예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="name"></param>
        /// <param name="source"></param>
        /// <param name="client"></param>
        /// <param name="perPacket"></param>
        public RtpSource(string name, System.Uri source, Rtp.RtpClient client, bool perPacket = false)
            : this(name, source, perPacket)
            if (IDisposedExtensions.IsNullOrDisposed(client))
                throw new ExceptionExtensions.ArgumentNullOrDisposedException(client);

            RtpClient = client;
예제 #2
        public override void Dispose()
            if (IsDisposed || ShouldDispose.Equals(false))


            if (IDisposedExtensions.IsNullOrDisposed(RtpClient).Equals(false))

                RtpClient = null;
예제 #3
        public override void Stop()
            Ready = false;

            if (m_Watcher != null)
                m_Watcher.EnableRaisingEvents = false;
                //m_Watcher.Created -= FileCreated;
                m_Watcher = null;

            if (m_RtpClient != null)
                m_RtpClient = null;


            SessionDescription = null;

예제 #4
        public void TestBroadcast()
            string testVector = @"v=0 
o=sip 1247 1247 IN IP4 
c=IN IP4 
t=0 0 
m=video 5550 RTP/AVP 99 
a=rtpmap:99 H264/90000 

            //Parse the sdp
            using (var sdp = new Media.Sdp.SessionDescription(testVector))
                //Verify the parsing
                if (false.Equals(sdp.Lines.Count().Equals(8)))
                    throw new System.Exception("Did not parse all lines");

                //Verify that a RtpClient can be created, since no ports are specified the default for rtp and rtcp are used.
                //Initialize fails on the attempt to hole punch and ports are set to 0.
                using (Rtp.RtpClient test = Rtp.RtpClient.FromSessionDescription(sdp))
                    //Verify that there are the expected amount of context's
                    if (false.Equals(test.GetTransportContexts().Count().Equals(1)))
                        throw new System.Exception("Unexpected amount of TransportContext's");

                    Rtp.RtpClient.TransportContext firstContext = test.GetTransportContexts().First();

                    System.Net.IPEndPoint localEndPoint = firstContext.RtpSocket.Connected ? firstContext.RtpSocket.LocalEndPoint as System.Net.IPEndPoint : firstContext.LocalRtp as System.Net.IPEndPoint;

                    //Verify our address addresses
                    if (true.Equals(localEndPoint == null))
                        throw new System.Exception("Unexpected LocalRtp or RtpSocket.LocalEndPoint");

                    if (false.Equals(Common.Extensions.IPAddress.IPAddressExtensions.IsMulticast(localEndPoint.Address)))
                        throw new System.Exception("Unexpected IPAddress type for LocalEndPoint");

                    //Get the first MulticastIPAddress on the system and ensure that it is equal to the IPAddress which would be used locally by the RtpClient
                    //This may be different depending on the network which is being connected to in a real application.

                    if (false.Equals(Common.Extensions.Socket.SocketExtensions.GetFirstMulticastIPAddress(localEndPoint.AddressFamily).Equals(localEndPoint.Address)))
                        throw new System.Exception("Unexpected RtpSocket.LocalEndPoint.IPAddress");

                    //Verify their address
                    System.Net.IPEndPoint remoteEndPoint = firstContext.RtpSocket.Connected ? firstContext.RtpSocket.RemoteEndPoint as System.Net.IPEndPoint as System.Net.IPEndPoint : firstContext.RemoteRtp as System.Net.IPEndPoint;

                    if (true.Equals(remoteEndPoint == null))
                        throw new System.Exception("Unexpected RemoteRtp or RtpSocket.RemoteEndPoint");

                    if (false.Equals(System.Net.IPAddress.Broadcast.Equals(remoteEndPoint.Address)) && false.Equals(Common.Extensions.IPAddress.IPAddressExtensions.IsMulticast(remoteEndPoint.Address)))
                        throw new System.Exception("Unexpected IPAddress for RemoteEndPoint");
예제 #5
        //SUpparioucly thought that the last frame would remain in a not final state so one should check that the Goodbye has not been received when processing the event...
        //Shows what happpens when packets get out of order too badely..
        public void TestFrameChangedEvents()
            using (Rtp.RtpClient rtpClient = new Rtp.RtpClient())
                //Fire Frames with single packets and order = 3, 1, 2.
                //Each have marker

                //What is the expected order(3 final, 1 final, 2 final)? and count (3)!

                int count = 0, fcount = 0;

                Rtp.RtpClient.TransportContext tc = new Rtp.RtpClient.TransportContext(0, 1, 0);

                //Needed to resolve packet payload and avoid exception when validating packet... :(
                tc.MediaDescription = new Sdp.MediaDescription(Sdp.MediaType.unknown, 0, "RTP", 0);


                rtpClient.FrameChangedEventsEnabled = true;

                rtpClient.RtpFrameChanged += (s, z, t, f) =>

                    if (f)

                    Console.WriteLine("RtpFrameChanged=>" + z.HighestSequenceNumber + z.HasMarker + f);

                Console.WriteLine("Count: " + count);

                Console.WriteLine("Final Count: " + fcount);

                int tests = 4;

                Rtp.RtpPacket rtpPacket           = new Rtp.RtpPacket(12)
                    Timestamp      = tests * 1000,
                    SequenceNumber = tests,
                    Marker         = true

                for (int i = tests; i >= 0; --i)
                    rtpPacket.Timestamp -= tests * 1000;

                    rtpPacket.SequenceNumber = i;

                    rtpClient.HandleIncomingRtpPacket(null, rtpPacket, tc);

                //8 Frame Changes only 3 are final...
                if (count != tests || fcount != tests)
                    throw new Exception();

                count = fcount = 0;

                rtpPacket.SequenceNumber = 4;
                rtpPacket.Timestamp      = 4000;

                rtpClient.HandleIncomingRtpPacket(null, rtpPacket, tc);

                rtpPacket.SequenceNumber = 1;
                rtpPacket.Timestamp      = 1000;

                rtpClient.HandleIncomingRtpPacket(null, rtpPacket, tc);

                rtpPacket.SequenceNumber = 3;
                rtpPacket.Timestamp      = 3000;

                rtpClient.HandleIncomingRtpPacket(null, rtpPacket, tc);

                rtpPacket.SequenceNumber = 2;
                rtpPacket.Timestamp      = 2000;

                rtpClient.HandleIncomingRtpPacket(null, rtpPacket, tc);

                if (count != tests || fcount != tests)
                    throw new Exception();
예제 #6
파일: RtpSink.cs 프로젝트: acinep/net7mma-1
 /// <summary>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="name"></param>
 /// <param name="source"></param>
 /// <param name="client"></param>
 /// <param name="perPacket"></param>
 public RtpSink(string name, System.Uri source, Rtp.RtpClient client, bool perPacket = false)
     : base(name, source, perPacket)
     //RtpClient = client;
예제 #7
        //SourceStream Implementation
        public override void Start()
            if (m_RtpClient != null)

            //Create a RtpClient so events can be sourced from the Server to many clients without this Client knowing about all participants
            //If this class was used to send directly to one person it would be setup with the recievers address
            m_RtpClient = new Rtp.RtpClient();

            SessionDescription = new Sdp.SessionDescription(0, "v√ƒ", Name);
            SessionDescription.Add(new Sdp.Lines.SessionConnectionLine()
                ConnectionNetworkType = Sdp.Lines.SessionConnectionLine.InConnectionToken,
                ConnectionAddressType = Sdp.SessionDescription.WildcardString,
                ConnectionAddress     = System.Net.IPAddress.Any.ToString()

            //Add a MediaDescription to our Sdp on any available port for RTP/AVP Transport using the RtpJpegPayloadType
            SessionDescription.Add(new Sdp.MediaDescription(Sdp.MediaType.video, 0, Rtp.RtpClient.RtpAvpProfileIdentifier, RFC2435Media.RFC2435Frame.RtpJpegPayloadType));

            //Indicate control to each media description contained
            SessionDescription.Add(new Sdp.SessionDescriptionLine("a=control:*"));

            //Ensure the session members know they can only receive
            SessionDescription.Add(new Sdp.SessionDescriptionLine("a=sendonly")); //recvonly?

            //that this a broadcast.
            SessionDescription.Add(new Sdp.SessionDescriptionLine("a=type:broadcast"));

            //Add a Interleave (We are not sending Rtcp Packets becaues the Server is doing that) We would use that if we wanted to use this ImageSteam without the server.
            //See the notes about having a Dictionary to support various tracks
            m_RtpClient.TryAddContext(new Rtp.RtpClient.TransportContext(0, 1, sourceId, SessionDescription.MediaDescriptions.First(), false, 0));

            //Add the control line
            SessionDescription.MediaDescriptions.First().Add(new Sdp.SessionDescriptionLine("a=control:trackID=1"));

            //Add the line with the clock rate in ms, obtained by TimeSpan.TicksPerMillisecond * clockRate

            //Make the thread
            m_RtpClient.m_WorkerThread = new System.Threading.Thread(SendPackets);
            //m_RtpClient.m_WorkerThread.IsBackground = true;
            //m_RtpClient.m_WorkerThread.Priority = System.Threading.ThreadPriority.BelowNormal;
            m_RtpClient.m_WorkerThread.Name = "SourceStream-" + Id;

            //If we are watching and there are already files in the directory then add them to the Queue
            if (m_Watcher != null && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(base.Source.LocalPath) && System.IO.Directory.Exists(base.Source.LocalPath))
                foreach (string file in System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(base.Source.LocalPath))
                    if (false == SupportedImageFormats.Any(ext => file.EndsWith(ext, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)))

                //If we have not been stopped already
                if (/*State != StreamState.Started && */ m_RtpClient.m_WorkerThread != null)
                    //Only ready after all pictures are in the queue
                    Ready = true;
                //We are ready
                Ready = true;

예제 #8
 public RtspSink(string name, System.Uri source, Rtp.RtpClient client, bool perPacket = false)
     : base(name, source, perPacket, new RtspClient(RtspMessage.Wildcard))
     RtpClient = client;