions = Enumerable.Range(0, totalConditions).Select(i => GenerateCondition(message, true)).ToList() }; mockDeviceGroups .Setup(x => x.GetDevicesAsync( It.IsAny <string>())) .ReturnsAsync(new[] { message.DeviceId }); var result = evaluation.Evaluate(rule, message); mockDeviceGroups .Verify(x => x.GetDevicesAsync( It.Is <string>(s => s == rule.GroupId)), Times.Once); Assert.True(result.Match); } }
public void ItCanBeSerializedToJson() { // Arrange var rule = new RuleApiModel { Enabled = true }; // Act var target = new AsaRefDataRule(rule); var json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(target); this.log.WriteLine("JSON: " + json); // Assert var expectedJSON = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new { Id = (string)null, Name = (string)null, Description = (string)null, GroupId = (string)null, Severity = (string)null, AggregationWindow = (string)null, Fields = new string[] { }, Actions = new List <IActionApiModel>(), __rulefilterjs = "return true;" }); Assert.Equal(expectedJSON, json); }
public void InstancesWithDifferentDataAreDifferent() { // Arrange var x = new RuleApiModel { Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), Name = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), Enabled = true, Description = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), GroupId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), Severity = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), Conditions = new List <ConditionApiModel>() }; var y1 = Clone(x); var y2 = Clone(x); var y3 = Clone(x); var y4 = Clone(x); var y5 = Clone(x); y1.Id += "x"; y2.Name += "x"; y3.Enabled = !y3.Enabled; y4.GroupId += "x"; y5.Severity += "x"; // Assert Assert.False(x.Equals(y1)); Assert.False(x.Equals(y2)); Assert.False(x.Equals(y3)); Assert.False(x.Equals(y4)); Assert.False(x.Equals(y5)); }
public AsaRefDataRule(RuleApiModel rule) : this() { if (!rule.Enabled || rule.Deleted) { return; } this.Id = rule.Id; this.Name = rule.Name; this.Description = rule.Description; this.GroupId = rule.GroupId; this.Severity = rule.Severity; this.AggregationWindow = GetAggregationWindowValue(rule.Calculation, rule.TimePeriod); this.Fields = new List <string>(); this.conditions = new List <Condition>(); foreach (var c in rule.Conditions) { var condition = new Condition { Calculation = rule.Calculation, Field = c.Field, Operator = c.Operator, Value = c.Value }; this.conditions.Add(condition); this.Fields.Add(c.Field); } if (rule.Actions != null && rule.Actions.Count >= 0) { this.Actions = rule.Actions; } }
public async Task GetAllAsyncTest() { var ruleList = new RuleApiModel[] { }; var model = new RuleListApiModel { Items = ruleList }; mockHttpClient .Setup(x => x.GetAsync <RuleListApiModel>( It.IsAny <string>(), It.IsAny <string>(), It.IsAny <bool>())) .ReturnsAsync(model); var result = await rules.GetAllAsync(); Assert.Equal(result, ruleList); mockHttpClient .Verify(x => x.GetAsync <RuleListApiModel>( It.Is <string>(s => s == $"{config.MonitoringRulesUrl}/rules"), It.IsAny <string>(), It.Is <bool>(b => !b)), Times.Once); }
private void VerifyRuleContents( RuleApiModel ruleRequest, RuleApiModel ruleResponse, IHttpResponse response, bool includesActions = false) { Assert.Equal(HttpStatusCode.OK, response.StatusCode); Assert.Equal(ruleRequest.Name, ruleResponse.Name); Assert.Equal(ruleRequest.Description, ruleResponse.Description); Assert.Equal(ruleRequest.GroupId, ruleResponse.GroupId); Assert.Equal(ruleRequest.Severity, ruleResponse.Severity); Assert.Equal(ruleRequest.Enabled, ruleResponse.Enabled); Assert.Equal(ruleRequest.Calculation, ruleResponse.Calculation); Assert.Equal(ruleRequest.Conditions[0].Field, ruleResponse.Conditions[0].Field); Assert.Equal(ruleRequest.Conditions[0].Operator, ruleResponse.Conditions[0].Operator); Assert.Equal(ruleRequest.Conditions[0].Value, ruleResponse.Conditions[0].Value); if (includesActions) { Assert.NotEmpty(ruleResponse.Actions); Assert.Equal(ruleRequest.Actions[0].Type, ruleResponse.Actions[0].Type); var requestParameters = ruleRequest.Actions[0].Parameters; var responseParameters = ruleResponse.Actions[0].Parameters; Assert.Equal(requestParameters["Subject"], responseParameters["Subject"]); Assert.Equal(requestParameters["Notes"], responseParameters["Notes"]); Assert.Equal(((JArray)requestParameters["Recipients"])[0], ((JArray)responseParameters["Recipients"])[0]); } }
public void EmptyInstancesAreEqual() { // Arrange var x = new RuleApiModel(); var y = new RuleApiModel(); // Assert Assert.True(x.Equals(y)); }
private IHttpResponse GetRuleFromTelemetryService(RuleApiModel ruleRequest) { var request = new HttpRequest(Constants.TELEMETRY_ADDRESS + RULES_ENDPOINT_SUFFIX); request.AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/json"); request.SetContent(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(ruleRequest)); return(this.httpClient.PostAsync(request).Result); }
public async Task <RuleApiModel> PutAsync( [FromRoute] string id, [FromBody] RuleApiModel rule) { if (rule == null) { throw new InvalidInputException("Rule not provided in request body."); } //Ensure the id on the model matches the route rule.Id = id; Rule updatedRule = await this.ruleService.UpsertIfNotDeletedAsync(rule.ToServiceModel()); return(new RuleApiModel(updatedRule, false)); }
private RuleApiModel GetSampleRuleWithCalculation(string calculation, string timePeriod, bool includeActions = false) { var condition = new ConditionApiModel() { Field = "pressure", Operator = "GreaterThan", Value = "150" }; var conditions = new List <ConditionApiModel> { condition }; RuleApiModel result = new RuleApiModel() { Name = calculation + " Test Rule", Description = "Test Description", GroupId = DEFAULT_CHILLERS_GROUP_ID, Severity = "Info", Enabled = true, Calculation = calculation, TimePeriod = timePeriod, Conditions = conditions }; if (includeActions) { var parameters = new Dictionary <string, object> { { "Notes", "Fake Note" }, { "Subject", "Fake Subject" } }; var emails = new JArray { "*****@*****.**" }; parameters.Add("Recipients", emails); ActionApiModel action = new ActionApiModel { Type = "Email", Parameters = parameters }; result.Actions = new List <ActionApiModel> { action }; } return(result); }
public void JSONSerializationOfRulesWithMinMaxAvgEtcAggregationIsCorrect(string aggregator, string jsField) { // Arrange var rule = new RuleApiModel { Enabled = true, Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), Name = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), Description = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), GroupId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), Severity = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), Actions = new List <IActionApiModel>() { GetSampleActionData() }, Calculation = aggregator, TimePeriod = SOURCE_5MINS_AGGREGATION, Conditions = new List <ConditionApiModel> { new ConditionApiModel { Field = "foo", Operator = ">", Value = "123" } } }; // Act var target = new AsaRefDataRule(rule); var json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(target); this.log.WriteLine("JSON: " + json); // Assert var cond1 = $"record.__aggregates.{rule.Conditions[0].Field}{jsField} > {rule.Conditions[0].Value}"; var expectedJSON = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new { Id = rule.Id, Name = rule.Name, Description = rule.Description, GroupId = rule.GroupId, Severity = rule.Severity, AggregationWindow = ASA_AGGREGATION_WINDOW_TUMBLING_5MINS, Fields = rule.Conditions.Select(x => x.Field), Actions = rule.Actions, __rulefilterjs = $"return ({cond1}) ? true : false;" }); Assert.Equal(expectedJSON, json); }
private async Task LoadAllRulesAsync() { logger.Debug("Loading rules...", () => { }); IEnumerable <RuleApiModel> result = new RuleApiModel[] { }; try { result = (await rules.GetAllAsync()).Where(r => r.Enabled); logger.Info($"Monitoring rules loaded: {result.Count()} rules", () => { }); } catch { logger.Error("Unable to load monitoring rules", () => { }); } monitoringRules = result; }
public void NonEmptyInstancesWithSameDataAreEqual() { // Arrange: rule without conditions var x = new RuleApiModel { Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), Name = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), Enabled = true, Description = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), GroupId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), Severity = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), Conditions = new List <ConditionApiModel>(), Deleted = false }; var y = Clone(x); // Assert Assert.True(x.Equals(y)); // Arrange: rule with conditions x = new RuleApiModel { Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), Name = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), Enabled = true, Description = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), GroupId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), Severity = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), Conditions = new List <ConditionApiModel> { new ConditionApiModel { Field = "temp", Operator = ">=", Value = "75" }, new ConditionApiModel { Field = "hum", Operator = "gt", Value = "50" }, } }; y = Clone(x); // Assert Assert.True(x.Equals(y)); }
public void InstancesWithDifferentConditionsAreDifferent() { // Arrange: different number of conditions var x = new RuleApiModel { Conditions = new List <ConditionApiModel>() }; var y = Clone(x); y.Conditions.Add(new ConditionApiModel()); // Assert Assert.False(x.Equals(y)); // Arrange: different field x.Conditions = new List <ConditionApiModel> { new ConditionApiModel { Field = "x", Operator = ">=", Value = "5" } }; y = Clone(x); y.Conditions[0].Field = "y"; // Assert Assert.False(x.Equals(y)); // Arrange: different operator y = Clone(x); y.Conditions[0].Operator = "<"; // Assert Assert.False(x.Equals(y)); // Arrange: different value y = Clone(x); y.Conditions[0].Value = "123"; // Assert Assert.False(x.Equals(y)); }
public void JSONSerializationOfOneRuleWithoutConditionsWithTimeWindowIsCorrect(long sourceAggr, string asaAggr) { // Arrange var rule = new RuleApiModel { Enabled = true, Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), Name = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), Description = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), GroupId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), Severity = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), Actions = new List <IActionApiModel>() { GetSampleActionData() }, Calculation = SOURCE_AVG_AGGREGATOR, TimePeriod = sourceAggr }; // Act var target = new AsaRefDataRule(rule); var json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(target); this.log.WriteLine("JSON: " + json); // Assert var expectedJSON = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new { Id = rule.Id, Name = rule.Name, Description = rule.Description, GroupId = rule.GroupId, Severity = rule.Severity, AggregationWindow = asaAggr, Fields = new string[] { }, Actions = rule.Actions, __rulefilterjs = "return true;" }); Assert.Equal(expectedJSON, json); }
public async Task <RuleApiModel> PostAsync( [FromQuery] string template, [FromBody] RuleApiModel rule) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(template)) { // create rules from template await this.ruleService.CreateFromTemplateAsync(template); return(null); } // create rule from request body if (rule == null) { throw new InvalidInputException("Rule not provided in request body."); } Rule newRule = await this.ruleService.CreateAsync(rule.ToServiceModel()); return(new RuleApiModel(newRule, false)); }
public void UnmatchDeviceGroupTest() { var evaluation = new RulesEvaluation( logger, mockDeviceGroups.Object); mockDeviceGroups .Setup(x => x.GetDevicesAsync( It.IsAny <string>())) .ReturnsAsync(new string[] { }); var rule = new RuleApiModel { GroupId = rand.NextString() }; var message = rand.NextRawMessage(); var result = evaluation.Evaluate(rule, message); Assert.False(result.Match); }
private async Task CreateAlarmAsync( RuleApiModel rule, RawMessage deviceMessage, string alarmDescription) { var created = DateTime.UtcNow; var alarm = new Alarm { Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), DateCreated = created, DateModified = created, MessageReceivedTime = deviceMessage.ReceivedTime, Description = alarmDescription, DeviceId = deviceMessage.DeviceId, Status = NewAlarmStatus, RuleId = rule.Id, RuleServerity = rule.Severity, RuleDescription = rule.Description }; await documentWriter.WriteAsync(AlarmToDocument(alarm)); }
public void NonEmptyInstancesWithSameDataAreEqual() { // Arrange: rule without conditions var x = new RuleApiModel { Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), Name = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), Enabled = true, Description = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), GroupId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), Severity = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), Conditions = new List <ConditionApiModel>(), Deleted = false }; var y = Clone(x); // Assert Assert.True(x.Equals(y)); // Arrange: rule with conditions x = new RuleApiModel { Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), Name = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), Enabled = true, Description = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), GroupId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), Severity = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), Conditions = new List <ConditionApiModel> { new ConditionApiModel { Field = "temp", Operator = ">=", Value = "75" }, new ConditionApiModel { Field = "hum", Operator = "gt", Value = "50" }, } }; y = Clone(x); // Assert Assert.True(x.Equals(y)); // Arrange: rule with actions x.Actions = new List <IActionApiModel> { new EmailActionApiModel { Type = ActionType.Email, Parameters = new Dictionary <string, object> { { "Notes", "Sample Note" }, { "Recipients", new List <string> { "*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**" } } } } }; y = Clone(x); // Assert Assert.True(x.Equals(y)); }
private void CreateRuleWithCalculation(string calculation, string timePeriod, ref string id, bool includeActions) { var condition = new ConditionApiModel() { Field = "temperature", Operator = "GreaterThan", Value = "1" }; var conditions = new List <ConditionApiModel> { condition }; var newRule = new RuleApiModel() { Id = id, Name = calculation + " Faulty Test Rule " + DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss") + "-" + Guid.NewGuid(), Description = "Test Description", GroupId = DEFAULT_CHILLERS_GROUP_ID, Severity = "Info", Enabled = true, Calculation = calculation, TimePeriod = timePeriod, Conditions = conditions }; if (includeActions) { var parameters = new Dictionary <string, object> { { "Notes", "Fake Note" }, { "Subject", "Fake Subject" } }; var emails = new JArray { "*****@*****.**" }; parameters.Add("Recipients", emails); ActionApiModel action = new ActionApiModel { Type = "Email", Parameters = parameters }; newRule.Actions = new List <ActionApiModel> { action }; } var request = new HttpRequest(Constants.TELEMETRY_ADDRESS + RULES_ENDPOINT_SUFFIX); request.AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/json"); request.SetContent(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(newRule)); var response = this.httpClient.PostAsync(request).Result; var ruleResponse = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <RuleApiModel>(response.Content); // Update the saved rule ID id = ruleResponse.Id; // Dispose after tests run this.disposeRulesList.Add(ruleResponse.Id); }
public static async Task SetupRules(IContainer container) { var ruleService = container.Resolve <IRules>(); var logger = container.Resolve <ILogger>(); var allRules = ruleService.GetAllAsync().Result; allRules = allRules.Where(r => r.GroupId.Equals("toilet", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)); RuleApiModel heatingOnRule; RuleApiModel heatingOffRule; var result = allRules.Where(r => r.Name.Equals("turn-on-heating", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)); if (result != null && result.Count() > 0) { // heating-on rule already exists heatingOnRule = result.Last(); } else { // Create new rules heatingOnRule = new RuleApiModel { Name = "turn-on-heating", Enabled = true, Description = "Time to turn on hearing for user's smart toilet", GroupId = "toilet", Severity = "info", Conditions = new List <ConditionApiModel> { new ConditionApiModel { Field = "time", Operator = "Equals", Value = "5 PM" }, new ConditionApiModel { Field = "heatingStatus", Operator = "Equals", Value = "off" } } }; RuleApiModel heatingOnRuleResponse = null; try { heatingOnRuleResponse = await ruleService.CreateAsync(heatingOnRule); logger.Info($"Create heating-on rule succeeded, rule ID: {heatingOnRuleResponse.Id}", () => { }); } catch (Exception e) { logger.Error($"Create heating-on rule failed, error details: {e.Message}", () => { }); } } result = allRules.Where(r => r.Name.Equals("turn-off-heating", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)); if (result != null && result.Count() > 0) { // heating-off rule already exists heatingOffRule = result.Last(); } else { heatingOffRule = new RuleApiModel { Name = "turn-off-heating", Enabled = true, Description = "Time to turn off hearing for user's smart toilet", GroupId = "toilet", Severity = "info", Conditions = new List <ConditionApiModel> { new ConditionApiModel { Field = "time", Operator = "Equals", Value = "5:15 PM" }, new ConditionApiModel { Field = "heatingStatus", Operator = "Equals", Value = "on" } } }; RuleApiModel heatingOffRuleResponse = null; try { heatingOffRuleResponse = await ruleService.CreateAsync(heatingOffRule); logger.Info($"Create heating-off rule succeeded, rule ID: {heatingOffRuleResponse.Id}", () => { }); } catch (Exception e) { logger.Error($"Create heating-off rule failed, error details: {e.Message}", () => { }); } } }
public async Task <RuleApiModel> CreateAsync(RuleApiModel rule) { return(await httpClient.PostAsync <RuleApiModel>(uri, rule, "monitoring rules")); }
public async Task <RuleApiModel> UpsertAsync(string id, RuleApiModel rule) { string requestUri = $"{uri}/{id}"; return(await httpClient.PutAsync <RuleApiModel>(requestUri, rule, "monitoring rules")); }